Title: Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grant Program ...

The Indian Health Service (IHS)


HHS-2006-IHS-SP-0001 Health Professions Preparatory, Health Professions Pregraduate

and Indian Health Professions Scholarship Programs

Due Date: February 28, 2006

Amount: See Announcement

Description: The Indian Health Service (IHS) is committed to encouraging American Indians and Alaska Natives to enter the health professions and to assuring the availability of Indian health professionals to serve Indians

For more information visit:

National Institute of Health (NIH)


PAR-06-073 Small Grants for Behavioral Research in Cancer Control

Due Date: See Announcement

Amount: See Announcement

Description: The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites behavioral research applications in cancer control from new investigators or established scientists refocusing their research interests to behavioral research in cancer. The Small Grants Program is designed to aid and facilitate the growth of a nationwide cohort of scientists with a high level of research expertise in behavioral cancer control research. Small grants are short-term awards to provide support for pilot projects, development and testing of new methodologies, secondary data analyses, and/or innovative studies that provide a basis for more extended research.

For more information visit:

RFA-HL-06-002 Community-Responsive Interventions to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in American Indians and Alaska Natives

Due Date: Mar 10, 2006

Amount: $275,000.00

Description: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) invites applications for cooperative agreements to conduct five-year studies in American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) communities to test the effectiveness of behavioral interventions to promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles and/or improve behaviors related to cardiovascular (CV) risk, such as weight reduction, regular physical activity, and smoking cessation.

For more information visit:

National Institute of Health (NIH)


PAR-06-114 Research on Pathways Linking Environments, Behaviors and HIV/AIDS

Due Date: September 1, 2006, 2007 and 2008

Amount: $250,000

Description: comprehensive understanding of this epidemic requires an examination of the various interacting pathways that contribute to its dynamics. These pathways involve the interrelationships among three components. Specifically, these pathways and linked components include:

1. Demographic, social, economic, cultural, and institutional factors that affect risk and preventive behaviors, including the population age structure, economic systems, poverty, economic and educational opportunities, the Internet, health care services, gender, family systems and marriage, norms and values regarding HIV-risk behaviors (e.g., unsafe sex, injecting and non-injecting drug abuse), religious organizations and the role of religion in society, and the nature and behavior of political institutions;

2. The prevalence and patterning of individual behaviors related to HIV risk and prevention, including injection drug use, sexual practices, numbers and concurrency of partners, use of condoms and other protective methods, being tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and seeking and initiating treatment for HIV/STDs as well as treatment for substance abuse; and

3. The incidence, prevalence, geographic patterning and spread of HIV infection in a population, and the consequent AIDS morbidity and mortality.

For more information visit:

PAS-06-054 Non-injection Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS

Due Date: February 1, 2006, June 1, and October 1, 2006

Amount: See Announcement

Description: This PA seeks to understand the contribution of non-injection drug abuse to the acquisition and/or transmission and/or disease progression of HIV/AIDS.  Specifically, it seeks to: 1) investigate how, where, why, and among whom HIV/AIDS spreads through high-risk sexual behavior associated with non-injection drug use; 2) develop effective prevention interventions and treatment for non-injection drug users at risk for or infected with HIV; and 3) improve accessibility and utilization of evidence-based, integrated care for non-injection drug abuse, risky sexual behavior, and HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases.  The PA will support research employing a range of methodological approaches including basic, clinical, epidemiological, prevention, and treatment studies as well as multidisciplinary research in the biomedical, behavioral, and social sciences to contribute to knowledge in these areas.

For more information visit:

National Institute of Health (NIH)


PA-06-041 NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings

Due Date: February 1, 2006, June 1, and October 1, 2006

Amount: See Announcement

Description: The NIH recognizes the value of supporting high quality conferences/scientific meetings that are relevant to its scientific mission and to the public health. A conference/scientific meeting is defined as a gathering, symposium, seminar, scientific meeting, workshop or any other organized, formal meeting where persons assemble to coordinate, exchange, and disseminate information or to explore or clarify a defined subject, problem, or area of knowledge. Support of such meetings is contingent on the fiscal and programmatic interests and priorities of the individual Institutes and Centers.

For more information visit:

PA-05-164 Recent HIV Infection: New Prevention Challenges and Opportunities

LOI: None Required

Due Date: February 1, 2006, June 1 2006, and October 1, 2006

Amount: See Announcement

Description: This PA solicits innovative basic or applied research applications that will advance prevention opportunities to reduce transmission risk or minimize neuro-cognitive impairment in persons with recent HIV infection (i.e., 0 - 6 months post-exposure). Principal Investigators are urged to develop new research that extends knowledge of the basic biological processes of acute and early HIV disease to address the specific prevention needs of highly infectious, newly infected persons who may account for a disproportionate share of secondary HIV transmissions.

For more information:

PAR-05-144 Developing Centers for Innovation in Services and Intervention Research (DCISIR)

LOI: May 1, 2006

Due Date: June 1 annually thereafter

Amount: $400,000

Description: The ultimate goal of this program announcement (PA) is to establish support for groups of researchers to develop intervention and services research studies that will directly address the missions of NIMH and NIAAA and to prepare these research groups to develop advanced centers. Developing interdisciplinary research teams for the future, including public-private partnerships; and re-engineering the clinical research enterprise. The intervention and services research needed to provide pragmatic information for decision making, improve current community practice, and ultimately reduce the burden of mental illness and of alcohol-related problems for youth and adults requires (a) the creation and adoption of novel methodological and organizational approaches, (b) the use of behavioral, social, economic, and/or political theories to transport interventions into community settings, (c) the creation of sustainable community partnerships, and (d) the creation of sustainable multidisciplinary research teams that can work cooperatively and creatively to find new ways to get the right package of mental health care to the people who need it most and ultimately improve their functioning and quality of life. This PA is intended as a mechanism to build capacity at qualified institutions to achieve these goals and those of the NIH Roadmap initiative.

For more information:

National Institute of Health (NIH)


PA-06-083 Research on Social Work Practice and Concepts in Health (R21)

Due Date: February 1 2006, June 1 2006, October 1

Amount: See Announcement

Description: The ultimate goal of this program announcement is to encourage the development of empirical research on social work practice, concepts and theory as these relate to the NIH public health goal of improving health outcomes for persons with medical and behavioral disorders and conditions.

For more information visit:

PA-05-139 Health Services Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Due Date: See Notice

Amount: See Announcement

Description: This Program Announcement (PA) solicits health services research on the prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse. Proposed research might emphasize any of the following subjects: (1) Factors that affect the delivery of drug and alcohol abuse intervention and related services, such as social factors, personal behaviors and attributes, financing, organization, management, and health technologies; (2) Dimensions of drug and alcohol abuse intervention and related services, such as accessibility, utilization, quality, effectiveness, and costs; (3) Processes of blending science-based practices into community-based provision of drug and alcohol abuse prevention services; and (4) Research tools to facilitate higher quality health services research on drug and alcohol abuse.

For more information visit:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


CDC-RFA–CE06-603 BECAUSE Kids Count II (Building and Enhancing Community Alliances United for Safety and Empowerment)

Due Date: February 6, 2006

Amount: See Announcement

Description: Child maltreatment is a serious public health problem with extensive short and long-term health consequences. In addition to the immediate physical and emotional effects of maltreatment, children who have experienced abuse and neglect are at increased risk of adverse health outcomes and risky health behaviors in adolescence and adulthood.

For more information visit:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


CDC-PA-05031-A Public Health Conference Support Program

LOI: February 3, 2006

Due Date: March 6, 2006

Amount: See Announcement

Description: The CDC/ATSDR announces the pending availability of appropriated fiscal year (FY) 2006 funds for the CDC/ATSDR Public Health Conference Support Program. This program addresses the "Healthy People 2010" focus areas of Access to Quality Health Services; Arthritis; Osteoporosis; Chronic Back Conditions; Cancer, Diabetes; Disability and Secondary Conditions; Educational and Community-Based Programs; Environmental Health; Family Planning; Food Safety; Health Communication; Heart Disease and Stroke; Immunization and Infectious Diseases; Injury and Violence Prevention; Maternal, Infant and Child Health; Medical Product Safety; Mental Health and Mental Disorders; Nutrition and Overweight; Oral Health; Physical Activity and Fitness; Public Health Infrastructure; Respiratory Diseases; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Substance Abuse; Tobacco Use; and Vision and Hearing.

For more information visit:

Department of Justice, Headquarters, Office of Justice Programs


OVW FY 2006 STOP Violence Against Indian Women Discretionary Grant Program

Due Date: February 15, 2006

Award Amount: See Announcement

Description: The goal of the STOP (Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) Violence Against Indian Women Discretionary Grants Program (STOP VAIW Program) is to encourage tribal governments to develop and strengthen the tribal justice system=s response to violence against Indian women, and to improve the services available to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in Indian country. The Office on Violence Against Women will award discretionary grants to support the efforts of tribal governments in achieving these goals.

To be eligible for an award, applicants must:

• be a Federally-recognized tribal government or consortium of tribal governments;

• propose project activities that fall within the scope of one or more of the statutory

program purpose areas;

• collaborate with a non-profit, non- governmental victim services provider; and

• certify that they meet the Violence Against Women Act certification requirements.

For more information visit:

The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM)


Track one: Implementation of HIV/AIDS Prevention Services Targeting Native Americans.

Due Date: February 27, 2006

Amount: $60,000

Description: Because of epidemiological uncertainties, the magnitude of the HIV problem among Native Americans is unclear; because of a paucity of behavioral science research into questions about Natives and HIV, the most effective strategies for reaching Native populations have not been adequately determined; because of limited funding for HIV prevention projects targeting Natives, prevention infrastructure is weak and promising plans have not yet been implemented. In addition, non-reservation programs must devise culturally sensitive approaches for members of many different tribes with many different languages and cultures.

For more information visit:

Department of Health and Human Services


PAR-06-104 Improving Diet and Physical Activity Assessment

LOI: May 1, 2006; January 1, 2007; September 1, 2007

Due Date: See Announcement

Amount: See Announcement

Description: The National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), and National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of the Director (OD) Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) are interested in promoting innovative research to enhance the quality of measurements of dietary intake and physical activity. Applications may include development of: novel assessment approaches; better methods to evaluate instruments; assessment tools for culturally diverse populations; across various age-groups including older adults; improved technology or applications of existing technology; or statistical methods to assess or correct for measurement errors or biases.

For more information visit:

Corporation for National & Community Service


CNCS-GRANTS-081705-004 AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants Program

Due Date: Feb 14, 2006

Amount: See Announcement

Description: AmeriCorps programs provide grants to initiate, improve, or expand the ability of organizations and communities to provide services to address local unmet needs in education, the environment, independent senior living, public safety (including disaster preparedness and response), or other human needs. Members engage in a range of activities such as recruiting and supporting community volunteers, providing translation services in community clinics, conducting safety patrols for local police departments, participating in environmental projects, conducting outreach and referral services for the homeless, tutoring and mentoring young people, helping homebound seniors and other adults maintain independence in their own homes, and responding to natural disasters.

For more information visit:

The Nancy R. Gelman Foundation (NRGF)


Due Date: January 31, 2006

Amount: $2000

Description: Projects for which a seed grant may be awarded must:

Demonstrate a need for start-up, interim, or supplemental funding within the period of April 1, 2006 to April 1, 2007.

• Not already be funded by other sources (projects which represent a clear new initiative extending beyond the scope of a currently funded project are permissible).

• Prospectively state an objective outcome measure which will be used to gauge project success. We hope to hear from a wide variety of individuals and organizations across the care-giving spectrum. Types of projects which these seed grants might fund could include

• A mentored summer fellowship for a medical student to work in a laboratory, gaining experience in basic research on breast cancer mechanisms or therapies.

• Community-based efforts to promote breast cancer awareness and early detection among populations at increased risk.

• Development of information materials to encourage appropriate screening and to help guide newly diagnosed patients, or those whose cancer has recurred, through the challenging maze of treatment options.

• Fledgling research studies, like those we are funding at UWCCC, to pave the way for further advances in breast cancer therapy.

• Quality initiatives in cancer or emergency department nursing units to improve care for patients with breast cancer.

• A summer research project studying end-of-life care for breast cancer patients and making recommendations to hospitals and hospice organizations to improve care.

• For more information visit:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


New Initiative to Promote Healthy Eating Among Children

Due Date: March 7, 2006

Amount: See Announcement

Description: Healthy Eating Research was created to build and strengthen evidence needed to halt the epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States. The program will fund research that identifies, analyzes, and evaluates environmental and policy approaches that can promote healthy eating and prevent obesity among children, particularly in low-income and racial/ethnic communities where childhood obesity is most prevalent. This first round of funding focuses on school food policies and environments.

For more information visit:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


LOI: Required

Due Date: Community Grants accepts letters of inquiry on a rolling basis and there are no deadlines.

Amount: Varies by program

Description: The Pacific Northwest Community Grants program supports non-profit organizations in Washington and Oregon that provide direct human services to economically vulnerable children and families. These services include, but are not limited to:

• Domestic violence

• Parenting programs

• Child-care

• Substance abuse treatment

• Job training

• Youth leadership/civic involvement

• Mentoring

• Mental health services

• After-school programs

The foundation provides capital and project support in Washington and Oregon and limited general operating support in Washington only.

For more information visit:

The M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust


LOI: Required

Due Date: On a rolling basis and there are no deadlines

Amount: Varies by program

Description: The Trust's mission is to enrich the quality of life in the Pacific Northwest by providing grants to organizations that seek to strengthen the region's educational and cultural base in creative and sustainable ways.

Although major emphases are education and scientific research, grants are given to a wide variety of organizations, including those that serve the arts, public affairs, health and medicine, human services, and people with disabilities.

• Education

Projects and programs primarily educational in purpose offered in both formal and informal settings. Emphasis is placed on program enhancement or expansion and new approaches consistent with the institution's mission and resources.

• Scientific Research

Projects and programs in the natural sciences in which acquisition of new knowledge is the main objective. Training of students in conducting research is an important consideration.

• Arts and Culture

Endeavors in the performing and visual arts which enrich the cultural environment of the region. Educational outreach efforts are especially valued.

• Health and Human Services

a diversity of projects and programs designed to enhance the quality of life in the region. Efforts to preventively meet the physical, spiritual, social, and psychological needs of people, with an emphasis on youth.

For more information visit:


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