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BES -054 (Pedagogy of Language)Q.1. What is the difference between language learning and language acquisition? Discuss the significance of social context in learning and acquisition of language with the help of examples.Answer: Language learning can be regarded as a change in the behaviour pattern, so that a human being can do something, whether it is to walk, or ride a bicycle, or tie shoe-laces, or speak. Environment plays very important role in influencing all kinds of behaviour, whether verbal or non-verbal. The sense organs of humans and animals are turned to receiving many kinds of stimulus from the outer world. A baby watches the way the mother’s lips move to utter a sound and hear the sound. It moves its lips in the same way to utter the same soound.Basic imitation thus become a form of learning. In this way, the behaviour is reinforced. This forms an observable behaviour pattern. They form a set of speech sounds that are the first step in language learning.Language learning is not communicative. It is the result of direct instruction in the rules of language. And it certainly is not an age-appropriate activity for your young learners. In language learning, students have conscious knowledge of the new language and can talk about that knowledge. Language acquisition?is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use?words?and?sentences to communicate. Language acquisition is one of the quintessential human traits,[1]?because?non-humans do not communicate by using language.?Language acquisition usually refers to?first-language acquisition, which studies infants' acquisition of their native language. This is distinguished from?second-language acquisition, which deals with the acquisition (in both?children?and adults) of additional languages. The capacity to successfully use language requires one to acquire a range of tools including?phonology,?morphology,?syntax,?semantics, and an extensive?vocabulary. Language can be vocalized as in speech, or manual as in?sign. The human language capacity is represented in the brain. Even though the human language capacity is finite, one can say and understand an infinite number of sentences, which is based on a syntactic principle called?recursion. Evidence suggests that every individual has three recursive mechanisms that allow sentences to go indeterminately. These three mechanisms are:?relativization,?complementation?and?coordination. Furthermore, there are actually two main guiding principles in first-language acquisition, that is,?speech perception?always precedes?speech production?and the gradually evolving system by which a child learns a language is built up one step at a time, beginning with the distinction between individual?phonemes.Social interactions theory is an explanation of language development emphasizing the role of social interaction between the developing child and linguistically knowledgeable adults. It is based largely on the socio-cultural theories of Soviet psychologist?Lev Vygotsky, and made prominent in the Western world by?Jerome Bruner . The social context is considered to be of utmost important in sociolinguistics. The sociolinguistic reality of relatively homogenous society of America is very different form the heterogeneity of India. Language is also often used as tool of power in all spheres of social life, be it education, religion,media,administration and so on. In India 1652 languages are spoken. It is enough reason to believe that there is a great deal of diversity. Yet, despite this diversity and linguistic variation, there seems to be unity. Here an individual in India to maintain multiple identities. For example, a Gujrati speaker in Delhi may be speaking in Gujrati at home with his family members, English in his office, Hindi with his friends and yet another language in another context. The purpose of learning language need to examine in social requirement..Unlike other approaches, it emphasizes the role of feedback and reinforcement in language acquisition. Specifically, it asserts that much of a child's linguistic growth stems from modeling of and interaction with parents and other adults, who very frequently provide instructive correction.? Another key idea within the theory of social interactions is that of the?zone of proximal development. Briefly, this is a theoretical construct denoting the set of tasks a child is capable of performing with guidance, but not alone.?As applied to language, it describes the set of linguistic tasks (proper syntax, suitable vocabulary usage, etc.) a child cannot carry out on their own at a given time, but can learn to carry out if assisted by an able adult.Q. 2. Devise a task based activity to access all four language skills for either English or Hindi language. Specify the assessment criteria indication how learner’s performance in using these skills will be judged. Answer: In learning language a teacher need to focus on the development of the four basic skills among the children. As a language teacher it our duty that one should develop the four basic skills e.g. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. We choose topic from English book of class – 3. The poem is about the movement of the different creatures. The following tasks based activities can be devised to cover all the four competencies.How Creatures MoveThe lion walks on padded paws,The squirrel leaps from limb to limb,While flies can crawl straight up a wall,And seals can dive and swim.The worm he wiggles all around,The monkey swings by his tail,And birds may hop upon the groundOr spread their wings and sail.But boys and girlsHave much more fun:They leap and danceAnd walk and run.Listening Skills: Children’s ability to speak and listen is fundamentally to their language development, learning in school and to their social development. Young learners are said to learn most through listening than through any other means. Listening activity can be conducted in a disciplined manner. A little lapse in attention can lead to loss of information. A listening activity becomes meaningful and easy to comprehend when it is constructed around a contextualized task.After listening assessment of the learning must be checked. Learners after the test can be rated as good listener, competent listener, listener of adequate ability, listener of limited ability and weak listener. The following question may be asked:What is the poem about?How do lion walk?How do squirrel move?How do monkeys move?How do you move?Assessment: Students listening ability can be assess by asking the simple question based on the poem. This will help to know how much attentive they are. Grades may be awarded to them according to the response of the student on the following criteria.AreaGradeGood listener A +Competent listenerAListener of adequate abilityBListener of limited abilityCWeak listenerDSpeaking: Since speaking is a social skill it is not easy to assess. There are following indicators:Articulation, Voice quality, Posture, vocabulary, Body language, Positive thinking, Appropriate voice volume, Pacing etc. After a lesson is taught the learners can get into a discussion mode. This has to be carefully monitored so that it does not turn irrelevant and repetitive. Total class must be involve when facilitation the discussion. To test the speaking skills a teacher need to plan the speaking test.Assessment: Assessment of the speaking skill of the above mention poem can be done by the following ways:Recite the poem with proper gesture.Pronounce the following words properly. Reading: Indian learners are exposed in schools. Learners are expected to read, sometimes aloud in class but most of the time silently on their own. Purpose of reading may be different. The common purpose of the reading are reading for pleasure, reading for information and academic reading. Reading skills includes the development of the following skills and sub skills:Recognising the script.Understanding the stated informationUnderstanding the conceptual meaningIndintifying the main idea from the supporting detailsUnderstanding the communicative skillAssessment: Assessment of the reading skills among the children can be done by asking the following questions:Read the following poem with proper rhythm and rhyme.Writing Skills: We know that writing is related t the cognitive development of a child. It involves thinking, visulalizing and problem – solving along with the necessary motor skills. It is a way for the child to communicate thoughts, observations and impressions which grows progressively more complex. Assessment and feedback of the writing of children is an important aspect of the writing process. Work on the development of writing skills I children emphasizes the strength and weakness of the child. Evaluation is therefore is a process by which a teacher helps the child to “improve” her/his writing skill. At elementary there are three types of writing controlled or guided writing, communicative writing and open or free writing.Assessment: based on the poem the following writing tasks can be assigned:Fill in the blanksThe lion walks on padded paws,………………………………………..While flies can crawl straight up a wall,………………………………………..Write the poem neatly……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Answer the questions:Make sentences using these wordsDance : …………………………………………………………..Crawl : ……………………………………………………………Lion: ………………………………………………………………Monkey: ……………………………………………………….. Based on the performance,neatness, use of capitals and punctuation grades may be awarded to them.With best wishes ................

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