Personal Health Plan Manual - Duke Integrative Medicine

Personal Health Plan Manual


Copyright ? 2015 by Duke Integrative Medicine

All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

Disclaimer: The information included in this manual is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider(s) to determine the appropriateness of the information for your personal situation, or if you have questions regarding a medical condition or treatment options. Reading the information contained herein does not create a physician?patient relationship with Duke Integrative Medicine.

August 2015 version


Overview ...................................................................................................................1 Personal Health Plan ...............................................................................................5 Mindful Awareness ................................................................................................19 Self-Care..................................................................................................................27

Movement, Exercise and Rest................................................................................................... 27 Nutrition .................................................................................................................................... 39 Personal and Professional Development................................................................................... 53 Physical Environment ............................................................................................................... 57 Relationships and Communication ........................................................................................... 65 Spirituality................................................................................................................................. 73 Mind?Body Connection............................................................................................................ 77

Professional Care ...................................................................................................87

Integrative Medicine: A Whole-Person Approach ................................................................... 87 Natural Products...................................................................................................................... 103 Mind and Body Practices ........................................................................................................ 113 Other Complementary Health Approaches ............................................................................. 133

Copyright ? 2015 by Duke Integrative Medicine

Copyright ? 2015 by Duke Integrative Medicine



This Personal Health Plan Manual will help you create a health plan that is unique to your needs and lifestyle. It will guide you to look at your current health concerns as well as consider your future health. It uses the Wheel of Health (WOH), created by Duke Integrative Medicine, to help with your planning. The WOH is a visual reminder of many different layers of your whole life and health. All of these areas can impact health and have connections to one another. Your customized health plan will be based on your personal values, goals and strengths. This manual does not prescribe or recommend specific treatment options. It does provide resources for you to consider and choose what is best for you.

The Personal Health Plan (PHP) is based on two important ideas:

? The human mind and body have the ability to self-repair. Your life choices combined with appropriate therapies and medical interventions can support and enhance this healing.

? Ideal health is a journey that requires frequent reassessing and rebalancing.

Five key concepts distinguish the PHP from other approaches:


The PHP focuses on health optimization in addition to disease management. According to the World Health Organization, health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."1


The PHP encourages you to look beyond your current symptoms and health to develop a proactive plan for a healthy future.


No matter what your condition, the PHP helps you envision and attain a future of well-being that includes balance and vitality.

A Whole-Person Approach

The PHP considers all of who you are--body, mind and spirit--as well as the community in which you live. It pays thoughtful attention to your personal goals, needs and lifestyle.

Copyright ? 2015 by Duke Integrative Medicine

Overview | 1


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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