Case History - Ontario Naturopathic Clinic

Patient personal and clinical data form

Name___________________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________

Address_________________________________________________________________ State_________________ Zip___________

H. Phone (________)_________________________ W. Phone_____________________ Date of Birth___________ Age__________

Referred by________________________________________________ Health Card #___________Insurance Company

Insurance # ________________________ email address: ------------------- Webpage (if applicable) -----------------


Marital Status S M D W Spouse Name_______________________________________

Number of Children/Ages____________________________________ Spouses Occupation__________________________________

Have you ever received Naturopathic Care? Yes No

primary health care provider name : _______________Telephone : ---------------------- email: --------------- address: ---------------------

Please circle for each of the following: Patient Comment Naturopathic Doctor

If answer is Yes Comments

1 . Current Health Habits:

Did/do you smoke? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Did/do you drink alcohol? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Diet, do you eat healthy foods? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Have you been in accidents/trauma? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Have you had surgery? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Drugs, prescription, OTC, recreational? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Dental problems? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Eye problems? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Hearing problems? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Exercise regularly? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Did/do you have occupational stress? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Drive? Daily time spent driving Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Physical stress? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Emotional/Mental stress? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Hobbies/Sports injuries? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Do you sleep well, hours of sleep? Y N _____________________________ _____________________

Sleeping posture? O side O stomach O back _____________________________ _____________________

Symptoms and Present State of Health

Present Complaint/Reason for Seeking Care in this Office:


Pain or Problem started on_______________________________________________________________________________

Pains are: O Sharp O Dull/ Ache O Constant O Intermittent O Other______________________

Does this pain shoot, radiate, or travel in your body? Where?____________________________________________________

Are you experiencing numbness or tingling in any area of your body? Where?______________________________________

Since it began, is it: O Same O Better O Worst

What activities aggravate your condition/pain?_______________________________________________________________

What activities lessen your condition/pain?__________________________________________________________________

Is this condition worse during certain times of the day?________________________________________________________

Is this condition interfering with Work?__________ Sleep?__________Routine?_______Other?______________________

Is this condition progressively getting worse?________________________________________________________________

Other Doctors seen for this condition_______________________________________________________________________

Any home remedies? ___________________________________________________________________________________

Please Circle where you are at: (No Complaint/Pain) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Worst Possible Complaint/Pain)

Using the symbols below, mark on the pictures where you feel pain.

Numbness = = =

Dull Ache OOO

Burning XXX

Sharp/Stabbing / / /

Pins, Needles + + +

Other ______ ^ ^ ^

Please mark any of the following conditions or symptoms that you have now or have experienced:

Other Symptoms:

O Headaches O Pain in Hands or Arms O Chest Pains

O Neck Pain O Numbness in Hands or Arms O Heart Attack

O Sleeping Problems O Pain in Legs or Feet O High Blood Pressure

O Low Back Pain O Numbness in Legs or Feet O Stroke

O Nervousness O Fatigue O Cancer

O Tension O Depression O Painful Urination

O Irritability O Lights Bother Eyes O Diabetes

O Dizziness O Loss of Memory O Diarrhea

O Pain Between Shoulders O Shoulder Pain O Constipation

O Neck Stiff O Sinus O Stomach Upset

O Joint Swelling O Shortness of Breath O Heartburn/Reflux

O Fever O Asthma O Weight Loss

O Loss of Balance O Allergies O Loss of Smell or Taste

O Ringing in Ears O Cold Hands O Menstrual Cramps

O Jaw/TMJ Problems O Cold Feet O Menopause

Are you under medical care for any condition?_______________________________________________________________________

What Medications are you taking?________________________________________________________________________________

How long?_________________ Have you had surgery?_________________ What?_________________ When?_________________

What side effects have you experienced from the drugs and surgery?_____________________________________________________

Females Only – Date last Menstrual Period began on________________________________ Are you possibly Pregnant?___________

Is there a family History of:

Heart Disease Arthritis Cancer Diabetes Other__________________

Father’s side O O O O O

Mother’s side O O O O O

I hereby certify that the statements and answers given on this form are accurate to the best of knowledge and understand it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes in my health.

I agree to allow this office to examine me for further evaluation.

Patient Signature______________________________________________________Date__________________________

Doctor name ------------------------------- Signature ------------------------------ Date -------------------------------------------


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