Impact Factor for 2016 of Electrochemistry Journals

Impact Factor for 2016 of Electrochemistry Journals

The official (ISI Web of Knowledge/Journal Citation Reports) Impact Factor (IF) of Electrochimica Acta for 2016 has been published: 4.798. The journal achieved 84,704 total cites over 2,341 citeable items ranking it at 4th place in the Electrochemistry subject area.

Other measures of the Journal impact are:

5-Year IF: Eigenfactor: CiteScore: Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): SCImago Journal Rank (SJR):

4.630 0.11424 4.74 1.167 1.357

The IF's for 2016 of Electrochemistry Communications and the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, both published by Elsevier in collaboration with ISE, are the following:

Electrochemistry Communications 4.396 with 239 items published in 2016

5-Year Impact Factor: Eigenfactor: CiteScore: Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): SCImago Journal Rank (SJR):

4.607 0.0267 4.53 1.076 1.618

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 3.012 with 607 items published in 2016

5-Year Impact Factor: Eigenfactor: CiteScore: Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): SCImago Journal Rank (SJR):

2.883 0.01553 2.97 0.844 0.741

The 2016 Impact Factor available for the top 15 journals in Electrochemistry are as follows:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Biosensors & Bioelectronics Journal of Power Sources Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical Electrochimica Acta Electrochemistry Communications Chemelectrochem International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Bioelectrochemistry Journal of the Electrochemical Society Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Electroanalysis Sensors Electrocatalysis Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

Impact Factor

7.780 6.395 5.401 4.798 4.396 4.136 3.582 3.346 3.259 3.012 2.851 2.677 2.398 2.316 2.235

Citable Items

1,003 1,633 1,648 2,341 239 290 2,316 83 1,360 607 367 2,190 55 360 117


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