2013 Buddha, Jesus and The Brain handout

Buddha, Jesus and The Brain

Timothy R. Jennings, M.D. FAPA

President-Elect TN Psychiatric Association

Author: Could It Be This Simple? A Biblical Model for

Healing the Mind ? 2007

The God Shaped Brain: How Your View of God Transforms Your Life - 2013

September 1, 2013



1. Identify the physical health outcomes of meditation

2. Contrast the differences in philosophical underpinnings between the teachings of Buddha and Jesus

3. Examine the impact meditation has upon the brain



? Describe Eastern Meditation (EM), what it is, its health benefits, recent trends in the west and opposition from Christian groups

? Historical contrast of Buddha and Jesus

? Common teaches of Buddha and Jesus

? Divergent philosophical landscape between Buddha and Jesus

? The brain changes associated with EM vs. Christian meditation

? How Buddha and Jesus confronted the fear of death


Eastern Meditation Core Features

? EM involves

oRelaxed posture oEmptying focus oRepetitive mantra, chant

oRhythmic breathing oGentle pushing away of intrusive thoughts

and return to the mantra


Eastern Meditation In the US

? NIH 2007 survey EM is steadily increasing ? Increasingly common in medical practices

and promoted in mental health treatment ? Major influx into Christianity


Health Benefits of EM

? Lower heart rate ? Lower blood pressure ? Lower rates of anxiety and depression ? More rapid recovery after illness ? Less pain and need for pain meds after surgery ? Better attention, concentration and focus ? Better performance in school ? Decreased activation of inflammatory cascades in



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Why the health benefit from EM?

? Calms the amygdala ? which results in better concentration and focus which...

? Reduces the activation of the sympathetic nervous system which...

? Results in decrease activation of the immune system, and less stress hormone release thus reduced heart rate, blood pressure which...

? Results in less release of inflammatory cytokines which...

? Results in less damage to brain and body and thus better wound healing and less pain



Christian Leaders Oppose EM

? Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler says yoga & EM are not Christian practices.1

? Ted Wilson, President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, warns:

o "Stay away from non-biblical spiritual disciplines or methods of spiritual formation that are rooted in mysticism such as contemplative prayer, centering prayer, and the emerging church movement in which they are promoted."2

1. October 09, 2010, online at

2. Klin, F., online report at



Opposition to EM

? Christian leaders in many denominations warn against the influx of this meditative practice

? Why the opposition if it shows so much health benefit?


Herb Benson, Harvard MD in

his book Timeless Healing

? Describes the "relaxation response" which occurs from meditation that includes:

o Repetitive focus on a single word or phrase o Rhythmic breathing and relaxed posture, usually eyes close o Gentle pushing away of other thoughts

? Dr. Benson documents that today Every Religion in the world has this method of meditation

? I attended a seminar at Harvard conducted by Dr. Benson: He had as presenters, Catholic Priest, Protestant minister, Buddhist Monk, Islam cleric, Jewish Rabbi ? others...


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Harvard Conference

Relaxation Response

? I asked the representatives of Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism ?

o "While you have documented that we find this form of meditation practiced in every religion of the world today, do we find this form of meditation in the Bible?"

? The answer?

? NO!

? Does that concern anyone?

? Does anyone find it strange that EM is found in every religion, but the one place it is NOT found is in the Bible?


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Dr. Andrew Newberg

? Excellent neuroscience ? Evolutionist who

teaches that our brains evolved to create the idea of God ? States Buddha and Jesus both reached enlightenment through practicing Eastern Meditation

Newberg, A. How God Changes Your Brain Random House, 2009 p. 34.



? Did Jesus and Buddha both practice the same meditation?

? Is there a difference between EM and Biblical mediation?

? What impact do each have on the brain and person?

? If EM is not found in the Bible, why is it making such inroads into Christianity?

? How can we ensure our meditations are Bible based?


Gautama Buddha

? Different traditions:

o Born of human mother and father via normal conception

o Supernatural origin, conceived without intercourse

? Lived - 563 BCE to 483 BCE

? Lived in Himalayan foothills of northeast India

? Faced existential anxiety

? Discovered TM Nirvana


Jesus Christ

? Different Traditions:

o Born of human mother and father (Judaism)

o Supernatural origin, virgin birth, Incarnate Son of God (Christianity)

? Different Traditions:

o Lived 3BCE ? 29 CE (Judaism & Islam)

o Lived 3BCE ? 29 CE & 29 CE until present (Christianity)

? Lived Palestine

? Faced Existential anxiety

? Overcame with selfsacrificial love


Commonality between Buddha & Jesus

? Both taught moderation & to avoid extremism

o Buddha taught the "middle way" to avoid sensual indulgence and also to avoid extreme asceticism

o Jesus taught to avoid sensual indulgence and Pharisaism


Commonality between Buddha & Jesus

? Both taught moderation & to avoid extremism

o (avoid sensual indulgence and extreme asceticism)

? Both troubled by suffering and injustice in the world

? Both taught altruism ? Both sought to relieve suffering

? Both taught that there is something wrong with the current condition of the human mind that results in suffering

o Buddha ? Dependent Origination - the mind creates suffering as a natural product of a complex process

o Jesus ? That our condition is not natural, but deviant from God's design and must be healed, "Must be born again..." and this deviant condition causes suffering


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Commonality between Buddha & Jesus

? Both taught moderation & to avoid extremism

o (avoid sensual indulgence and extreme asceticism)

? Both troubled by suffering and injustice in the world ? Both taught altruism ? Both sought to relieve suffering ? Both taught that there is something wrong with the

current condition of the human mind that results in suffering ? Both sought a solution for the problems of the human condition ? Both taught that Scripture should not be used alone


Commonality between Buddha & Jesus

? Buddha taught Scripture should not be accepted unless born out by experience and endorsed by the wise

? Jesus taught that God provided three threads to be harmonized, Scripture, Science/Nature, Experience, with enlightenment from the Holy Spirit

o Quoted Scripture (Road to Emmaus, in Synagogue, to Disciples)

o Taught God's truths with examples in nature, wheat falls to ground dies to bring live, parable of sower, provisions for sparrows and the lilies of the fields, healing ministry acting out plan of salvation

o "Then he said to Thomas, `Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.'" (Jn 20:27)

o The Holy Spirit will lead into all truth (Jn 15:26; 16:13)


Integrative Evidence--Based Approach

? Scripture "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2Tim 3:16)

? Science "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Rom 1:20) (emphasis mine)

? Experience "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Ps 34:8)


The Problem IF We Separate the 3 Threads


The Problem IF We Separate the 3 Threads

The Problem IF We Separate the 3 Threads

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Integrative Evidence--Based Approach


Differences in Philosophical Landscape


? No specific higher intelligent being

? Life energy/individuality transcends time and space reemerges in new forms through time on its own

? Eternal dualism


? Creator God with unique individuality

? Life energy originates in God and is distinct from individuality, thus individuality is resurrected by God (hardware, software and


? Earth currently an artificial bubble of reality in which dualism occurs temporarily



? Two opposite, but complementary components, which are required together to make up the whole

? Classic examples:

o male and female o light and dark o high and low o hot and cold o water and fire

? But Eastern Philosophies also include

o Good and Evil o Life and Death


Eternal Dualism

? "Thus, good and bad, the sacred and the profane, the sensual and the spiritual, the worldly and the transcendental, ignorance and enlightenment, samsara and nirvana, etc., are not absolute opposites, or concepts of entirely different categories, but two sides of the same reality."

? Lama Anagarika Govinda

Govinda, A., Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, London: Rider, 1969, pp. 107-8.


Dualism in the World

? Rain refreshes and brings life ? storms destroy ? Plants produce fruits and food ? yet also toxins,

thorns and poisons ? Despots abuse and murder others, yet love and

protect their family ? The Bible teaches the conflict between the

"spiritual" and "carnal" natures ? In the world we see dualism


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Two Antagonistic Principles -- Dualism

? Altruistic Love

? Survival-of-the-fittest

? EM ? dualism is natural, eternal, and provides healthy balance

? Christianity ? dualism is artificial, the result of an infection to God's design, and will be eliminated


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