Book Review of Newtonian ... - Natural Philosophy

Universal Fractal Flow:

PLASMA to plasma

Natalie Nagel

4-12952 17 Avenue, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada

e-mail: simplescience@

Eight patterns, such as spiraling and branching, are repeated, scaled up and down, from spiral galaxies to jellyfish, and from electrical discharges on Mars to dendrites in the brain.  99% of the known universe is plasma.  99% of the molecules in the human body is H2O.  Electron flow, from the non-living to the living, from light-year distances to cellular distances, self-organizes, self-sustains and self-corrects. This data-based Universal Fractal Flow model unifies Talbott and Thornhill's Electric Universe and Ho's Quantum Coherence in water with the electric universe in you.  Electromagnetism is a thousand, billion, billion, billion, billion times greater than gravity. This is the power that living systems, including the human body, uses to self-heal.


In the beginning there was chaos. The positive voices were not heard by the negative voices. The land existed in confusion under the darkness of the gravity-alone theory. There was no unifying power.

Then Mae-Wan Ho fluttered upon the face of the waters. Cynthia Whitney declared, "Electrons make the world go around!"

and Greg Volk said, "Light is the most important word in physics!"

Meanwhile, David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill had been drawing together into a Birkeland current through the Electric Universe. And where quantization occurred when the two crossed over in meetings and conferences, the Electric Universe model concretized as those formerly disparate, largely unheard voices clustered together. And Monty Childs with his team in the Safire Project demonstrated that the electric sun was real.

And Mae-Wan Ho said, "Water's quantum coherence is the basis of life." So a coherent domain was now laid out for us by the Electric Universe model.

And I saw that this was good. This paper is a preliminary look at Universal Fractal Flow which sprung from the work of these researchers and is written with gratitude to those named above who first so generously illuminated the Electric Universe for me.



Fig. 1. Birkeland current


Fig. 2. DNA

Western, English thinking is linear, evolutionary. Eastern, Hebraic thinking is spiraling, cyclical. Because my culture is the latter, electromagnetism and electron flow in water is intuitive. Hebraic thought is the curving flow of electrons. ( Since we think in water, our brains being about 90% H2O, this is only natural. )

Electromagnetism is the most powerful power in the known universe. It is 10 to the 39 times stronger than gravity, or a thousand billion, billion, billion, billion times stronger than gravity.

Should we be surprised, then, that it also shapes everything?

Talbott and Thornhill ( The Electric Universe ) remind us that PLASMA is scalable.

Therefore, of course, the patterns created by PLASMA are also scalable.

Isn't it logical that electron flow, upon organizing itself into the most efficient patterns, would then repeat those patterns wherever it flows?

So, we will look again at the first paragraph above. We will review some patterns created by PLASMA in the known universe and repeated in forms on earth.

99% of the known universe is PLASMA.

99% of the molecules in the human body is water.

ONLY PLASMA, which includes protons and electrons not yet bound by any atomic structure, self-organizes, self-sustains and self-corrects.

ONLY water, or more specifically plasma water, includes protons and electrons unbound from their previous existence as hydrogen atoms formerly attached in the H2O molecules. It self-organizes ( The Fourth Phase of Water, Gerald Pollack, page 329 ). In living systems, then, plasma water ( referred to by other names such as 'quantum coherence' by Mae-Wan Ho in The Liquid Crystalline Organism and Biological Water, ISIS scientific publication ), self-organizes, self-sustains and self-HEALS.

All the rest is commentary.

In the beginning there was water. And today,

"[w]ater covers much of the earth. It pervades the skies. It fills your cells . . . Your cells are two-thirds water by volume; however, the water molecule is so small that if you were to count every single molecule in your body, 99% of them would be water molecules. That many water molecules are needed to make up the two-thirds volume."

( The Fourth Phase of Water, Gerald Pollack, page 3 )

Why are so many water molecules needed by the body? The answer is fractal. PLASMA energizes the universe. Plasma water energizes the body. PLASMA is the nest which springs forth Birkeland currents, stars, our sun, comets. Plasma water springs forth all living systems. And the foundational power is the same: electromagnetism which is 10 to the 39 times greater than gravity. As Pollack poses in Fourth Phase, page 5, "Concrete sidewalks can be cracked open by upwelling tree roots. The roots consist mainly of water. How is it possible that water-containing roots can exert enough pressure to break slabs of concrete?" May I add to Pollack's answer given later in his book that it is possible because of the same power keeping the entire universe flowing: electromagnetism, the strongest power known. How could mere slabs of concrete resist the power of electron flow?

Electron flow in the water organizes it. Where is the first written mention of electromagnetism organizing? On the first day. In the Torah, in Breshit, it was light ( electromagnetism ) spoken into existence (_therefore by vibration ) that organized the chaos, including the chaos in the water. ( Torah is a Hebrew word meaning 'instruction' and includes the five books of Moshe, the first being 'Breshit.' The first parsha of Breshit starts with the first chapter and tells the creation story. Here I am using this as a basis to look at the Electric Universe. )

Modern scientists confirm this light-organizing-water. As recorded by Pollack, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi "was a seminal thinker who won the Nobel Prize for discovering vitamin C. A cornerstone of his thinking was the long-range ordering of water, which he regarded as a major pillar in the edifice of life". And Gilbert Ling "emphasized the central role of water ordering in cell function . . . the cell's charged surfaces order nearby water molecules . . ." Pollack notes that "mainstream chemists thought this kind of ordering unlikely because molecules tend toward disorder." ( Fourth Phase, page 34_) If they had just read the first page of the Torah they could have seen the foundation for their experimental findings. Only electromagnetism, of which visible light is roughly 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum, organizes. Moshe, who wrote the first five books of the Torah more than 3,000 years ago, could have given these scientists a head start in their laboratories. So are Jews the first scientists? We are simply spiraling, going back to what was shown before in the beginning.

Mae-Wan Ho and Robert Becker both allude to a plasma state of water, full of free electrons.

"Coherent water is a source of almost free electrons: The special thing about water is that the coherent oscillation occurs between the ground state and an excited state at 12.06 eV (electron volt ), which is just below the ionizing threshold at 12.60 eV, when H2O --> 2H+ + O2-.

A liquid water CD [coherent domain] of 100nm diameter contains millions of water molecules, and includes an ensemble ( or plasma ) of millions of almost free electrons that can be donated readily to electron acceptors dissolved in the water."

Quantum Coherent Water and Life, Mae-Wan Ho, PhD, The Institute of Science in Society, Issue 51, Autumn 2011

"The ideas of resonant absorption and resonant interactions have also been proposed as an explanation for the marked sensitivity of living systems to electromagnetic fields. [ Professor ] Zon speculated that the electrons in cell mitochondria constituted a plasma state. He calculated that the frequency of resonant absorption would be in the gigahertz range for typical values of the dielectric constant and the density of charge carriers. This would make the mitochondria extremely sensitive to microwave electromagnetic fields. [ Professor ] Zon's idea could also apply to other biostructures and other frequency ranges.

[ Professor ] Frolich has proposed another form of resonance. Biological structures frequently consist of electric dipoles that are capable of vibratory motion - hydrogen bonds in DNA and proteins, for example."

Electromagnetism and Life, Robert Becker, page 166

Below in Fig. 3, 4 & 5 I have written verses from Breshit, highlighting 3 words in Hebrew, showing the words in both modern and paleo Hebrew, that inform our discussion. The words are: water, light, and good. These are presented in the order first mentioned in Breshit, with my translation from the Hebrew verses into English.


Fig. 3. Mayim = Water


Fig. 4. Or = Light


Fig. 5. Tov = Good

So, the Hebrew definitions of 'water, light and good' illuminate what we observe in the Electric Universe and the electric universe in you, as you will see below.

Benoit Mandelbrot, with his fractal equation mathematically introduced the basis for universal repeated patterns:

Z --> Z2 + Cb

Stephen Smith asserts that Birkeland currents are the most attractive, most long-lasting form in the universe, stable over light-year distances.

Monty Childs asserts that the hexagram, observed where the fields cross over, known as quantization, is the most stable magnetic field form in the universe. Put the Birkeland current together with the hexagram and you may be able to account for all naturally found patterns in the universe as I have drawn in Fig. 6:


Fig. 6. Patterns in Nature by Peter S. Stevens, M.I.T.


Fig. 7. Birkeland current quantization

Plasma water has a structure that is layer upon layer of three dimensional hexagram forms ( supported by findings by scientists such as Emilio del Giudice, to be explored in a future paper. ) I have observed that when plasma water falls vertically, it self-organizes into a Birkeland current ( I am filming this using electrolysis technology to produce a high pH water of 9.5 ). In contrast, when bulk water falls vertically, it flows straight and then breaks up into drops, with no cohesiveness or organization ( I will be using a low pH of 2.5 for footage ).


Fig. 8. Quantization in water

Science is nothing other than the search to discover unity in the wild variety of nature.

J. Bronowski


Fig. 9. Moon jellyfish, Aurelia


Fig. 10. Spiral galaxy

A human being is a microcosmos; i.e., the laws prevailing in the cosmos also operate in the minutest space of the human being.

Viktor Schauberger


Fig. 11. Plasma ball

Mae-Won Ho has shown that 'hydration water energizes and electrifies DNA' ( from her paper quoted above ). Therefore, we would expect the patterns of PLASMA to repeat in living systems, as shown in Fig 12 & 13.


Fig. 12. Sunflower / Eye


Fig. 13. Split Sunflower and Eye

The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.

I have deep faith that the principles of the universe will be both beautiful and simple.

Albert Einstein

( This time I think he was right on. )


The usefulness of Universal Fractal Flow lies not only in its ability to accurately predict outcomes across scales and within both living and non-living systems, but in its ability to enable the individual to self-heal. We can simply apply Cynthia Whitney's maxim: electrons make the world go around. By supplying the body with plasma water we empower it to self-organize, self-sustain and self-correct with the power that is a thousand, billion, billion, billion, billion times greater that gravity. So go with the flow!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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