Cornell Notes Template

Essential Question #1 Lecture Notes

|Topic/Objective: |Essential Question: |

|Colonization |Who were the English colonists? |

|Reduce & then Recite |Record for Review |

|(Create questions which elicit |Write headings, key words, and vocabulary in colored pencil (or highlight!) |

|critical thinking/Write questions |Take sufficient notes with selective (not too much verbiage) & accurate paraphrasing |

|directly across from the answers in |Use bulleted lists and abbreviations |

|your notes) |Correctly sequence information |

| |Vocabulary: |

| |Colony: People who settled in a new place, but are ruled by a native land |

| |Capitalism: A system in which people put money (capital) into a business in order to make a profit |

| |Mercantilism: A system where colonies were meant to provide resources for the mother country |

| |Religious Freedom- The right for individuals follow their own religious beliefs |

| |Natural Rights- Rights given to every person at birth |

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| |Colonizing North America |

| |Competition by European nations for quicker trade routes led to the ‘Age of Discovery’ |

| |After Columbus’ discovery of North America, European nations set out to colonize the continent |

|Q) Who colonized North America and |Spain, France, and England would all establish North American colonies from 1500-1700 |

|why? |Led to the ‘Columbian Exchange’- a global transfer of plant and animal life that shaped the world today (p. 10) |

| |Colonization brought African slavery to North America |

| |Slave labor was used to run large plantations, which produced ‘cash crops’ (Sugar, tobacco, indigo) |

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| |Trade and Commerce |

| |American colonies were set up for capitalism and mercantilism- basically money making ventures for the ‘mother country’ |

| |Class-systems were very strict in Europe- new world presented new opportunity |

|Q) How did African slavery |Merchants would pool funds in order to try and establish money making ventures in the new world |

|come to North America? |The earliest successful English colony ‘Jamestown’ (p. 17) was a capitalist investment (People looking to get rich!!) |

| |After initial struggles- the colony found success growing tobacco in modern day Virginia |

| |Settlers were given a ‘charter’ (permission) to establish colonies in the name of the mother country to promote mercantilism |

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|Q) What economic systems | |

|Helped shape the colonies? | |

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|Q) What was the first | |

|Successful English colony? What did it| |

|produce? | |

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|Reduce & Recite |Record for Review |

| |Colonial Regions |

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| |The New England Colonies (p.21) |

|Q) Who settled the New England |Settled by Pilgrims seeking religious freedom |

|Colonies? |Poor farming land- small subsistence farming to feed families |

| |Relied on mercantilist trade of resources like lumber and fish |

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| |The Middle Colonies (p. 22) |

|Q) What sort of economy did the middle|Settled by mix of people seeking religious freedom and capitalist ventures |

|colonies have? |Good farm land was available- creating large farms and the production of cash crops |

| |Would also use natural resources to develop trade and mercantilist systems |

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| |The Southern Colonies (p. 23) |

| |Settled by mix of people seeking religious freedom and capitalist ventures |

| |Longest growing season, economy driven by plantation farming of ‘cash crops’- requiring large labor force (African slavery) |

|Q) What did southern colonies use for | |

|a labor force? |Beliefs of the Colonists |

| |Colonization took place during the Enlightenment- a period in Europe of great scientific discovery and thought |

| |Gave colonists new views of the world and existence |

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|Q) What was the ‘Enlightenment’? |Led to a belief in ‘natural rights’- the idea that all humans are seen equal at birth by God (Opposite of Divine Right) (pg. 28) |

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| |Also- the distance from the mother country meant colonists practiced ‘self-government’- electing officials and making ruling decisions|

| |themselves (ex. Mayflower Compact) (pg. 30) |

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| |A religious movement called the ‘Great Awakening’ encouraged independence in colonists and a belief in questioning authority (pg. 31) |

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|Q) Why did colonists begin practicing |Many colonists also belied in ideas of the ‘English Bill of Rights’- which protected ‘freedom of the press’- the right for the public |

|‘self-government?’ |to report and write about the government/rulers honestly |

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|Q) How did the English Bill of Rights | |

|influence colonial beliefs? | |

|Reflect & Summarize |

|In your own words and in complete sentences, write a 5-6 sentence summary paragraph. Your summary should cover the main concepts of the notes, be accurate, and have |

|adequate details. The goal of the summary is to answer the essential question from the reading assignment. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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