International Indian Treaty Council

International Indian Treaty Council


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| | | Conference Resolution |[pic] |

|[pic] | |Commission on Political Prisoners, Prisoner’s Rights|Top of Form |

| | |and Persons Under Detention |[pic][pic] |

|[pic] | |International Indian Treaty Council Conference |[pic][pic] |

| | |Wednesday 6th – Saturday 9th February 2002 |Bottom of Form |

|  | |Kahutapu Marae, Wairoa, Tauranga Moana |[pic] |

|[pic][pic][pic][pic] | |  |Latest IITC E-News |

|[pic][pic] | |The United Nations has found that the United States |Treaty Council E-News January 2009|

|[pic][pic] | |is not complying with its international human rights| |

|[pic][pic] | |obligations regarding Indigenous religions and |Subscribe to IITC E-News |

|[pic][pic] | |spiritual practices and beliefs.  The United States |Past Issues |

|[pic][pic] | |suppression of religious freedom and practice is a | |

|[pic][pic] | |continuation of genocide and ethnocide with the |[pic] |

|[pic][pic] | |criminalization of religious ceremonies integral to |Action Alerts / |

|[pic][pic] | |Indigenous ways of life.  These governmental polices|Acciones Urgentes: |

|[pic][pic] | |and practices are intended to destroy Indigenous |The Passing of one of the Greats: |

|[pic][pic] | |Peoples, their culture and religions. |James Main Sr. began his journey |

|[pic][pic] | |  |to the Spirit World on January |

|[pic][pic] | |This commission condemns the practice of denying |29th 2009 |

|[pic][pic] | |Indigenous prisoners access to their spiritual |New IITC flyer calling for the US |

|[pic][pic] | |leaders, subjecting spiritual leaders to the |and Canada to support an |

|[pic][pic] | |indignities of strip searches and other |international ban of the toxic |

|[pic][pic] | |inappropriate action that non-Indigenous religious |pesticide Lindane (PDF 96K) |

|[pic][pic] | |leaders are not subject to, and the “open door” |Urgent call for Protection of |

|[pic][pic] | |policies which allow non-Indigenous prisoners to |Native American Sacred Places, |

|[pic][pic] | |participate, desecrate and disrupt the integrity of |September 25, 2008 (PDF 1.6MB) |

|[pic][pic] | |the ceremonies.  We condemn the inappropriate and |Press Release on Urgent Efforts to|

|[pic][pic] | |disrespectful handling and treatment of religious |Protect Native Sacred Places, |

|[pic][pic] | |objects by prison administrators and personnel.  We |September 25th 2008 (PDF 940K) |

|[pic][pic] | |abhor the prison practices and policies that allow |IITC files urgent action with |

|[pic][pic] | |prison guards to enter sweat lodges or disrupt these|United Nations for Indigenous |

|[pic][pic] | |and other ceremonies, that compel prisoners to use |Peoples of Maluku, June 6th 2008 |

|[pic][pic] | |weed treated with toxins for their sacred fires, and|and post in Urgent/Urgente and in |

|  | |practices and policies that enable non-Indigenous |UN Human Rights 2008 (PDF 79K) |

| | |individuals to control, dominate or conduct |Solicitud de ayuda internacional |

|  | |Indigenous ceremonies. |del pueblo Ngobe de charco la pava|

| | |  |Urgente, 31 marzo, 2008 |

| | |We also condemn prison policies which have the |March 7th, 2008: United Nations |

| | |affect of impeding incarcerated Indigenous women’s |Body Expresses Concerns about |

| | |access to their children and to female Indigenous |Racism in the United States, Calls|

| | |religious leaders and counselors, and policies which|for the US to apply the UN |

| | |ignore the unique needs of incarcerated women and |Declaration on the Rights of |

| | |their families. |Indigenous Peoples (PDF) |

| | |  | |

| | |We also note that the common practice of | [pic] |

| | |transferring prisoners far from their families |Important Updates |

| | |serves to break family contact, contrary to the |Noticias al Dia: |

| | |clearly established principles set forth in various |Indigenous Peoplesʼ Struggles to |

| | |international human rights instruments.  The |Defend Sacred Places: IITC |

| | |hardships caused by this practice are particularly |Symposium and Human Rights |

| | |overwhelming to Indigenous families, many of whom |Training- Saturday, March 7, 2009,|

| | |live in very remote locations without transportation|San Francisco State University |

| | |or the means to visit their incarcerated loved ones.|with Carrie Danny, Manny Pino and |

| | |  |others (PDF 271K) |

| | |With regard to Economic and Social rights guaranteed|Website and registration |

| | |by international standards, including the Universal |information now available: |

| | |Declaration of Human Rights, we also express grave |Indigenous Peoples Global Summit |

| | |concern for Indigenous prisoners who are denied |on Climate Change, April 20 - 24, |

| | |parole because they cannot pre-arrange employment as|2009, Anchorage Alaska (PDF 248K) |

| | |a condition of parole. |IITC Submission to the OHCHR for |

| | |  |Study on Human Rights and Climate |

| | |This Commission is also concerned about the use if |Change- December 26th, 2008 (PDF |

| | |Indigenous prisoners as labor, under slave-like |272K) |

| | |conditions, for the economic benefit of private |IITC requests your support at |

| | |corporations, their shareholders and private |year-end 2008 (PDF 55K) |

| | |industry.  This concern extends to the privatization|Human Rights Day December 10th |

| | |and commercialization of prisons and the criminal |2008 |

| | |justice system. |New IITC San Francisco Office |

| | |  |address |

| | |  |UN Human Rights Council Expert |

| | |  |Mechanism on the Rights of |

| | |  |Indigenous Peoples 1st session |

| | |The Commission can only comment that the pre-service|October 1 – 3, 2008 |

| | |and in-service training of prison administrators, |NEW Indigenous Portal for up to |

| | |guards and employees must include cultural |the minute news on Indigenous |

| | |sensitivity and awareness.  Such training should be |Peoples’ work at the UN and around|

| | |designed by Indigenous spiritual leaders.  This |the world |

| | |would contribute significantly toward solutions to |March 7th, 2008: UN CERD Expresses|

| | |many of the problems identified in this document and|Concerns about Racism in the |

| | |is essential to any good-faith efforts by the |United States, Calls for the US to|

| | |federal, state and provincial governments to address|apply the UN Declaration on the |

| | |the human rights concerns of Indigenous prisoners.  |Rights of Indigenous Peoples (PDF |

| | |  |29K) |

| | |Finally, the IITC Commission on Prisoners, like the |IITC and Joint Indigenous Peoples’|

| | |United Nations, the Organization of American States,|Submissions on Canada and Mexico, |

| | |and numerous international Non-Governmental |September 2008, UPR February 2009 |

| | |Organizations, soundly condemns the United States in|Human Rights Training Materials |

| | |its use of the death penalty and in particular, the |New: Updated IITC fact sheet: |

| | |disproportionate state-sanctioned executions of |Pesticides, Tribal Health and |

| | |people of color, juveniles and the mentally infirm. |Human Rights, North and South (PDF|

| | |  |111K) |

| | |As a result of the racism inherent in the federal |Nuevo: Hoja informativa |

| | |and state justice systems, Native Americans are |actualizada de CITI: “LOS |

| | |incarcerated at a greater rate than any other racial|PLAGUICIDAS, LA SALUD DE LAS |

| | |or ethnic group in North America.  For Indigenous |TRIBUS Y LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS EN |

| | |Peoples, prisons are colonial institutions and are a|EL NORTE Y EL SUR” (PDF 111K) |

| | |central mechanism of the colonization process.  As a|IITC Human Rights Training and |

| | |necessary process of de-colonization, the |Capacity Building Program, 2008 |

| | |International Indian Treaty Council must continue |34th Annual Treaty Conference, |

| | |its advocacy at the international level for the |Chimaltenango Guatemala June 19 – |

| | |rights if the Indigenous prisoners to practice their|22, 2008, Conference |

| | |religions while incarcerated. This includes the |Resolutions/Resoluciones de la |

| | |right of the prisoners to have access to bona fide |Conferencia |

| | |Native spiritual leaders/counselors, sacred |UNPFII 7th Session, April 21st - |

| | |medicines and instruments such as sage, cedar, sweet|May 2nd 2008, Interventions and |

| | |grass, tobacco, corn pollen, sacred pipes, medicine |Statements |

| | |bags, eagle feathers and headbands, and ceremonies |2008 International Indian Treaty |

| | |such as the sweat lodge and pipe ceremonies.  |Conference, Guatemala, June 2008 |

| | |Indigenous programs should be designed and conducted|19-22 |

| | |for the incarcerated Indigenous prisoners by |NEW! IITC Power point: “Indigenous|

| | |Indigenous leaders recognized by Indigenous |Peoples’ Advocacy for a Rights and|

| | |communities.  The protocol for these programs and |Culturally-based Approach to Food |

| | |activities should be in the control of legitimate |Security”, April 3, 2008 (9.4 MB |

| | |Indigenous spiritual leaders/elders in order to |PowerPoint Presentation) |

| | |ensure the protection and integrity of Indigenous |The UN Declaration on the Rights |

| | |ceremonies and practices. |of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties |

| | |  |and the Right to Free, Prior and |

| | |In conclusion, the Commission noted that because |Informed Consent: The Framework |

| | |religious and cultural programs designed by and for |For a New Mechanism for |

| | |Indigenous peoples are the only hope for the healing|Reparations, Restitution and |

| | |and revitalization of Indigenous prisoners, it is |Redress, submitted by the IITC to |

| | |only through the development and implementation of |the UN Permanent Forum on |

| | |such programs that Indigenous families, communities |Indigenous Issues Seventh Session |

| | |and Nations begin the process of healing and |(UNPFII7) (PDF 80K) |

| | |revitalization – i.e. de-colonization. |Report of the North America |

| | |  |Preparatory meeting for UNPFII7, |

| | |We call for support for the following actions by |Vancouver Canada, February 22nd |

| | |communities:  |and 23rd 2008 (PDF 168K) |

| | |  |Hawaiian Land Rights decision by |

| | |¬      Monitor the Police – Video police activity, |Hawaiian Supreme Court, Nation of |

| | |AIM and community patrols |Hawaii calls upon Legislature to |

| | |¬      Community Advocates – Families need to be |"Cease and Desist", February 8, |

| | |involved |2008 |

| | |¬      Sue the Police             - Take to them |Indigenous Shadow Report to UN |

| | |court for abuses |CERD highlights Racism by United |

| | |¬      Police Brutality – collect documentation and |States, February 5th 2008 |

| | |evidence |Peoples’ Shadow Report to the CERD|

| | |  |on the United States submitted by |

| | |  |IITC January 2008 (PDF 400 KB) |

| | |¬      Establish a Commission to investigate the |New IITC Brochure |

| | |Police  and their activities of harassment |UN Declaration for the Rights of |

| | |¬      Study Maori Rights – Study Treaty Rights |Indigenous Peoples adopted by the |

| | |¬      Continue the Traditions and Customs in the |UN General Assembly September |

| | |Prisons |13th, 2007! |

| | |¬      Recognize that 80% of the Prison Population |UN Declaration on the Rights of |

| | |are Maori in Aotearoa – Rehabilitation, not |Indigenous Peoples as adopted by |

| | |incarceration is necessary |the UN General Assembly September |

| | |¬      Recognize that Alcohol is a Main Factor in |13th 2007 (PDF 56k) |

| | |the Incarceration of Indigenous Peoples both in the |Declaracion de las Naciones Unidas|

| | |US and Aotearoa |sobre los derechos de los Pueblos |

| | |  |Indigenas, adoptada por la |

| | |Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin! |Asemblea General el 13 de |

| | |  |septiembre de 2007 (PDF 60K)  |

| | |  |IITC Statement on the Adoption of |

| | |  |the Declaration on the Rights of |

| | |  |Indigenous Peoples, September 16th|

| | |  |2007 (PDF 200K) |

| | |  |US Statement against the adoption |

| | |  |of the Declaration on the Rights |

| | |  |of Indigenous Peoples, September |

| | |  |13th 2007 (PDF 53K) |

| | |Adopted by Consensus February 9, 2002 |Link for the COMMITTEE FOR THE |



| | |  |IITC Submission to the UN High |

| | |  |Commissioner on Human Rights for |

| | |Adopted by Consensus, February 9, 2002 |her study on the Human Right to |

| | |  |Water, April 15th, 2007 (PDF 136k)|

| | | |Pesticides are Poison” booklet now|

| | | |available online |

| | | |Los Plaguicidas son Venenos” |

| | | |manual ahora disponible en |

| | | |internet |

| | | |UN Web page, Indigenous Peoples |

| | | |and Treaties, the UN Treaty Study |

| | | |Expert Seminars |

| | | |Pagina del web del ONU, Pueblos |

| | | |indígenas |

| | | |UN Web site for Indigenous Peoples|

| | | | |

| | | |UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous |

| | | |Issues/ El Foro Permanente para |

| | | |las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU|

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