Two West Coast Recipients of Green Award

Two West Coast Recipients of Green Award

By Mike and Jenny Lodge

Honorary Rangers

West Coast Region

Jenny and I were surprised, delighted and immensely proud to each be the West Coast’s first recipients of a prestigious Green Award from SANParks Honorary Rangers (HR) at our annual Indaba held at Tsitsikamma National Park on Saturday 13 May 2006. The Green Award is a merit award presented annually to deserving HRs at the AGM (Indaba). It was motivated by the HR West Coast Region's committee and then weighed up and agreed to by the HR National Executive Committee (NEC) as well as SANParks Head Office in Pretoria. An HR can only receive this award once in his/her life.


Jenny and I are so proud of these two awards - we simply cannot tell you how much they mean to us.  What I will say is that the West Coast HRs are a really great bunch of people and it is their spirit, and our ability to work together as a team that made the awards possible (and likely) in the first place.  We would never have been able to commit as we have done without this camaraderie. We have had a really wonderful time over the last seven years assisting the West Coast National Park in achieving their stated Vision and Mission. We love this Park, it’s staff and it’s visitors, and know that we have helped make a positive difference and look forward to many more years of commitment ahead. A big thank you is due to all involved with motivating these awards.

Finally, I would like to quote from the following extracts off the SANParks website.

SANParks Vision:

National parks will be the pride and joy of all South Africans and of the world.

SANParks Mission:

To develop and manage a system of national parks that represents the biodiversity, landscapes, and associated heritage assets of South Africa for the sustainable use and benefit of all.

Mike and Jenny Lodge.


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