Federal Law Principles of Tribal Sovereignty -- 01/22/06

IDEAS Native American K-12 Classroom Resources from IDEAS.Wisconsin.edu (University of WI-Extension)

The American Indians

Tribal Leader Addresses Lawmakers

Native American Voices

Native American Tribes of Wisconsin

Father Jacques Marquette, 1673


Native American Cultures: A Door to American Heritage

Declarations of Independence

A Historic Gamble

Celebrate Native American History Month

Amazing Indian Mounds

Federal Law Principles of Tribal Sovereignty

Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development

Create Your Own Native American Board Game

Trails of Understanding: The Earliest Immigrants

Native Languages of the Americas: Facts for Kids

The Oneida Indian Tribe of Wisconsin

If These Objects Could Talk

Native Americans Today

Dreams of Looking Up

NCLB's Impact on NA/AN and Rural Students

Menominee Treaties and Treaty Rights

Student Resources at UW-Milwaukee

Knots on a Legend Counting Rope: Native Americans in Their Natural Environment

Totem Transformations

Native American Sites

Native Americans: A Seven Day Curriculum

American Indian Tribal Governments

Learning About Wisconsin: Activities, Historical Documents, and Resources Linked to Wisconsin's Model Academic Standards for Social Studies in Grades 4-12

Teaching Cultural Values and Building Self-Esteem

Won in the Classroom: Guidelines for the Selection of Culturally Appropriate Materials

Educating Urban Indians: A Summit for the Future

Exemplary Programs in Indian Education

Wisconsin Indian Treaties and Tribal Sovereignty: Classroom Activities

We Were Here First

Where Does History Stand on the Last Stand?

Great Lakes Inter-tribal Council

A Wisconsin Powwow Video Program

Investigating the Advantages of Constructing Multidigit Numeration Understanding through Oneida and Lakota Native Languages

Native Peoples Magazine

Native Peoples of North America

A Wisconsin Powwow!

Native American Sites on the Internet

Native American Heritage

American Indian Webquest

Pacific Northwest, Southwest, and Plains Indians

Early Native Peoples

Who Built the Effigy Mounds?

Colonialism Transforms Indian Life

Expanding the Circle: Respecting the Past, Preparing for the Future


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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