2019 – 2020 US In-School Deferment: Form Completion Request

2019 ? 2020 US In-School Deferment: Form Completion Request

Note: Students currently registered at St. Michael's College, Trinity College, Victoria University and the Toronto School of Theology (and its member institutions) are not eligible to maintain interest-free status on their previous years' US Direct Loans.

Student Name Social Security Number U of T Student Number utoronto e-mail address

I will be registered in at least half time studies in the 2019-2020 academic year for the following session(s).

Registration period (Check one):

Fall only (September ? December) Winter only (January ? April) Summer only (May ? August)

Fall & Winter (September 2019? April 2020, 8 month programs.)

Fall, Winter & Summer (September 19 ? August 2020, 12 month programs.)

Anticipated Completion of Degree Studies ? Month

December April


Anticipated Completion of Degree Studies ? Year:

Submission Method & Processing Time: Unless the student pick up option is chosen below, Enrolment Services will submit the completed form directly to your loan servicer within 3 weeks of the date submitted below. Enrolment Services will only contact you should there be a issue in completing your form.

Loan Servicer(s) where the completed form(s) will be faxed to:

Loan Servicer 1 : ______________________ Loan Servicer 1 Fax Number: ____________________________

Loan Servicer 2: ________________________ Loan Servicer 2 Fax Number: ____________________________

Student Pick-up (Optional)

Instead of Enrolment Services submitting the completed form on my behalf, I wish to pick up my form(s) in person with my photo ID in 3 weeks from the date below. I will be responsible for submitting the completed In-School Deferment form(s) to the loan servicer myself.

Declaration and Signature: I declare the above information to be true and complete in all respects and will notify Enrolment Services immediately by e-mailing usa.financialaid@utoronto.ca if my academic or financial status changes.

Student Signature


The University of Toronto respects your privacy. Personal information that you provide to the University is collected pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of Toronto Act, 1971. It is collected for the purposes of administering admissions, registration, academic programs, university-related student activities, activities of student societies, safety, financial assistance and awards, graduation and university advancement, and reporting to government. At all times it will be protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to utoronto.ca/privacy or contact Enrolment Services at usa.financialaid@utoronto.ca.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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