Panther Creek High School Chapter of National Honor Society

Leesville Road High School Chapter of National Honor Society

Student Information Packet

The packet is due by 2:30 p.m. on Friday, April 27, 2018.

Directions: Please complete all sections of each form. The Faculty Council may choose not to review a packet that contains missing information. While it is preferred that information in this packet be typed, hand written packets will be accepted. Illegible information may not be considered by the Faculty Council. Do not be modest when explaining your accomplishments. What you provide in your packet is the only information the Faculty Council will have to consider regarding your candidacy.

Completion and submission of this packet does not guarantee selection into National Honor Society. This packet must be submitted by 2:30 p.m. to Mrs. Langlois in Room 133 on or before the due date, Friday, April 27th. Late packets will not be considered. Should you have questions regarding this packet or membership, please contact Mrs. Langlois in Room 133. Mrs. Langlois can be reached at the following address, phone number and email address:

8410 Pride Way

Raleigh, NC 27613-1004



Sessions to assist in proper packet completion will be held on the dates listed below in room 133. It is strongly recommended that you attend one of these sessions. Please bring a copy of the packet to the session.

• Thursday, March 29 (B Lunch)

• Wednesday, April 11 (B Lunch)

• Friday, April 13 (A Lunch)

Selection Process and Relevant Criteria

The Faculty Council of this chapter selects students who demonstrate outstanding performance in all four criteria of NHS – scholarship, leadership, service, and character. A Faculty Council, comprised of five LRHS faculty members, will carefully review each student information packet to decide if students have met the requirements for membership in the National Honor Society. Selection for membership will be reached by a majority vote of the Council. Students will be notified if they have or have not been selected for membership by early July. All criteria for scholarship, leadership, service, and character are based on guidelines and suggestions from the National Honor Society Handbook.

• Scholarship: Scholarship is characterized by a commitment to learning. A student is willing to spend the necessary time to cultivate his/her mind in the quest for knowledge. Scholarship can only be achieved through diligence and effort. Scholarship means always doing the best work possible, regardless of impending reward.

Students selected for membership at Leesville Road High School must have a minimum 3.6 weighted GPA. The GPA cannot be rounded.

• Leadership: Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others. Some examples of leadership can include, but are not limited to, leading group activities in the school and community, being an officer in a club, being a primary chair or drum major of the band or orchestra, or being the captain of a sports team.

• Service: This quality is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit. As a service club, National Honor Society is highly concerned with giving its all to the school and community at large. Service does not include performances of any kind, playing a sport, or the simple act of being a member of a club.

• Character: The student of good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintains a good and clean lifestyle.

I. Leadership Positions

The student who exercises leadership

• is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions.

• demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities.

• exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals and spirit.

• contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school.

• is able to delegate responsibilities.

• inspires positive behavior in others.

• demonstrates academic initiative.

• successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility; conducts business effectively and efficiently; demonstrates reliability and dependability.

• is a leader in the classroom, at work, or in other school or community activities.

• is dependable in any responsibility accepted.

Print as many “Leadership” forms as needed to explain leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities, and note any major accomplishments in each. Include only those positions in which you are/were directly responsible for directing or motivating others. Be sure to showcase your accomplishments comprehensively by including how each particular activity meets the criteria for leadership. Complete all sections on each form. The Faculty Council may choose not to review a packet that contains missing information.

Students cannot use their parents as sponsors for activities. If the signature of the adult sponsor cannot be obtained an email of leadership confirmation from the sponsor can be attached to the form. The email of confirmation should include your original email to the sponsor about the accomplishments and their response.


Leadership Position: ____________________________________________________________

Grade(s) in school for which activity was performed: ___ 9 ___ 10 ___ 11 ___ 12

Activity/Organization Name: _____________________________________________________

Duration of leadership (Please be specific noting how many hours, days, days per week, months and/or additional information. For example, my duties as club secretary were performed twice a month for an hour each meeting during my tenth grade year.):



Type of leadership position (can mark both): _____ School _____Community

|In the space below please state your significant accomplishments in this leadership position and how this position demonstrates leadership. |

|(A well written response includes complete sentences giving a detailed description of your actions in this position.) |

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Name of adult sponsor (print): ____________________________________________________

Signature of adult sponsor: _______________________________________________________

Contact number or email (preferred) of adult sponsor: ________________________________

Reminder: The adult sponsor cannot be your parent.

II. Service

The student who serves

• volunteers and provides dependable and well-organized assistance, and is willing to make sacrifices to offer assistance.

• works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities.

• enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school.

• does committee and staff work without complaint.

• participates in some activity outside of school (e.g., Girl Scouts; Boy Scouts; religious groups; volunteer services for the elderly, poor, or disadvantaged).

• mentors persons in the community or students at other schools.

• shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.

Print as many “Service” forms as needed to explain service in which you have participated, and note any major accomplishments in each. These acts of service should have been for the betterment of the school and/or community and should not be service for which you were paid or compensated in any way. Students must clearly and consistently demonstrate documented service that shows a definite time commitment. Be sure to showcase your accomplishments comprehensively. Complete all sections on each form. The Faculty Council may choose not to review a packet that contains missing information.

Students cannot use their parents as sponsors for activities. If the signature of the adult sponsor cannot be obtained an email of service confirmation from the sponsor can be attached to the form. The email of confirmation should include your original email to the sponsor about the accomplishments and their response.


Grade(s) in school for which activity was performed: ___ 9 ___ 10 ___ 11 ___ 12

Activity/Organization Name: _____________________________________________________

Duration of service (Please be specific noting how many hours, days, days per week, months and/or additional information. For example, I volunteer at the animal shelter once a week for two hours. I have performed this service for the past six months.):



Type of service position (can mark both): _____ School _____Community

|In the space below please state your significant accomplishments in this service position. (A well written response includes complete |

|sentences giving a detailed description of the service rendered.) |

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Name of adult sponsor (print): ____________________________________________________

Signature of adult sponsor: _______________________________________________________

Contact number or email (preferred) of adult sponsor: ________________________________

Reminder: The adult sponsor cannot be your parent.

III. Character

The National Honor Society is a member of the Character Counts! Coalition. A person of character demonstrates the following six qualities: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. The Faculty Council considers these characteristics of each student who is eligible for membership.

The student of character

• consistently exemplifies positive and desirable qualities of behavior (e.g., cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability).

• cooperates by complying with all school policies and regulations and codes of student conduct.

• takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously.

• demonstrates the highest standards of honesty, academic integrity, and reliability.

• regularly exhibits courtesy, concern, and respect for others.

• complies with instructions and rules, and displays personal responsibility.

A candidate must have four teachers complete the character evaluation form as a testament to the candidate’s character. Teachers who complete the form must have taught the candidate in class at LRHS. Teachers will complete the form and return it to the candidate in a sealed envelope with their signatures across the seal. The candidate should provide each teacher with an envelope. The candidate is responsible for returning all four evaluations with the candidate information packet.

Character Evaluation Form – National Honor Society

Student Name: ________________________________________

Teachers: This student is a candidate for National Honor Society. Rate him or her on the character traits listed below by placing a check mark in the appropriate space. Please be honest and fair in your evaluation. Once you complete the form, return it to the student in a sealed envelope (which the student should provide) with your signature across the seal. This form must be returned to the student by Friday, April 27.

| |Exceptional |Above Average |Average |Below Average |

|Respect | | | | |

|Responsibility | | | | |

|Integrity | | | | |

|Perseverance | | | | |

|Good judgment | | | | |

|Kindness | | | | |

|Courage | | | | |

|Self-discipline | | | | |

General Comments: (optional)

|Teacher’s name (print): | |Signature: | |Date: | |

Character Evaluation Form – National Honor Society

Student Name: ________________________________________

Teachers: This student is a candidate for National Honor Society. Rate him or her on the character traits listed below by placing a check mark in the appropriate space. Please be honest and fair in your evaluation. Once you complete the form, return it to the student in a sealed envelope (which the student should provide) with your signature across the seal. This form must be returned to the student by Friday, April 27.

| |Exceptional |Above Average |Average |Below Average |

|Respect | | | | |

|Responsibility | | | | |

|Integrity | | | | |

|Perseverance | | | | |

|Good judgment | | | | |

|Kindness | | | | |

|Courage | | | | |

|Self-discipline | | | | |

General Comments: (optional)

|Teacher’s name (print): | |Signature: | |Date: | |

Character Evaluation Form – National Honor Society

Student Name: ________________________________________

Teachers: This student is a candidate for National Honor Society. Rate him or her on the character traits listed below by placing a check mark in the appropriate space. Please be honest and fair in your evaluation. Once you complete the form, return it to the student in a sealed envelope (which the student should provide) with your signature across the seal. This form must be returned to the student by Friday, April 27.

| |Exceptional |Above Average |Average |Below Average |

|Respect | | | | |

|Responsibility | | | | |

|Integrity | | | | |

|Perseverance | | | | |

|Good judgment | | | | |

|Kindness | | | | |

|Courage | | | | |

|Self-discipline | | | | |

General Comments: (optional)

|Teacher’s name (print): | |Signature: | |Date: | |

Character Evaluation Form – National Honor Society

Student Name: ________________________________________

Teachers: This student is a candidate for National Honor Society. Rate him or her on the character traits listed below by placing a check mark in the appropriate space. Please be honest and fair in your evaluation. Once you complete the form, return it to the student in a sealed envelope (which the student should provide) with your signature across the seal. This form must be returned to the student by Friday, April 27.

| |Exceptional |Above Average |Average |Below Average |

|Respect | | | | |

|Responsibility | | | | |

|Integrity | | | | |

|Perseverance | | | | |

|Good judgment | | | | |

|Kindness | | | | |

|Courage | | | | |

|Self-discipline | | | | |

General Comments: (optional)

|Teacher’s name (print): | |Signature: | |Date: | |

V. Administrative Information and Signatures

Use the link below to fill out the Google form prior to packet submission. You will be asked to provide your name, grade level, home phone number, and address. This information is collected for the purposes of mailing selection status letters over the summer and clarifying any questions Mrs. Langlois and/or the Faculty Council may have about your packet. You will have to use your WCPSS ID to complete the form through the WakeID Portal. It is suggested that upon entering the Portal to copy the link into your WCPSS Google Drive. You can access the WakeID Portal from the school’s website under the Quicklinks section.

National Honor Society Membership Requirements:

If selected as a member of National Honor Society at Leesville Road High School, I understand and accept the following annual requirements for membership:

• uphold the ideals of National Honor Society, including scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

• maintain a cumulative 3.6 or higher weighted GPA (GPA cannot be rounded).

• perform 20 hours of service each school year, 10 of which must be sponsored by the Leesville schools.

• attend monthly NHS meetings (typically once a month during B lunch.)

• perform duties designated by officers and advisers that will benefit the chapter, school, and community.

• pay annual dues in the amount designated by the chapter ($20.00).

I understand that completing and submitting this packet does not guarantee selection to the National Honor Society. I attest that the information presented here is complete and accurate. If selected, I agree to abide by the standards and guidelines of the chapter and to fulfill all my membership obligations to the best of my ability. I understand that if I do not fulfill these requirements that I may be placed on probation and/or dismissed from National Honor Society. I understand that if a member is dismissed from National Honor Society, he/she may not become a member of National Honor Society again.


Student signature Date


Parent/Guardian name Parent/Guardian signature Date

VI. Checklist

Below is a checklist for your convenience to assure your packet is complete.

| |Leadership Forms |

| |Service Forms |

| |Four sealed Character Evaluation Forms (each teacher must sign across the seal) |

| |Google form (completed online, using WCPSS account) |

| |Administrative Information and Signatures form |

| |All of the above information is placed in a large envelope with your name on the front of the envelope |

| |Materials turned in by Friday, April 27, 2018, to Mrs. Langlois in Room 133 |

Letters about membership selection or non-selection will be mailed to the address provided on the Google form by early July.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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