E Global Talent Competitiveness Index2019

[Pages:339]The Global Talent Competitiveness Index


Entrepreneurial Talent and Global Competitiveness

Bruno Lanvin and Felipe Monteiro, Editors

The Global Talent Competitiveness Index


Entrepreneurial Talent and Global Competitiveness

Bruno Lanvin Felipe Monteiro Editors

INSEAD (2019): The Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2019, Fontainebleau, France.

Disclaimer: No representation or warranty, either express or implied, is provided in relation to the information contained herein and with regard to its fitness, sufficiency, or applicability for any particular purpose. The information contained in this report is provided for personal non-commercial use and information purposes only and may be reviewed and revised based on new information and data. INSEAD, the Adecco Group, and Tata Communications disclaim all liability relating to the content and use of the report and the information contained therein, and the report should not be used as a basis for any decision that may affect the business and financial interests of the reader or any other party. The index's methodology and the rankings do not necessarily present the views of INSEAD, Adecco, and Tata Communications. The same applies to the substantive chapters in this report, which are the responsibility of the authors.

? 2019 by INSEAD, the Adecco Group, and Tata Communications.

The information contained herein is proprietary in nature and no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of INSEAD, the Adecco Group, and Tata Communications.

ISBN: 979-10-95870-18-0

Designed by Neil Weinberg, edited by Hope Steele, and printed by INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France.



Preface..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v Bruno Lanvin, Executive Director for Global Indices, INSEAD Felipe Monteiro, Academic Director of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index and Affiliate Professor of Strategy, INSEAD Foreword...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... vii Alain Dehaze, Chief Executive Officer, the Adecco Group Foreword....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ix Vinod Kumar, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Tata Communications Advisory Board, INSEAD GTCI Team and Editing Team........................................................................................................................................................................... xi


Chapter 1: Entrepreneurial Talent for Competitiveness.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Bruno Lanvin, Felipe Monteiro, and Michael Bratt, INSEAD Chapter 2: Education 2.0: Getting Ready for the Future of Work..................................................................................................................................................37 Alain Dehaze, the Adecco Group Chapter 3: Leading through Change..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Vinod Kumar, Tata Communications Chapter 4: Gaining Global Competitiveness through Rendanheyi: Case Studies from the Haier Group......................................................45 Haier Model Research Institute Chapter 5: Entrepreneurial Talent and Global Competition: A Unicorn's View.................................................................................................................. 51 An interview with Fr?d?ric Mazzella, Founder and Chairman of BlaBlaCar Chapter 6: JRC Statistical Audit of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2019........................................................................................................55 Michaela Saisana, Marcos ?lvarez-D?az, Marcos Dom?nguez-Torreiro, and William Becker, European Commission Joint Research Centre


Growing, Attracting, and Retaining Talents at City Level: Exploring the Local Dynamics around Entrepreneurial Talent.......... 71 Bruno Lanvin and Michael Bratt, INSEAD


How to Read the Country Profiles...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................87 Index of Country Profiles............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89 Country Profiles...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91


How to Read the Data Tables.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 219 Index of Data Tables........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 221 Data Tables..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................223


Appendix I: Technical Notes...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 301 Appendix II: Sources and Definitions.................................................................................................................................................................................................................305 Appendix III: About the Contributors and Partners................................................................................................................................................................................317




The Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) report continues to gain in visibility around the world, and today has firmly established itself as a global benchmark for issues related to talent competitiveness and the future of work.

Now in its sixth year, this edition of the GTCI addresses the topic of Entrepreneurial Talent and Global Competitiveness and attempts to identify the ways in which large and small firms, nations, and cities can foster entrepreneurial talent in the era of digital transformation.

Rapid advances in digital technology are redefining our world. But digital transformation is not always well understood, and this lack of understanding has fostered a number of myths that are obscuring the path to realising its potential for value creation. Action will be needed to maximise benefits and help foster entrepreneurial talent because the future of work will be driven by new generations of workers, rapid and unpredictable technological changes, and competition for intellectual capital.

Over the last few decades, entrepreneurial talent has been seen as critical to the development of vibrant innovation ecosystems, bringing focus to small and medium- size enterprises, including start-ups and unicorns. The analyses contained in this report underline the view that entrepreneurial talent is equally important for larger and more mature organisations, both public and private. The various chapters point to recent developments in this still underexplored field (at least by economists) and suggest ways in which the global talent scene might be affected by the way entrepreneurial talent is being created, detected, attracted, and nurtured around the world. More importantly, such analyses and contextual content indicate ways in which action can be taken by firms, nations, and cities to make the best of a resource that is both scarce and widely distributed.

The GTCI model went through some incremental changes this year. Although the number and type of variables have stayed the same, a few have been redefined to ease their interpretation and better capture their talent-related dimensions. Above all, the innovation dimension of the GTCI has been strengthened. The broad coverage of countries was also further increased, from 119 to 125 countries.

As in the last two editions of the GTCI report, the present one includes a special section on cities, which considers (and attempts to measure) the many ways in which they contribute to reshaping the global talent scene. This year again, coverage continues to increase, and the Global Cities Talent Competitiveness Index (GCTCI) now includes 114 cities.

One distinct new feature of this edition is the inclusion of the first time-series analysis of GTCI data. Since the report can now rely on six-year time series, it starts to make sense to compare various performances (on specific variables or pillars) across

time. In subsequent editions, this approach will be refined and enriched. It is presented here in a first attempt to take a step back and assess how global talent competitiveness is changing globally.

While striving to increase the economic and decisional impact of the GTCI report, we also devote specific efforts to minimise its potential negative impact on the environment. For this, we continue to decrease the number of printed copies of the report, and encourage our readers and faithful followers to download the electronic versions of GTCI from our dedicated websites. In the coming months, new tools will be made available to enrich web-based, social media?centred, and app-centred GTCI experiences.

This year again we want to express our deep feeling of gratitude to our two faithful partners, namely the Adecco Group and Tata Communications. Our thanks go to the executives and teams involved in these organisations, and also to all the individuals, institutions, and organisations that have contributed chapters to the present edition.

As in previous years, we wish to direct special thanks to the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), which has continued its highly professional and constructive evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the GTCI model. Finally, we acknowledge with gratitude the continued support of our prestigious Advisory Board, as well as the highly valuable contribution brought by Professor Paul Evans, founding academic director of GTCI during the last five years.

We continue to work hard at improving the relevance and value of this annual report, and count very much on the feedback from our growing readership to do so. We hope you enjoy this edition!

Bruno Lanvin Executive Director for Global Indices, INSEAD

Felipe Monteiro Academic Director of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index; Affiliate Professor of Strategy, INSEAD



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