The Healing Codes and The Success Codes

The Healing Codes and The Success Codes

Thursday Night Q&A


Tom Costello

Good evening. My name is Tom Costello. On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes Family I would like to welcome you to the Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. Today in the United States it is July 17, 2006 (Actually it’s August ed). Everything on this call is being recorded. The recording will be available for free download on our web site .

Tonight’s Q&A session has several purposes, the most important of which is to help you and otherwise encourage you to do The Healing Codes. That way you can gain the benefits you are interested in. We want success stories from people who have gained from the Codes. We also want to clarify any questions that may be slowing down your progress. Before I continue I want to give you our standard disclaimer:

The Healing Codes are for informational and educational purposes only and are for unlocking the issues of the heart. They are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or mental condition. The body heals itself. The Healing Codes is a spiritual approach to heal the issues of the heart. We believe that the spiritual approach to happiness and fulfillment is the one that makes the most sense and that’s the one to which The Healing Codes is devoted.

I’m glad you folks are here tonight. I’m going to ask Kevin to explain how to get into the queue to make comments, tell success stories, or ask questions.

Kevin gives technical directions.

Participant: (Todd) I looked on the web site for testimonials, but did not find any information. It’s related to vision issues or eyesight. What kinds of experience are you aware of for people using The Healing Codes to better eye conditions? Do you have any input on that?

Tom Costello: I don’t have any specifics, Todd. I know Alex has told me there have been people who have noticed an improvement of other senses as well as vision. Eyesight has improved. Hearing has improved. Memory has improved. The specifics of the eyesight I can’t really give you. I can’t tell you what the person had before they started. Do you have something specific in mind?

Participant: Specifically I was referring to a condition that is commonly referred to as “eye floaters” and then either far or near-sightedness. Those two categories. I want to find out if people had success in those areas or what experience people had.

Tom Costello: I don’t know any more detail than I just gave you, but I just wrote that down, will check it out and send you an e-mail to that effect.

Participant: That’s great. Thanks, I appreciate that.

Participant: (Donna) This is not a question and Tom, I hope you’ll forgive and not consider it as a smart-aleck remark. When you started the call you said that today in the United States it is July 17 and I wish, I wish it were.

Tom Costello: Oh, good point. Isn’t that funny?

Participant: I wish it were July 17, I’d have another month.

Tom Costello: I became sensitive to different time zones being in Singapore recently. That’s 12 hours ahead of us. I wrote that out and… We’re going to do the last month over again.

Participant: If you can figure out how to do that, I wish you’d let us in on it.

Tom Costello: Somebody will hear that and say, “Oh wow, I was looking for August 17.” Thank you, Donna.

***Participant: (Lou) My apologies to Todd. On one of these calls with Dr. Loyd I did talk about eyesight improvement. I have failed to send in a testimonial. I am an eyeglass wearer of 60+ years. I wasn’t working on that, just doing the Codes, minding my own business, right? One day I noticed I could read the address on the curb across the street without my glasses. I started checking around and I could read other things. I could also read books and my computer screen. Yes, relieving the stress, which a lot of vision guru’s say is causing our vision problems. Bad vision is a sign of stress.

Yes, Todd. Keep doing the Codes and my guess is that eventually, even if you don’t focus on it, vision will improve.

Now, Tom, I had two questions, but Todd’s comment caused me to throw that in. I know you can’t talk that way, but I could.

I’m going back and revisiting the 12 Days after working with Custom Codes. I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve forgotten how to do the Codes that have only one position for a certain number of minutes. Should I do it the whole time at one stretch, or break it up into 30-second portions with a 5-second gap between?

Tom Costello: No, just maintain it for the entire length of time.

Participant: If my muscles don’t give out.

Tom Costello: That’s a very good point. Often times people new to The Healing Codes don’t recognize that it pays to get in the most physically comfortable position. I talk about sitting on the couch or recliner, or lying on the bed and propping your elbows up with pillows. That way you are not holding your arms up, but in fact your arms are resting on a support so that there is no use of muscular energy to do that.

You can recognize if you held your elbows away from your body and pointed your fingers at the bridge, in a matter of a minute or two minutes or something you would be thinking about your shoulders rather than anything else.

Participant: Adding new stress rather than getting rid of it. I have a second question. I’m doing Codes as I go through the 12 Days for both my wife and I. She’s not quite to the point of doing them herself. She is making signals in that direction. Is there a problem combining; doing them for the both of us at the same time?

Tom Costello: You’re doing a Code for two people? No, there is no problem. I would add her into the prayer request. I would put my attention on the ideal condition, that is the truth focus statement. I would include her in that scene. I would look to include her feeling the benefits of this new condition and, as her husband, I would to feel how pleased I am for her and for me. It’s really a very positive and tidy package.

Participant: Thanks, Tom.

Participant: (Bob) This is the second time I’ve been on this call. You may have already answered this question. I have a friend who has Multiple Sclerosis. I wonder what results anyone would have had with MS?

Tom Costello: There have been positive results with that. Multiple Sclerosis is considered to be an auto-immune disease in the same general area as Lou Gehrig’s disease or chronic fatigue or fibro-myalgia or a lot of different things in that direction. Often times medical professionals don’t have a great deal of certainty about what causes it, but everyone pretty much agrees that stress is in the picture. Of course, medical treatments include medication and so on.

The name of the game, just like the name of everything else as far as we are concerned is to deal with the underlying pictures of the heart. Those spiritual, energetic issues are the root cause of many things, in our opinion. That’s not just our opinion, but the opinion of many people. Those stressors, those perceived threats are reduced and that enables the body to shift gears and get back to what it would normally do. Once it is out of fight or flight, that typical stress situation, then the immune system is much more active and much more aggressive. It also positively affects higher cognitive thought, and so on.

Have you looked through the testimonials, Bob?

Participant: Yes, but not for a long time. I thought I’d just ask since I’m on the call.

Tom Costello: I can’t tell you the names. Frankly, I get some copies of the testimonials. They go to the web site people, the editors, to Alex and into a folder on my computer. I know it is happening. The individual specifics I don’t really tune in to. They are there.

Participant: Great, thank you.

Participant: (Jesus) Can you guide me here? It is my understanding that if you sense that you are having a healing response the recommendation is that you lay off, lay back and take it easy on the Codes until the condition goes away. That’s my first question, but can you guide me to knowing how to differentiate. This week I was challenged. I was having some symptoms and stuff. I was not sure whether it was a healing response which would indicate laying off, or an issue which would benefit from me working hard and heavy.

Tom Costello: If you were the owner of the Truth Technique that would enable you to test for yourself. Let me just clarify what you said.

For us, we see the healing response as the result of a body suddenly starting to change state. It is coming out of self-protect (the fight or flight situation). What that means on a cellular level is that cells that were closed, holding on to their contents: nourishment, water, oxygen, waste products, and are now safe to open up. They don’t have to hold on because there is no scarcity. It is those waste products emptying into the lymphatic or blood stream that tend to cause people to feel (particularly chronically ill people) headachy, sneezy, runny nose, flue symptoms. If you are drinking plenty of water, breathing deeply to oxygenate, resting and eating decent food that speeds the movement of that out of the body.

We wouldn’t say so much cut back on what you are doing, but instead, continue with the same Code, but change the focus to the symptoms you are experiencing. Let’s say you are working on subject A, whatever that happens to be. All of a sudden you start to feel this like cold symptoms. Put your attention on those cold symptoms. Just observe them. You don’t have to change them. You don’t have to work hard at it. Just do the Code and think of your nose running. Often times what will happen is earlier thoughts, earlier interpretations, earlier feelings about those types of experiences will pop up. You’ll recognize that it was an earlier similar situation that just got activated for you. Then those symptoms will start to disappear. When they start to disappear in those few minutes, or few hours, or the next day, simply change your focus back to the truth focus statement that is the ideal scene that you had before. That’s the way to approach that.

People who have experience with the emotional component of illness can really recognize when you tap into the underlying transaction, the underlying event, the underlying interpretation. All of a sudden you can get over a cold in a matter of seconds. I’ve done that as soon as I realized why I got the cold in the first place. A cold came on in a matter of an hour. I realized I had been really rude to a customer. (This is going back 15 years.) I started to get a cold on the way home from that appointment. I wondered, “Wow, where did that come from?” I realized how bad I felt, how rude I had been to him. I was apologetic and forgiving and it disappeared just like someone flipped the light switch. I think the same kind of thing can happen with these sorts of symptoms.

Participant: So I was wrong in assuming that if you feel strong symptoms you need to lay back.

Tom Costello: If you mean don’t do them, that would be an incorrect approach.

Participant: You said if you have the Truth Technique you could test. I do have that. How do I test?

Tom Costello: You’d simply make the statement: The physical symptoms I am feeling are a healing response. Then: The symptoms I am experiencing are a result of something else. You will be able to test those statements provided you have practiced the testing technique before that.

Participant: Okay. Thank you.

***Participant: (Marian) I just wanted to tell you and other people that I continue to be so grateful. I’m recently having new results with the Codes. That is that I’m having such great nights of sleep. This has been over 25 years of not being a good sleeper. It is part of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibro myalgia and post traumatic stress syndrome which I’ve been told I have. Now that I’m sleeping, I don’t even feel like the same person. No, I feel like a person now. I still can’t get over it. My whole day is so different with sleep. It just makes sense that as this stress I’ve been carrying all my life dissolves I can relax and go to sleep. If I find I cannot sleep because I’m prone to anxiety, I just wake up fully and do my Codes and I’m asleep before I even know it. I used to have to get up and read or go do something or take an herb. If nothing else changes, Tom, this has been so worth my efforts and my money. I have all kinds of things changing and all kinds of things to continue to change. It is incredible.

I pass that on to people who.. I’ve been doing this since March or April. It takes a little time, but with all those years, what’s a few months? I want to say too that I’m doing The Success Codes. I’m in a financial situation where I really need some answers and I’m not getting them yet. Being prone to anxiety, a few months ago this situation was making me really nutty. The situation looks as if I really need answers sooner now than I thought then, but my anxiety level is so low! When I have some anxiety I do the Block Breaker and I use the Truth Technique to figure out what category. Ninety percent of the time I have a positive attitude. I’m expectant of the answer that is going to be coming. It is really remarkable. It is only from the Codes. There is nothing in the concrete world that tells me I should feel this way. It’s really amazing. I’m excited because it’s so clear to me that I cannot get answers to this dilemma if I’m full of stress about it. It’s such a gift to me to have this resource to set me free. Then I can be free to receive the answer. I just thank you and all of you Code people.

Tom Costello: Good for you Marian and thanks for that.

You bring up one of the most important of all elements. If you guys Googled on it, “sleep deprivation” or “exhaustion” or “tiredness”, you would recognize that in the United States this is an incredibly huge problem. About a month or 6 weeks ago there was an article that said, “People who don’t get as much sleep (specifically a research group of women), all things being equal, the women who got the most sleep lost more weight than the women who didn’t get enough sleep.” That’s counter intuitive. You would think if they are awake they would be burning calories and stuff. Not so. The body couldn’t do what it needed to do because it was disadvantaged by lack of rest. It is that putting the body in a place where it can rest and rebuild and not be devoting its energy to moving from point A to B to C, but doing maintenance. That is just so important. It is overlooked by so many people.

Participant: With those particular labels of problems: chronic fatigue, etc. part of those imbalances is that your body is so mixed up, toxic and out of balance that added to the fatigue is that you can’t get proper sleep. I have known for years that I was not going to recover if I could not get proper sleep. Sleep is essential for regeneration and healing. It’s like a Catch 22, you keep treating all your symptoms but not sleeping well. I never wanted to take those heavy drugs for sleep because of the possible toll. Now that the sleep is in order, I think these things are just going to fly. They are healing. The sleep in itself is regenerating, then add the Codes and watch out world.

Tom Costello: Particularly with the positive expectancy. I’ve been in Orlando all week at a conference. I just got home a few minutes ago actually. I was driving through the thunderstorms and on and on. The only concern was to be on time. The choice to be happy while I was having those experiences was so obvious to me. I could be gripping the steering wheel, fretting and stewing and whining and complaining about the drive. When it became clear that I was going to arrive on time there was no anxiety at all. I didn’t want to leave you guys hanging. The idea that everyone on this call has the ability to choose happiness. A lot of people are going, “It’s easier to choose happiness if happy things are happening.” I think, really, as we become more skillful, we literally choose to be happy. We make those decisions. Every one of us has 24 hours in every single day. The number of seconds in the day that we say that we broadcast to ourselves that we are happy… The person who is able to do that has such a leg up, such a great competitive advantage, such a great healing effect on themselves. No to mention, it feels better and you’re happier so everything is a lot more enjoyable.

I was looking at something. I’m particularly interested in living to 120 and being healthy. That’s a business I’ve started, 120 and Healthy. When you look at people around the planet who are 120 and healthy, it is not a function of money. It is not a function of rat-race type careers. It is the ability to be happy from moment to moment to moment to moment. When it comes time to continue living, ie. tomorrow, they say, “That was fun today. It was pleasant and enjoyable. Beautiful sunset, whatever, whatever.” They don’t have a need to die. It was enjoyable. It was pleasant. They have other components, relationships and so on in their lives. The connection to spiritual power and so on and meaning in their lives. They have habituated being happy. That positive expectancy is a great step in that direction.

Participant: This to me is why the Codes are so cutting edge. I have been trying for many years to maintain that attitude. To be honest I think it actually created a lot of stress. The unconscious did not want to agree about having that kind of attitude because I had all this junk in there. I think it was from generations. Believe me, I tried. I have shelves of self-help books. I have Louise Hay’s affirmations and all those things. It just could not have an impact. With the Codes, now I feel I can actually access that stuff and use them.

Participant: (Shirley) I was wondering about the timing of the Codes. I know Dr. Alex said you should do each section for about 30 seconds. I wonder how people do it. I try to estimate how long 30 seconds is and sometimes I’ve just been doing it by breathing deep. I said I’d do 15 deep breaths for each section. Is there some way to do it easier than that? Is it all right to just estimate?

Tom Costello: There are some people who literally use clocks. Others use a kitchen timer, set it for 30 seconds and it beeps. I’m not crazy about those. Time is not the most important thing, it is the finger tips pointed at the healing centers. I think it makes more sense to look at a clock and take what I call belly breaths or diaphragmatic breaths. Those are where the diaphragm goes down and you push your tummy out, then your tummy comes in and your exhale, those kind of deep breaths. If you’ll do about 3 of those and a couple of regular breaths, that’s about 30 seconds.

Participant: That’s what I was doing, but I was doing it about 12 times.

Tom Costello: If you are taking 12 deep breaths that is more than 30 seconds.

Participant: It is better to do it 30 seconds at a time instead of extra time then?

Tom Costello: We’ve noticed that 30 seconds is somewhat better. I think some of that has to do with moving the hands as well.

Participant: Sometimes I might do Code 1 and then Code 2 right after it. Or sometimes I do Code 1 and then do it over again.

Tom Costello: Good for you.

Participant: That’s what I wanted to know if I was doing it right.

Tom Costello: If you are doing it, you are doing it right. I say to new people, unlike so many things in our school situation where there is only one right answer for any given question, in this case if you’re doing it, you are doing it right. Now that you’ve got an A on the test score, you can relax. Don’t have anxiety about “Am I doing it too long, too short, too this, too that?” Just, if you are doing it, you are doing it right and there are benefits to it. Be willing to have that experience.

Participant: Thank you, Tom.

Participant: (Blake) Why an inch and a half to three inches away from the healing center instead of actually touching?

Tom Costello: Alex has found it to be more valuable to have it pulled away. We sometimes say this to people when we are explaining it for the first time. Consider your finger tips as little flashlights. You are shining the flash lights on the healing centers. You know if you had a flashlight and just pressed it against the bridge, temple, jaw or Adam’s apple, you are covering a much smaller area. To have it back an inch and a half, two or three inches, now you are spraying a broader area. That is what he has found to be more valuable.

Participant: As far as the 30-seconds go, what I did is make a tape and ring a bell.

Tom Costello: That’s cool.

Participant: I just play my tape.

Tom Costello: You have a tape that every 30 seconds goes “bong”.

Participant: Yep.

Tom Costello: That’s clever.

Participant: Alex was talking about making a new CD with the 30 seconds changes on it. I just made one for myself.

Tom Costello: That as an audio CD would be very cool. Every 30 seconds with a sweet bell ringing or something.

Participant: When I get on one with one position for the whole time, I shut off the tape and just hold the position.

The big question is can you give me an idea of the difference between the lack of motivation, getting out of your comfort zone, being lazy, or being in fear? Are they pretty closely related? There are some things I just can’t get myself to do. Exercise is one. I have done exercise and walking and things like that. Since I’ve been back to Wisconsin, I have not been able to get myself motivated to some form of exercise.

Tom Costello: First of all I think it is a very important question and applies to every single one of us every single day. To me it is related to what I call “Change of State.” Right now I am sitting. For me to change state would be to stand up. That requires effort. Now I am standing up. That is minor effort in this case because I’m talking about it. You recognize that inertia and gravity are very powerful forces designed to keep a resting body at rest and a body in motion, in motion. That is why it is so important for a person to start, if they want to accomplish anything. Frankly, when it comes to any activity, starting is, in fact, the hardest part. The way that was driven home years ago was when we were sending rockets toward and to the moon, in the first couple of hundred miles, 80% of the energy was being used by the rocket trying to get out of the gravitational field and through the atmosphere. That very short period of time was the hardest part. After that, thousands and thousands of miles were relatively easy to accomplish.

To start: if you are going to start something, it sometimes pays to make the first step very, very, very easy. I would describe that: I want to exercise tomorrow morning. That is kind of a big step. If you take your sneakers out of the closet and put them in an appropriate place. Put the socks you would wear right near them. If you wear a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, put them right near by. You have already started. You have started exercising. Now you’ve started to gear up. That same thing is true if you say you want to clean the house or any number of activities. Anybody can take a pair of sneakers out of the closet and put them near the door.

The other concept you may want to take a look at is, we attach good things to bad activities. We attach bad ideas to good activities. One of the challenges for lots of people is that we see being uncomfortable as a bad thing. Imagine that you could have a level of discomfort so intense and dramatic that if you continued it, it could be fatal. You agree that starvation or dehydration or pain, that discomfort could be increased and increased. However, to exercise, you have to be able to look past this very short term discomfort to reward. If you bring the rewards into focus; the sense of accomplishment, how proud you are of yourself, how good it is for your body, just keep adding to that list of pros as to doing that activity. If you look at the cons: that will be a very short list. The reasons not to exercise. If you work both of those, starting at a very small step. Align your tools, if you will, if you have a project: a broom, a saw, a drill, a paint brush or a vacuum cleaner, sneakers, checkbook, those sorts of things. Look at the value you expect to gain from that activity. If you can feel it, rather than just think it, it is much better. Much more motivational, much more attractive, much more pulling (almost like gravity) in that direction.

Participant: That sounds good to me. I was trying to decide what it was, lack of motivation, being lazy or fear or getting out of comfort zone, so I could use the Code that fit it. Ten years ago I started a devotional book and never completed it. We were in a certain location and now we’ve moved and I never got back to it. There are other things I get a good start at, but then I don’t finish.

Tom Costello: Here’s one thing I would certainly heal: Heal any time anybody, including yourself, has ever told you, “You are lazy.”

Participant: Myself is more like it.

Tom Costello: I think that’s not accurate. That is erroneous information. You can say to a child or adult, that person is lazy. If you saw them engaged in something they wanted to do, you’d say, “Wow, they are certainly not lazy. They are really devoted to that and throwing themselves into that activity at an amazing level of devotion and energy and enthusiasm.” I think “lazy” is a label that is nonsense. No good can come from that label. That was a lie somebody told me. Throw that word out entirely. I don’t think that’s what it is.

If you were tuned into the value of an activity versus the value of not doing the activity, you’d do the activity. If you got the benefits, emotional and otherwise out of vacuuming the entire house, you would do that in a heart beat. You sell yourself on it. Let go of the lazy.

Thanks for the question.

Participant: Just do it.

Tom Costello: Yes. And by doing it, find that easiest start. That first tiny, tiny start. Then you will be in motion. A body in motion tends to stay in motion. You have momentum on your side.

Participant: That explains another thing; when there is a place to go, I plan on it. When it gets time to go I say, “Oh, I don’t want to go.” When I am out there and going, I don’t want to come home.

Tom Costello: Yep. I have the same experience. I think personality types have something to do with that, too. Some people are home bodies. They really enjoy being with their stuff all around. “I’ve got to leave my nest?” Then you’re at a party or some other engagement and say, “I’m so glad I’m here. It was tough getting here.” Think about the rocket ship. “I’m experiencing the same thing the rocket ship experienced. It’s hard to get there …”

Participant: And I have to go through some stress to get back.

Tom Costello: Thanks for the questions, Blake.

***Participant: (Yvonne) I’m new to the Codes. I’ve had it about a month. The first time I got it, I’m not that religious and I didn’t say a prayer. I wasn’t feeling well at the time. I was almost in the state of going to the emergency room to tell you the truth. I did the Peace Code. I did it once. I had such a shift. Not only did I get alright (I had a problem with my stomach), I got happy. I got up and started looking in the mirror and putting on makeup. I only did it once! I am so grateful and thankful about that.

My question is, I’m not a pagan or anything. I just don’t go to church. I don’t really pray. I hate to say that, but … This stuff works without that. I didn’t say any of those truth statements. I didn’t say any prayer. I just put my hands there. I did Codes one and two of Peace once each and that’s all I did.

I’m wondering for the other ones, they say do it three times a day. For me because I’ve done a lot of therapy and other work prior to this, I wonder could I get away with just doing one Code a day?

Tom Costello: You can get away with anything that you want! (Chuckling) I was talking to a client from Washington state a couple of years ago. The client said, “I’ve been doing self improvement, energy techniques, therapy for 30 years. I know it all. I’ve seen it all. However, the first time I sat down to do The Healing Codes for the first day, Code one of Unforgiveness, I hit something that I never, ever hit before. That popped into my awareness and caused me to start sobbing. It was unbelievable to me.”

Participant: I’ve been doing the Peace Code every day since and at one time I started crying, too. I started doing like the church people, saying, “Thank you, Jesus”. I don’t know why, it was just in me. The next day I did it and didn’t get anything.

Tom Costello: Don’t try to force it. Just allow it to happen. That’s one of the things you’ll want to go on to. Let me tell you about this woman.

She said, “I got my money’s worth in the first 10 minutes of doing The Healing Codes. I want to tell you the story. The story was that when I was a 7-year old girl I asked my father for a swing set. He agreed. He hired two men to dig two holes. They were going to pour cement and put two vertical upright metal poles on which to put my swing. So my father and I are standing there. The men dig the holes, pour the cement and one of the metal poles falls. As it’s falling I realized my wanting the swing set caused my father to be killed.” Before the metal pole hit her father, one of the workmen grabbed it and stopped it. It never touched her father, but it was too late. She already judged that she had killed him because she wanted something. It shifted her life. That picture, that interpretation, that belief frightened her. She said, “What is amazing to me is number one that it came up, and number two, why in 30 years of every technique imaginable, I never touched that.”

That says to me that what this is all about is so powerful. When you hear that, you recognize that to be set free from a decision that an innocent 7-year old girl mistakenly made…

Participant: You wouldn’t believe this would do it. Before I did that Code early in the day, I listened to the CD’s. I was very disappointed that I had paid this amount of money. They didn’t have the CD’s that moved the positions every 30 seconds. I was getting ready to send it back. Not only that, I was disappointed in the packaging of the little pocket guide. I thought that for this kind of money they should have live people’s pictures. When I heard the DVD of the explanation of The Healing Codes, Dr. Loyd is a brilliant man. He gave a very choppy delivery. It seemed to me they could have hired a professional presenter to make that type of a delivery. I’m really mad. I’m sending this thing back. These people are ripping people off. That evening I was going to call 911, but I was so embarrassed. I didn’t want to do it in front of my neighbors. I’m here by myself. I did the Peace Code and now I’m letting it all go.

I’m letting it go. I’m making my tapes. I did just like Dr. Alex did on the CD’s. This money was not an easy thing for me, believe me, in my position. I took a chance. Thank God I did.

This morning I woke up. I’ve worn glasses all my life. I could almost see the pattern on my curtains. It got me scared. I had never seen that before. I could see the clock! I’ve only had this stuff… I’ve been on Peace. I tried to do the 12 Days, but the Peace works so well. I’ve been doing Peace all week, three and four times. I don’t know what I’m doing.

Would you suggest I start Monday next week on each of the 12?

Tom Costello: I frankly would. I love Unforgiveness. I think that is so power packed.

You recognize that the criticism; the packaging, the pictures being drawings instead of photographs, the DVD’s, etc. It’s perfectly fine that you had that criticism. Criticism is an example of stress. It is the fight in fight or flight. Complaining, criticizing, attacking, belittling. That says you are experiencing stress because you are challenged with the way something is. Something is the way it. We make judgments that we would have done it differently.

Participant: It’s the money I was thinking, but now I do not care. I am grateful on my knees. I am thanking you. I am making my little tapes and everything is lovely.

Tom Costello: Good for you.

Participant: When they say, do the Codes. What do they mean?

Tom Costello: The Codes, in fact are those hand positions of one or more steps.

Participant: I know, the 1-12? I’ve just been doing Peace.

Tom Costello: You are doing one of the days. Day number one is Unforgiveness. Day number two …. There are two Codes for each. This is like washing your hands. Your hands are liable to be cleaner if you wash them several times during the day versus only one time. I think if you gave it a go for 30 days doing it exactly the way it says in the book as many times as you can, multiple times a day, and just….

Participant: The book says … Should I do 12 days and repeat to take up the whole 30 days?

Tom Costello: I like it that way. Do that.

Participant: I’m going to finish Peace until Sunday. I was going to have a medical bill, and I did this once. Not only did I feel good, I had a rush of joy. This is crazy. I was putting on lipstick and I was going to the hospital. I can’t thank you enough. It’s just magic.

Tom Costello: I’m pleased for you. You were obviously in a position to attract this experience into your life, The Healing Codes, despite the materials and the cost.

Good for you.

Participant: (Rae) Tom, whenever I listen to you I’m constantly in awe. Your breadth of experience and your ability to discourse on so many different subjects and sensitivity never fails to astound me. Your patience and kindness are wonderful.

I’m calling because earlier a woman who said she had not been able to sleep in so many years was inspiring to me.

Has The Healing Codes thought about putting different clients in touch with each other so that maybe they could give each other encouragement and tips. Establish a partnership to help people get along.

Tom Costello: We haven’t tried to do that. There was a request in the last couple of days from Stockholm, Sweden to be put in contact with other Swedish clients. In the past I’ve done it once or twice. It fizzled right away. I think for a couple of reasons: The real value of The Healing Codes is doing the Codes. Whether you say the prayer or do the Truth Focus Statement. It’s interesting to talk about this stuff and come to some greater intellectual understanding of what is happening. We are all doing that all the time. This is a relatively unknown sort of phenomenon. People are really interested in doing the Codes. My life is so full, if I have 30 minutes to spare, I’d rather do 30 minutes of the Codes versus 2 minutes of Codes and 28 minutes of talking about the Codes. I would suggest that is relevant.

We have a clients’ only section on the web site that is pretty underpowered, and maybe not that satisfactory. It is an opportunity for people to go and post things. I have a coach who was checking it, answering and responding. I’ve been away for quite a while, so I’m not sure whether that is still in effect. That may give you opportunity to connect with somebody.

Participant: I appreciate that. I felt like I identified with that woman and would like to meet her and talk to her. I now also own The Success Codes which I got because the price was more affordable. I believed that would be a one-time thing. I got it but have not really used it yet. I did have The Healing Codes. I’m convinced in my heart that both The Healing Codes and The Success Codes are excellent tools for healing. I, like the woman before have issues going back to birth or before that time. They manifested physically as well as emotionally. My life on the whole needs a lot of healing.

One of the problems I had struggled with is sleeping. I suffered from horrible insomnia. I’d go to bed and still be tossing and turning when the sun came up having not slept. This went on for years and years. I tried so many different things. It has metamorphised into a different horrible problem. It’s climaxed recently in a catastrophic illness which I’m working my way out of. I did start The Healing Codes and was really so excited. One of the problems I now suffer with is bladder problems where I am forced to wake up several times at night and never really get a good night’s sleep. I try doing Codes on this and have gotten my numbers down to 0 or a fraction above, but the symptoms don’t go away. I tried it again by including it with something else in a different Code. I got those numbers down, but again it didn’t go away. I don’t know quite how to handle everything. I’m so eager to have this work, but I have to say, the last Code that I did I got the numbers down, but no symptoms going away and I got discouraged. Even though I do believe the Codes do work, I’m not understanding my particular situation.

Tom Costello: There are a couple of things you are mentioning, Rae. First of all, it is my belief, and I think in a logic contest, all of you will agree with this. We give meaning to our experiences. We give meaning. Experiences in and of themselves really don’t have the meaning. We give the meaning. Shakespeare, “Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” I’m not the first one to grasp that idea. A person said to me and I use this myself. She was waking up in the night having to go to the bathroom. She gave it the meaning initially that it was a disruption and a disappointment. It meant she couldn’t have what she wanted which was a decent night’s sleep.

Okay, you can give it that meaning. On the other hand, what I have found helpful since I drink a huge amount of water. If I have to wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom, I know that the quality of my sleep as soon as I get back in is going to be fantastic. I look at it like this: “Oh boy, I get a chance to go back to sleep. I have more sleeping I’m going to do.” This reminds me of a childhood experience where occasionally, maybe more often than not, actually, we used to go to the movies on a Saturday afternoon to the double feature. Growing up like everybody on the planet in a dysfunctional family, you go and watch a movie, at the end the lights go on, then it would dawn on me, “Oh wow, I’ve got a whole other movie to go. Oh wow!” It was an incredible rush of security and joy and “How good is this?” I’m able to manifest that same feeling after I get up in the night to go pee. I gave it a different meaning.

Participant: I hear you. My problem is that my mind snaps open so much that the day time concerns, thoughts and occupations come rushing in very often so that I don’t go back to sleep. That is the problem.

Tom Costello: None of us wants this: we are laying in bed or even in the work situation during the day time. Thoughts go scurrying across the screen of your mind……….

Each one leaving anxiety in its path. Grab one. Hold that little guy and put your attention on it. Hit the pause button so you can view that anxiety. If you’re worried about going to the grocery store, observe that as a scene. I’m going to verbalize it: “Going to the grocery store…. Going to the grocery store….. “ Put your attention on that until it shifts. It feels like initially (if it’s unexamined), like a threat, an effort, a problem a nuisance or some other word like that. What happens as you put your attention on it, what looked like a mountain gets back down to a mole hill size or smaller. Then you can go back to sleep. Then scurrying thought number two comes. Stop it and do the same thing. Be grateful that what is happening that these thoughts are coming up not to disturb you, but to be attended to, to be healed, to be shifted. They want your attention. Give them your attention and know that you don’t have to fight them or run away from them. Just give them your attention. If there is any significant content or message you will perceive it. If not, it will shift.

These things like the 7-year old girl story, are events from when we were little children, that would become apparent. Sometimes you will have an ah-ha! Sometimes people say they just know things have changed because they watch themselves do things differently. I notice I’m doing things I would never have done before. That thrills me so much.

Participant: Okay, let’s say I’ll try to do that. What tends to happen is the real worries I have in my life that I haven’t figured out how to deal with such as debt are what haunt me when my mind snaps open at night. You see, this happens once, twice. The first time I can usually go back to bed, but if I’m up 3-4-5 times a night it really does take a toll.

Tom Costello: Financial worries are epidemic in the United States and probably in the world. We all know we are going to pay whatever bills we can pay. We are not going to pay bills we can’t pay. It’s when we get stuck in a loop about things we can’t do anything about that we just stress. There is inequality. To me, stress equals inequality. You look at a situation and it is different than what you want. It is not equal to what you want. However, it is equal to what it is. I’ve got bills to pay in the morning and no money to pay it with. You need to decide on some action. The anxiety is the motor running. Vroommm Vroomm…. Your eyes are wide open. Vroom. The system says, “We want to take action. We’ve got to do…. We should. We must…” That’s anxiety happening. You can determine what action it is. “I’ll call the person whose bill I’m not going to pay and tell them I’m not going to pay today. Nothing they can say to me can make it occur today. I’m going to pay you, but it’s not going to happen tomorrow. It will happen as soon as I can make it happen. I am committed to it.” If you can determine a course of action, you can put the car back in park and stop the engine and you may be able to get some rest.

Participant: I think I’m going to need The Success Codes to help me. That part of my life got out of hand when I’ve been so ill. Let me go on to the next part of that. Why, if the numbers go down, why don’t the symptoms begin to abate?

Tom Costello: Have you every seen a golf ball? A golf ball looks like one single thing. Yep, that’s one golf ball. If you look at a golf ball closely, there are little indentations called dimples. I think problems often are like that. “I just have one problem.” Then you realize there are a lot of aspects to it. There are a lot of dimples. There are a lot of components to that. You say, “I think I got my problem from a 9 to a 0 on the subjective units of stress scale. The symptoms are still in existence.” Two concepts: There are other aspects to the problem that you will want to resolve, number one. And I’m a fan of Abraham Hicks. Abraham would say, “What you want will be 99% complete before you see any physical evidence of it.” If that’s true, it sets up an interesting situation. Let’s say all of us on this call want a thing or a condition or a situation; work, relationship, health, finances, you name it. As we put our attention on it by truth focus statement and prayer/request. Do a Code, focus on it, feel its presence and existence. If it will be 99% complete before I see evidence of it, why don’t I just relax about it?

I take a little seed and I plant it in the soil. I planted it yesterday. I’d better dig it up and see how it’s doing. I want to see if it is ready to harvest. Nope. It’s not ready. I’ll replant it. Okay, it’s four days now, I’m going to dig it up.

A farmer would never do that. An inexperienced person would, but not a farmer. He knows, she knows that you allow it to take its natural course. There are natural forces, God, Spirit, you name it, at work that will deliver a certain outcome provided there are a couple of components: in your situation positive expectation, but in the plants’ situation, soil, water, sunshine, warmth. It will happen.

Participant: Do you recommend one continue with the Codes over and over even thought it’s down to a zero?

Tom Costello: I would look in the problem reference chart at Wrong Beliefs, Negative Emotions, Harmful Actions and see if any of those apply. I would look at the feelings that I have because I have this physical condition.

Say a person has a pimple on the end of their nose. We give meaning to that. A person could say, “Hey, it happens”. Gives it no attention at all and it will heal very rapidly. Somebody else goes “Oh my goodness. My life is ruined. I can’t possibly go out in public with a pimple. Oh my! I’m so imperfect.” Those beliefs are the ones that need to be healed. Those kind of meanings that we attach to that experience that dis-empower us, that disconnect us from the energy of All-That-Is, of God, of Spirit. Why would I want to choose a meaning that shuts off the flow of energy to me? You wouldn’t if you knew what you were doing.

We do that when we talk. We do that when we think. We do that when we feel. “Ahh, something is wrong with me.” Chunk, we shut off the flow of energy to us. “Ah, I always do that!” We shut off the flow of energy to us.

Why am I doing that? Habit. You saw it done. Somebody else did it to you. That’s how you did it in your family. Ehh, do over. I want to keep the flow of energy, of spirit, of my connection to God. That’s what I’m interested in opening because it’s the lies that make me feel I’m disconnected.

Participant: I hear you. I appreciate you. I’ll try to monitor my thoughts and expectations.

Tom Costello: Not so much monitoring. When you become aware that you’re growling in your thoughts, say, “Oh, I just caught me.” Let me shift and put my attention on what I want. Feeling good. Money flowing. Happy. Bouncing around. Traveling. Whatever it is that’s important to you.

Participant: Just put my attention there?

Tom Costello: Yes. You’re going to get more of what you put your attention on. Much like the farmer who tends his or her plants. He’s going to get more of them. You feed the weeds, you’ll get more of them. I don’t want to feed the weeds. I want to nurture and nourish what I want.

Participant: Okay. Thank you very much.

Participant: (Holly) I wanted to say that Dr. Alex had suggested a way to know when the 30 seconds was up. Before I do the Codes I determine how many times I can say the truth focus statement in 30 seconds. Then, while doing the Codes I say the truth focus statement for that number of times. That’s the way I know that the 30 seconds has gone by.

I did have a question. It seems like people have had such dramatic results. I am envious. I wish my results would be as dramatic. They are very slow and minute compared to what other people have experienced, though I have had lots of improvements.

I was working on a temporary job. That assignment ended. I am back at home again. I am looking for another job. I had something healed. When I was at home I have a problem taking a shower every day. Now that I’m back home I have that same problem. I did work on that for quite some time with a coach. She tested and said it was healed. That was a while ago. I’m back into just not doing it. Just not getting in there and taking a shower.

Tom Costello: It’s not a physical thing. You are not motivated to shower?

Participant: I just can’t get myself to get in there and do it. I don’t know what it is. In my minds eye I see myself taking a shower, then when I go in there to do it, I think of things I want to do outside the bathroom first. I end up just not going back and doing the shower. I’m ashamed to even say that. It’s like just terrible that I’m sitting here and not taking a shower for several days in a row.

Tom Costello: You recognize that in some places on the planet, taking a shower every few days would be a remarkable example of personal hygiene. I bet there are people on this call or certainly still living who experienced Saturday night baths. In the days before showers, people took baths. They started with the male in the family followed by the mother, followed by the …. Wow, now a days that would be like, yikes! But, it is what it is. Being ashamed doesn’t serve. You give it meaning. If you’d been out working in the coal mines and came home .. Even in the coal mines in the old days those people weren’t coming home and taking showers and going back in the mines the next day. They were the guys who were bathing once a week.

I think there are even jokes or traditions that people were getting married in the spring time because it was warm enough for people to bathe. Then they would smell good enough to get married, after a long winter of not bathing at all. It is locking into the bad feelings is what you’ll really want to let go of.

Gratitude is such a great way to open the door. To be able to look at something and feel grateful for it, to have indoor plumbing. There are places in this country without indoor plumbing. When I was a kid there were 7 children. We had one bathroom. One tub. That’s a lot of people standing in line. I had 3 older sisters. That was a lot of standing in line. That’s the way it was.

Again, this goes back to the same subject that Blake was talking about. What stops action? I want to take action in this direction. I want to take a shower. I want to mow the lawn. I want to balance my checkbook. I want to go to the gym. I want to write a novel. I want to…. It doesn’t make any difference what the activity is, the process is still the same. How can I overcome inertia, my resistance to doing it, gravity? It is that first step and it may be putting a set of clean clothes on a hanger next to the shower with slippers you are going to put on after you step out of the shower. Perfume. Whatever you need to do in order to make it appealing to you. Make that first step easy.

It’s also a function of direction. Let’s say I want to mow the lawn. Taking a shower first thing in the morning is not a very logical way to do it. Better I should go mow the lawn real fast, then take a shower. Or, take a shower and then mow the lawn late in the day before bed time, then take a shower again before bed.

You can structure your time, but once you start going in a different direction… Let’s say a Healing Codes thing, “I want to do The Healing Codes first thing in the morning.” To me that means stay out of the office. Once I get into the office in front of the computer, checking messages and e-mails. I am going in a certain direction that is contrary to where I really want to be. That is doing The Healing Codes or taking a shower or eating breakfast, or exercising. By structuring your activities, avoid other places in the house until you’ve accomplished what it is you want to do. For people who skip breakfast and realize at 2 o’clock in the afternoon that they forgot to eat, it’s easy to make breakfast a stop on the path.

Give yourself a break. Bless yourself. Be grateful. Why don’t you give that a try?

Participant: Okay. I thank you. I really enjoyed hearing you deal with everybody’s problems. I’ve learned a lot listening to you answer other people’s questions as well.

Tom Costello: Good. I’m pleased. Thank you for those words.

Participant: (Trisha) I want to share with some of the people on the line who were asking how to do them more consistently and make it easier for them to do the Codes. When I got in a rut what got me out of it was getting a little cassette tape and I did like Dr. Alex said on the tape. I timed it for 15 seconds. I have to do another with 30 seconds. I can just turn it on and it gives me the position, I can relax because it is already timed. Then it gives me the next position. It makes it much more relaxing and enjoyable. I can do them in the dark. I don’t have to keep fumbling for the book or have the light on to read it. That helps me do them more consistently and is more relaxing.

Tom Costello: I think there is a tremendous value to hearing our own voices.

Participant: Yes. That’s a good point.

Tom Costello: Even if you recorded you saying the prayer request or stating a truth focus statement, either in or out of session. That would be powerful. We are the main communicators to ourselves. I like your idea of having the timing and stating the position so you don’t have to look at the book.

Participant: (Rita) I just received The Healing Codes about a week ago. I’ve only been doing it a few days. I’ve been doing it on myself and my boyfriend. I realized I was probably doing it on him incorrectly. I was sitting in front of him. I realized I was using my right hand. It says Right Temple with right hand. In other words use the right hand over the temple area. It occurred to me that was his left side. I’m used to doing it on myself. I watched the DVD and was confused about the best way to work on him?

Tom Costello: If you are using your right hand on you, under normal circumstances you will be pointing at your right temple. Let’s say you are doing it on him. You’re looking at him. He’s looking at you. Now, your right hand is more conveniently directed at his left temple, not his right temple.

Participant: That’s okay?

Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: What if he’s lying on the bed or on a massage table? You have a chair and are sitting at his head.

Tom Costello: You’ll want to get as comfortable as you can so you’re not doing anything muscularly strenuous. Is there is reason he’s not doing this on himself?

Participant: He has rheumatoid arthritis. He has a hard time raising up his hands and arms. So, I offered to do it for him. It is uncomfortable facing him. I know my body is in awkward positions. I thought of sitting at his head. What about how the fingers are pointing, not toward the hairline, but toward the side of his head.

Tom Costello: One of the reasons the fingertips are a couple of inches away are to cover a broader area. Were you there for the flashlight description I gave earlier? That’s not to worry. I can’t visualize that is a problem. I have a massage table. A person is lying down. I’m sitting at the head. Now I have my elbows braced and my fingertips are both pointed at the person’s temples.

Participant: Is that right by the hair line or would you go past that. It is a different direction.

Tom Costello: It is a line between above the eyes, above the ears and a little bit forward. It is about the size of a baseball, so it’s not a point. It is a big area. You have to be hitting it if you are pointing anywhere in that direction.

Participant: It doesn’t necessarily have to be that the fingertips are 2-3 inches away from the hairline. That’s why I was getting confused. I thought Dr. Loyd was very good, but he went quickly through it. He went quickly through showing it on himself. He didn’t show it on somebody else. I only watched the first part.

Tom Costello: Right now I have my hands in that position. My little finger tips are just about at the hairline closest to my eyes. The rest of the fingers are back into the hair.

Participant: That’s when the person is lying face up and you are sitting at the head of the massage table?

Tom Costello: Yep.

Participant: I just want to make sure I’m doing it correctly.

Tom Costello: That underlying, “I need to do it correctly”, that’s a pre-existing tendency we have from who knows what in our experience. That needs to be healed. If you are doing it, you are doing it right. Intention is a very important factor. Hence the prayer/ request sets the intention. The truth focus statement focuses that intention. “I’m doing it right and I’m doing it lovingly.”

Participant: I hear what you are saying. I tend to want to be, you know, that perfectionist thing. If you’re not doing it right, you’re failing.

Tom Costello: I give you an A. You get 100% on this test.

***Participant: Thank you. I also wanted to say I was on the call with Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson about a week and a half ago. After being on the call I felt healed after I got off for several days. I’ve been doing a lot of different energy techniques and other things, but this is very profound. What I didn’t realize is you talked about the Unforgiveness Codes, I did that on my boyfriend and did it on myself later on. We did it and I really didn’t look at everything it said. After our sessions and ever since then as well, I found that all the things that were being said in the prayer were happening during the session. I was seeing the images and a lot of things released and memories clearing. It was an incredible thing. It was an absolute confirmation of what is in the prayer and what is being addressed.

Tom Costello: That’s great. Thank you Rita.

Participant: (Lindy) I’m calling about the thyroid and weight issues. Once you start doing the Codes can you forget about going on a diet or counting calories and just let it happen naturally? How does that actually work?

Tom Costello: Good question. Your body is what is going to normalize at a weight that is in alignment with the beliefs, that is the blueprint that you have created, assumed, been given by inputs over the course of our life. Your ability to translate food into energy hinges upon some of those beliefs. Not only your beliefs but those of your ancestors and so on, you know, the genetic types, that sort of thing. You can’t really expect to eat four pounds of chocolate cake every day and to not notice something simply because you have been trained to attach weight, problems….. to chocolate cake. We have those attachments to energy. We give meaning to a chocolate cake.

I think it is perfectly reasonable to say as we do The Healing Codes your body’s ability to process a piece of chocolate cake, a chunk of cheese, something else is going to be enhanced. There is no resistance, there are no other problems going on. There is no emotional load attached to that. If you are not using chocolate cake as a drug, then it’s just, “Hey, it tastes good. I like it.” End of story. Versus, “It makes me feel good and I’m overcoming…” That is a drug. If you are grateful that your body is processing food in a beautiful fashion. If you are grateful that it knows how to handle it and you have movement, I think you don’t have to put a tremendous amount of attention on counting calories and all that. “I can’t touch that” sets up a whole bunch of resistance. When you say that, look out. I think those kind of thoughts set up a problem. As soon as you say you can’t have something, you will want that with every cell in your body. I think wanting things is great. Putting them in your mouth, you’re going to have to think that through.

Years ago I lived in New York City. I watched a mother and daughter come down the street. I was having a cup of coffee at a pastry shop with a beautiful glass case of magnificent delicacies, pastries, etc. When I saw them coming I knew it was going to be amazing. This mother is in for a real battle. I’m going to watch this to see what happens. They walk through the door. The little girl says, “Mommy, I want one of those, one of those and one of those.” Mother said, “Okay, dear.” “And I want one of those and one of those.” “Okay, dear is there anything else you would like?” “Yes, I would like on of those.” “Okay, honey, let’s go now.” She took the little girl by the hand and they left. They never bought a single thing. I was absolutely stunned. I didn’t know what happened, but that was amazing.

Fast forward a bunch of years. I live in Kansas City, Missouri. I want to loose 5 pounds. I leave my office and walk into the kitchen. “I know I have candy in the refrigerator. I don’t want to have it because I want to loose 5 pounds.” It wasn’t 15 minutes later that, if you had seen me in the kitchen you would have thought I was rehearsing for a zombie movie. I was gorging on the chocolate in the refrigerator, just like an animal. I can see myself doing this, but there was no stopping me. I was like a zombie, really. When I calmed down after about 15 minutes I had eaten nearly everything in the house. I realized that was amazing. I told myself I didn’t want to do that.

The next day, 3:30, same kind of thing happened. I go into the kitchen and think about that little girl on Broadway. I think, “Yah, I want to eat the chocolate in the freezer. I want to eat every sweet in this house. I want to drink the maple syrup. I want to eat everything with a calorie in this house. When I’m done I want to go to the grocery store a mile away, start on the cookie isle….” I’m going through this for about 90 seconds. I burst out laughing and went back to work. I never touched a thing. I was totally satisfied.

I wanted to want. I didn’t want to deny wanting. I wanted to want. I didn’t need to eat it, I just needed to be allowed to want it. I would say, give yourself permission to want what you want. You don’t need to put it in your mouth. It’s like window shopping, want it.

How’s that?

Participant: Good. Thank you.

Tom Costello: That’s a pretty long call. Thanks Kevin and everyone who is listening. I’m willing to stay until the cows come home. I love this. This technique. This methodology. This process where each one of us is looking to shift beliefs and thoughts that don’t belong to us so we can fully know who and what we are and we can fully attract what we want is so exciting. We are creating our lives. Every time we let go of who we are not, what’s apparent is who we really are. We then have impacts on the people we encounter in the grocery store, on the highway and everywhere. We improve the quality of the planet. I am pleased to be with you. Thank you for being on the call tonight and blessings to all of you.


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