CRHS National Honor Society – Service Verification

CRHS National Honor Society – Service Verification

Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Homeroom: ____________________

| | |Date Rendered |# of |In/Out of school | |

|Name of Organization |Service Description | |Hours | |Supervisor’s Signature |

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• It is the member’s duty to see that this form is submitted on time, completed accurately, and returned to Mrs. Collins (Room A207) or Mrs. Curran (Room C209)

• Forms due in December are to be submitted the Monday prior to Winter Vacation

• Forms due in May are to be submitted the school day closest to May 10 (for seniors) or the school day closest to June 4 (for juniors)

• NO service hours can be counted if you receive payment, credit, or a grade, nor for activities considered entertainment, nor for activities of your choosing (i.e. marching band, playing football, dancing, etc.)

• No family member or peer may sign-off on this form unless you have cleared it with Mrs. Collins or Mrs. Curran prior to submission of the form.

• Failure to submit this form will result in probation for one semester.

• Subsequent problems will result in resignation or denial of the honor cord at graduation.[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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