Temecula Valley Unified School District

Native American Tribe Research ProjectWe will be learning about the various tribes who lived in the Americas before the arrival of European explorers. As part of our studies, you will be researching one tribe, becoming an expert on their way of life. You will learn about the tribe’s clothing, housing, crafts, geographic location, and much more. Your research will be completed in class. Once you have finished your research you will put together all of your collected information into a presentation using iPads in class. Your research will be presented on a pages document that you will export into a book presentation. Your home project will be to create a physical model of the traditional housing used by your tribe. If you have any questions about your report, or need any help, please be sure to ask.Please choose three of the tribes below that you wish to research. The final decision will be made in class.My Three Tribe Choices are: (list below)1._____________________2._____________________3.____________________Please initial each sentence below so that I know you are aware of this project.___ I have spoken to my parents about the project.___ I have started think about the materials I need for my project.___ I am going to speak to my teacher if I have any questions.___ I understand what to do for my project.___ I will turn in my project ON OR BEFORE: October 3rdStudent signature ____________________________________________________________________Parent signature _____________________________________________________________________ Pacific Northwest TribesYupikInuitHaidaChinockBella CoolaKwakiutlTillamookTsimshianShastaNootkaKlamathOjibawaEastern Woodlands tribesCherokeeSeminoleCreekSeneca AlgonquinIroquiosShawneeOnedia MohawkWampanoagDesert Southwest TribesZuniHopiNavajoApache AnasaziGreat Plains TribesComancheCheyenneAraphaoDakota SiouxLakota SiouxBlackfootCrowOttawaCreeSoutheastern TribesNatchez Chicksaw Choctaw YuchiGreat BasinBannockGoshuteUtePaiuteWashoeShoshoneYou must choose at least 7 of the questions below to answer about your tribe. Please answer each question as completely as possible. Don’t forget to use complete sentences and you’re your work.1.Where did this tribe live? 2.What type of clothing did the tribe members wear? Describe it what they was made from 3.What work did the men do? The women do? The children do? 4.What materials/resources from their environment did they use to make what they needed? 5.What are some of the things they made? 6.What kind of food did they eat? 7.What kind of house did they live in? How did they build them? 8.What was their language? Where did it originate?9.What kinds of games did they play? 10.Did they use any form of money? What kind? 11.Were there any special ceremonies this tribe conducted? Describe them. You must include the following in your presentation:*Clothing; show pictures of the traditional clothing worn by the members of your tribe. Explain where they got the resources and how they were made.* Two crafts; each tribe had its own unique arts and crafts that it would make as part of its culture. Choose 2 of them and show them in a picture. Then describe WHY and HOW they made that craft and WHAT IT WAS USED FOR. * Location; on a map of the United States, you must indicate where the tribe generally lived. Include information about the environment such as weather conditions, geographical features, and other environmental factors that may have affected the tribe.*Housing; Include a paragraph and picture to describe the resources used to build the dwellings and its functionality.* Interesting facts; this section is dedicated to any interesting facts, pictures, articles, books, movies, etc…that you find related to your tribe. Famous tribe members, unique facts about the tribe, places named after your tribe, language spoken…anything you find unique and interesting.Housing-3-D ModelEach tribal group lived in a home that suited their own needs, depending upon the geography of the land and the tribe’s basic needs. Your job is to create a 3-D model of the specific type of dwelling your tribe actually lived in during the time period we are studying. This house should have details (decorations, tribal markings, figurines of animals and people –drawn ones are fine –grasses or other natural objects) that would make it clear where the tribe was geographically located and why they would have choose that type of housing unitFor example, the Haida houses were rectangular long houses made out of wood planks. They had a pitched roof because they lived in the forest where it rained a lot. They had a totem pole in front of their house. All of these details, including trees around it to show the forest, would be appropriate to have when building my 3-D model home.Project ChecklistAs you are completing your project, check off each item below so that you are sure you have all of the required elements.Research Questions:___7 research questions answered___Written paragraph for each ___Picture included for each___Extra Credit: more than 7 questions Clothing:___Picture of traditional clothing___explanation of resources used and how madeCrafts:___Pictures of crafts___Paragraph fo reach craft explain how made and useGeography:___Accurate map identifying tribal region/area___Paragraph explaining environment, resources, landforms, weatherInteresting facts:___Several facts about the tribe Housing:___Accurate 3-D Model of house built___Paragraph about the resources used and the functionality of the dwellingSources:___A list of 2 or more sources used in research Presentation:___All required elements are included___Display is neatly put together___All questions answeredExtra Credit:___Movie Trailer announcing your projectHere are some sites to help you determine what tribes you would like to learn about. Once you know the tribe you will research, you can begin to search for that tribe specifically. Please use good judgement when visiting sites and gathering information. Remember our class discussions about websites. Information DOES exist outside of youTube! ................

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