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Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary TimeOctober 29, 2017“You shall love the Lord, your God,with all your heart,with all your soul,and with all your mind.”— Matthew 22:37BALANCEToday’s scriptures emphasize the fundamental link between love of God and love of our neighbors, especially those who are most in need. Love of God should compel us to love the people whom God cherishes. Conversely, work for justice and charity for those in need should be rooted in our love of God. That connection and balance, however, isn’t always easy to maintain in our lives. Even in religious orders we find that some Christians are more oriented toward contemplation and prayer, while others are more active in reaching out to those who are oppressed. Today Jesus reminds us of the necessity for both in the life of faith.Question of the WeekBecause we only love God as much as the neighbor we love the least, whom do I need to look at differently this week if I hope to look more like God?SPECIAL OBSERVANCES WEEKLY READINGS AND MASS INTENTIONS10/28 Saturday: Ss. Simon and JudeReadings: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16Mass Intentions: 5:00pm (M) +Linda Cervantes 5:00pm (AR) 7:00pm (AC) 10/29 Sunday: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Priesthood Sunday; World Youth DayReadings: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40Mass Intentions: 830am (M) Robin Ward (SI) 830am (C) Laura Kraemer (SI) 10:00am (AR) 10:15am (AC) Parish10/30 Monday: Readings: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lk 13:10-17Mass Intentions: 8:00am (AC) Robin Ward (SI)10/31 Tues: Readings: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21Mass Intentions 8:00am (AC) +Bruce Bluder11/1 Wednesday: All SaintsReadings: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12aMass Intention: 8:30am (M) +Bruce Bluder 11/2 Thursday: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day)Readings: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016Mass Intentions 8:00am (AC) ALL SOULS11/3 Friday: St. Martin de Porres; First FridayReadings: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6Mass Intentions: 8:00am (AC) Holy Souls of Purgatory 11:00am (AR) Holy Souls of Purgatory11/4 Saturday: St. Charles Borromeo; First SaturdayReadings: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11Mass Intentions: 5:00pm (M) Nick Marmalejo (SI) 5:00pm (AR) +Bruce Bluder 7:00pm (AC) Almas de el Purgatorio de todo de los defuntos11/5 Sunday: Readings: Mal 1:14b — 2:2b, 8-10; Ps 131:1-3; 1 Thes 2:7b-9, 13; Mt 23:1-12WEEKLY SCHEDULESUNDAY9:00 – 10:15am Children’s Faith Formation, K-8, Angels Camp (Sept.-May)Monday 1:00 - 3:00pm St. Patrick’s Helping Hands Distribution, Angels Camp 4:00 - 5:30pm Children’s Faith Formation, Murphys (Sept.-May) 5:00 - 6:30pm High School Confirmation, Angels CampTuesday 8:30 -12:00pm St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp (Sept.–May) 9:00 -10:00am OLS Helping Hands Distribution, AR 10:00 - 11:00am Perpetual Novena, Arnold 10:00 - 1:00pm Seniors Meeting, Angels CampWednesday 8:30 – 12:00pm St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp (Sept.–May) 6:00 - 8:00pm Youth Group, Angels Camp (2nd and 4th)Thursday 8:30 -12:00pm St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp (Sept.–May)FRIDAY 8:30 - 4:00pm Exposition of the Blessed SacramentMONTHLY PARISH ACTIVITIESAngels Altar Society: 2nd Monday, 10am, Library, Angels Camp Arnold Women’s Club: 1st Friday after 11am Rosary, Arnold HallArnold Men’s Club: 4th Thursday, 7pm Arnold BINGO: 3rd Saturday, 2pm Angels Camp HallFINANCE COUNCIL: 4th Friday, 5:00pm, Parish OfficeFIRST SATURDAY MASS: 9am Chapel Angels CampItalian Catholic FEDERATION: 4th Sunday after 10:15am Mass Angels Camp HallLay Carmelites: 1st Saturday, 9am Chapel, Angels Camp. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Lay Carmelite Community meets each month immediately following Mass.Liturgy Board: 1st Monday, 6:00pm Angels Camp ClassroomMurphys Altar Society: 2nd Thursday 10am Murphys HallMurphys Men’s Club: 2nd Thurs 5pm Murphys Hall Parish Council: 2nd Monday, 6pm Angels Camp HallST. PATRICK’S Angels CAMP/Murphys Helping Hands: 1st Monday 11:00am Helping Hands Bldg. Angels CampSt. Patrick’s Preschool Parents Advisory MEETING: 2nd Tuesday 6pm- Confirmation Room, Angels Camp ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY – 3rd Monday 6pm Classroom, Angels CampRay Auger, Suzanne Lee, Darren Schuler, Joshua Lordan, Lori Oneto Detrick, Jose Garcia, Scott Kelly, Carol Carbajal, Ramon Gordils, Cedilia Gordils, Joel Rivera, Jeannette Bennett, Carol Otis, Pete Rodriguez, Diane Sullivan, Anthony Baptista-Alcaide, Valentino Cervantes, Helen Ayupan, Giovanie Baptista-Alcaide, Chuck Walker, Sylvia Cass, Debbie Raffetto, Johnny Johnson, Michael Davis, Nancy Davis, Amelia Vlaovich, Danica Woodbury, Kimberly Jones, Jeffery Harwell, Robin Hilmanofski, Carol Klocke, Aiden Hunt, Kim Jones, Randy Johnson, Steve Thompson, , Janis Fraizer, Millie Navarro, Joanne Weatherman, Jack & Lola Holton, Nancy Bettger, Mary Vera, Larry Allen, Shawn Serra, Julie Smith, Patty Grant, Chase Kelly, Nancy Peterson, Kraig Clifton, Jacob Silva, Michelle Tsutsui, Joshua Hegal, Ann Perez, Donelia Dooley, Julie Diedrick, Jim Ramsayer, Joe Symkowick, Michelle & Dave Elam, Cecilia Hegel, Amelia Orlonzit, Trevor Stotka, Sondra Clifford, Timothy Dahl, Anne Adams Helms, Lisa Lee, Sandra Juarez, Pat Stuth, Baby Alli Ybarra, Ellen Wiederlight, Cheyenne Jones, Theone Innes, Karan Newman, Joel Rivera, Taylor Lowell, Tim Murray, Stephanie Dunn, Randy McNurlin, Aurelia Meier, Amanda Soukup, Michelle Baker, Dave Finn, Karin Evans, Theresa Cummins, Peggy Rourke-Nichols, Siri Porovich, Leann Murray, Patty Chesnut, Norman Boydston, Ben Quick, John Wade, Clell & Mary Grimes, Louise Larro, Mike Larro, Michael Abeyta, Robbie Petterson, Eric Parker, Misha Larro, Kristine Camozzi, Peter Bailey, Karl Christensen, Mary Frances Kelly, Jack Setzer, Velma Laver, David Wells, Justin Bates, Sonny Abalos, Al Arieta, Flo Vlnaty, Josh Kavanagh, Troy Williams, Aleida Robinson, Roman Maldonado, Jean Marie Peters, Grover M. Inks, Bradley J. Howard, Kelly Bloom, Nolan Hicks, Joshua and Colin Muilenburg and individuals on 12-step programs. (Notify the Parish Office of any Prayer Listchanges – deaths, return to good health)BULLETIN Just a reminder… announcements for the bulletin should be in the office or emailed by Thursday or Friday before the following week. Flyers in office by Monday. If you have any questions please call the Parish Office at 736-4575. Thank you. ALL MINISTRIES 2018 Calendars are here. Please come to the Parish Office to calendar your 2018 events and meetings. Thank you. 41198102300 Pastor’s Note 30th Sunday in Ordinary TimeOctober 29, 2017 Year AMy dearly beloved brothers and sisters, It has never been easy to remind ourselves about death. For some to be reminded is totally depressing, and for some, even the “purgatory” makes no sense at all for a loving God. But ours is not only a loving God but a God of justice. We all agree however that there is death, life after death is just another thing. The Church remembers her children, we who are still here on earth, those in heaven, and those who are waiting for heaven. As Christians we were taught that there is life after death and that is truth of our faith. During these times of the year we remember our dear departed brothers and sisters in the other life, in fact the “other life” is just one of the reasons why we go to the Church, why we pray for ourselves, our family and friends. I believe that prayer is not only our link to God but also our link to brothers and sisters in the other life. This feast reminds us that death is never an end of our spiritual journey. We have a place in our Father’s home. I ask everyone in our community to please offer Masses on November 1st and 2nd for all souls. This is the highest form of worship, highest form of sacrifice, and best way of remembrance. Eternal rest grant unto them, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Requiescant in pace, Amen.Sincerely Yours in Christ,Fr. Rolly C PetronioPastor of St. Patrick ParishAngels Camp, California 3810889000 DON’T FORGET TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR ON NOVEMBER 5TH(Daylight Savings time ends on Sunday) TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION This week we have in All Souls’ Day a commemoration that is linked to the Halloween customs. The big-spending sugar shock holiday is a long way removed from Thursday’s grateful remembrance of the souls who are hidden from our sight, but alive to Christ. Old pagan superstitions might find us holding our breath when going by the graveyard, whereas others might actually go to the cemetery to tend the family graves, to share good food, and remember dear ones. Nowhere does a culture embrace this day as fully as in Mexico. The “Day of the Dead” is a national holiday that unfolds over three full days.For three thousand years, the indigenous people of Mexico have been mocking death in an annual festival, and the invading Spaniards were shocked at the spectacle. To the Aztecs, life was a dream, and death was the entry into full life. Skulls were thus a symbol of joy and release from life’s sorrows. The missionaries found all this a bit creepy, but they moved the three-day feast from August to synchronize it with the Christian calendar. So today, graves are decorated, altars are built in the home to honor the family dead, children feast on candy skulls, and people dress up in elaborate skeleton outfits. The devout spend hours in the cemetery, and there is a lively sense of the communion of saints, the living and the dead.Arnold Helping HandsWe want to thank many parishioners who generously contribute their time, talent and treasure to Our Lady of the Sierra Helping Hands program. We are open every Tuesday (weather permitting) 9:30am to 10:00am. We serve several homeless individuals, many families, and seniors from our food pantry. We also have a closet with clothes for infants, children of all sizes and adults (men and women) of all sizes. We gratefully accept donations of non-perishable foods (especially cereal and peanut butter), personal items, and cleaning products.-63518351500ANGELS BOOKS AND GIFTS Open each Sunday after Mass or call the Parish Office Monday thru Friday from 9 am-4 pm. STOP BY FOR OUR $1.00 CLEARANCE ITEMSINCLUSIVE LOVELove of our neighbor is included in the love of God. HELPING HANDS Angels CampWith the weather changing soon, we need sweatshirts, sweaters, coats and winter clothes for children. We could also use packages of new socks and gently used tennis shoes for adults and children. We can always use sheets, blankets, and towels. You can bring donations to the parish office or to Helping Hands on Mondays between 1 am and 3 pm. We are always looking for volunteers! If you are interested helping, please call Pattie Schuck at 728-8793. Thanks!!!7125732310000 10/22/17 Last Sunday’s Collections Sunday Collections $ 3804World Mission Sunday$ 1368Maintenance & Repair$ 25Helping Hands$ 6Online $ 65Weekly Total Collections $ 5268Thank you for your generosity!! 35756635000Missal SponsorshipOur annual Missal Sponsorship driveis here. The Missal Sponsorship forms are available at back of the Church or Parish Office. Thank You.R.C.I.A. EnrollmentWe are now accepting enrollment for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Adult returning Catholics, separated brothers in other Christian or non-Christian faiths and fallen Catholics who desire to come back to the Church can be enrolled. Please call the Parish Office at 736-4575.Our Lady of the Sierra Arnold and St. Patrick’s Murphys Saturday Masses will begin at 4pm starting November 11thAll Souls Candles are available for sale at the Parish Office or Angels Book Store $5.00 each. Let us offer masses for our departed brothers and sisters.ALL SAINTS DAY MASSES11.1.178:30am - Murphys11:00am - Arnold6:00pm – Angels CampALL SOULS DAY MASSES11.2.178:00am – Angels Camp Church8:30am – Murphys Cemetery9:30am – Altaville CemeteryParish office closed on Wednesday November 1st in recognition of All Souls Day a Holy Day of Obligation Adoration of the Blessed SacramentEvery Friday 8:30am - 4:00pmEvening Prayer/Benediction 4:00 p.m."Love our Lady and make her loved. ?Always recite the Rosary and recite it as often as possible." ?St. Padre Pio“Ninth Annual Nativity Tea”Presented by Our Lady of the Sierra Women’s Club.View a display of creches from around the world.Sample a variety of sandwiches, teas, and cookies.Learn about The Other Wise Man.Saturday, November 11th, 1:00 p.m., in Johnston Hall, OLS, Arnold. Tickets: Adults - $20.00; Children and Grandchildren - $5.00!*** Due to popular demand and limited seating, paid reservations are required ****** We apologize, but if we exceed seating capacity, we will be unable to accommodate walk-ins.***For information, call Ramona Green at 795-5833 ?2nd Collections OctoberOct 29 Helping Hands?2nd Collections NovemberNov 6 Maintenance & RepairNov 12 Parish Assistance FundNov 19 Catholic Campaign for Human Dev.Please give generously!! ................

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