Easy, Homemade Remedies to 5 Beat Coughs & Colds All Year Long

5 Easy, Homemade Remedies to Beat Coughs & Colds All Year Long

5 Easy, Homemade Remedies to

Beat Coughs & Colds All Year Long

We've come to expect coughs & colds as a normal part of winter. Guess what though? You don't have to succumb to days of sniffles and coughing! Tackle your symptoms with these


easy recipes, using whole-food ingredients you might have in your pantry already.

See cough for more details, ingredient links, and bonus tips!

Honey And Cinnamon Healing Duo

People of many cultures have been using honey and cinnamon to treat disease for centuries. Folk wisdom still retains knowledge of their healing properties. Each is great alone, but mixing them together increases their power exponentially. This amazing combo will usually knock out a cold within a day or two, no joke!

INGREDIENTS ? 1 level teaspoon of raw honey

? ? teaspoon of cinnamon

? pinch of grey or pink sea salt (such as

Redmond's Real, Celtic, or Himalayan) for minerals


Mix together and take two times a day for 3 days for best results.

NOTES ? Both honey and cinnamon are anti-

bacterial, antiviral, and antifungal.

? Local raw honey is preferable. True non-

processed or previously-heated raw honey should not flow and be thick. (Verify your source)

? Warning: don't give honey to infants

under the age of one year.

? 2020 Deep Roots At Home //

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5 Easy, Homemade Remedies to Beat Coughs & Colds All Year Long

Natural Antibiotic Recipe with Turmeric and Medicinal Manuka Honey

Did you try the honey/cinnamon recipe above? Take it to the next level! Manuka has a noticeably greater level of enzymes than regular raw honey. Those enzymes create a natural form of hydrogen peroxide that serves as an antibacterial. These extra enzymes are called the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) ? now a global standard that helps to identify and measure the antibacterial strength of Manuka.

We get our Manuka honey at Trader Joe's (UMF 10+) and enjoy this simple recipe if we feel the sniffles coming on.

INGREDIENTS ? 4 oz. (~20 tsp.) of Manuka honey or raw honey

(to make it super easy, I don't measure but use a bit under half of an 8 oz. jar of honey to make and store my batch)

? 2 slightly mounded TBSPs of turmeric powder

? ? tsp. freshly-grated black pepper

? 1-2 TBSP of virgin coconut oil (optional, but is

also antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal)


Carefully stir turmeric and black pepper (and optional ingredients) into Manuka honey. Mix well and place in a glass container with lid.


With the first symptoms of colds and flu: Day 1 ? Take ? tsp. every hour during the day.

Day 2 ? Take ? tsp. every two hours during the day.

Day 3 ? Take ? tsp. three times a day.

Hold the turmeric-honey mixture in the mouth until it is completely dissolved.

Read more about the amazing properties of Manuka honey + turmeric at cough

? 2020 Deep Roots At Home //

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5 Easy, Homemade Remedies to Beat Coughs & Colds All Year Long

Juanita's High Potency Vitamin C Mexican Medicine

A very spry, elderly friend gave me this unusual recipe. She told me it's an authentic Mexican medicine recipe from her childhood, and that her family made it (sans a Vitamix) by grinding it by hand. I made it the next day (with my Vitamix!) because I was so intrigued, and we've been enjoying it ever since!

It's both addictive --in a good away--and seriously fabulous for the immune system!

INGREDIENTS ? 10-12 organic lemons, peeled of their rind

(or limes, if you prefer)

? 1 organic medium to large whole head of

garlic, each clove peeled (you will not be able to taste it!)

? 1 large red, sweet onion (you will not be able

to taste it!)

? 3 mandarin oranges, peeled and deseeded,

for a boost of color and mellowing flavor

? 1 ? 1 ? cup raw local honey or Manuka honey

? 2 ? 2 ? tsp. ground cinnamon, preferably


? 1 heaping teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt

(for a wide range of trace minerals)


1. Put all ingredients into your Vitamix or blender (in batches if needed), cover, and blend into a thick slurry.

2. Pour into glass quart jars. Cap and refrigerate.

Makes 2 quart jars, each ? full.

Mexican medicine will store in the fridge for 3 months, but the vitamin content will fall if kept that long.

Take it DAILY for a boost to your immune system, for prevention when exposed to illness, and for overall well-being.

Take 1 TBSP a day or divide by taking a heaping teaspoon in the morning and evening.

? 2020 Deep Roots At Home //

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5 Easy, Homemade Remedies to Beat Coughs & Colds All Year Long

NOTES ABOUT VITAMIN C ? Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, meaning your body can't produce it, yet it's

known to give magnificent health benefits. It's naturally occurring in many fruits and vegetables; that's why it's commonly advised to get your vitamin C intake from foods daily and forego the supplements.

? Whooping cough or an emergency need like COVID prevention would be just 2

instances when high dose Vitamin C supplementation would be in order.

? Find info on high-dose Vitamin C usage at cough.

No Side-Effect Cough Syrup

Here's a homemade cough remedy that really works! The ingredients are a simple combination of spices and nutrients with no side effects... no drowsiness, no dry mucous membranes, and no precautions about using machinery or driving.

The recipe is from Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royal. It seems to work for all kinds of coughs but especially for dry coughs that keep you awake and hang on long after the cold is over.

INGREDIENTS ? ? teaspoon cayenne pepper

? ? teaspoon dried ground ginger

? 1 TBSP raw honey

? 1 TBSP apple cider vinegar

? ? - ? cup water


? Mix and take by the teaspoonful.

? Stir well each time before taking. We keep

this in the refrigerator.

? We took 3 teaspoons the first time because

we had experienced a bad cough for over three weeks and were desperate for some relief. It worked, and we got a good night's sleep.

? 2020 Deep Roots At Home //

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5 Easy, Homemade Remedies to Beat Coughs & Colds All Year Long

Pepper Juice: A Preventative Cold and Flu Remedy

Pepper Juice is a quick and easy way to up your body's resistance to colds and flu in times of stress or exposure. This will certainly strengthen your immune system!

This is known as Super Tonic, from the book Be Your Own Doctor. When taken properly in juice or water, it isn't `hot' or distasteful at all.


You will need approximately equal parts of each of the following veggies, washed & chopped, and enough to fill the jar/bottle you are using:

? Garlic

? Onion

? Fresh ginger

? Hot peppers (the hotter the better; I used

habaneros). (You may want to wear gloves when cutting the hot peppers. Keep out of eyes.)

? Horseradish

? Beets (optional if you have them around. Beets

are great for blood health!)

? Apple Cider Vinegar or 80 proof Vodka

for the tincture (I recommend vodka as it pulls out more nutrients from the healing ingredients).

See usage directions on next page.


1. Fill a glass jar or bottle 2/3 full with the cut up veggies.

? Top off the jar with raw apple

cider vinegar or 80 proof vodka, covering the pepper juice ingredients completely.

2. Seal and date your jar and let it sit in a dark cabinet at room temperature for 3-6 weeks. (The longer it sits the more nutrients the vodka will pull out.) Shake the jar every day or two.

3. Lastly, strain out the vegetables and pour the resulting pepper juice tincture into a tincture bottle. Store in a dark cupboard.

? 2020 Deep Roots At Home //

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