COMMON THREADS - Oxford University Press


|In which ways might the Native American societies before the arrival of Europeans be | |

|considered egalitarian? What forces shaped their societies? | |

|How did Europeans’ preconceptions affect their actions in the New World? In which ways did | |

|they adapt to new circumstances? | |

|What role did gender play in organizing Native American, African, and European societies? | |

|What role did gender play in conquest? | |

|What were the unintended consequences of conquest? | |


|The World of the Indian Peoples | |

|The Archaic Indians | |

|The Indians of the Eastern Woodlands | |

|The Indians of the Plains | |

|The Indians of the Deserts | |

|The Indians of the Pacific Coast | |

|The Great Civilizations of the Americas | |

|The Worlds of Christopher Columbus | |

|European Nations in the Age of Discovery | |

|The Political Economy of Europe | |

|The World of the West African Peoples | |

|Slavery Before 1500 | |

|The Golden Age of Spain | |

|Worlds in Collision | |

|Christopher Columbus Finds a Patron | |

|Columbus Finds a New World | |

|The Origins of a New World Political Economy | |

|The Requerimiento and the Morality of Conquest | |

|America and the World: Debating the Morality of Conquest | |

|The Biological Consequences of Conquest | |

|Demographic Decline | |

|The Columbian Exchange | |

|Onto the Mainland | |

|The First Florida Ventures | |

|The Conquest of Mexico | |

|American Landscape: Tenochtitlán | |

|The Establishment of a Spanish Empire | |

|Gender and Conquest | |

|The Return to Florida | |

|Coronado and the Pueblo Indians | |

|Conclusion | |

|WHO? | |WHAT? | |

|Malinche (Malintzin, Doña Marina) | | | |

|Hernán Cortés | |Humanism | |

|Juan Ponce de León | |Encomienda | |

|Hernando de Soto | |The Requerimiento | |

|Francisco Vázquez de Coronado | |Tenochtitlán | |


|Describe the development of Indian civilizations in North America from archaic times until | |

|1500. What were the major forces of change within these early American populations? | |

|What were the major similarities among European, Native American, and African societies? The| |

|major differences? | |

|What were the forces that led Europeans to explore the New World? | |

|What did the Spanish expect to find in the New World? How did their experiences alter their | |

|expectations? | |

|What was the impact of European conquest on the population and environment of the New World?| |


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