
AVL Balanced BST: Student InformationFinding out about your fellow studentsDue Thursday, Nov 12, midnightPlease Note: This lab involves a relatively short amount of code and a great deal of cursing, coffee, and advil. Please plan accordingly.Time Commitment: Approx 10-15 hours This assignment should definitely be started early and spread out over 2 weeks! The bad and good news is that this is the most challenging project of the semester! So if you enjoy being challenged, here you go! If you don’t, push yourself to get through this one and the next one will be more your style!Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction: PAGEREF _Toc54773726 \h 2New Files you will need to download: PAGEREF _Toc54773727 \h 2You must make the following changes: PAGEREF _Toc54773728 \h 2A)Create a new c++ project file. PAGEREF _Toc54773729 \h 2In the BST.cpp: PAGEREF _Toc54773730 \h 2B)Update your (nonbalanced) binary search tree PAGEREF _Toc54773731 \h 2You will have to: PAGEREF _Toc54773732 \h 3?(5)Updates insert PAGEREF _Toc54773733 \h 3?(5) Update find PAGEREF _Toc54773734 \h 3?(5pts) Pre-Balanced Testing PAGEREF _Toc54773735 \h 3?(5)Update the setHeights PAGEREF _Toc54773736 \h 5?(5) Write the getBalance PAGEREF _Toc54773737 \h 5?(5)Write the rotateLeft method: PAGEREF _Toc54773738 \h 5?(10 pts) RotateLeft Testing: PAGEREF _Toc54773739 \h 5?(5)Write the rotateRight method : PAGEREF _Toc54773740 \h 6?(10 pts) RotateRight Testing: PAGEREF _Toc54773741 \h 6?(10) Test the right-left rotations: PAGEREF _Toc54773742 \h 8?(10) Test the left-right rotations: PAGEREF _Toc54773743 \h 9?(5 pts) Test remove: PAGEREF _Toc54773744 \h 11?(20 pts) Read in StudentAnswers.txt PAGEREF _Toc54773745 \h 15?(10 pts) Find 5 people PAGEREF _Toc54773746 \h 15?(6 pts Extra Credit): Remove people PAGEREF _Toc54773747 \h 15Big Mistakes People Make: PAGEREF _Toc54773748 \h 15Testing: PAGEREF _Toc54773749 \h 16OUTPUT: PAGEREF _Toc54773750 \h 16Introduction:You will be modifying and expanding on the Binary Search Tree Lab you’ve completed to turn it into a functioning balanced AVL tree. To make grading easier, please create another project in eclipse. Copy over your BST.cpp to be modified.New Files you will need to download:I’m giving you a new data type: StudInf.hpp and StudInf.cpp. I’m also giving you an updated TNode.hpp and TNode.cpp. I’m also giving you the updated BST.hpp. Please copy the new versions of:StudInf.hpp & StudInf.cppTNode.hpp & TNode.cppBST.hppEqually, copy over the following new files:MainPhrase.cppStudentTreeInfo.hpp &StudentTreeInfo.cppAnd you will need to download the following text files:TestLeft.txtTestRight.txtTestRightLeft.txtTestLeftRight.txtStudentAnswers.txtYou must make the following changes:Create a new c++ project file. Copy the downloaded files to the new project. Equally, copy over the BST.cpp file you created for the last lab for modificationIn the BST.cpp:Update your (nonbalanced) binary search tree Update as follows:Make sure that you access the student as the data field instead of the data as the data field. Make sure that, instead of comparing the data field’s phrase, you are using the student’s last name (and, if 2 students have the same last name, then the student’s first name) for comparisonsCopy the BST constructors over. I’ve updated the constructor to take an array of strings, instead of simple strings. This is because the TNode’s data is a StudInf type,which has 6 different string fields, which I’m sending in as an array of a field. You don’t need to do anything here other than copy the new BST constructor over (code below):BST::BST() {root = NULL;}BST::BST(string sarr[]) {root = new TNode(sarr);}Copy over the BST.hpp file. This has updated method declarations for:The constructorInsert (now takes as input an array – see below for details)Find (now takes 2 strings – a last name and a first name)Remove (also takes 2 strings – a last name and a first name)You will have to:NOTE: For testing purposes, you will have to uncomment out each section in the MainPhrase.cpp’s main function so you can check to make sure each part is working as you progress. (5)Updates insert so that it takes an array of strings, and creates a new TNode with that array. It then uses the last name of the student field in the TNode you just created as a comparison for insertion into the tree. If the last names are equal, it then uses the student’s first name. Note: you can assume that no two students have the same last name and first name(5) Update find so that it takes 2 strings, the first name and the last name. Use the TNode’s student field’s last name, and, if last names are equal, the student’s first name for comparisions to find the student. Equally, update the find so that it has a count that counts how many comparisons you do to find any student in your tree./*************************************************************************/(5pts) Pre-Balanced TestingAt this point, you should test your code with the file TestRightLeft.txt file. My output looked as follows:Printing In Order:Height of node: 8Name: Draco DragonivichWeirdest thing you ate: stinky socksUnique thing: I hate puppiesFavorite Dessert: gummy wormsInvention: bat attracting whistles*************************************************************Height of node: 6Name: Fabian FearfulWeirdest thing you ate: moldy weeping potatoesUnique thing: I have 7 toes on my left footFavorite Dessert: candy cornInvention: stealth clothing that makes me invisible to people I don't like so I don't have to talk to them*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Griselda GrotesqueWeirdest thing you ate: roasted eyeballsUnique thing: I can solve a rubics cube in under 7 secondsFavorite Dessert: green dysentery (it's a real dessert!)Invention: device that turns people's trash into candy bars*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Harry HobgoblinWeirdest thing you ate: computer partsUnique thing: Dr. Frankenstein is my great great uncleFavorite Dessert: chocolate covered crickets (again, a real dessert)Invention: deodorant that changes my body odor to reflect my current mood*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Kismet KeroseneWeirdest thing you ate: cobwebs with flies caught in themUnique thing: I like stealing pacifiers from sleeping babies and making them cryFavorite Dessert: vomit flavored ice creamInvention: a device that turns all the traffic lights green simultaneously*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Lena LovebadWeirdest thing you ate: toe fungusUnique thing: I have a nonfunctioning brainFavorite Dessert: toe fungasInvention: I want to invent a device that lets me make people disappear without a trace*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Minerva MorticianWeirdest thing you ate: maggots with soy sauceUnique thing: I love watching the bachelorFavorite Dessert: old wool sweaters that smell like mothballsInvention: A zoom killing machine*************************************************************Height of node: 7Name: Norman NervilWeirdest thing you ate: rotten carrotsUnique thing: I sleep in a coffinFavorite Dessert: blood orangesInvention: a device that turns off the sun*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Penelope PoltergeistWeirdest thing you ate: old broken beer bottlesUnique thing: I love stalking old people and babiesFavorite Dessert: candied intestinesInvention: A machine that causes people to grow warts*************************************************************(5)Update the setHeights method to now call getBalance and the proper rotation methods. (5) Write the getBalance method:int getBalance(TNode *tmp);This method gets the balance of a node by finding the height of the left child – the height of the right child.(5)Write the rotateLeft method: TNode *rotateLeft(TNode *tmp);This method rotates left around a node when the right side is more than 1 greater in height than the left side. /*******************************************************************/(10 pts) RotateLeft Testing:In the Main function, comment out the first call that creates a tree (before you added in the balance and the height) because that file require both right and left rotations, and for this part you’ve only written and thus want to test the rotateLeft method.Once you’ve commented out part 1 and commented in part 2, your output should look like this:Printing In Order:Height of node: 1Name: Alticia AdamsWeirdest thing you ate: chocolateUnique thing: I tried to decapitate my brotherFavorite Dessert: fried tarantulasInvention: poisonous clothing*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Boris BellatrixWeirdest thing you ate: slimy boogersUnique thing: My birthday is on HalloweenFavorite Dessert: death by chocolateInvention: toothbrush that disintegrates your teeth*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Coraline CrawlyWeirdest thing you ate: boiled brainsUnique thing: I was arrested for contemplating manslaughterFavorite Dessert: boo browniesInvention: glasses that hypnotize you into doing whatever I want*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Draco DragonivichWeirdest thing you ate: stinky socksUnique thing: I hate puppiesFavorite Dessert: gummy wormsInvention: bat attracting whistles*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Esmeralda EvilWeirdest thing you ate: puppy poopUnique thing: I'm allergic to shoesFavorite Dessert: blood puddingInvention: staircases in which the steps keep randomly changing height*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Fabian FearfulWeirdest thing you ate: moldy weeping potatoesUnique thing: I have 7 toes on my left footFavorite Dessert: candy cornInvention: stealth clothing that makes me invisible to people I don't like so I don't have to talk to them*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Griselda GrotesqueWeirdest thing you ate: roasted eyeballsUnique thing: I can solve a rubics cube in under 7 secondsFavorite Dessert: green dysentery (it's a real dessert!)Invention: device that turns people's trash into candy bars*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Harry HobgoblinWeirdest thing you ate: computer partsUnique thing: Dr. Frankenstein is my great great uncleFavorite Dessert: chocolate covered crickets (again, a real dessert)Invention: deodorant that changes my body odor to reflect my current mood*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Ivana IncanterWeirdest thing you ate: grandpa's nose hairsUnique thing: I can touch my eyeball with my tongueFavorite Dessert: bat's tongue with sweet eye of newt sauceInvention: a brain extractor/********************************************************************/(5)Write the rotateRight method :TNode *rotateRight(TNode *tmp);/*******************************************************************/(10 pts) RotateRight Testing:Printing In Order:Height of node: 1Name: Alticia AdamsWeirdest thing you ate: chocolateUnique thing: I tried to decapitate my brotherFavorite Dessert: fried tarantulasInvention: poisonous clothing*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Boris BellatrixWeirdest thing you ate: slimy boogersUnique thing: My birthday is on HalloweenFavorite Dessert: death by chocolateInvention: toothbrush that disintegrates your teeth*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Coraline CrawlyWeirdest thing you ate: boiled brainsUnique thing: I was arrested for contemplating manslaughterFavorite Dessert: boo browniesInvention: glasses that hypnotize you into doing whatever I want*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Draco DragonivichWeirdest thing you ate: stinky socksUnique thing: I hate puppiesFavorite Dessert: gummy wormsInvention: bat attracting whistles*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Esmeralda EvilWeirdest thing you ate: puppy poopUnique thing: I'm allergic to shoesFavorite Dessert: blood puddingInvention: staircases in which the steps keep randomly changing height*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Fabian FearfulWeirdest thing you ate: moldy weeping potatoesUnique thing: I have 7 toes on my left footFavorite Dessert: candy cornInvention: stealth clothing that makes me invisible to people I don't like so I don't have to talk to them*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Griselda GrotesqueWeirdest thing you ate: roasted eyeballsUnique thing: I can solve a rubics cube in under 7 secondsFavorite Dessert: green dysentery (it's a real dessert!)Invention: device that turns people's trash into candy bars*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Harry HobgoblinWeirdest thing you ate: computer partsUnique thing: Dr. Frankenstein is my great great uncleFavorite Dessert: chocolate covered crickets (again, a real dessert)Invention: deodorant that changes my body odor to reflect my current mood*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Ivana IncanterWeirdest thing you ate: grandpa's nose hairsUnique thing: I can touch my eyeball with my tongueFavorite Dessert: bat's tongue with sweet eye of newt sauceInvention: a brain extractor*************************************************************(10) Test the right-left rotations: Uncomment out Part 4 in the main function. Your output should look as follows:/*************************************************************/Printing In Order:Height of node: 1Name: Draco DragonivichWeirdest thing you ate: stinky socksUnique thing: I hate puppiesFavorite Dessert: gummy wormsInvention: bat attracting whistles*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Fabian FearfulWeirdest thing you ate: moldy weeping potatoesUnique thing: I have 7 toes on my left footFavorite Dessert: candy cornInvention: stealth clothing that makes me invisible to people I don't like so I don't have to talk to them*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Griselda GrotesqueWeirdest thing you ate: roasted eyeballsUnique thing: I can solve a rubics cube in under 7 secondsFavorite Dessert: green dysentery (it's a real dessert!)Invention: device that turns people's trash into candy bars*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Harry HobgoblinWeirdest thing you ate: computer partsUnique thing: Dr. Frankenstein is my great great uncleFavorite Dessert: chocolate covered crickets (again, a real dessert)Invention: deodorant that changes my body odor to reflect my current mood*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Kismet KeroseneWeirdest thing you ate: cobwebs with flies caught in themUnique thing: I like stealing pacifiers from sleeping babies and making them cryFavorite Dessert: vomit flavored ice creamInvention: a device that turns all the traffic lights green simultaneously*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Lena LovebadWeirdest thing you ate: toe fungusUnique thing: I have a nonfunctioning brainFavorite Dessert: toe fungasInvention: I want to invent a device that lets me make people disappear without a trace*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Minerva MorticianWeirdest thing you ate: maggots with soy sauceUnique thing: I love watching the bachelorFavorite Dessert: old wool sweaters that smell like mothballsInvention: A zoom killing machine*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Norman NervilWeirdest thing you ate: rotten carrotsUnique thing: I sleep in a coffinFavorite Dessert: blood orangesInvention: a device that turns off the sun*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Penelope PoltergeistWeirdest thing you ate: old broken beer bottlesUnique thing: I love stalking old people and babiesFavorite Dessert: candied intestinesInvention: A machine that causes people to grow warts*************************************************************(10) Test the left-right rotations: Uncomment out Part 5 in the main function. Your output should look as follows:/*************************************************************/Printing In Order:Height of node: 1Name: Arachnea AdamsWeirdest thing you ate: chocolateUnique thing: I tried to decapitate my brotherFavorite Dessert: fried tarantulasInvention: poisonous clothing*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Boris BellatrixWeirdest thing you ate: slimy boogersUnique thing: My birthday is on HalloweenFavorite Dessert: death by chocolateInvention: toothbrush that disintegrates your teeth*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Coraline CrawlyWeirdest thing you ate: boiled brainsUnique thing: I was arrested for contemplating manslaughterFavorite Dessert: boo browniesInvention: glasses that hypnotize you into doing whatever I want*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Draco DragonivichWeirdest thing you ate: stinky socksUnique thing: I hate puppiesFavorite Dessert: gummy wormsInvention: bat attracting whistles*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Esmeralda EvilWeirdest thing you ate: puppy poopUnique thing: I'm allergic to shoesFavorite Dessert: blood puddingInvention: staircases in which the steps keep randomly changing height*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Fabian FearfulWeirdest thing you ate: moldy weeping potatoesUnique thing: I have 7 toes on my left footFavorite Dessert: candy cornInvention: stealth clothing that makes me invisible to people I don't like so I don't have to talk to them*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Griselda GrotesqueWeirdest thing you ate: roasted eyeballsUnique thing: I can solve a rubics cube in under 7 secondsFavorite Dessert: green dysentery (it's a real dessert!)Invention: device that turns people's trash into candy bars*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Jason JinxWeirdest thing you ate: Upchucked furballsUnique thing: I was born with all my teethFavorite Dessert: the magnetic coating on old movie tapesInvention: a device that removes the fur from puppies*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Lena LovebadWeirdest thing you ate: toe fungusUnique thing: I have a nonfunctioning brainFavorite Dessert: toe fungasInvention: I want to invent a device that lets me make people disappear without a trace*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Minerva MorticianWeirdest thing you ate: maggots with soy sauceUnique thing: I love watching the bachelorFavorite Dessert: old wool sweaters that smell like mothballsInvention: A zoom killing machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Penelope PoltergeistWeirdest thing you ate: old broken beer bottlesUnique thing: I love stalking old people and babiesFavorite Dessert: candied intestinesInvention: A machine that causes people to grow warts*************************************************************(5 pts) Test remove:Use the above tree (so don’t comment out the code that creates this tree) and uncomment out part 6 to test the removal of 3 different nodes: one with 0 kids, one with 1 kid, and one with 2 kids:Note: None of these cause rotations. But if your remove methods call the setHeight method, and the setHeight method has been adapted to check balances and call rotations when necessary, everything should work smoothly.Your output after the removals should look as follows:/*****************************************************************/********* Testing Removing ************Removing No Children (Arachnea Adams)in Find with AdamsAdams, Arachnea found in 4 comparisonsPrinting In Order:Height of node: 1Name: Boris BellatrixWeirdest thing you ate: slimy boogersUnique thing: My birthday is on HalloweenFavorite Dessert: death by chocolateInvention: toothbrush that disintegrates your teeth*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Coraline CrawlyWeirdest thing you ate: boiled brainsUnique thing: I was arrested for contemplating manslaughterFavorite Dessert: boo browniesInvention: glasses that hypnotize you into doing whatever I want*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Draco DragonivichWeirdest thing you ate: stinky socksUnique thing: I hate puppiesFavorite Dessert: gummy wormsInvention: bat attracting whistles*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Esmeralda EvilWeirdest thing you ate: puppy poopUnique thing: I'm allergic to shoesFavorite Dessert: blood puddingInvention: staircases in which the steps keep randomly changing height*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Fabian FearfulWeirdest thing you ate: moldy weeping potatoesUnique thing: I have 7 toes on my left footFavorite Dessert: candy cornInvention: stealth clothing that makes me invisible to people I don't like so I don't have to talk to them*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Griselda GrotesqueWeirdest thing you ate: roasted eyeballsUnique thing: I can solve a rubics cube in under 7 secondsFavorite Dessert: green dysentery (it's a real dessert!)Invention: device that turns people's trash into candy bars*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Jason JinxWeirdest thing you ate: Upchucked furballsUnique thing: I was born with all my teethFavorite Dessert: the magnetic coating on old movie tapesInvention: a device that removes the fur from puppies*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Lena LovebadWeirdest thing you ate: toe fungusUnique thing: I have a nonfunctioning brainFavorite Dessert: toe fungasInvention: I want to invent a device that lets me make people disappear without a trace*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Minerva MorticianWeirdest thing you ate: maggots with soy sauceUnique thing: I love watching the bachelorFavorite Dessert: old wool sweaters that smell like mothballsInvention: A zoom killing machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Penelope PoltergeistWeirdest thing you ate: old broken beer bottlesUnique thing: I love stalking old people and babiesFavorite Dessert: candied intestinesInvention: A machine that causes people to grow warts*************************************************************************************************Removing Node with One Kid (Fabian Fearful)in Find with FearfulFearful, Fabian found in 3 comparisonsPrinting In Order:Height of node: 1Name: Boris BellatrixWeirdest thing you ate: slimy boogersUnique thing: My birthday is on HalloweenFavorite Dessert: death by chocolateInvention: toothbrush that disintegrates your teeth*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Coraline CrawlyWeirdest thing you ate: boiled brainsUnique thing: I was arrested for contemplating manslaughterFavorite Dessert: boo browniesInvention: glasses that hypnotize you into doing whatever I want*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Draco DragonivichWeirdest thing you ate: stinky socksUnique thing: I hate puppiesFavorite Dessert: gummy wormsInvention: bat attracting whistles*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Esmeralda EvilWeirdest thing you ate: puppy poopUnique thing: I'm allergic to shoesFavorite Dessert: blood puddingInvention: staircases in which the steps keep randomly changing height*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Griselda GrotesqueWeirdest thing you ate: roasted eyeballsUnique thing: I can solve a rubics cube in under 7 secondsFavorite Dessert: green dysentery (it's a real dessert!)Invention: device that turns people's trash into candy bars*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Jason JinxWeirdest thing you ate: Upchucked furballsUnique thing: I was born with all my teethFavorite Dessert: the magnetic coating on old movie tapesInvention: a device that removes the fur from puppies*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Lena LovebadWeirdest thing you ate: toe fungusUnique thing: I have a nonfunctioning brainFavorite Dessert: toe fungasInvention: I want to invent a device that lets me make people disappear without a trace*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Minerva MorticianWeirdest thing you ate: maggots with soy sauceUnique thing: I love watching the bachelorFavorite Dessert: old wool sweaters that smell like mothballsInvention: A zoom killing machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Penelope PoltergeistWeirdest thing you ate: old broken beer bottlesUnique thing: I love stalking old people and babiesFavorite Dessert: candied intestinesInvention: A machine that causes people to grow warts*************************************************************************************************Removing Node with two kids (Jason Jinx)in Find with JinxJinx, Jason found in 2 comparisonsPrinting In Order:Height of node: 1Name: Boris BellatrixWeirdest thing you ate: slimy boogersUnique thing: My birthday is on HalloweenFavorite Dessert: death by chocolateInvention: toothbrush that disintegrates your teeth*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Coraline CrawlyWeirdest thing you ate: boiled brainsUnique thing: I was arrested for contemplating manslaughterFavorite Dessert: boo browniesInvention: glasses that hypnotize you into doing whatever I want*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Draco DragonivichWeirdest thing you ate: stinky socksUnique thing: I hate puppiesFavorite Dessert: gummy wormsInvention: bat attracting whistles*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Esmeralda EvilWeirdest thing you ate: puppy poopUnique thing: I'm allergic to shoesFavorite Dessert: blood puddingInvention: staircases in which the steps keep randomly changing height*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Griselda GrotesqueWeirdest thing you ate: roasted eyeballsUnique thing: I can solve a rubics cube in under 7 secondsFavorite Dessert: green dysentery (it's a real dessert!)Invention: device that turns people's trash into candy bars*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Lena LovebadWeirdest thing you ate: toe fungusUnique thing: I have a nonfunctioning brainFavorite Dessert: toe fungasInvention: I want to invent a device that lets me make people disappear without a trace*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Minerva MorticianWeirdest thing you ate: maggots with soy sauceUnique thing: I love watching the bachelorFavorite Dessert: old wool sweaters that smell like mothballsInvention: A zoom killing machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Penelope PoltergeistWeirdest thing you ate: old broken beer bottlesUnique thing: I love stalking old people and babiesFavorite Dessert: candied intestinesInvention: A machine that causes people to grow warts*************************************************************(20 pts) Read in StudentAnswers.txtThis should actually be relatively straightforward if you have everything else working properly, but will be testing you tree rotation methods to their limit! Uncomment out the final section and read in the Student Answers.txt. Print out the results in an in-order tree (Note – I’ve included my output, along with heights at the end of this file. The output may change slightly if more students send me information and I add it to the output file. Thus I may be updating the output file.(10 pts) Find 5 peopleUsing the user interface, find 5 people in the class. Find yourself and, if you have a partner, your partner. Then choose 3 other people from the student list I sent out to find out more about your fellow classmates!! (I did not include output for this because it will vary depending on each person).(6 pts Extra Credit): Remove peopleRemove 3 students – one who has 0 children, one who has 1 child, and one who has 2 children.I did not include this as a formal part of the lab because as it stands now, it is already a long (and thus difficult to grade) lab. However, if you have your remove working properly, from before, you should automatically be able to remove people from the database. This is a benefit of AVL (Balanced Binary Search) Trees – you can:AddRemoveFindAll in log2 n time!!! That’s it!!! You did it!! Piece of cake!Big Mistakes People Make: Invariably it’s because:Code is trying to access a field of a node, and the node itself is NULL (so check for NULL nodes),Exampletmp->parent->left = new TNode(sarr);If tmp’s parent is NULL, this will crash your code in a sad and horrible way because a NULL can’t have a left field. Only existing nodes can have vields.A parent didn’t get set correctlyTake care of your parents!!! In so many ways!!!Example:newnode->parent = tmp->parent, but then not setting tmp->parent->left (or right) to be newnode.Important Note Here: You can either check whether the parent is less than or greater than a node to find out whether the node is the left or right child. Equally, you can see if tmp->parent->left == tmp. If so, that means tmp is the left child of the parent, so if something new will be the child of the parent, you know that it should be the parent’s left child. Otherwise it should be the parent’s right child.A parent didn’t get set at all.Testing: I have given you 5 files for testing. Place the files in the same location in which your code is located. The first tests your left rotation code (Testleft.txt). When you have that working, add in your Testright.txt to test the right rotations. When they’re both working, add in TestRightLeft.txt to test the right-left rotations. And then, to test the left-right rotations, add in Testrightleft.txt. Once you have all that working (sample output below), add in the last two lines in your main function to read in the StudentAnswers.txt fileHave fun!OUTPUT: Printing In Order:Height of node: 1Name: Ronald AbrahamWeirdest thing you ate: Skim milkUnique thing: I don't remember any crazy things about me. I just do things simply.Favorite Dessert: Plain Vanilla and ChocolateInvention: A tool that can visualize or portray someone's mind/imaginations.*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Samuel Adames CastilloWeirdest thing you ate: While I don't have an specific food, I do have an specific drink...ICE TEA, seriously unsweetened ice tea has got to be the worst drink of all time. Remember the first time I had it, wanted to puke.Unique thing: I watch anime lolFavorite Dessert: Chocolate ice creamInvention: Teleportation. If there were no limitations and one could travel to anywhere in the world, even more the universe in a matter of seconds I think it would make life a lot more interesting. Also our pace of progress as a race would advance since we'd be able to explore space at an incredible speed. *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Calvin AdkinsWeirdest thing you ate: stinky cheeseUnique thing: I am an eagle scoutFavorite Dessert: cookie dough ice creamInvention: space travel*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Adam AgudeloWeirdest thing you ate: an ant Unique thing: I am a first generation college studentFavorite Dessert: cookies and cream ice creamInvention: a cure for covid*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Vincent AinsWeirdest thing you ate: sandUnique thing: I own a snakeFavorite Dessert: Ice cream Invention: A Time Machine *************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Steven AlaimoWeirdest thing you ate: CaviarUnique thing: I have never had a pet.Favorite Dessert: CannoliInvention: A teleporter*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Ryan AllareyWeirdest thing you ate: barbecue flavored cricketsUnique thing: I don't know how to swimFavorite Dessert: CheesecakeInvention: Sometime to give superpowers to anyone (idk invisibility is cool)*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Mohammed AlshuwaykhatWeirdest thing you ate: Tomatto and onionUnique thing: I don't remember Favorite Dessert: chocolate cheesecakeInvention: nothing*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Rehan AmirWeirdest thing you ate: sugar cooked in butter(foreign desert)Unique thing: I hardly watch shows that aren't animatedFavorite Dessert: carrot cakeInvention: a good game*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Nitin ArmstrongWeirdest thing you ate: bone marrowUnique thing: I hit a bicyclist while also on my bikeFavorite Dessert: CheesecakeInvention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Michal BargendaWeirdest thing you ate: SnailUnique thing: I'm sorry but I can't come up with anythingFavorite Dessert: apple pie with ice creamInvention: Multi-planet travel*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Lauren BaronWeirdest thing you ate: escargot (snails) is probably the weirdest thing I've eaten but I loved it! Unique thing: I have been to 7 countries!Favorite Dessert: cannolisInvention: a way to teleport*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Macy BeachWeirdest thing you ate: Raw oysterUnique thing: I went to space camp in Alabama during the 7th deadliest tornado in the world which threw the power out for the rest of camp so I didn't get to go on the aerotrimFavorite Dessert: TiramisuInvention: Universal wifi*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Justin BellWeirdest thing you ate: Sun-dried tomatoes.Unique thing: My Uncle had to crash land a plane 20 mins after take off due to engine failure.Favorite Dessert: Coconut Cream PieInvention: I really wish that in the near future, that we can engineer rockets that can send us into lightspeed so that we can travel to planets that are lightyears away.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Ryan BilashWeirdest thing you ate: catfishUnique thing: I can clap with one handFavorite Dessert: cheescakeInvention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Joe BilottaWeirdest thing you ate: Half burned, half raw chickenUnique thing: My memory is absolutely trashFavorite Dessert: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice CreamInvention: A game which is competitive, fun to play, fun to watch, and dynamic*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Caroline BowerWeirdest thing you ate: Wet sandwichUnique thing: I hate tomatoesFavorite Dessert: Ice creamInvention: Teleportation device*************************************************************Height of node: 6Name: L'Evan BradyWeirdest thing you ate: idk manUnique thing: im coolFavorite Dessert: uhhhhhInvention: mars on space, travel to out off of earth*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Patrick BradyWeirdest thing you ate: Baked BeansUnique thing: I enjoy milk with ice in itFavorite Dessert: Red Velvet CakeInvention: Those healing chambers from the movie Elysium that can cure any disease/heal any ailment within seconds*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: David BrazellWeirdest thing you ate: Octopus Unique thing: I grew up in newark, moved to southern delaware for highschool and am now back in newark for collegeFavorite Dessert: Lava cakeInvention: Lightsaber*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Nicholas BuonomoWeirdest thing you ate: AlligatorUnique thing: I've worked at a day camp for seven yearsFavorite Dessert: New York Style CheesecakeInvention: Teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Jackson BurnsWeirdest thing you ate: whole mini-crabsUnique thing: I am a rock climber, but I'm afraid of heights.Favorite Dessert: chocolate ice creamInvention: a computer that runs in my head*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Hecan CaiWeirdest thing you ate: Pig BrainUnique thing: Jumping from the second floorFavorite Dessert: seasame ballInvention: Time-traveling machine*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Davis CalebWeirdest thing you ate: Cow ThroatUnique thing: I'm a grill cook at Chipotle on mainFavorite Dessert: Creme BruleeInvention: Covid Vaccine*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Sam Calvert Weirdest thing you ate: durian fruitUnique thing: I swallowed my twin in the wombFavorite Dessert: gummy bears Invention: That thing from Up so I can talk to my dog*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Kaitlin CanalichioWeirdest thing you ate: my high school cafeteria food Unique thing: not very crazy but I'm on the club tennis team at UDFavorite Dessert: cheesecakeInvention: some sort of extremely quick transportation like a Vactrain*************************************************************Height of node: 7Name: Patrick CappelloWeirdest thing you ate: raisinsUnique thing: I have a bad peanut allergy and had to go emergency room because I took a sip of my friends smoothie. Favorite Dessert: chocolate covered pretzelsInvention: A way to communicate clearly with animals*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Michael Carr Weirdest thing you ate: Pineapple Unique thing: I once sat in the same booth that Barack Obama ate dinner in at Charcoal Pit.Favorite Dessert: CheesecakeInvention: The Force*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Alex Castro VazquezWeirdest thing you ate: TunaUnique thing: I like taking naps with my dogFavorite Dessert: CakeInvention: If someone were to invent a pill to give to your dog so that they will live as long as you do.*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Henry ChanWeirdest thing you ate: GrassUnique thing: I went outside during the COVID-19 pandemic.Favorite Dessert: CakeInvention: Lucky Device*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Justin ChanWeirdest thing you ate: raw onions Unique thing: I play the trombone Favorite Dessert: Strawberry Shortcake Invention: A time machine to go back in time to 2019 and stop the pandemic *************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Aidan ChaoWeirdest thing you ate: TomatoUnique thing: I broke my leg in 8th grade jumping off a play-setFavorite Dessert: Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice creamInvention: A teleporter*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Makai CharlesWeirdest thing you ate: bleu cheeseUnique thing: i had a business selling duct tape wallets in the 7th gradeFavorite Dessert: apple pie a la modeInvention: portal gun from Rick and Morty*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Zhenfeng ChenWeirdest thing you ate: pickled eggsUnique thing: I've been staying at home for nearly half an year due to corona and I start playing ff14Favorite Dessert: chocolate croissantInvention: Anything that can make the band "Oasis" reunited*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Tommy CheungWeirdest thing you ate: Scrapple(I like it though)Unique thing: I'm enrolled in CISC220 at University of DelawareFavorite Dessert: Apple pieInvention: The magic school bus*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Charles Ciraolo Weirdest thing you ate: kangaroo jerkyUnique thing: i was on a tv show (not popular but it was televised)Favorite Dessert: ice cream sandwich Invention: time travel( GREAT SCOTT!)*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Lexy ColbergWeirdest thing you ate: mushroomsUnique thing: This past winter I was able to travel to Tanzania and camp with native tribes while taking a photography class!Favorite Dessert: Del's Lemonade Invention: portable teleportation machines *************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Houston CollierWeirdest thing you ate: wet dog treatUnique thing: I have little to no sense of smell, depending on the dayFavorite Dessert: apple pieInvention: A shuttle to a space station that wouldn't cost a lot, so many people could spend a day in space.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Aidan ConleyWeirdest thing you ate: I've never had a particularly gross food that disgusted me, I guess the closest thing is raw oysters but I liked thoseUnique thing: I have a traffic cone I picked up off the street in my room (don't worry it was by itself, tipped over, and served no discernible purpose)Favorite Dessert: TiramisuInvention: Personal robot that's able to obey all commands*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Aiden CrilleyWeirdest thing you ate: I like pretty much all food/I can't remember anything I've eaten that was grossUnique thing: Even though I'm a computer science student, I am very interested in emergency medical services.Favorite Dessert: Apple pieInvention: cure to cancer*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Ryan DahlkeWeirdest thing you ate: Anything I'm cooking for the first timeUnique thing: My dorm sophomore year was infested with yellow jackets Favorite Dessert: IcecreamInvention: Better voice recognition*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Alex DaleyWeirdest thing you ate: ants in south americaUnique thing: I was sprayed with a fire extinguisher first semesterFavorite Dessert: oreos with milkInvention: suits that let you stay underwater and go deep into the ocean without needing to come up for air after 2 hours.*************************************************************Height of node: 6Name: Roshik DatlaWeirdest thing you ate: CricketsUnique thing: I traveled to seven countriesFavorite Dessert: cake batter ice creamInvention: A chip that can be put in your brain that gives you the same powers as a computer. For example use google to search up anything in your mind.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Caleb DavisWeirdest thing you ate: Cow ThroatUnique thing: I'm a grill cook at Chipotle on mainFavorite Dessert: Creme BruleeInvention: covid vaccine*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Marc De LeceaWeirdest thing you ate: Fried grasshoppersUnique thing: I'm SpanishFavorite Dessert: Ice creamInvention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Celena DeLaraWeirdest thing you ate: Boudin (from a dingy gas station in Louisiana)Unique thing: I prioritize my days around my gym schedule.Favorite Dessert: Pineapple upside down cakeInvention: Longer days, 24 hours isn't enough.*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Trevor DolbowWeirdest thing you ate: Boiled Squash (Boiled to the point that it was the consistency of mashed potatoes)Unique thing: I have hiked along the hardest sections of the Appellation TrialFavorite Dessert: Brownies or Mint Chocolate Chip Ice CreamInvention: Cheap fully autonomous cars*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Brandon DongfackWeirdest thing you ate: onionsUnique thing: It's crazy how not crazy I amFavorite Dessert: Cinnamon toast crunch ice creamInvention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Matthew DonovanWeirdest thing you ate: Medium Rare ChickenUnique thing: I am going to be an EMT soonFavorite Dessert: Frozen Reese'sInvention: Vaccine for Corona*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Patrick DoplerWeirdest thing you ate: Escargot Unique thing: I spend my free time buying retired and unique lab equipment.Favorite Dessert: Tres leches Invention: A high efficiency, inexpensive, SPDC nonlinear crystal*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Cindy DorantesWeirdest thing you ate: CalamariUnique thing: I still enjoy watching cartoons Favorite Dessert: FlanInvention: Technology that would make it possible to travel without automobiles or planes. *************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Julianna DorschWeirdest thing you ate: Horse in IcelandUnique thing: I flew down and back in one day to see the eclipse in 2017.Favorite Dessert: Ice CreamInvention: Shoes that let you fly.*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Lucas DriscollWeirdest thing you ate: lasagnaUnique thing: I used to use the Dvorak keyboardFavorite Dessert: lava cakeInvention: artificial wormholes*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Dylan DunleaWeirdest thing you ate: Poorly made plain oatmealUnique thing: When I was 4, I got lost in Disney World looking for hot dogs.Favorite Dessert: Chocolate MilkshakeInvention: Faster-than-light travel for space exploration*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Jeremy EdwardsWeirdest thing you ate: A 3 pound hamburgerUnique thing: I grew up on a Christmas tree farm that was founded in 1769.Favorite Dessert: Brownies with icecreamInvention: The ability to teleport places.*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Josh ElliottWeirdest thing you ate: Brussel SproutsUnique thing: I've basically been a contractor for my parents house renovations this yearFavorite Dessert: TiramisuInvention: upload info to brian via usb (transfer electrons to brain signals)*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Maria EpplerWeirdest thing you ate: Vegan cheesesteak pizzaUnique thing: I really like the moonFavorite Dessert: Strawberry and chocolate chip milkshakeInvention: Convince Apple and huge Android manufactures to agree to a universal FaceTime available on every smartphone through phone numbers.*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Dontae EsdaileWeirdest thing you ate: TripeUnique thing: I have two middle names.Favorite Dessert: Mint chocolate chip ice cream Invention: Dyno sphere*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Kasey FeldtmoseWeirdest thing you ate: Oysters Unique thing: I'm in Air Force ROTC.Favorite Dessert: Anything ChocolateInvention: Jetpack*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Rosemarie FilanoWeirdest thing you ate: bananasUnique thing: I have a weird obsession with the dollar storeFavorite Dessert: cookiesInvention: A virtual cloud containing all the memories a person in a lifetime *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Brandon ForemanWeirdest thing you ate: Thick water Unique thing: Ive been doing 100 pushups everyday since quarantine startedFavorite Dessert: Ice creamInvention: more Non lethal weapons for self defense*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Nare GalenWeirdest thing you ate: Brussels SproutsUnique thing: I have been writing code regularly for more than 7 years.Favorite Dessert: DonutsInvention: A COVID-19 vaccine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Luis Garcia OsorioWeirdest thing you ate: Not gross, exotic-Fried Chicatanas with lime, when I was 3-4 years old in Mexico, they are giant red ants.Unique thing: I exercise even when unconventional-Walked 4.5 miles to my job and back once, biked 4.8 miles to and from my job half the time, and 4.3 miles to and from the GymFavorite Dessert: CheesecakeInvention: Teleportation device utilizing portals, not transmission. The transmission form of teleportation separates all your molecules and reconstructs them on the other end. This may result in complications and ethical concerns. Portals connect two locations so that one may travel as one would physical space.*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Melissa GattiWeirdest thing you ate: TomatoesUnique thing: I like to travel to many different places.Favorite Dessert: BrowniesInvention: A vaccine against COVID-19 now.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Allie GlikesWeirdest thing you ate: CaviarUnique thing: I speak Greek!Favorite Dessert: Strawberry shortcakeInvention: A device that lets you communicate with your pets/animals!*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Emily GoldfarbWeirdest thing you ate: Seafood saladUnique thing: I played tennis in high school.Favorite Dessert: Key lime pieInvention: Teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Zachary GolpiraWeirdest thing you ate: Rotten egg flavored jellybeans.Unique thing: I own 2 virtual reality headsetsFavorite Dessert: Strawberry ShortcakeInvention: Chip that allows you to have music streamed directly to your brain*************************************************************Height of node: 8Name: Ishika GovilWeirdest thing you ate: I'm vegetarian so there aren't a lot of crazy things I've eatenUnique thing: I love to draw realistic charcoal drawingsFavorite Dessert: Tiramisu!Invention: I have a peanut allergy so I wish there was a device that can detect peanuts in food (Nima is close, but super expensive per test)*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Brendan GreenWeirdest thing you ate: sushiUnique thing: I've eaten a donut on top of a mountain at 8,000 ft elevationFavorite Dessert: Lava cakeInvention: teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Zane GreenholtWeirdest thing you ate: Eggplant (not really gross but I hate the texture)Unique thing: I love animals but I've never had a pet.Favorite Dessert: Warm brownies/cookies with ice creamInvention: Teleporter*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Suryanuj GuptaWeirdest thing you ate: Flan CakeUnique thing: I lived in Delaware all of my lifeFavorite Dessert: Chocolate BrownieInvention: The ability to go to another planet/explore space*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Thomas HallerWeirdest thing you ate: MusselsUnique thing: I can snap with four fingersFavorite Dessert: Fruit mix (i.e. strawberries, blueberries, raspberries mixed together)Invention: A device that helps bring you at will into a meditative state*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Matt HaradaWeirdest thing you ate: Hawaiian Pizza Unique thing: I can body surf Favorite Dessert: Either cheesecake or Zeppoles Invention: Time machine. (I would very much like to visit the past). *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Dea HarjiantoWeirdest thing you ate: wet pizzaUnique thing: i have a shellfish allergyFavorite Dessert: cheesecakeInvention: a highway system for space*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Tommy HarrisWeirdest thing you ate: Corn beef and cabbageUnique thing: I've traveled to 4 different countriesFavorite Dessert: Chocolate lava cakeInvention: A spring-type tool that can be used to reach things from afar within seconds*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Jason HaynbergWeirdest thing you ate: Olives/mushrooms; I hate both equallyUnique thing: I play the drumsFavorite Dessert: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice CreamInvention: Perpetual Motion Machine so we could have unlimited energy*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Danielle HenryWeirdest thing you ate: undercooked chickenUnique thing: I have 3 dalmatians Favorite Dessert: brownieInvention: time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Nathan HollarWeirdest thing you ate: squashUnique thing: i live a pretty boring lifeFavorite Dessert: my moms bakingInvention: I want musk to take us to mars*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Kristina HolsappleWeirdest thing you ate: A crabcake not from MarylandUnique thing: I applied to 13 colleges with 13 different majorsFavorite Dessert: strawberry shortcake Invention: A Time-Turner from Harry Potter*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Shi HongWeirdest thing you ate: frogsUnique thing: I can eat anything that is edible no matter how gross it isFavorite Dessert: puddingInvention: doom slayer armor*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Daniel HortaWeirdest thing you ate: Jimmy Dean Breakfast Sandwich Unique thing: I'm into marble racing.Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Lava CakeInvention: Juice that makes your brain good at math.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Collier HoustonWeirdest thing you ate: A wet dog treatUnique thing: I have little to no sense of smellFavorite Dessert: Apple pieInvention: A cheap option to travel to space and spend a day observing space and the earth from a space station and/or the moon*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Jiajun HuangWeirdest thing you ate: Maybe the first dinner that I made which is something like noodle. That time I do not know how to make food.Unique thing: I climbed mountains for total three days.Favorite Dessert: I would like a strawberry ice cream.Invention: VR games*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Lawrence HuffmanWeirdest thing you ate: Raw dough Unique thing: I set my house on fire when I was 4Favorite Dessert: Chocolate cakeInvention: A maid/cook android *************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Brianna HuntWeirdest thing you ate: grasshopperUnique thing: I jumped off a cliff in MexicoFavorite Dessert: oreo trufflesInvention: technology that is easier for senior citizens to use so it is easier for them to communicate with their families*************************************************************Height of node: 7Name: Drew HuntWeirdest thing you ate: Deep Fried Mushrooms in Boston (At least I thought it was disgusting).Unique thing: In high school I memorized most of the periodic table of elements in a rap that I performed for extra credit.Favorite Dessert: I love a simple mug of vanilla ice cream and pretzels.Invention: Wolverine Drumsticks (meaning drumsticks that could heal like the X-Men character Wolverine, not drumsticks made out of actual wolverines.)*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Jinay JainWeirdest thing you ate: Blue cheeseUnique thing: I was born in IndiaFavorite Dessert: Pumpkin flavored ice creamInvention: A way to download the intuition behind a book without having to form it yourself.*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Haynberg JasonWeirdest thing you ate: Olives/mushrooms; I hate both equallyUnique thing: I am a drummerFavorite Dessert: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice CreamInvention: Perpetual Motion Machine so we could have unlimited energy*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Yanhao JiaWeirdest thing you ate: I don't remember actually. Unique thing: My craziest thing is to go skydiving in MiamiFavorite Dessert: I love cap cake.Invention: have not thought*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Hexuan JiangWeirdest thing you ate: SurstrommingUnique thing: I went to Belarus during a weenkend while I still have class.Favorite Dessert: Ice creamInvention: A time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Noah KatzWeirdest thing you ate: DP Dough on Main StreetUnique thing: I'm majoring in Information Systems but I want to go to law schoolFavorite Dessert: Blueberry pieInvention: An artificially intelligent computer that is able to make unbiased, unprejudiced and fair judicial decisions*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Brett KellyWeirdest thing you ate: Marshmallows on pizzaUnique thing: I competed in a professional skimboarding contestFavorite Dessert: Hot chocolate cakeInvention: Wings so I can fly*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Adam KenneyWeirdest thing you ate: Lamb Fries. They tasted fine but the concept is gross. I encourage you to look it up if you've never heard of it.Unique thing: I have 3 fake teethFavorite Dessert: Ice cream and cookie cake.Invention: The cure to corona virus.*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Landon KidwellWeirdest thing you ate: Back in the late 2000s or early 2010s I got the bright idea to eat an entire big bag of those "disgusting" jelly bean flavors in one sitting.Unique thing: Not too sure how crazy this is, but I enjoy taking apart the files of games to look for interesting components (Odd technical achievements, missing concepts in the files but not in the game, how the game is stored, etc).Favorite Dessert: Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy ice creamInvention: Unrealistically? Teleporters will forever be cool in science fiction. Realistically? Some sort of dental device that could adjust to your braces and cleanly flush water through them. Like a water pick, but more automatic.*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Amani KirugaWeirdest thing you ate: OlivesUnique thing: I hate olivesFavorite Dessert: MilkInvention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Kyle KonturaWeirdest thing you ate: SharkUnique thing: I love videography. I have a drone, nice camera, and enjoy making edits with my friends.Favorite Dessert: Cookie Dough Ice CreamInvention: A rocket that can be used by anyone*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Umut KurtWeirdest thing you ate: Never ate something I didn't like.Unique thing: I'm monotonicFavorite Dessert: BaklavaInvention: Gravity Engine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Dylan Lazzari Weirdest thing you ate: cockroachUnique thing: I have a pet rat Favorite Dessert: rainbow jelly cookiesInvention: teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Joe LeBertWeirdest thing you ate: The rotten eggs flavored Bean BoozledUnique thing: I have a black belt in karate.Favorite Dessert: Molten chocolate cake from Chili'sInvention: An infinitely long lasting battery for electronics*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Anthony LibettiWeirdest thing you ate: A diseased eggplant, v grossUnique thing: I'm psychotically concerned about water quality, especially in my coffee!Favorite Dessert: Rocky Road Ice CreamInvention: Benevolent class of managerial AI that run the government!*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Mayson LightWeirdest thing you ate: cricketsUnique thing: I pole vault here at UD.Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Chip CookiesInvention: collection of wave energy*************************************************************Height of node: 6Name: Ryan LilleyWeirdest thing you ate: octopus Unique thing: I have two different thumbsFavorite Dessert: apple pieInvention: time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Evan LiszewskiWeirdest thing you ate: Wasn't me, but I jokingly dared a friend to put icing on a sausage and they actually did it!Unique thing: I've encountered a bear at 3am during a 7th grade field tripFavorite Dessert: Pumpkin Pie!Invention: A remote with fast forward, rewind, and pause capabilities for real life*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Michael LitvinWeirdest thing you ate: OnionsUnique thing: I am a first-generation AmericanFavorite Dessert: CheesecakeInvention: Teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Aaron LiuWeirdest thing you ate: Squid Unique thing: I make ChainmailFavorite Dessert: waterInvention: a time machine to relive my life*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Binghong LiuWeirdest thing you ate: extremely greasy cheesy lamb in Mediterranean cuisineUnique thing: DND nerd.Favorite Dessert: Ice creamInvention: a time machine so i can destroy the world with paradoxes mwah ha ha*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Feitong LiuWeirdest thing you ate: cinnamonUnique thing: NothingFavorite Dessert: cheesecakeInvention: Time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Joseph LoportoWeirdest thing you ate: Fermented Vegan SausageUnique thing: I have eaten chipotle at least 6 times a week for the past 3 monthsFavorite Dessert: Salted Caramel Vanilla Ice Cream with Oreo'sInvention: An economic system that will not eventually collapse*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Zehe LuanWeirdest thing you ate: Grass hopperUnique thing: Can't think of anythingFavorite Dessert: Lava cakeInvention: A medicine that will keep you fully awake for 15 hours, and put you to sleep instantly for the next 9 hours. *************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Austin MaaddiWeirdest thing you ate: Haggis BurgerUnique thing: I co-host a comedy podcast called Austin's Hot Takes (available on Spotify, Apple podcasts, etc)Favorite Dessert: any chocolate Cheesecake Factory cheesecakeInvention: the Force*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Braxton MadaraWeirdest thing you ate: NattoUnique thing: I am a hot chocolate connoisseur (addict)Favorite Dessert: Cookie cakeInvention: Full Virtual Reality Immersion (all senses and movement)*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Tapsee MahajanWeirdest thing you ate: Moldy banana Unique thing: I pull way too many all-nighters than I shouldFavorite Dessert: Tiramisu Invention: Mind reading machine *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Paul MallaryWeirdest thing you ate: This weird Cosco mac and cheeseUnique thing: I was born in MexicoFavorite Dessert: Lemon Ice creamInvention: A time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Haritima ManchandaWeirdest thing you ate: Chocolate mud cup cakes are my favoriteUnique thing: Nothing specialFavorite Dessert: chocolate mousse cakeInvention: Anywhere door*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Matthew MarinoWeirdest thing you ate: CricketsUnique thing: SkydivingFavorite Dessert: Bananas FosterInvention: Teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Evan MassaWeirdest thing you ate: bad mozzarella sticks Unique thing: I ran a marathonFavorite Dessert: ice creamInvention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Light MaysonWeirdest thing you ate: cricketsUnique thing: I pole vault at UD.Favorite Dessert: chocolate chip cookiesInvention: way to get wave energy better*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Quinten McCloudWeirdest thing you ate: Tendon MeatballsUnique thing: I have a twinFavorite Dessert: ChocolateInvention: "anti" gravity*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Andrew McCrackenWeirdest thing you ate: cucumberUnique thing: I brew beer and wineFavorite Dessert: apple pieInvention: 3d organ printer*************************************************************Height of node: 9Name: Camila McCuskerWeirdest thing you ate: spray cheeseUnique thing: I have the mile record at my high schoolFavorite Dessert: chocolate lava cake from chilesInvention: teleportation *************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Marguerite McGahayWeirdest thing you ate: Burnt soupUnique thing: I've hiccupped everyday since I was in seventh grade Favorite Dessert: CupcakesInvention: A place where I can store and save my memories (kinda like a Pensieve from Harry Potter)*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Donovan MesserWeirdest thing you ate: Once at a restaurant when I was young, I unknowingly ate under cooked chicken.Unique thing: I was chased by a wolf in Alaska.Favorite Dessert: I don't really indulge in sweets, but something that makes me break that rule is a good peach cobbler.Invention: A self-sustaining energy source that could power entire countries, and have minimal to no environmental drawback.*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Ryan MillerWeirdest thing you ate: AlligatorUnique thing: I played in the Little League World Series when I was 12Favorite Dessert: CheesecakeInvention: A time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Ma MingWeirdest thing you ate: bugUnique thing: I am a master teir player in league of legendFavorite Dessert: brownieInvention: time-travel machine*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Charles MittererWeirdest thing you ate: Was eating a porkbun and bit into a hard part that one hundo percent should not have been there, that or coleslawUnique thing: Aint too crazy but I go by C.J. cause of my first and middle name are the names of my two grandfathers and the nickname was decided ~2 years before I was bornFavorite Dessert: Homemade chocalte cake with chocolate. icing, ok its box cake but homemade enoughInvention: Medicine or something that slows or stops aging, bit boring but I'd like more time and too arrogant to think I have enough*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Mikey (James) MontebellWeirdest thing you ate: I like all food!Unique thing: Cats are better than DogsFavorite Dessert: Ice creamInvention: Something that would allow people to fly.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Aaron MooreWeirdest thing you ate: Not much, on account of the previously mentioned pickiness.Unique thing: I'm an unnecessarily picky eater.Favorite Dessert: Cookie brownies. Invention: Teleportation. *************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Gavin MorrisWeirdest thing you ate: pencader pizzaUnique thing: I compete in weightliftingFavorite Dessert: chocolate ice creamInvention: the super soldier serum from captain america*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Sunil NarayanWeirdest thing you ate: squidUnique thing: I have hiked up a glacierFavorite Dessert: tiramisuInvention: a cure for aging*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Guruprasad NayakWeirdest thing you ate: Roasted insectsUnique thing: The first time I traveled alone, internationally, was when I was 8 years oldFavorite Dessert: Rocky Road-ish Ben and Jerry's Ice CreamInvention: A place which stores all the information in the world, that ever existed or will ever exist.*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Ben NewlinWeirdest thing you ate: live squidUnique thing: I have been attacked by a peacockFavorite Dessert: key lime pieInvention: another habitable planet with the worlds biggest (and first interplanetary) elevator between it and Earth*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Ellie NoonanWeirdest thing you ate: Alligator Unique thing: I have a twinFavorite Dessert: ice creamInvention: a teleportation device *************************************************************Height of node: 6Name: Bryan PaliskaWeirdest thing you ate: OysterUnique thing: I am a fashion influencer on InstagramFavorite Dessert: Lemon pieInvention: Time travel machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Premanshu PatelWeirdest thing you ate: Indian food made with eggplantsUnique thing: caught my self on fire when a firework explode in front of me.Favorite Dessert: ice creamInvention: holograms*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Nick PeruginiWeirdest thing you ate: EscargotUnique thing: I have a retired race dogFavorite Dessert: CheesecakeInvention: Corona-virus immunization booster/vaccine*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Nikki PillaWeirdest thing you ate: A spoonful of ketchupUnique thing: I love Teslas and SpaceX and Elon MuskFavorite Dessert: Coffee Toffee Crunch Ice CreamInvention: Real-life Avengers*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Alex PillingWeirdest thing you ate: fried mealwormsUnique thing: I've never seen the Wizard of OzFavorite Dessert: Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with hot fudgeInvention: A way to easily travel through deep space*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Cole PlumWeirdest thing you ate: Squid and peanut cracker snacks... ewUnique thing: I was handcuffed for 24 hours for some mini M&Ms and cashFavorite Dessert: Absolutely anything chocolate!Invention: A windshield that acts as a GPS and makes the road look like it's colored blue. *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Christian RandazzoWeirdest thing you ate: Pasta with cuttlefish ink (it turns your teeth black)Unique thing: I almost didn't get into this classFavorite Dessert: MilkshakeInvention: Teleportation!*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Ben RaymonWeirdest thing you ate: pineapple pizzaUnique thing: I have a twin sister and I'm allergic to glutenFavorite Dessert: Hot brownie (gluten free of course) with ice creamInvention: teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Jaydon ReapWeirdest thing you ate: Sushi, yes many people like it but I can't stand the stuffUnique thing: I consider myself a sandcastle architect. I go to the beach quite a bit but I am not a big fan of the actual ocean itself, I would much rather build and design sand castles on the beach. I tend to go a bit overkill with them as well, often building huge castles with multiple walls, cities and towers to guard my imaginary kingdom.Favorite Dessert: I absolutely love CannolisInvention: Either holograms or a time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Becky RenWeirdest thing you ate: Sea snailsUnique thing: I like mayo on pizzaFavorite Dessert: CheesecakeInvention: Time travel*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Michael RichardsonWeirdest thing you ate: CheeseUnique thing: In the summer I spend 6-7 hours a day practicing musicFavorite Dessert: Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream cakeInvention: An attachment to your car that allows you to stop running on gas but rather magnetic fields where major highways are long strips of magnetic material allowing you to hover, releasing no carbon emissions*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Trevor RoeWeirdest thing you ate: An unborn quail (still in the shell; it was very good)Unique thing: I'm a 5th level wizardFavorite Dessert: Homemade chocolate chip cookiesInvention: Cold fusion reactor*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Alma RojasWeirdest thing you ate: Natto- fermented soy beansUnique thing: I had 5 wisdom teethFavorite Dessert: BrownieInvention: commercial space travel to other galaxies *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Mina RulisWeirdest thing you ate: anything with capers in it (no specific memories, probably due to trauma)Unique thing: I am 100% down to compare playlist making skills with anyone, I think I'll winFavorite Dessert: flan? any variation of ice cream?Invention: if we're being practical then maybe like an automatic disease scanner, one you can check once a day and it'll immediately diagnose you (that's also cheap)*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Alex RusinWeirdest thing you ate: lasagna ( I hate lasagna, spaghetti, pasta etc)Unique thing: I play video gamesFavorite Dessert: ice cream fudge sundae Invention: Something for us to live forever*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Jack SabaghWeirdest thing you ate: A Fried MaggotUnique thing: I can bend my thumb back to my wristFavorite Dessert: Chocolate Lava CakeInvention: A machine that could help you be efficient as possible with everything you do in your life.*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Swetha SankarWeirdest thing you ate: Raw gingerUnique thing: I went roof jumping in India last summerFavorite Dessert: Lemon barsInvention: Teleportation device! *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Aaditya SarmaWeirdest thing you ate: Chicken that went badUnique thing: I'm from CaliforniaFavorite Dessert: Chocolate Ice CreamInvention: Something to stop that annoying noise when you leave one window in the car open on the freeway*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Matthew SearfassWeirdest thing you ate: Pickled grasshopperUnique thing: I can make really good lasagnaFavorite Dessert: Tres lechesInvention: Wireless electricity*************************************************************Height of node: 8Name: Alejandro SilvaWeirdest thing you ate: Raw eggsUnique thing: I can eat up to 5 lbs of Taco Bell at 3AMFavorite Dessert: Ice Cream CakeInvention: Teleporter*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Miles SimpsonWeirdest thing you ate: Pizza from a garbage can (on a dare)Unique thing: I've gone without showering for a full month (on a backpacking trip)Favorite Dessert: Key Lime PieInvention: A real cure for all diseases*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Bailey SingerWeirdest thing you ate: meatUnique thing: I'm VeganFavorite Dessert: cookiesInvention: a closet like Cher had in clueless*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Da'Jha SmithWeirdest thing you ate: Guacamole Unique thing: I don't drink coffee because it makes my tummy hurtFavorite Dessert: brownie SundaeInvention: Shoes that make you float*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Benjamin SobotaWeirdest thing you ate: Cesar Rodney dining hall talapia.Unique thing: I am a Beach Patrol Lifeguard.Favorite Dessert: Pumpkin PieInvention: AI for preventative health care*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: CJ SpagnoliaWeirdest thing you ate: calamariUnique thing: i have been to 35 statesFavorite Dessert: ice cream Invention: teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Jaden StithWeirdest thing you ate: ColeslawUnique thing: I tore both of my ACLs in the last two years.Favorite Dessert: Salted Caramel Cookie with icecreamInvention: A giant hamster ball that you could drive and fly around in.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Tim StumperWeirdest thing you ate: olivesUnique thing: I skateboardFavorite Dessert: brownies and ice creamInvention: teleportation*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Patrick TaylorWeirdest thing you ate: One of the beanboozled jellybeans Unique thing: I tore my meniscus playing soccer in high schoolFavorite Dessert: Chocolate lava cakeInvention: time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Justin TenerelliWeirdest thing you ate: Cauliflower potato soupUnique thing: I love opossums!Favorite Dessert: Strawberry ice creamInvention: An elevator to space*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Moira TewsWeirdest thing you ate: ScrappleUnique thing: I graduated high school with two diplomas, one of them being from the International Baccalaureate program, as a certified bilingual for the State of Delaware in English and Spanish.Favorite Dessert: My mom's homemade chocolate pudding pie.Invention: A pillow that can record your dreams and can be plugged into your computer so you can rewatch them when you wake up.*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Ishaan ThakkerWeirdest thing you ate: PeasUnique thing: Don't really like chocolate Favorite Dessert: Cheesecake Invention: Time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Tolu ToluhiWeirdest thing you ate: CeleryUnique thing: I watched the Harry Potter movies for the first time last week.Favorite Dessert: Ice cream & browniesInvention: A teleportation device*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Josh TylesWeirdest thing you ate: N/AUnique thing: I was top 20 for the 5k in New York's Section 1 in high schoolFavorite Dessert: Cookie CakeInvention: Colonization of other planets*************************************************************Height of node: 7Name: Srinath VenkateshWeirdest thing you ate: Poorly cooked Brussel sprouts (I swear dirt would taste better)Unique thing: If I don't do some sort of excercise (even a small walk) my brain cannot function that day and I barely get any work done.Favorite Dessert: Triple Chocolate Meltdown from Applebee's (Essentially a chocolate lava cake with ice served on the side, with a lot of hot fudge)Invention: A pill that can let humans operate normally without sleeping.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Conor WaltonWeirdest thing you ate: VegemiteUnique thing: I can put my foot behind my head.Favorite Dessert: Peach CobblerInvention: Hairline changer*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: James WanWeirdest thing you ate: The grossest food I've ever eaten was pickles.Unique thing: I like to play the piano.Favorite Dessert: My absolute favorite dessert is frozen yogurt.Invention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: JD WangWeirdest thing you ate: When a restaurant didn't wash the lettuce thoroughly, and got sand in their salad.Unique thing: I've eaten mantis shrimpFavorite Dessert: Chocolate Chip Mint Ice CreamInvention: problem solving machine (problem -> machine -> solution)*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Jiahuan WangWeirdest thing you ate: mushroomUnique thing: SkydivingFavorite Dessert: cheesecakeInvention: Panacea*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Yiming WangWeirdest thing you ate: SnakeUnique thing: I shared my broken arm with everyone.Favorite Dessert: chocolatesInvention: Time Machine*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Matthew WardWeirdest thing you ate: spray can cheeseUnique thing: I have bowled 4 300 games.Favorite Dessert: milk shakeInvention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Joshua WatsonWeirdest thing you ate: VegetablesUnique thing: I play the upright bassFavorite Dessert: Coconut cream pieInvention: A temperature regulating blanket*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Matthew WeisWeirdest thing you ate: BananasUnique thing: The only bone I have ever cracked is my skull and I lived to tell the tale (obviously)Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Lava CakeInvention: A device that lets me travel to different universes.*************************************************************Height of node: 5Name: Elise WinkleyWeirdest thing you ate: I hate oatmeal.Unique thing: I have been to 5 different countries (not including the USA).Favorite Dessert: Italian ice Invention: A car that will tell me if my parking job is crooked / that I'm taking up two spots.*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Ryan WinstonWeirdest thing you ate: A CricketUnique thing: Last fall I studied abroad in Auckland, New Zealand.Favorite Dessert: Ice CreamInvention: none*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Derek WongWeirdest thing you ate: Frog Legs(tastes like chicken)Unique thing: I like eating green bananasFavorite Dessert: Chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice creamInvention: time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Conner WoodbridgeWeirdest thing you ate: BeenBoozled Jelly BeansUnique thing: I have never been out of the countryFavorite Dessert: Ice CreamInvention: Paradise*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Andrew WoodsWeirdest thing you ate: squashUnique thing: I have an identical twin brotherFavorite Dessert: Krisch?€?s Kitchen Sink Ice Cream Sundae ChallengeInvention: teleportation *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Jacob WyngaardWeirdest thing you ate: Salted milk. It's a favorite Turkish drinkUnique thing: I did my first two years of undergrad at West PointFavorite Dessert: Banana PuddingInvention: Nuclear fusion reactor. This would provide practically unlimited green energy for the whole world*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Shihao XiongWeirdest thing you ate: nothingUnique thing: ate four burgers Favorite Dessert: CookiesInvention: hyper pc*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Tang XueyingWeirdest thing you ate: BuckwheatUnique thing: No crazy thing.Favorite Dessert: McFlurry(I'm eating)Invention: Memory chips which I don't have to remember anything.*************************************************************Height of node: 6Name: Siqi YangWeirdest thing you ate: Brown riceUnique thing: NoneFavorite Dessert: UD Ice creamInvention: Time tunnel*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Xu YangWeirdest thing you ate: pizzaUnique thing: diving grassFavorite Dessert: icecreamInvention: books*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Debra YarringtonWeirdest thing you ate: I accidentally drank from a glass my cat sneezed intoUnique thing: I was arrested in Heathrow Airport (they let me go!)Favorite Dessert: Lindt Dark Chocolate Truffle BallsInvention: An automated toilet squeegie so I never have to clean the toilet (that and a cure for covid)*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Alexander YouWeirdest thing you ate: Chicken FeetUnique thing: I play the saxophone Favorite Dessert: Pumpkin PieInvention: A time machine*************************************************************Height of node: 4Name: Luyang(LeeAnn) YouWeirdest thing you ate: CocoonUnique thing: Unfortunately, I can't think of any way that I would be considered as crazy.Favorite Dessert: tiramisuInvention: a way for human to transport any knowledge into the brain system and have full comprehension. *************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Pisey YunWeirdest thing you ate: TarantulaUnique thing: I've been to 7 countries and 49 states.Favorite Dessert: Ice CreamInvention: Full body virtual reality *************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Haoyu ZhuWeirdest thing you ate: green squashUnique thing: I want a tank istead of a carFavorite Dessert: chocolateInvention: Gundam*************************************************************Height of node: 3Name: Haoyu ZhuWeirdest thing you ate: Fried summer squashUnique thing: I want to have a tank instead of a normal carFavorite Dessert: ChocolatesInvention: Gundam*************************************************************Height of node: 2Name: Allison ZieglerWeirdest thing you ate: Meatloaf (well, I think it's gross)Unique thing: I've written two (not actually published or anything) novels (85k+ words each)Favorite Dessert: Rita's water iceInvention: Teleporters*************************************************************Height of node: 1Name: Zhou ZiyiWeirdest thing you ate: pig's kidneyUnique thing: I love girl.Favorite Dessert: Chicken wingsInvention: We can play very approach to real world VR games.********************************************************************************* ................

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