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|ESEA: 21st Century Community Learning Centers (OESE) |

|FY 2010 Program Performance Report (System Print Out) |

|Strategic Goal 1 |

|Formula |

|ESEA, Title IV, Part B |

|Document Year 2010 Appropriation: $ |

|CFDA |84.287: Twenty-First Century Community Learning Centers |

|Program Goal: |To establish community learning centers that help students in high-poverty, low-performing schools meet |

| |academic achievement standards; to offer a broad array of additional services designed to complement the |

| |regular academic program; and to offer families of students opportunities for educational development. |

|[pic] |

|Objective 1 of 3: |Participants in 21st Century Community Learning Center programs will demonstrate educational and social |

| |benefits and exhibit positive behavioral changes. |

|Measure 1.1 of 14: The percentage of elementary 21st Century regular program participants whose mathematics grades improved from |

|fall to spring.   (Desired direction: increase)   1032 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2000 |  |43 |Measure not in place |

|2001 |  |43 |Measure not in place |

|2002 |45 |41 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2003 |45 |43 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2004 |45 |43 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2005 |45 |39.65 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2006 |46 |19.24 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2007 |47 |41.76 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |47.5 |39 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |48 |36.97 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |48.5 |38.40 |Pending |

|2011 |48.5 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |48.5 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |48.5 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.2 of 14: The percentage of middle or high school 21st Century regular program participants whose mathematics grades |

|improved from fall to spring.   (Desired direction: increase)   1033 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2000 |  |36 |Measure not in place |

|2001 |  |37 |Measure not in place |

|2002 |45 |37 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2003 |45 |36 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2004 |45 |38 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2005 |45 |36.78 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2006 |46 |12.95 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2007 |47 |39.18 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |47.5 |38 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |48 |34.2 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |48.5 |33.82 |Pending |

|2011 |48.5 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |48.5 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |48.5 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.3 of 14: The percentage of all 21st Century regular program participants whose mathematics grades improved from fall to|

|spring.   (Desired direction: increase)   1034 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2000 |  |39 |Measure not in place |

|2001 |  |40 |Measure not in place |

|2002 |45 |39 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2003 |45 |40 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2004 |45 |41 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2005 |45 |38.82 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2006 |46 |20.82 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2007 |47 |41.35 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |47.5 |40 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |48 |36.64 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |48.5 |36.72 |Pending |

|2011 |48.5 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |48.5 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |48.5 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.4 of 14: The percentage of elementary 21st Century regular program participants whose English grades improved from fall|

|to spring.   (Desired direction: increase)   1035 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2000 |  |45 |Measure not in place |

|2001 |  |46 |Measure not in place |

|2002 |45 |44 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2003 |45 |45 |Target Met |

|2004 |45 |47 |Target Exceeded |

|2005 |45 |42.18 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2006 |46 |42.48 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2007 |47 |44.18 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |47.5 |41 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |48 |39.1 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |48.5 |40.19 |Pending |

|2011 |48.5 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |48.5 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |48.5 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.5 of 14: The percentage of middle or high school 21st Century regular program participants whose English grades |

|improved from fall to spring.   (Desired direction: increase)   1036 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2000 |  |37 |Measure not in place |

|2001 |  |39 |Measure not in place |

|2002 |45 |39 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2003 |45 |37 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2004 |45 |41 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2005 |45 |39.79 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2006 |46 |41.07 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2007 |47 |40.27 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2008 |50 |39 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |55 |35.25 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |60 |34.57 |Pending |

|2011 |48.5 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |48.5 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |48.5 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.6 of 14: The percentage of all 21st Century regular program participants whose English grades improved from fall to |

|spring.   (Desired direction: increase)   1037 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2000 |  |41 |Measure not in place |

|2001 |  |43 |Measure not in place |

|2002 |45 |42 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2003 |45 |42 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2004 |45 |45 |Target Met |

|2005 |45 |41.47 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2006 |46 |42.52 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2007 |47 |43.19 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |50 |42 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |55 |38.18 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |60 |37.97 |Pending |

|2011 |65 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |70 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |70 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.7 of 14: The percentage of elementary 21st Century regular program participants who improve from not proficient to |

|proficient or above in reading on state assessments.   (Desired direction: increase)   1854 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2005 |  |30.72 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |Set a Baseline |20.63 |Target Met |

|2007 |BL+2% |22.42 |Target Exceeded |

|2008 |23 |23 |Target Met |

|2009 |28 |25.63 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2010 |35 |26.54 |Pending |

|2011 |40 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |45 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |45 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.8 of 14: The percentage of middle/high school 21st Century regular program participants who improve from not proficient|

|to proficient or above in mathematics on state assessments.   (Desired direction: increase)   1855 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2005 |  |27.2 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |Set a Baseline |12.95 |Target Met |

|2007 |BL+2% |17.17 |Target Exceeded |

|2008 |13.35 |16 |Target Exceeded |

|2009 |16 |16.9 |Target Exceeded |

|2010 |20 |17.83 |Pending |

|2011 |25 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |25 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |25 |(October 2014) |Pending |

| | | | |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.9 of 14: The percentage of elementary 21st Century regular program participants with teacher-reported improvement in |

|homework completion and class participation.   (Desired direction: increase)   1038 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2004 |  |66.71 |Measure not in place |

|2005 |  |75.8 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |70 |73.43 |Target Exceeded |

|2007 |75 |73.16 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2008 |77 |75 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2009 |80 |74.12 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |83 |74.12 |Pending |

|2011 |87 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |90 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |90 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.10 of 14: The percentage of middle and high school 21st Century program participants with teacher-reported improvement |

|in homework completion and class participation.   (Desired direction: increase)   1039 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2004 |  |70 |Measure not in place |

|2005 |  |72.02 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |70 |70.71 |Target Exceeded |

|2007 |75 |72.4 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |78 |73 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2009 |82 |71.75 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |86 |69.34 |Pending |

|2011 |90 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |93 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |93 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.11 of 14: The percentage of all 21st Century regular program participants with teacher-reported improvement in homework|

|completion and class participation.   (Desired direction: increase)   1040 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2004 |  |68.75 |Measure not in place |

|2005 |  |74.98 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |70 |72.56 |Target Exceeded |

|2007 |75 |74.75 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |77 |76 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2009 |77 |73.44 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |77 |72.42 |Pending |

|2011 |77 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |77 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |77 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.12 of 14: The percentage of elementary 21st Century participants with teacher-reported improvements in student |

|behavior.   (Desired direction: increase)   1041 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2004 |  |61.2 |Measure not in place |

|2005 |  |71.48 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |67 |68.12 |Target Exceeded |

|2007 |75 |68.16 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |75 |70 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2009 |75 |68.72 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |75 |68.66 |Pending |

|2011 |75 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |75 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |75 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.13 of 14: The percentage of middle and high school 21st Century participants with teacher-reported improvements in |

|student behavior.   (Desired direction: increase)   1042 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2004 |  |65 |Measure not in place |

|2005 |  |68.05 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |67 |66.98 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2007 |75 |68.8 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |75 |69 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2009 |75 |67.56 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |75 |65.04 |Pending |

|2011 |75 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |75 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |75 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 1.14 of 14: The percentage of all 21st Century participants with teacher-reported improvements in student behavior. |

|  (Desired direction: increase)   1043 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2004 |  |64.08 |Measure not in place |

|2005 |  |71.08 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |67 |67.94 |Target Exceeded |

|2007 |75 |70.72 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |75 |72 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2009 |75 |68.57 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |75 |67.47 |Pending |

|2011 |75 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |75 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |75 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|[pic] |

|Objective 2 of 3: |21st Century Community Learning Centers will offer high-quality enrichment opportunities that positively affect|

| |student outcomes such as school attendance and academic performance, and result in decreased disciplinary |

| |actions or other adverse behaviors. |

|Measure 2.1 of 2: The percentage of 21st Century Centers reporting emphasis in at least one core academic area.   (Desired |

|direction: increase)   1048 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2000 |85 |97 |Target Exceeded |

|2001 |85 |96 |Target Exceeded |

|2002 |85 |94.8 |Target Exceeded |

|2003 |85 |96.1 |Target Exceeded |

|2004 |85 |97.75 |Target Exceeded |

|2005 |100 |95.42 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2006 |100 |95.49 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2007 |100 |97.2 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |100 |97 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |100 |97.43 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2010 |100 |97.04 |Pending |

|2011 |100 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |100 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |100 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|Measure 2.2 of 2: The percentage of 21st Century Centers offering enrichment and support activities in other areas.   (Desired |

|direction: increase)   1050 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2000 |85 |97 |Target Exceeded |

|2001 |85 |95 |Target Exceeded |

|2002 |85 |96 |Target Exceeded |

|2003 |85 |95.9 |Target Exceeded |

|2004 |85 |92.57 |Target Exceeded |

|2005 |100 |95.19 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2006 |100 |94.91 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2007 |100 |95 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2008 |100 |92 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |100 |96.85 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2010 |100 |97.04 |Pending |

|2011 |100 |(October 2012) |Pending |

|2012 |100 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |100 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Annual

|[pic] |

|Objective 3 of 3: |Improve the operational efficiency of the program. |

|Measure 3.2 of 2: The percentage of SEAs that submit complete and accurate data on 21st Century program performance measures in a|

|timely manner.   (Desired direction: increase)   1858 |

|Year |Target |Actual |Status |

| | |(or date expected) | |

|2005 |  |85 |Measure not in place |

|2006 |Set a Baseline |72 |Target Met |

|2007 |90 |(September 2008) |Pending |

|2008 |90 |80 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2009 |90 |80 |Did Not Meet Target |

|2010 |90 |86 |Made Progress From Prior Year |

|2011 |90 |94 |Pending |

|2012 |95 |(October 2013) |Pending |

|2013 |95 |(October 2014) |Pending |

Frequency of Data Collection: Other

|Measure: The average number of days it takes the Department to submit a final monitoring report to an SEA after the conclusion of a site |

|visit. |

|Year |Target |Actual |

|2008 | |55 |

|2009 |45 |60 |

|2010 |40 |45 |

|2011 |35 |55 |

|2012 |35 | |

|2013 |30 | |

Additional information: The Department took an average of 55 days to submit a final monitoring report to an SEA after the conclusion of a site visit, and thus did not meet the target.

|Measure: The average number of weeks a State takes to resolve compliance findings in a monitoring visit report. |

|Year |Target |Actual |

|2009 | |5 |

|2010 |4 |4 |

|2011 |4 |3 |

|2012 |4 | |

|2012 |4 | |


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