S1 Websites and what they do


Asset Availability:

o Navy Afloat Asset Visibility Homepage (ATAV)

- Force Inventory Management Analysis Reporting (FIMARS) – shows parts on hand on all ships.

*** Cost Savings Advantage

o Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS)

- DRMS displays property available for reutilization,

transfer and donation on the Internet. The Web site offers

detailed information, including the property's condition

and location.

- DRMS disposes of excess property received from the military services. The inventory changes daily and includes

thousands of items: from air conditioners to vehicles,

clothing to computers, and much more.

- Property is first offered for reutilization within the Department of Defense (DoD), transfer to other federal agencies, or donation to state and local governments and other qualified organizations.

*** Cost Savings Advantage

o Realtime Reutilization Asset Management (RRAM)

- Provide on-line, real time, Total Asset Visibility (TAV) of residual/excess material

-Provide on-line, real time, Total Asset Visibility (TAV) of selected material (ex. Sponsor Owned Material)

- Efficiently capture demand data for residual material currently residing in system-wide end-use inventories

- Increase asset visibility of material available (currently Navy and DLA) in order to:

- Provide a mechanism for automated requisitioning of residual assets

- Ensure proper replenishment decisions by offsetting potential buys.

*** Cost Savings Advantage

o Navy Inventory Control Point Asset Visibility System

- Website run by Naval Inventory Control Point Mechanicsburg which provides technical, cross reference, inventory manager point-of-contact and asset availability date for all Depot Level Repairables.

o One Touch (OTS)

- Website managed by NAVSUP which provides up-to-date

technical data, requisition status, availability, etc…

o Asset Visibility - DLA

- Asset Visibility (AV) provides the war fighter end-to-end asset visibility in the Department of Defense (DoD) logistics operational pipeline. Joint Staff J4, Joint Task

Force Commanders, Combatant Command (COCOMs), and military

services rely upon AV to provide timely and accurate

information on the Location, Movement, Status, and Identity

of Units, Personnel, Equipment, and Supplies. AV provides

the ability to act upon that information through access to

integrated operational views of wholesale and retail

stocks, requisitions, and transportation information to

facilitate overall performance of DoD's joint logistics

practices in support of COCOM requirements.

o DOD E-Mall - DLA

- Asset visibility for all items except DLRs

- Item Manager information

- Reqn status/history/demand

- Open purchases


- DLA website similar to OTS which provides similar data.


o Hazardous Materials Information Resource System

- HMIRS is the central repository for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the United States Government military services and civil agencies.

o Naval Logistics Library

- The Naval Logistics Library (NLL) is the central link in the Navy publications supply chain. The NLL contains Navy publication knowledge management features and provides supply support for Navy publications, instructions, directives, technical manuals, and other digital documents.

SHML: The primary purpose of the SHML On-Line is to identify Hazardous Material used aboard ship; the corresponding units of issue, and to preclude stocking dangerous material for which the ships have no need. It is not a basis for ordering hazardous material, but strictly a search to show what is authorized on a certain type of ship.


o Automated Allowance Change Request (AACR)


(User Access)

- Requests for allowance changes may be required for various reasons, including but not limited to:

a. material failure rates which are significantly greater or less than initially estimated;

b. new operating areas or conditions which require different levels of support;

c. mission assignments which require additional equipment, equipage, and/or repair parts;

d. technological improvements in equipment/systems and repair parts which can provide the ship with additional capabilities.

o Defective Material Summaries (DMS)

- The Defective Material Summaries (DMS) directs the Naval

Inventory Control Point (NAVICP-M85412) screen defective items of supply.

o Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR)

- The PQDR program implements DOD Acquisition Requirements for reporting of product quality deficiencies and sustains mandatory procedures for reporting, processing, and investigation of product quality deficiency data.

o Reengineered Maritime Allowance Development (ReMAD)

Smart Allowance Computation History File (SACHF)

-SACHF is a Web-based application that provides authorized users with information on repair part storeroom allowances for ships, submarines and Marine Aviation Logistics Squadrons. User can view authorized repair part allowances for one UIC or many UICs.  SACHF access is generally unrestricted to view authorized allowance quantity data, but maintenance actions within the tool are restricted.

o Standard Discrepancy Report

- SDR is a World Wide Web application for Navy Stock in Transit (SIT) and Material Supply Discrepancy Reporting functions (MSDR). Requires a DoD PKI Certificate, Userid and Password. 


- Basically, this is the online version of FEDLOG.

o DODeMall - DLA

- Asset visibility for all items except DLRs

- Item Manager

- Reqn status/history/demand

- Open purchases


- Priority Material Office (PMO) ISIS – Hot Shipments

- ISIS is solely dedicated to cradle-to-grave expediting and tracking, around the globe, of all Issue Group Priority I requisitions for Atlantic and Pacific Fleet submarines, surface ships and Military Sealift Command units while maintaining accurate, real time in transit visibility to all customers and decisions makers. ISIS is the most mission critical application for PMO. It is manned 24/7 to ensure timely accurate reporting and processing.

-The application was designed to allow multiple remote sites to connect to central resources to track, manage and issue material requisitions. Users log into the system to prepare or check the status of requisitions. ISIS tracks every step the requisition goes through as well as provides real time status for the requisitions. ISIS interacts with multiple supply databases to provide the most accurate data in the timeliest manner. Requisition Status Reports are automatically generated and emailed via ISIS to customers on a regular basis.

-ISIS has a web interface for two different ISIS applications.

-The ISIS Online application is used by PMO's customers for requisition input, tracking, reporting and status. Access to ISIS Online is granted upon completion of the online request form and successful verification of eligibility.

-The ISIS Web Expediting Tool is used internally by PMO and its detachments.

o 2M Birdtrack

- Review 2M “trapped” requisitions

- Report status of “trapped” requisitions

o Price Challenge Hotline

- The Price Challenge Hotline provides pricing validation

support by acting as the Navy's focal point for all pricing inquiries related to spare parts and consumables in support of the Navy's weapon systems.


- The mission of the U.S. Navy Standard Automated Logistics Tool Set (SALTS) Project is to provide the DoD with a means of moving logistical and administrative data from a single point of entry to a wide host of databases and data services world-wide with a single login and password.  The SALTS Project has been mission funded, beginning with FY-09.  SALTS user fee's are no longer required.


-Research open purchase fuel contracts worldwide locations, order fuel, approve fuel purchase


- Website used for ordering office furniture.

o Navy Forms Online

- Website which gives user access to numerous DoD Forms.


o One Touch (OTS)

- Stock check

- Requisition status

o DSS Material Processing Center (MPC) - DLA

- Provides cargo delivery information for various DLA warehouse locations.


- Stock check

- Requisition status


o Anchor Desk

- Provides a single point of entry for Fleet technical and

logistics support.

o Continuous Monitoring Program (CMP)

- Ships will use CMP in their day-to-day operations and take action to investigate and correct business processes that effect CMP pulse point areas. Providing useful information to the Supply Department team to help them improve support to the ship is the objective of CMP. There are times when a CMP pulse point area will be yellow or red, even though the ship has taken all appropriate action.

-Pulse point grid

-Weekly financial data submits

-Port Visit Cost Reporting (PVCR)


- Logistics research tool.


- The One Supply Suite of Logistics Applications’ ultimate goal/mission is to develop the “next generation” information technology landscape optimized to support the Distance Support tenets of moving workload ashore, eliminating unnecessary work, and transforming traditional supply and logistics work. One Supply will support the NAVSUP mission by providing a centralized, "one stop", access point to gain entry to all web based applications within the NAVSUP umbrella.


- SURFOR messages/directives/publications/instructions



o DAASC Inquiry System (DAASINQ) - DLA

- Website which allows users to research UIC’s.


- The mission of the U.S. Navy Standard Automated Logistics Tool Set (SALTS) Project is to provide the DoD with a means of moving logistical and administrative data from a single point of entry to a wide host of databases and data services world-wide with a single login and password.  The SALTS Project has been mission funded, beginning with FY-09.  SALTS user fee's are no longer required.




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