Name: Medicine Woman

Name: ______________________________________

Medicine Woman By Patricia McCord

Susan La Flesche Picotte was the first Native American woman to earn a medical degree. She was born on the Omaha reservation in northeastern Nebraska on June 17,

1865. She lived during a time when a lot of change was hap-

pening in the United States as a whole, and among the Native

American and Omaha tribe she was a part of.

Susan's father, Joseph La Flesche, was also known as Iron

Eyes and was the last recognized Chief of Omaha. Susan was

the youngest of four girls. Her father encouraged all of his

daughters to value education. They attended a mission school

that was run by the Presbyterians and later the Quakers where

they were taught the culture and habits of whites. Susan and

her sisters all became leaders and followed in their father's

footsteps of helping the Omaha make the painful change to

white society while still trying to hold on to their own culture.

Susan was only 8 years old when she became inspired to become a physician as

she watched an Indian woman die because a white doctor refused to give her care.

In 1886, she entered the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania. Not only did Su-

san do well but she graduated a year early and 1st in her class!

After earning her degree, Susan went back to the Omaha Reservation where she

was the only doctor and cared for more than 1,000 people. She helped her people

understand that they needed to make changes to protect their health. Susan bought

her own medical supplies, and she earned only $500 a year for her work.

In 1894, Susan married and had two sons. She settled in

Nebraska with her family and set up her own private prac-

tice. She later built the first hospital on a reservation that was

not funded by government money. She broke the stereotype

of women staying at home to raise their children. Susan treat-

ed both Native and white Americans in her medical practice.

Susan La Flesche Picotte spent her entire life learning

about health and bringing her knowledge to the Omaha

Susan La Flesche Picotte and her two children, Caryl and Pierre.

tribe through education and health care for her people. Although Susan spent her life helping people with health issues, she had many health battles of her own. She died when she was only 50 years old on September 18, 1915 after an illness

of 3 years.

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Name: ______________________________________

Medicine Woman By Patricia McCord

1. What is the author's purpose for writing this article? a. to persuade readers to pursue a career in medicine b. to teach readers how to become a successful doctor c. to entertain readers with an amusing story in Native American history d. to inform readers about a historical figure

2. The fact below is not true.

Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte was the first woman to earn a medical degree.

Re-write the sentence above. Change the underlined words to make the sentence true. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Which statement is an opinion? a. Susan La Flesche Picotte's father was chief of the Omaha. b. La Flesche Picotte worked as the only doctor on the Omaha Reservation. c. In the 1880s, Dr. La Flesche Picotte was the best doctor in America. d. Susan La Flesche was the youngest of four girls in her family.

4. Use your math skills to complete the sentence below.

Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte died ________ years ago.

5. What event inspired Susan La Flesche to become a doctor? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

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Name: ______________________________________

Medicine Woman By Patricia McCord

Match each vocabulary word from the reading passage with the correct definition.

_______ 1. degree

a. gave support to someone

_______ 2. reservation

b. academic rank for finishing college

_______ 3. chief

c. group of Native American families

_______ 4. encouraged

d. medical doctor

_______ 5. tribe

e. leader of a Native American tribe

_______ 6. culture

f. c ommonly held, but oversimplified view of a group of peoples

_______ 7. physician

g. sickness

_______ 8. stereotype

h. b ehaviors, attitudes, and customs of a group of people

_______ 9. illness

i. a rea of land set aside for Native Americans to live

Super Teacher Worksheets -


Medicine Woman By Patricia McCord

1. What is the author's purpose for writing this article? a. to persuade readers to pursue a career in medicine b. to teach readers how to become a successful doctor c. to entertain readers with an amusing story in Native American history d. to inform readers about a historical figure

2. The fact below is not true.

Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte was the first woman to earn a medical degree.

Re-write the sentence above. Change the underlined words to make the sentence true. _D_r_. _S_u_s_a_n__L_a__F_le_s_c__h_e__P_ic_o__tt_e__w_a__s_t_h_e__fi_r_st__N_a_t_iv__e_A__m__e_r_ic_a__n__w_o_m__a__n_t_o__e_a_r_n__a__________ _m_e__d_i_c_a_l_d_e__g_r_e_e_.__________________________________________________________________

3. Which statement is an opinion? a. Susan La Flesche Picotte's father was chief of the Omaha. b. La Flesche Picotte worked as the only doctor on the Omaha Reservation. c. In the 1880s, Dr. La Flesche Picotte was the best doctor in America. d. Susan La Flesche was the youngest of four girls in her family.

4. Use your math skills to complete the sentence below.

Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte died ________ years ago. Note: Answers will vary depending on the current year. 5. What event inspired Susan La Flesche to become a doctor? _W_h__e_n__sh__e__w_a_s__8__y_e_a_r_s_o__ld_,__S_u_s_a_n__s_a_w__a_n__I_n_d__ia_n__w__o_m__a_n__d_i_e__b_e_c__a_u_s_e__a__d_o_c__to_r_______ _re_f_u_s_e_d__t_o__tr_e_a__t _h_e_r_._______________________________________________________________


Super Teacher Worksheets -


Medicine Woman By Patricia McCord

Match each vocabulary word from the reading passage with the correct definition.

___b____ 1. degree

a. gave support to someone

___i____ 2. reservation

b. academic rank for finishing college

___e____ 3. chief

c. group of Native American families

___a____ 4. encouraged

d. medical doctor

___c____ 5. tribe

e. leader of a Native American tribe

___h____ 6. culture

f. c ommonly held, but oversimplified view of a group of peoples

___d____ 7. physician

g. sickness

___f____ 8. stereotype

h. b ehaviors, attitudes, and customs of a group of people

___g____ 9. illness

i. a rea of land set aside for Native Americans to live

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