Resources for Test and Evaluation and Systems Engineering ...

Resources for Test and Evaluation and Systems Engineering ProfessionalsThis collection of valuable acquisition resources was developed by the Defense Acquisition University as an aid to test and evaluation, systems engineering, and other acquisition professionals. This document lists the following types of free or low cost, online or readily accessible resources: publications, websites, classes & training, software resources, M&S resources, T&E resources, and systems engineering resources. Each section title is highlighted. Contact Karen Stadler at to suggest additions or updates to this document.Note: As a policy, the Defense Acquisition University (author of this list of resources) does NOT endorse any of the resources listed in this document.Item / NameDescription / InformationWeb-LinkPublicationsThe Acquisition Process Wall ChartLife cycle management information on: phases, milestones, technical reviews; JCIDS process and documents; contracting, logistics, sustainment; Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution Process (PPBE); systems engineering and T&E processes and events. National Defense Magazine (NDIA Journal)Electronic version is free.Defense Acquisition Review Journal Used to be called Acquisition Review Quarterly AT&L Magazine Used to be called Program Manager Magazine ExecutiveMagazine Computer NewsMagazine Journal of Defense Software on the CrossTalk link to access the magazine.Chips Magazine Sponsored by Navy Chief Information Officer, and SPAWAR IT Umbrella Program or Defense News Magazine is NOT free. Website has some free informationArmy AL&T Magazine Aviation Week Magazine is NOT free. Website has some free information, articles, photos, links to other websitesThe ITEA Journal of T&E Magazine is NOT free (magazine comes with ITEA membership). Website has some free information, such as magazine articles & abstracts.Early BirdDoD related news articles DoD News ServicesNews releases, contract announcements, photos, news archives.Links to Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, war on terrorism, and other federal government newsletters.. Air Force AIM POINTSe-Letter Handbooks, Guides, PublicationsT&E Management GuideSystems Engineering FundamentalsGlossary Defense Acq. Acronyms/TermsIntro. to Defense Acq. ManagementProgram Managers Tool KitPerformance Based Logistics GuideScheduling Guide for PMsJoint Program Management HandbookCOTS & Commercial Item GuideCOSSI HandbookGuide to Incentive StrategiesGuide to Performance Based Services Acq Click on General Publications, Guidebooks, and/or DPAP PublicationsDefense Acquisition GuidebookInteractive on-line version of the Defense Acquisition Guidebook, GuidebooksAcquisition Logistics GuideContracting for the Rest of UsDoD Guide for Achieving RM&ADoD Guide, Uniquely Identifying ItemsEVM Implementation GuideGuide for Mgmt. of Multinational Pgms.Risk Mgmt. Guide for DoD Acq.Mngr’s Guide to Tech. TransitionGAO Reports (Acquisition Related)DoD Acquisition Mgmt. MetricsDoD IPPD HandbookTechnology Readiness Assessment GuideNumerous other handbooks and guides. Documents and other Acquisition-related documentsFirst link is for acquisition-related laws, instructions, regulations, policy memos, reports, FAR and DFARS info., etc.Second link is for news and publications.Both can be sorted by career field, organization, or topic. Test Director’s Guide COMOPTEVFOR of Statistical MethodsHandbook of Engineering Statistics Guide to Specification Writing, for U.S. Government Engineers NAVAIR publication A Modular Open Systems Approach to AcquisitionGuidebook Defense Procurement and Acquisition PolicyContracting guidebooks, policy and DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning GuidebookGuidebook and other corrosion prevention information DoD Guide to Integrated Product and Process DevelopmentGuidebook Top Eleven Ways to Manage Technical Risk (NAVSO P-3686)Risk Guide. Also information on diminishing manufacturing sources and material shortages. Joint Testing HandbookHandbook click on JT&E handbook (menu on left side)Virtual Library - PentagonVirtual Library Virtual Library - Naval Postgraduate School Virtual Library“Ask a Librarian” Virtual Library - Library of Congress Virtual Library Virtual Library - Air Force Institution of Technology Virtual Library Military Library Network Search electronic catalogs of more than 30 military libraries. Also has defense related U.S. Policy statements on selected key topics. Library locator Library locator. Also has access to 750,000 eBook titles Gutenberg (30,000+ public domain books)Public domain books Acquisition Portal (DAP)Policy documentsAcquisition workforce info.Education / professional development infoNews & publicationsIndustry support for acquisition – news & weblinksAsk-A-ProfessorAir Force Acquisition Policy Fact Pages Community Connection (ACC)ACC – A website where the AT&L workforce meets to share knowledge.Join ACC and access important acquisition resources, connect with professionals in your field, share information and knowledge (including posting documents to the ACC website)ACC has Communities of Practice / Special Interest Areas for Systems Engineering, Test & Evaluation, and numerous others Acquisition website linksWeb-links CentralDocuments, instructions, website links encyclopedia of common defense acquisition topics websiteContains information on who is performing what work in DoD research and development. Research, Development & Acquisition WebsiteWebsite Army Acquisition Support CenterWebsite Defense Science Board (DSB)Download or order DSB AcqWeb - USD(AT&L) Website Documents, OSD information & website links, search engineacq.osd.milDefense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval (DAMIR)DAMIR identifies various data sources that the Acquisition community uses to manage Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAP) and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS) programs, and enables the OSD, Military Services, Congress and other participating communities to access this information. docs, regs, forms, tools Army Knowledge Online, Defense Knowledge Online Army-wide and DoD-wide information, Email, search engine, locator Navy Knowledge Online Navy-wide information Air Force PortalAir Force-wide Marine Corps Home PageMarine Corps-wide Air Force Center of Excellence for Knowledge Mgmt. Documents (search engine), samples & examples, POC’s, web links, tools, communities of practice (including T&E) Air Force DocumentationDocuments, publications DocumentationDocuments, publications DocumentationDocuments, publications Defense Technical Information Center DoD documents, reports, publications (search, order docs) DoD Locator & Search Engine Documents, websites, news releases Information Search EnginesSearch Engines, links to government information Worldwide Military Installations Info.Website Military Installations DoD installation and duty station information War CollegeDoD / military Lessons Learned Force Knowledge ManagementBest Practices / Lessons Learned for Army Lessons Learned Best Practices / Lessons Learned Best Practices ClearinghouseBest Practices (especially in areas of systems engineering and software acquisition.) Information on how to implement & implementation results. Naval Postgraduate School Library Numerous Lessons Learned web-links click on lessons learned (which is listed under military resources)Marine Corps Lessons LearnedBest Practices / Lessons Learned National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)Documents, web-links, info on meetings & events, links to NDIA committees & local chapters.Defense Acquisition University students may obtain free NDIA membership through the DAU website Free NDIA membership for DAU students and faculty: North American Technology & Industrial Base Organization of Technology Transition Website Research & Engineering PortalInformation on federally funded R&D projects (budget, planning, project summaries, news highlights).Search engine, links to other websites. Independent Research & Development Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Human Systems Integration (HSI) and Advanced Distributed LearningWebsites, Reliability Analysis CenterPublications, tools, training Chemical, Biological, Radiological, & Nuclear Defense Information Analysis CenterChemical, Biological, Radiological, & Nuclear Defense and Homeland Security Scientific and Technical Information Propulsion Information Analysis CenterU.S. national clearinghouse and resource center for chemical rocket propulsion technical information and research services. Sensing Information Analysis CenterPurpose is to foster communications within the Military Sensing Technology community; create standards; and collect, analyze, synthesize, maintain, & distribute critical information within the field. Systems Technology Information Analysis CenterPurpose is to provide information and engineering services related to conventional and directed energy weapons, their development, production, fielding, and maintenance. Materials, Manufacturing, and Testing Information Analysis CenterThe DoD Center of Excellence responsible for acquiring, archiving, analyzing, synthesizing, and disseminating scientific and technical information related to advanced materials, manufacturing, and testing. Systems Joint Task Force Tools & guides, documents, lessons Best Manufacturing Practices Industry / Government / Academia cooperative effort Defense Environmental Network Website DoD Chief Information Officer WebsiteHome page has Section 508 information. Archives contains: Net-Centric docs & checklist, Global Information Grid guidance & docs, C3I documents. WebsiteDIACAP Knowledge Service Website DoD Architecture Framework (DODAF) version 2.0Download DODAF docs (Volume I, Volume II, Volume III). Joint Capability Technology DemonstrationsWebsite Comparative Testing OfficeAdministers the Defense Acquisition Challenge (DAC) Program, and Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) Program InformationFree testing information (particularly software testing) and articles from leading consultantsSurvivability / Vulnerability Information Analysis Center Websitesurviac/ Director, OT&E T&E websitedote.osd.milDirector, DT&E T&E website Interoperability Test Command (JITC) T&E / interoperability website Resource management Center (TRMC) T&E website Range Commanders’ Council T&E website International T&E Association (ITEA) T&E website Navy OT&E Force (OPTEVFOR) T&E T&E Command (ATEC) T&E T&E Office T&E website Marine Corps OT&E Activity (MCOTEA) T&E website Air Force OT&E Center (AFOTEC) T&E Joint Service T&E information T&E website Hundreds of Statistics Website Links Everything you ever wanted to know about statistics! (Also data analysis, evaluation, data collection & management, etc.) Statistics Websites (Statistics software & tools)Free statistical software & tools, statistical software websites Statistics Weblinks & ToolsFree statistical software & tools, statistical software websites Click on site index. Then scroll down to the statistics sections.Classes & TrainingNote: As a policy, the Defense Acquisition University (who developed this list of resources) does NOT endorse any non-government sources of education or trainingDefense Acquisition University (DAU) CoursesWeb based Classes: ACQ 101, PQM 101, SAM 101, SYS 101, SYS 202, TST 102, many others.Resident Courses offered at numerous locations: TST 203, TST 303, SYS 203, SYS 302, many others. DAU Strategic Partnerships with Colleges and UniversitiesCollege credit for DAU classesDAU credit for college classes Continuous Learning ModulesMore than 200 continuous learning modules - Can browse or take for credit.Modules include: - System Safety in Systems Engineering- Technical Reviews- Assessment of Tech. Readiness Levels- Designing for Supportability- Contracting for the Rest of Us- IPT Management and Leadership- Information Assurance- Introduction to Interoperability- Reducing Total Ownership Costs- Risk Management- M&S for T&E- DTEPI Intro. to Probability & Statistics- Testing in a Joint Environment- Environmental Issues in T&E- Telemetry- Time-Space-Position Information DAU Catalog and iCatalog- Course descriptions- Career Field Certification Requirements (Requirements for DAWIA Certification)- Course equivalencies- Continuing Education Units (CEUs)- American Council on Education (ACE) recommended credits Support ServicesResearch, analysis, consulting, problem solving, targeted training. Navy Distance LearningDistance Learning Courses & Degree Programs U.S. Government E-Learning CoursesDistance Learning CoursesInternational Engineering ConsortiumDistance Learning CoursesInternational Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)First web-link is for Distance Learning CoursesSecond web-link is for Systems Engineering certificationeducationcareers/shortcourses.aspx Acquisition InstituteDistance Learning Courses Systems Engineering (SE) On-Line DegreesNote: Other colleges and universities (besides those listed) offer classes in systems engineering. The following universities offer on-line SE degrees or certificates.See the next eleven rows (listings) in this table.University of Southern CaliforniaOn-line M.S. Systems Architecture & Engineering Oklahoma State UniversityOn-line M.S. Control Systems Engineering University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)Masters Certificate, Systems Engineering (Also certificates in T&E, M&S, Rocket Propulsion, and Reliability & Missile Systems).Classroom or distance learning.Some DAU classes transfer towards UAH certificates. Technical University (now part of Walden University)On-line M.S. degrees in Systems Engineering, and Software Engineering(312) 263-0456(866) 492-5336 Arizona State UniversityOn-line Master of Engineering, in the following areas: Modeling and Simulation, Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, Quality and Reliability Engineering, Technical Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Electrical EngineeringOn-line Graduate Certificate in Statistics Southern Methodist UniversityMS, Systems Engineering (distance learning or classroom setting).Certificate programs.Some DAU course credits may transfer.DoD employees may receive reduced tuition. Naval Postgraduate SchoolM.S. Systems Air Force Institute of TechnologyM.S. and Masters Certificate in Systems and Engineering ManagementOn-line continuing On-Line Engineering DegreesSearch engine Engineering degrees (some are on-line)Search engine Systems Engineering Academic ProgramsWorld-wide listing T&E Certificates & DegreesNote: Other colleges and universities (besides those listed) offer classes in T&E. The following universities offer T&E related degrees or certificates.See the next seven rows (listings) in this table.Air Force Institute of TechnologyM.S. in Operations Research. Masters Certificate in Test and Evaluation.afit.eduUniversity of Alabama in HuntsvilleT&E CertificateSystems Engineering CertificateModeling & Simulation Certificate Classroom or distance learning of Florida Graduate-level T&E Certificate Florida Institute of TechnologyM.S., Operations Georgia TechT&E Certificateterec.gatech.eduNational Test Pilot SchoolMasters programs, flight testingNaval Postgraduate SchoolMasters in Operations Analysis U.S. Army Logistics Management CollegeOperations Research classes (also Army Acquisition, Environmental Science, and Logistics classes) Air Force Test Pilot School Short courses, and Test Pilot School click on U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School InformationElectronic Warfare T&E UniversityShort Courses COMOPTEVFOROperational Test Director T&E UniversityCourses focus on OT&E training for AFOTEC (505) 846-6074Army T&E Basic Course (TEBC)Course focuses on T&E training for Army Air Force Design of Experiments & Statistics ClassesAir Armament Academy offers a variety of Design of Experiments & Statistics classes (many classes offered at Eglin Air Force Base).Once you access the website, click on College of Test and Evaluation. Register with the Air Force Knowledge Now system to access this web-page.Software Programming and Web-DevelopmentMore than 450 on-line classestraining/element_k.php Software ResourcesDoD Software Data & Analysis CenterSoftware engineering data & information (numerous software related areas), Software Tech newsletter & E-newsletter, “Golden Practices” including those for software testing Software Security Assurance First web-link: Download the July 31, 2007 State-of-the-Art Report (SOAR).Second web-link: Information Assurance Technology Analysis Center and Software Consortium, Inc. (formerly Software Productivity Consortium, SPC)Processes, methods, tools, support services.Some assets only available to consortium members. Software Program Managers Network (SPMN)Lessons learned, best practices, guides to testing, configuration management.Originally sponsored by DoD, but now a commercial entity. Practical Software & Systems MeasurementInformation based on best measurement practices (DoD, government, industry) and ISO Measurement Standard.Provides a basis for enterprise level management. Provides some free guidelines and handbooks.Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) provides guidance and expertise in the field of software measurement and analysis. Engineering Institute (SEI)SEI is a DoD federally funded R&D center, sponsored by the OSD AT&L.Core purpose is to help others make measured improvements in their software engineering capabilities. Web-links are the SEI home page, and Software Engineering Repository of technical information. Capability Maturity ModelSEI was the original developer of the Software Capability Maturity Model (SW-CMM), which has been supplanted by an integrated model called the CMMI.Web-links give CMMI and legacy CMM information. Security Build Security in (BSI) website contains and has links to best practices, tools, guidelines, rules, principles, & other resources for software developers, architects, & security practitioners. Force Software Technology Support Center (STSC)Publishes CrossTalk, monthly magazine of software management issues and current practice, including testing.Web-links are the STSC home page, and “Guidelines for Successful Acquisition and Management of Software Intensive Systems” publications. Army CECOM Software Engineering CenterWeb-links are the home page, and a useful legacy checklist, Domain 6 which covers T&E. Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support ActivitySoftware support center SPAWAR – Software Engineering & Process OfficeProcess asset library covering all parts of the software development process.Software Management for Executives Guidebook. Acquisition Community Connection (ACC)The ACC Systems Engineering and IT Communities-of-Practice, and the Software Acquisition Management Special Interest Area, contain many Software Related Resources Continuous Learning Center (CLC) short courses Distance learning short courses available for Information Assurance, Enterprise Integration, Interoperability, Naval Open Architecture, and the Net-Ready KPP Federal Chief Information Officers CouncilWebsite has best practices, guidebooks & other documents For Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) projects: DoD Enterprise Integration Toolkit Vulnerability DatabaseA comprehensive cyber security vulnerability database that contains and has links to numerous resources and information sources. M&S ResourcesModeling & Simulation Coordination Office(formerly Defense Modeling & Simulation Office) M&S references and resources, standards, and educationLinks to service (& NATO) M&S activities M&S Resource Repositories Links to numerous M&S resources and repositories Air Force Agency for Modeling & SimulationDocuments, links, lessons Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and InstrumentationM&S Support Systems OfficeAutomated Joint threat Systems Handbook (available on the SIPRNET) – lists threat simulators, facilities, targets, M&S, ranges, and foreign assetsFor additional information, contact the DOT&E Threat Systems Office: Joint Accreditation Support ActivityVV&A resources, training, archives Navy M&S OfficeArticles, information, help desk Air Force M&S Resource RepositoryM&S Resources Army M&S Resource RepositoryM&S Resources M&S Resource RepositoryM&S Resources, Validation, & Accreditation (VV&A) Recommended Practices GuideVV&A information, templates, reference documents, diagrams.Discussion of VV&A activities (legacy, new, or federation M&S) from perspective of the User, Developer, M&S Program Manager, V&V Agent, and Accreditation Agent. Annual DoD M&S AwardsOutstanding Achievement in development or application of M&S within DoD.DoD awards are sponsored by the M&S Coordination Office (formerly DMSO) Industry & Academia awards sponsored by National Training Systems Association nomform.cfmT&E ResourcesCentral Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP)CTEIP objectives include: - Fund & help solve shortfalls in T&E infrastructure- Achieve consistency, commonality & interoperability- Develop & exploit M&S to support T&E- Develop mobile instrumentation- Expand / maintain T&E technology base Acquisition Community Connection (ACC)These ACC Special Interest Areas contain many T&E related resources: - Test & Evaluation- TRMC - T&E Science & Technology- Operations Research/Systems Analysis PublicationsVarious T&E related reports, articles and/or presentations are available at the DOT&E website. Common Access Card (CAC) is required for accessRange Commanders CouncilOrganization of DoD test, training and operational range commanders that:- Fosters cooperation & standardization- Seeks solutions to common needs- Establishes technical standards- Facilitates technical & equipment exchanges- Forms technical working groups for various functions Test & Evaluation / Science & Technology Program (TEST)Program Goals: To fund / exploit new technologies, and expedite their transition from the laboratory to the T&E website is for the Acquisition Community Connection TEST Program special interest area. Bottom website is for the DoD Test Resource Management Center (TRMC). The TEST Program is the responsibility of the TRMC, which reports to USD (AT&L). Resource Management Center Annual ReportInformation on the CTEIP Program, T&E Science & Technology Program, Test ranges & resources, and other TRMC programs and Army OT Entrance Criteria TemplatesAppendix X of DA Pam 73-1 contains a set of 33 detailed templates, covering all aspects of T&E (Test Planning & Documentation, System Design & Performance, Test Assets & Support) first access Army Knowledge Online (AKO), then type in the weblink.Army T&E Publications Army TEMP approval status report “TEMP Preparation 101”T&E Refresher CourseT&E WIPT “Smart Book”Army T&E Strategic PlanArmy Guidelines: Use of M&S to support T&EMany other T&E reference documents first access Army Knowledge Online (AKO), then type in the weblink.Army Software Testing Standards DA PAM 73-1 “T&E in Support of Systems Acquisition”, Appendices Q & T first access Army Knowledge Online (AKO), then type in the weblink.NAVAIR T&E Training and GuidesThis NAVAIR website has:- T&E training on the role of T&E, and the T&E process- T&E definitions- T&E Guide for Project Engineers- TEMP guidance, format, and training Guidelines for Conducting OT&E of Software-Intensive System Increments Guidance for OT&E of software intensive systems Defense Acquisition Guidebook Chapter 9 has T&E Resources & Information Section 9.3 lists DT&E guidelinesSection 9.4 lists OT&E guidelinesSection 9.5 lists LFT&E guidelinesSection 9.6 discusses T&E planning documentation (TES and TEMP)Section 9.8 lists T&E best practicesSection 9.10 presents the TEMP recommended format T&E Methodology-and- Joint Mission Environment Test Capability (JMETC)First web-link: Capability Test Methodology Handbooks for Testing in a Joint (distributed) Environment. Also briefings & tutorials.Second web-link: JMETC information. JMETC provides a joint distributed test infrastructure (live, virtual, and constructive test resources that are configured to support the users' needs). Engineering ResourcesDoD Systems Engineering Policy and Guidance- Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) Preparation Guide, and other related documents - Policy for Systems Engineering in DoD- Contracting for Systems Engineering- Designing & Assessing Supportability in DoD Weapon Systems- Technical review checklists- System of Systems Engineering Guides- Systems Engineering guides from various organizations- Engineering for System Assurance- DAPS Methodology (applies to ACAT I programs approaching DAB review) Click on policy and guidance. Then click on policy, for systems engineering policy memos and instructions – or click on guidance & tools, for other systems engineering documentsClick on acquisition program resources for best practices & frequently asked questionsAir Force Center for Systems EngineeringAir Force Systems Engineering Info., SE guidance and resource docs, SE web-links Air Force Deskbook – EngineeringDetailed engineering documents, for use by acquisition professionals SPAWAR Systems Engineering Process OfficeNavy systems engineering information:Links & library for systems engineering, software engineering, process improvement, project management Links to INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Industry SE standards, NASA guidebooks and standards Acquisition GuideAcquisition Roadmap has a graphical flowchart, with detailed descriptions & guidance.Policies, documents, links, search engine.Detailed information on contracts, configuration mgmt., funding, logistics, and numerous other topics. Technical Reviews Info. & Guides Technical review checklists, entry & exit criteria, other information on technical reviews. Navy Technical Reviews Handbooks & Checklists Detailed handbooks & checklists for each technical review Roll your mouse/curser over each review to access handbooks & checklistsDefense Acquisition Guidebook Chapter 4 - Systems Engineering (SE) Resources & Info.- Section 4.2 discusses the eight technical processes & eight technical mgmt. processes- Section 4.3 discusses SE activities in the System Life Cycle- Section 4.4 discusses various SE design considerations- Section 4.5 discusses key SE tools & techniques- Section 4.6 discusses best practices, case studies, and lessons learned- Section 4.7 discusses SE resources Council On Systems Engineering (INCOSE)Non-profit membership organization.Website has: - News & events- Publications & book reviews- Systems Engineering Primer- Technical resources & tools- Technical Measurement Guide- Systems Engineering job bank- Professional certification program- INSIGHT newsletter- Listing of SE short courses- Directory of SE Academic Programs- Ethics for Engineering Professionals Systems Engineering ToolsThis weblink has tools of interest to Systems Engineers (requirements management, systems architecture, measurement, and other tools). DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF)Website links to DODAF documents (Volumes I, II, and III), tutorials, and other DoDAF information. Must first access Army Knowledge Online (AKO), then type in the weblink. Communities of Practice & Special Interest Areas, which are available on the Acquisition Community Connection (ACC)Systems EngineeringRisk ManagementData ManagementProgram ManagementEarned Value ManagementLife Cycle LogisticsScience & Technology ManagementSpectrum & E3 ComplianceEnvironment, Safety & Occupational HealthReliability, Availability, & MaintainabilityTest and EvaluationItem Unique IdentificationProduction Quality & ManufacturingInformation TechnologyJoint Rapid Acquisition Risk Management Information & ToolsThe Acquisition Community Connection has a wealth of risk management information & tools, including: risk management systems, databases, analysis tools, templates. The Reliability ToolkitPublications, documents, tools Manager’s e-Tool KitHas information on acquisition management, leadership and managerial skills, and problem solving skills ASSIST DatabaseDownload DoD Standards & Specifications, HAZMAT information, Data Item Descriptions (DIDs), adopted Non-Governmental Standards, links to industry & international specs & standards, DoD POCsFor example, can download:MIL-STD-810G, DoD Test Method Standard (environmental testing)MIL-STD-882D, System SafetyMIL-STD-963B, Data Item DescriptionsMIL-HDBK-245D, Statement of Work (SOW) PreparationMIL-HDBK-881A, Work Breakdown StructureMIL-HDBK-502, Acquisition LogisticsMIL-HDBK-61A, Configuration ManagementMIL-STD-961E, Defense & Program Unique SpecificationsMIL-STD-1521B (canceled), Technical Reviews Requires password No password requiredDoD Specifications & Standards RepositorySpecifications & standards American National Standards InstituteSpecifications & standardsInstitute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers Specifications & standards National Standards Systems NetworkSpecifications & standards – search engine International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Specifications & standards Specifications & Standards ToolsTurbo SpecRite (a tool to assist in developing performance specs), and other specifications & standards tools Joint Spectrum Center (JSC)The JSC website has: An electromagnetic spectrum chart, contact information, links to numerous other websites (DoD, Services, U.S. Government, International) NAVSO P-6071, Best Practices – How to Avoid Surprises During the Transition from Development to ProductionIdentifies potential bad consequences, and specific (proven) best practices to avoid or alleviate these consequences DoD 4245.7-M, Transition from Development to ProductionProvides assistance in: structuring technically sound programs, assessing program risks, identifying areas needing corrective action.Note: DoD 4245.7 was expanded into 4 books (available from the Defense Acquisition University library):- Design to Reduce Technical Risk- Design’s Impact on Logistics- Moving a Design into Production- Testing to Verify Design and Manufacturing IT Standards Registry (DISR)DISR contains lists of standards, which are applicable to all DoD systems that produce, use, or exchange information. (Links to the standards organizations are provided.)DISR was formerly called Joint Technical Architecture (JTA).DISRonline website replaces (includes) the former JTA website. DISRonline is the electronic version of DISR / JTA.DISRonline contains tools, questionnaires, user guides to create IT profiles DoD Manufacturing Technology Program – Guides and PublicationsDoD Technology Readiness Assessment DeskbookManager’s Guide to Technology Transition in an Evolutionary Acquisition EnvironmentTechnology Transition for Affordability: A Guide for S&T Program ManagersAdopting Commercial Practices in DoDDefense Science & Technology Planning Documents. QDR & Transformation Planning Guidance. TurboTPMM Technology Program Management ModelTurboTPMM is an application that can be used to manage technology development in any domain and assist in transitioning technologies to Acquisition customers. ................

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