LEAVITT'S, $10 fromI

H. W. CADY & CO.,

Local and Miscellaneous. ESSEX CO. ITEMS.--The following i from the Essex Co. Republican.

WEST CIIAZI-.--Sept. 30, 1871.--Ai



ither pic-nic--the last if not the least of 'ery Beldom we c o m m e n d t o t h e p u b l i c VIOTNTTT.--As very many of you are iip-

Suecen ture.



DRUGGISTS, 74 Margaret St., corner Bridge St.



--Dr. WestOD, from eight rods of grow harvested 47 bushels of Early Rose Petal, --about 800 bushels to the acre.

Mr. David McKillip, of Puru, picked STO

the many which have come off in otu n t h i s w a y p a t e n t i m p r o v e m e n t s a n d in-

midst during the past season. The mem- ventions, which b e l o n g m o r e p r o p e r -

bers and friends of our Sabbath School to o u r a d v e r t i s i n g c o l u m n s . W h a t

net at the church on Thursdfty morning,

have to commend, however, cone

igreeable to notice, and although the t h e h e a l t h , h a p p i n e s s a n d comfort of

n the point of buying a sewing machine,

-tamp (or circulars to OHUBDTTILL * TBMI'LETOW, Manufacturers, No. 916 BroadwayjNew

would suggest to you, that you call at nr room --over Brenan's store, Margaret



CRUMBS OF ;reet, and examine the Improved COMFORT.

IHieeler &. Wilson, before purchasing,




Save Your Plants and Currant Bushes. W H I L E O i l . S O A P ! W H A L E OIL SOAP

pods from one sialk of Vmis. To make --Mnnrice -was caught

:ucm a "ihousaml-to-oue," they need tr : tho Ladne ore bed, last Saturday, by

iverago only 2 2o-37 taans to n p-d is. H. Riley, of Cadyville,

kies were cloudy and the appearance

American women, t h a t we m a k e ut

or a good day anything but favorable, apology for giving it o u r m o s t emphftt-

ro loaded up our teams and at 10 A. M. appr. i&\ and e

on will there find the stillest and easiest inning machine, containing the least arts, and capable of doing the greatest



G.V. Edwards & Co., N0.68MRR8JIRET8TREET.

D O W D E R K D WfHITB H E L L E U O K B 1 is $50 therefor.

X I'owdcred Whito 1

FREE 3 MONTHS ON TRIAL. runt worruB and Snsnrti

--We are informed by Messrs. McCaf-

I froy & Hagerty that they h

GRAND OPENING OF ALL1BLE PILK CI UK -???""^direct from nearly all the Coin

DRY GOODS ! represented by them, ?which sav

that they will bo able to pay off all cl<

or loss resulting from the Chicago fire,


jtl. 1C! OIL for sail! hv. thegrons, dozen, or plr^o

without seriously affecting the standing

Hi UN ACES, H1N6B8 and ST0TE8 bf the Companies. Their 1.

ON TUESDAY, OCT. 10th, of their Com

iparatively small, and four > fortui

SPECIAL NOTICES. Blaok and Colored Wool Delaines, )t to do buBineBS in Chicago.

--The Tweed and Sweuney gang thai rere started for Wool's Poiut--that

jferred t o is t h e g r e a t American *riety and best work, of any machine

have been plundering the paste in our office place of general resort to excursionists, W a s h e r , w h i c h is claimed t o b e in every i the market. Its many points of su-

)t pretty much cleaned out in (lie lnsl for the reason, I suppose, it is so admir- conceivable respect superior to any other eriority can there be shown you. You

cck. We baited the trap with loastcd leese i --Last Sunday evening, at the Cougrega-

ibly adapted for this kind of thing. Bo ''washer" extant. I t is the smallest, ree from underbush ; such finely shaded most compact, most portable, most easiawns, rising up one above another ; its opcratod, and is not at all liable to

ill also find an assortment of the best lectures,by James MeCosh, il, cotton, &c, together with all parts and address' to''PEOrLE''8'joijKiif~il.~ FhlladeT > tho machine. Machines adjusted

>cal Church, a rather neve system of reli- ong rriuged beach and beautiful laki it out of order. Its construction is

ous exercises was commenced, called a pi'ospeofc. ' 'I would f^o ten miles out of

simple, that even a child can be suc- 3m

"Praise meeting," which consisted of a

ivay most any time," said friend cessfully taught to operate in an incred-

H. D. COBN-ELL, Agent.

Lyer and several short exhortalions by the P. C. Stoughton--who has an eye forible short space of time.


_ jly pick up an exchange

it or, and about 30 extracts of hymns sung ttural scenery as well as for deer and

Some of the most




what we see one or Great Shoshonees

two editorials c Remedy. Thei

by the congregation, interspersed with the out--"to take my lunch and spend an sirable features in this "washer," whioh never was, probably, a medicine that r<

-- . j e t . Bend forc?rcolafs. R K J H A R D ? 8 0 N ^ B TON * CO., 231 Water Street, N e w York.

receiving their stock of Fall Goods, consisting in part of


" I t Works IA1*c a t Harm

Rcnne't l"tln-Killing Music Oi! furai Toothae

Kennels Pnln-KiUiiitt Masjtc Oil cures Lamcnei

*'I Imvo [fot Lho Sciatica,"-and dellfiht ln l>vn "awful folk*1' I" use R e a n e ' s Pain*KLE n ness nnd charm RWSW their pains, bnt we actually take all that kind of "brag ont of them I" nnd they

W t J o l d by Druggists,' Merchants and Greet It is put up In three eir.es, and called "Trial I

PlattsODwh0! Mould *Bfck>n, ^ k ^ i . Co., t \

Pottor, BToasovillc.


--The "Phoenix Life Instirance Co.,' reading of portions of the psalms.

aur on Wool's Point I"

s im inducement in itself, ar? worthy ceived as many gratuitous Editorial N<

VL of Hartford, wants an energetic agent in

this locality. See card on the oppositt



The Catholic prelates of New York and

--Aid for the sufferers ! How m u dseveral other States met on Thursday of

nil Plattsburgh do for the Chicago suf-

week, at the residence of Arch-

erers f Now is the time to display yc

bishop McOIoskey, to select a candidate


" the new see of Plattsburgh. Th.

--The article from the Sun, relative to council was secret, but it is said thi

ffairs at Dannemora, will be found

Eev. Father MoNeirney, the well-knowi

he first page. As the Sun is a bitter

Secretary of Archbishop McCloskey, ant

ponent of President Grant, its disrespect-

of the -most proficient masters of

ll reference to him is accounted for.

Catholic ceremonies on this continent,

--The extensive freight depot build- has been nominated. Two other priests

igs of the Fitchburg K. R , at Charles- ve been named in connection with the

>wn, Mass., ivere totally destroyed by shopric--Catholic usuages requiring

re on the 6th inst., including "an im ;hat three names be sent to Borne when

iense quantity of freight. We are sorry t<

ee is to be filled--but it is generally

i learn that a stock of goods consigned to

iceded that the mitre ia to be placed

L. Leavitt, of Plattsburgh, and which

the head of Father McNeirney.

Well, away we went, with banners fly- if especial commendation. They ig, band playing, and children rejoic- these: It is always ready for use; there

tices as this ; but when a medicine __ found to have made so many striking cures, of desperate cases of Scrofula,

ing. We had not proceeded far, how-

adjusting; no screws to confuse and Female Complaints, Primary Consump-

ever, when we were overtaken by a good annoy, and no delay whatever in adapt- tion, Rheumatism, &c, as the Shosho-

smart shower. This we thought quite liscouraging and considerably against

ing it. Everything Beems to have been done that ingenuity could suggest; and

nees Remedy has, Editors will write up-

on it, for the benefit of their readers,

pay or no pay.


is, BO that we halted in our march to in our estimation it is simply a practical,

;ake counsel, and while the older heads sensible and beautiful invention, and on-

idvised a speedy return, the children all ly requires to be seen to be appreciated,

>xclaimed, "go on 1 we'll risk i t ! " andwhioh cannot fail to please the taste of

sf course the majority ruled, and on we the most fastidious. --Philadelphia

;n pour the whole down the horse's

went, and soon after--as the "Father," Weekly Press.

who hears the children when they cry, Id have it--the clouds broke away,

THE SOUTH.--This is the name of a jour-

VRenne'a PPaaiinn--?Killing MMaaggiicc COil Is eold by m 3 Merchants, an

;he sun poured its genial rays upon us, lal, now in its fourth number, published in

It cures pain, a;

act a better day for the excursion we ie city of New York, and devoted to the

>uld not have had.

industrial interest*-of the Southern States.

The historic spot was reached in good me, where the order of the day was

onducted in all candor and fairness, iost judiciously presents the claims of

In Everybody'* Month.

?oner among them. "MY CAPTIVI ADtOKG T H B SIOUX," price $1.50, is her derful story. Endorsed by Chiefs, Army Officer*. Oon(iressmer, eto. Agents will find no book tell Hie this. For Lwiles It is particularly adapted. -- "'- -"-large nothing for ctrealar?, with fall in;

Y.'eartrord, Ct.


AGENTS W A S T E D . Bound canvassing cook


"granted"ntte PIOTOBIAL


nins over 3 0 0 T U n i t r a t l o n a . Is a complete L7:?i_Biyjc?L??o?le?,*?-J ,Bi5fle ................

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