Class #1 outline

Class #1 outline

Introductions- tell class about myself and talk with them about themselves.

Q & A about class, which includes: their knowledge of CAM, what they want to learn, what they will do with this information.

Lecture Notes

CAM stands for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. You may have heard it referred to in different ways such as complementary and alternative medicine, just complementary medicine, or just alternative medicine, or integrative medicine. Complementary medicine includes natural products, such as dietary supplements, herbs, and probiotics, as well as mind and body practices, such as mediation, chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage (nccam.). Alternative medicine refers to the use of approaches that are not part of conventional medicine as replacements for, rather than complements to, conventional treatment (nccam.). People often understand these terms to mean an array of health care approaches with a history of use or origins outside of mainstream medicine. (Refer to handout). Go over complementary medicine, alternative medicine, and integrative medicine. Describe the different methods and practices. CAM practices include the use of dietary supplements, mind and body practices, and manipulative and body-based practices. (Refer to handout). Discuss the different types and if they have used or heard of them. Plants have been used for medicinal purposes long before recorded history. Ancient Chinese, Egyptians, African’s, and Native American’s have used herbal medicines or CAM for many years. Before we end the class I want to show you this video from YouTube that tells more about CAM.

After the video will be questions time about the lecture or the video.

Homework will include looking further into CAM. I want the students to research the different CAM medicine and therapies.

Class #2 Outline

This class is going to be about the different types of CAM. We will look into the different therapies, and practices that may be used in CAM. We will also review the homework questions and answer any questions they may have. We will also be watching a video at the end of class.

Lecture notes for class #2

CAM involves a lot of different things. It is not just about natural supplements or herbal remedies. It can involve different practices that are said to improve your health and wellness. These practices include chiropractors, acupuncture, and Tai Chi. There are also therapies which include yoga, healing touch, and meditation. There is also a technique known as reflexology that can tell ailments by pressure points on your feet or hands. It is important to note that CAM is not for everyone, but it is beginning to be used more by people. The natural supplements and herbal remedies are unregulated so you must be careful about their use. The companies are not required to prove the safety or effectiveness of their products before they are sold. They are sold as dietary supplements and are not allowed to state that they can cure ailments. It is important to research any supplement that you use or get a health care professional to recommend them for you. It is important to get the facts about any therapy instead of just going by what you see on television or heard about from a friend. Research is being done all the time about these therapies and new facts are coming to light. Some of the practices are not recognized by healthcare professionals but some are. Chiropractors, acupuncture and meditation are some that are recommended. Reflexology can tell ailments and the person can recommend vitamins or herbs that can help with the problem. CAM is being used for such things as menopause symptoms in women, eye problems, and depression. This video from YouTube about the different types of medicine will be shown at the end of the lecture.

Before the end of class I will take questions about the lecture, or the video shown or homework.

Class #3 Outline

This class well wrap up our classes with information about where you can research CAM and how a student can use or find these services. It is important that any and all questions are answered and that the student knows how to use the information found in these classes. There will be information also about if the student wants to find other classes that may lead to a career having to do with CAM.

Lecture Notes:

To begin class I want to know if anyone has questions about what they have learned. I want to provide information so you can learn more about CAM even though this is our last class. Finding information about CAM can be done on the internet at websites such as Kaplan University: Center of Health and Wellness, and the National Centers for Complementary and Alternative Medicines. These websites have information about CAM, they have information about herbal treatments and natural supplements and they have information about therapies and practices of CAM. They also have a listing for people to find a provider that uses CAM. Researching at the local library can inform you about local providers and what you need to know. The people at your local health food store can help you find out more about CAM. Many reflexologists do their business out of health food stores. More people are getting involved with CAM and they might want to make a career out of it. Many colleges offer courses for people to get degrees for this type of work. Research is the key to getting into any type of CAM. This video gives more information about CAM research.

After video there will be a question and answer time where I will take any questions about the class.


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