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National Honor Society Candidate RésuméPlease carefully read the instructions in the attached cover letter, and then complete a thorough résumé. Completed résumé packets must be submitted to the Counseling Office before 4:00 pm Friday, January 29th, 2021. No résumés will be accepted after that date.Last Name: ___________________________ First Name: _________________________ Middle Initial: ____Student ID #: _________________________Year (circle one): 10th grade 11th gradeMailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________e-Mail Address (print neatly): ________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________ Parent/Guardian Names:___________________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian e-Mails: ___________________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian Phones: ___________________________________________________________________center85090Honor Code By signing below, I acknowledge that the information I have provided is true, accurate, and complete in its presentation. Any falsification or forgery will result in my disqualification from membership in the Oak Ridge chapter of the National Honor Society. I understand that as a candidate for membership in the NHS I am solely responsible for the completion of this résumé, and for contacting my adult references and obtaining the requested recommendations and signatures. I acknowledge the deadline listed above, and understand that membership decisions will be based on the résumé submitted at that time; late submissions or additional pages will not be accepted.Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ 00Honor Code By signing below, I acknowledge that the information I have provided is true, accurate, and complete in its presentation. Any falsification or forgery will result in my disqualification from membership in the Oak Ridge chapter of the National Honor Society. I understand that as a candidate for membership in the NHS I am solely responsible for the completion of this résumé, and for contacting my adult references and obtaining the requested recommendations and signatures. I acknowledge the deadline listed above, and understand that membership decisions will be based on the résumé submitted at that time; late submissions or additional pages will not be accepted.Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ ServiceList service experiences you have had—through school, church, scouts, clubs, or other activities. For each activity, describewhat was achieved and record the total hours you spent. Do not include work that was compensated (by money or grades).DESCRIPTION of the ACTIVITY and OUTCOMES ACHIEVEDGRADESPARTICPATEDTOTAL HOURSADULT SPONSOR’S PRINTED NAME,SIGNATURE, and PHONE NUMBERLEAVE BLANK for NHS FC USE9th 10th 11th9th 10th 11th9th 10th 11thYou may make and attach photocopies of this page if more rows are needed.LeadershipList leadership positions you have held in sports, clubs, or other activities, both at ORHS and in the community. Also list awards or other recognition for leadership. For each position, describe your achievements as a leader.POSITION/TITLE and SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTSGRADESPARTICIPATEDADULT SPONSOR’S PRINTED NAME,SIGNATURE, and PHONE NUMBERLEAVE BLANK for NHS FC USE9th 10th 11th9th 10th 11th9th 10th 11thYou may make and attach photocopies of this page if more rows are needed.CharacterList activities you have been involved in that demonstrate character development and maturity. For each activity, describe your level of participation. Do not repeat activities already listed under Service or Leadership.DESCRIPTION of the ACTIVITY and YOUR DEGREE OF PARTICIPATIONGRADESPARTICPATEDADULT SPONSOR’S PRINTED NAME,SIGNATURE, and PHONE NUMBERLEAVE BLANK for NHS FC USE9th 10th 11th9th 10th 11th9th 10th 11thYou may make and attach photocopies of this page if more rows are needed.Teacher EvaluationsPlease request evaluations from two teachers who have worked with you at Oak Ridge. At least one should teach a core academic subject (English, Science, History, Math) in which you are currently enrolled; the other may be from past years or from elective courses. Be sure to give them the forms with plenty of time to finish before the due date. A thank you note is always appropriate afterward.Teacher #1: ________________________ Subject: ____________________ Date Requested: ____________Teacher #2: ________________________ Subject: ____________________ Date Requested: ____________Recommendation LetterPlease request a letter of recommendation from a community member who is not a relative.The letter should address your Character, Leadership abilities, and Service to the community.Letters should be signed, sealed in an envelope and stapled to the back of this packet.Reference’s Name: _____________________________ Position: ____________________________________ Contact Info (phone or e-mail): _____________________________________ Date Requested: ____________Discipline IssuesIf any of the following issues is going to appear in your school records, please check next to the item and attach another page explaining the circumstances and outcomes.Dress Code Violations _____ Unexcused Absences _____In-House Suspension _____Cell Phone Violations _____ Breach of Integrity _____Other Suspension _____Referral for Tardies _____ Saturday School _____ Other Disciplinary Action _____Parent AcknowledgementI understand that the submission of the résumé packet does not guarantee selection into the National Honor Society. I understand that my child is solely responsible for the completion of this resumé, and for contacting adult references and obtaining the requested recommendations and signatures. I acknowledge the January 29th, 2021 deadline, and understand that membership decisions will be based on the résumé submitted at that time; late submissions or additional pages will not be accepted. I attest that I have read the information provided in this packet, and can verify that it is true, accurate and complete.Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ Induction FeeThe induction fee for new members is $30. Please attach a check, made payable to “Oak Ridge High School—NHS.” If this is a hardship, please contact the principal, Mr. Palm, for instructions on how to obtain a fee waiver.StapleCheck Here:NHS Teacher Evaluation FormStudent: __________________________ Teacher: ____________________ Subject: ____________________The student listed above is a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. Membership is based on Leadership, Scholarship, Character, and Service, and teacher recommendations are an important method for evaluating these factors. If you agree to be an evaluator, you will be sent a link to a GoogleForm with the following questions. Students will not have access to the online evaluations, so please give your honest opinions. This page is just a reminder that an evaluation has been requested. Please make your rankings online.For each category, please rank the student on a 1-5 scale5 = Superior 4 = Strong3 = Average 2 = Poor1 = Not a good candidate____ Work Ethic____ Creativity ____ Maturity ____ Organization____ Curiosity____ Integrity____ Meets deadlines____ Written Communication____ Respect for Others____ Verbal CommunicationIs there anything else you would like to share about this student?NHS Teacher Evaluation FormStudent: __________________________ Teacher: ____________________ Subject: ____________________The student listed above is a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. Membership is based on Leadership, Scholarship, Character, and Service, and teacher recommendations are an important method for evaluating these factors. If you agree to be an evaluator, you will be sent a link to a GoogleForm with the following questions. Students will not have access to the online evaluations, so please give your honest opinions. This page is just a reminder that an evaluation has been requested. Please make your rankings online.For each category, please rank the student on a 1-5 scale5 = Superior 4 = Strong3 = Average 2 = Poor1 = Not a good candidate____ Work Ethic____ Creativity ____ Maturity ____ Organization____ Curiosity____ Integrity____ Meets deadlines____ Written Communication____ Respect for Others____ Verbal CommunicationIs there anything else you would like to share about this student? ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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