1.         BACKGROUND


The AN/USQ-82(V) is the mission critical, general purpose, control data, shipboard network.  It is installed on DDG 51 Class Destroyers and LHD 1 Class Amphibious Assault Ships.  On DDG 51 Class Ships, this network transfers inputs and/or outputs for the Machinery Control System (MCS), Integrated Survivability Management System (ISMS), Steering Control System (SCS), AEGIS Combat System, Mission Critical Navigation Data and Displays, and Interior Communications (IC) Alarms & Indications.  The Data Multiplex System (DMS) is the first generation network and is copper Radio Frequency (RF)-based.  It is installed and is currently operational on DDG 51-78 and LHD 1-6.  However, it has become obsolete (i.e., increasingly difficult to maintain and provide life cycle support for).  The Fiber Optic Data Multiplex System (FODMS) is the second generation network and is Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)-based.  It is installed/planned for installation on DDG 79-110 and is currently/will be operational on those ships.  However, it is also becoming unviable due to the obsolescence of FDDI and the requirements for increased bandwidth.  The Gigabit Ethernet Data Multiplex System (GEDMS) is the third generation network that is the obsolescence replacement for FDDI in support of the DDG Modernization Program.  GEDMS delivery of greater bandwidth and capacity will perform the same functions as DMS and FODMS.  In addition, this new capacity will allow for the control and distribution of mission critical, high definition video.  GEDMS will be installed on DDG 111-112 commencing in Fiscal Year (FY) 09.  GEDMS will also be back fitted on DDG 51-78 as part of the DDG Modernization Program commencing in FY 10.  Eventually, GEDMS will be back fitted on DDG 79-110.

Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases have been established to procure, install and support FODMS systems.  This support will be continued for the foreseeable future.  Additional future customers may be added due to the general purpose nature of this system. 


1.2.1    Reference Documents       DMS 500.8 “Prime Item Development Specification for the AN/USQ-82(V) Data Multiplex System (DMS)”       FODMS 400.3 “Fiber Optic Data Multiplex System, Specification for”       GEDMS 300.1 “Gigabit Ethernet Data Multiplex System, Specification for”       3G067014 “FODMS 3GMG Acceptance Test Procedures”       MIL-STD-2042B “Fiber Optic Cable Topology Installation Standard Methods for Naval Ships”       DoDI 8510.01 DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)    NAVSEA Ser 00B/068 dated 01 Aug 06; Guidelines regarding support contractors in the Naval Sea Systems Command     NAVSEAINST 4295.1c Control of Contractor Cost Data     NAVSEAINST 4200.19 Service Contract Restrictions and Safeguards,, and above are available upon request from the task order manager (TOM). The guidance provided in those documents govern both the performance of Government employees and support contractors. It is incumbent up on the contractor and their employees to strictly adhere to the policies detailed therein, and to keep the provided services non-personal in nature.

1.2.2     Government Furnished Information    DMS/FODMS/GEDMS Configuration Database (FoxPro Database and Procedure Files)      DDG 51 Class ECPs affecting or potentially affecting DMS/FODMS/GEDMS      DDG 51 Class Technical Documentation (drawings, test results, trial cards, technical inquiries)      Message PROM Programming Aid (MPPA)      FODMS and GEDMS Message Delay Estimation Models (MDEM)

2.            SCOPE


2.1.1           Provide senior and intermediate level programmatic support to the Program Manager for the AN/USQ-82(V) in support of:  DDG 51 new ship construction, DDG 51, LHD 1 and CG 47 Class in-service ship and ship modernization programs; FMS cases ; Smart Ship, CVN, CVN(X), CG(X), DDG 1000, LPD 17, LCS, shipboard networks & control systems and Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services System (CANES) Programs; NAVSEA and SPAWAR Programs; as they relate to AN/USQ-82(V).

2.1.2           Liaison with senior DOD military, civilian and industry personnel on planning, programming, budgeting and execution matters in support of AN/USQ-82(V).

2.1.3           Interface with Program Executive Offices’ various integration managers, Warfare Area Managers, Program Managers, NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NSWC/NUWC, SPAWAR, NETWARCOM, Type Commanders, Fleet Commanders and OPNAV Sponsors as applicable to AN/USQ-82(V).

2.1.4           Provide programmatic support to the AN/USQ-82(V) Maintenance Group Activities.  This task will require travel to the In Service Engineering Agent (ISEA), vendors, Design Agent and SPAWAR, San Diego.

2.1.5           Prepare materials suitable for presenting status and issues related to the procurement and applications of AN/USQ-82(V) to USN and FMS Host Ship classes and User Systems. (CDRL A003)

2.1.6           Plan, coordinate, facilitate, and attend meetings, working groups and reviews appropriate to program operations and management for the AN/USQ-82(V) (such as Participating Manager {PARM} reviews, program reviews, Integrated Process/Product Team (IPT) meetings, conferences and seminars).  Develop and provide presentations.  Prepare and distribute agendas and meeting minutes.  Track and update action items. (CDRL A003)

2.1.7           Review incoming information, identify potential impacts to the AN/USQ-82(V), recommend appropriate actions, distribute and coordinate tasking to AN/USQ-82(V) team members. (CDRL A002)

2.1.8           Prepare and submit Monthly Progress Reports describing the reporting period's work planned & accomplished, problem areas & proposed corrective actions, funding expended & remaining. (CDRL A001)


2.2.1            Provide support for the procurement of scheduled AN/USQ-82(V) Government Furnished Equipment (GFE), Government Specified Equipment (GSE) and Government Furnished Information (GFI) to be provided under USN and FMS cases. 

2.2.2            Provide support for the assessment and resolution of AN/USQ-82(V) procurement issues. 

2.2.3            Implement scheduled status reports to provide program execution costs, track schedules, and evaluate earned values. (CDRL A001)

2.2.4            Assist with the preparation, revision and tracking of financial planning documentation including Program Objective Memorandum (POM), Affordability Assessments, Independent Cost Estimates (ICE), Capability/Cost Analyses, Cost Analysis Requirements Descriptions (CARD), Task Planning Sheets (TPS), Annual Phasing Plans (APP), Program Spend Plans, Obligation/Expenditure Reports, Negative Unliquidated Obligations (NULO), Participating Manager (PARM) Reviews, Midyear Reviews and Program Reviews. (CDRL A002)

2.2.5            Assist with the development, revision, execution, tracking and reporting of financial execution documentation including Financial Accounting Data (FAD) Sheets, Work Requests (WR/WX), Requests for Contractual Procurement (RCP/RX), Project Directives (PD), Project Orders, Purchase Orders (PO), Basic Ordering Agreements (BOA), Interdepartmental Purchasing Requests (IPR), Procurement Requests (PR), Requests for Procurement (RFP), Requests for Information (RFI), Task Assignment Records (TAR), Military Inter-Departmental Procurement Requests (MIPR) and Ship Project Directives (SPD). (CDRL A002) 

2.2.6            Assist with the input, monitoring, validation, tracking and reporting the progress of financial documents through various Navy financial management systems including Program Resources Integrated Solutions Management System (PRISMS), Computer Optimized Batch Reconciliation System (COBRA), Standard Accounting and Reporting System (STARS), Corporate Document Management Systems (CDMS LiveLink), Automated Document (AutoDoc) and Public Voucher/Invoicing Tracking and Monitoring System. (CDRL A002)

2.2.7            Assist with the development, review, revision and tracking of resource/programmatic budget-related documents including President’s Budget & all associated exhibits, Congressional Budget & all associated exhibits, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Budget & all associated exhibits, Department of the Navy Comptroller (NAVCOMPT) Budget & all associated exhibits, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) products & questions, Budget Hearings & Congressional Staff Briefings/Questions, Budget Reclamas & Issue Papers, rescissions, reprogramming actions, adjustments & taxes and Sponsor Total Obligation Authority (TOA). (CDRL A002)

2.2.8            Implement and maintain GFE (SPD Part III) tracking Best Estimated Delivery Date (BEDD) to ensure procurements and delivery of equipment in accordance with the Required Delivery Date. (CDRL A002) 

2.2.9            Submit annual Shipbuilding & Conversion Navy (SCN) Execution Review (SER) to PEO SHIPS and develop SPD Change Requests. (CDRL A002) 


2.3.1            Review AN/USQ-82(V) ILS documents/products for completeness and effectiveness; provide inputs, comments, updates and recommendations.  (CDRL A002) 

2.3.2            Review and provide comments on AN/USQ-82(V) documentation submitted by AN/USQ-82(V) contractors and host ship class shipbuilders and shipyards. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.3            Develop AN/USQ-82(V) ILS documents/products for compliance with DOD 5000. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.4            Develop the AN/USQ-82(V) Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) for GEDMS. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.5            Develop AN/USQ-82(V) Program Support Data (PSD) sheets for GEDMS. (CDRL A002)

2.3.6            Review AN/USQ-82(V) IETMs for completeness and effectiveness and provide comments to the Program Office. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.7            Link the maintenance and training modules to the appropriate sections of the IETM. 

2.3.8            Incorporate reviewer comments into AN/USQ-82(V) IETMs.

2.3.9            Provide updated versions of the AN/USQ-82(V) IETMs and deliver these updates to the ISEA for distribution during ECP implementation. (CDRL A002)

2.3.10         Provide new volume identification numbers for the AN/USQ-82(V) IETM update releases. 

2.3.11         Conduct periodic meetings for the purpose of identifying ILS and Technical issues and potential resolutions. This will involve meetings at key homeports to gather information from the technicians currently maintaining AN/USQ-82(V) afloat. 

2.3.12         Attend and provide input at ship program reviews and ship modernization program meetings, IPT meetings, Interface Control Working Group (ICWG) meetings, Combat System Integration (CSI) meetings, working sessions, and/or program reviews. 

2.3.13         Track and monitor AN/USQ-82(V) ILS requirements, milestones, action items, and other related program events.  Enter ILS data into the applicable ILS database. 

2.3.14         Maintain an AN/USQ-82(V) program electronic library and deliver on CD-ROM (or other agreed upon electronic media) including Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) Approval Documents, Configuration Management (CM) Documentation, Integrated Logistic Support Plan and supporting documents. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.15         Provide technical support for configuration management changes and associated ILS impact to AN/USQ-82(V) for the Technical Refresh implementation.

2.3.16         Develop and maintain a Technical Refresh schedule for all AN/USQ-82(V) Tech Refresh Kits. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.17         Review and track Advanced Change Study Notices (ACSNs) that impact the configuration of the AN/USQ-82(V) Maintenance Group. 

2.3.18         Scan program documentation into an electronic format for storage into the AN/USQ-82(V) electronic database repository. 

2.3.19         Develop the critical maintenance procedures required for the maintenance modules. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.20         Maintain battle damage maintenance procedures, and incorporate into training course material, and technical manuals. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.21         Develop the AN/USQ-82(V) Operations & Maintenance Manual for GEDMS. (CDRL A002)

2.3.22         Review AN/USQ-82(V) Operation & Maintenance Manuals for completeness and effectiveness and provide comments to the Program Office. (CDRL A002) 

2.3.23         Incorporate reviewer comments into AN/USQ-82(V) Operation & Maintenance Manuals.

2.3.24         Provide updated versions of the AN/USQ-82(V) Operation & Maintenance Manuals. (CDRL A002) 


2.4.1            Provide design, technical and engineering services to support the development of preliminary concept designs, technical feasibility and compatibility assessments for shipboard networks & control systems. 

2.4.2            Provide senior and intermediate level technical support to the Program Manager for the AN/USQ-82(V) in support of new ship construction programs, ship modernization programs and in-service ships, as well as their associated NAVSEA and SPAWAR Programs.  Interface with military, government and civilian personnel including, but not limited to, Program Offices, ISEAs, Design Agents, Technical Warrant Holders and Industry Vendors. 

2.4.3            Provide engineering support to the AN/USQ-82(V) Maintenance Group Technical Refresh Activities.  This task will require travel to the ISEA, vendors, Design Agent and SPAWAR, San Diego. 

2.4.4            Develop presentations to present study findings to Joint USN and Technical IPTs. Provide hardcopies of the presentations to the panel members and attendees.  Provide approved presentations to the IPT and Critical Design Review (CDR) board members. (CDRL A003)

2.4.5            Review and investigate relevant non-AN/USQ-82 proposed changes and determine the impact on AN/USQ-82(V), user-system interfaces, information transfer services, and Installation Control Drawings (ICDs).

2.4.6            Review and make recommendations for technical and logistic support for the weapons system design as it pertains to the integration of AN/USQ-82(V). (CDRL A002) 

2.4.7            Review system interface design specifications and interface design documents to determine user system interface requirements for the AN/USQ-82(V) and provide comments to the program office. (CDRL A002)

2.4.8            Using data in the contractor’s possession and GFI provided during the performance of this task, perform the initial and/or updated design of the configuration of AN/USQ-82(V) for user systems.  Develop Interface Design Description (IDD) documents to define the interfaces between user systems and the AN/USQ-82(V).  Provide and distribute these IDDs.  (CDRLs A002 & A008) 

2.4.9            Develop ship impact studies, risk assessments, ship integration strategies, technical data packages, Ship Change Documents (SCDs), ECPs, Field Change Bulletins (FCBs), Ship Alteration (SHIPALT) packages and scheduling for modifications and improvements to AN/USQ-82(V) configurations. (CDRL A002) 

2.4.10         Review, analyze, assess, and coordinate the tracking of ship impact studies, risk assessments, ship integration strategies, technical data packages, Initial Change Proposals (ICPs), ECPs, SCDs, FCBs, SHIPALT packages and scheduling to identify impacts on AN/USQ-82(V) configurations and user systems.  Provide comments and recommendations for consideration at Engineering Review Team (ERT) meetings, Configuration Control Boards (CCB) and IETM Reviews. (CDRL A002) 

2.4.11         Update and maintain the DDG 51 Class Machinery Control System and Steering Control System Message Formats Book to reflect changes required by DDG 51 Class ECPs.  Annotate specific messages to indicate applicability by hull number.  Develop a report documenting the approved configuration as of 30 November each year.  Provide and distribute copies of this report.  (CDRL A005) 

2.4.12         Update and maintain the FODMS and GEDMS MDEM.  ECPs shall be evaluated for FODMS and GEDMS message transfer performance impacts and MDEM refinements shall be developed as required.  Provide and distribute the updated MDEM source code.  (CDRL A007)

2.4.13         Provide engineering and logistic evaluation during the development of AN/USQ-82(V) hardware updates. 

2.4.14         Provide engineering support on issues relating to AN/USQ-82(V) Shock Certification. 

2.4.15         Attend and participate in Ship Class Survivability Study Groups and Failure Review Boards. 

2.4.16         Perform special engineering studies and report results. (CDRL A002) 

2.4.17          Review technical issue papers and/or ship design related documents which describe DMS/FODMS/GEDMS and their relation to systems aboard DDG 51 Class ships including ship’s drawings, specifications, procedures and test plans/reports.  Generate responses or support investigation and resolution of DMS/FODMS/GEDMS related design issues raised by other NAVSEA codes.  Participate in meetings with NAVSEA, shipyards, other Navy activities and associate contractors to discuss the application of the AN/USQ-82(V).  Prepare briefings or point papers on DMS/FODMS/GEDMS issues.  (CDRLs A002 & A003) 

2.4.18         Review expected and evolving AN/USQ-82(V) concept designs on FMS platforms for technical feasibility and compatibility.  Attend joint U.S. Navy and FMS case meetings.  Answer questions regarding possible system design and configuration management issues.  This includes verifying the number and type of Input-Output Modules (IOMs) needed, and the definition of the interfaces between shipboard users and the AN/USQ-82(V) system.  Provide a Design Summary Report describing the system interfaces.  (CDRL A002) 

2.4.19         Review and analyze FMS platform design documentation for impacts on the AN/USQ-82(V).  Recommend resolution to specific user interface problems involving interface signals, formats, data staleness, redundancy, or protocols.  Recommend resolutions for technical questions from FMS cases, U.S. Navy, or shipyards pertaining to AN/USQ-82(V) installations.  Generate responses or support investigation and resolution of AN/USQ-82(V)-related design issues.  Deliver responses and resolutions to the U.S. Navy.  (CDRL A002) 

2.4.20         Using data in the contractor’s possession and GFI provided during the performance of this task, perform the initial and/or updated design of the AN/USQ-82(V) for FMS cases.  Develop IDDs as directed by the COR to define the interfaces between FMS users and the AN/USQ-82(V) system.  Provide and distribute these IDDs as directed by the COR.  (CDRLs A002 & A008) 

2.4.21         Review technical issue papers and/or ship design related documents which describe AN/USQ-82(V) and their relation to systems aboard AN/USQ-82(V) equipped ships including ship’s drawings, specifications, procedures and test plans/reports.  Generate responses or support investigation and resolution of AN/USQ-82(V) related design issues raised by other Navy activities.  Participate in meetings with NAVSEA, shipyards, other Navy activities and associate contractors to discuss the application of the AN/USQ-82(V) system onboard Navy ships.  Prepare briefings or point papers on AN/USQ-82(V) issues.  Revise engineering drawings. (CDRLs A002, A003 &A008)

2.4.22         Perform Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) on the AN/USQ-82(V) hardware elements and test equipment and report results. (CDRL A006)


2.5.1            Maintain the AN/USQ-82(V) Configuration Status Tracking database and track the AN/USQ-82(V) Configuration baseline.

2.5.2            Using data in the contractor’s possession and GFI provided during performance of this task, maintain and update the platform specific AN/USQ-82(V) DMS/FODMS/GEDMS configuration database.

2.5.3            Using this configuration database, document the AN/USQ-82(V) GEDMS configurations in Configuration Books using the same format as the DDG 79 Configuration Book.  Provide and distribute copies of this document.  (CDRL A002)

2.5.4            Using this configuration database, update the AN/USQ-82(V) Subsystem Design Reports to reflect the configurations installed as of 31 December each year.  Provide and distribute copies of this report.  (CDRL A005)

2.5.5            Using this configuration database, produce a CDROM (or other agreed upon electronic media) version of the AN/USQ-82(V) Subsystem Design Reports.  Provide and distribute copies of this report.  (CDRL A005)

2.5.6            Attend and participate in CCB meetings. Facilitate the Technical Scope Review (TSR) and CCB processing of ECPs, waivers, and deviations. 

2.5.7            Review and analyze ECPs for impact on DMS/FODMS/GEDMS configurations.  Recommend resolution to specific user interface problems involving interface signals, formats, data staleness, redundancy, or protocols.  Recommend resolutions for technical questions from shipyards, land-based test sites, and/or other NAVSEA codes pertaining to DMS/FODMS/GEDMS installations.  Implement approved firmware changes into AN/USQ-82(V) assets.  Using data in the contractor’s possession and GFI provided during performance of this task, maintain and update the ECP database.  Using this database, update the ECP Summary Report to reflect all ship changes that affect the shipboard configuration of AN/USQ-82(V) assets approved through 1 December each year.  Provide and distribute copies of this report.  (CDRL A002 & A005) 

2.5.8            Using the FODMS/GEDMS configuration database, database program routines (DMS), and the Message PROM Programming Aid (MPPA) provide message PROM files for ships and test sites.  The Contractor shall document the PROM programming accomplished and summarize in a report at the end of the task performance period.  Provide and distribute copies of this report.  (CDRL A007) 

2.5.9            Using data in the contractor’s possession and GFI provided during performance of this task, perform the initial and/or updated design of the AN/USQ-82(V) configuration for FMS cases, including the definition of the FMS specific configuration database.  Using this configuration database, develop an updated draft of the FMS AN/USQ-82(V) Subsystem Design Report (SSDR) to reflect the configuration.  Provide and distribute these SSDRs.  (CDRL A002).

2.5.10         Using this configuration database, produce a CDROM (or other agreed upon electronic media) version of the AN/USQ-82(V) Subsystem Design Report for FMS cases.  Provide and distribute copies of this report.  (CDRL A002). 

2.5.11         Using this configuration database, document the AN/USQ-82(V) configuration of the FMS Ship in a FMS Ship Configuration Book, using the same format as the DDG 79 Configuration Book.  Provide and distribute these Configuration Books.  (CDRL A002). 


2.6.1            Prepare integration plans and documentation describing the technical approach, interface requirements, electrical and physical layout, test and other requirements necessary for the complete integration of subsystem equipment and components.  (CDRL A002) 

2.6.2            Procure the required materials to fabricate and assemble fully operational AN/USQ-82(V) MG units.  All of the MG components, cabling, and workmanship shall conform to the applicable reference document.  Each unit includes the following items (or equivalents): 

    1-Rugged 72 inch rack with 4 IDC base isolators 973022-10027-1 and 2 IDC stabilizer isolators 973022-10027-2

    1-Elgar power distribution units

    1-Aydin flat panel display monitors

    1-Cortron USB keyboard/trackball assemblies

    1-Carlo Gavazzi Versa Module Eurocard (VME) chassis

    2-ActTech GB Ethernet single mode fiber controllers

    3-Hard drives, SCSI interface, 36.7 GB minimum capacity, 3.5 inch, low profile, internal form factor required

    1-CD/DVD RW drives, SCSI interface, 3.5 inch low profile, internal form factor required

    1-USB hub, 3 standard USB ports, 3.5 inch, low profile, internal form factor required

    1-MILPOWER uninterruptible power supply

    1-LaserJet printers

    Custom shelves and mounting assemblies, copper and single mode fiber optic cable assemblies, copper and single mode fiber optic connector panels, miscellaneous fasteners.

2.6.3            Fabricate, assemble, test, integrate and support the fully operational AN/USQ-82(V) MG units.  All of the MG components, cabling, and workmanship shall conform to the applicable reference document.

2.6.4            Evaluate existing MG systems and equipment.  Evaluate requirements for new MG systems and equipment.  Evaluations include comparing specifications with proposed designs to determine feasibility, compliance and cost effectiveness.  (CDRL A002)

2.6.5            Monitor ongoing MG design activity.  Participate in Government MG design reviews, technical discussions and meetings.  Perform independent analysis of proposed approaches.  (CDRL A002)

2.6.6            Provide hardware integration engineering, analysis and planning support.

2.6.7            Review ECPs and other technical documents pertaining to systems design that could impact MG system development.  Identify changes, possible improvements or alternatives to the system design.  (CDRL A002)

2.6.8            Provide engineering support for MG test facilities and testbeds to include developing, modifying and supervising acceptance test plans.

2.6.9            Design, fabricate and install mechanical and electro-mechanical MG assemblies.

2.6.10         Design, build and install MG multi-conductor cables.

2.6.11         Provide MG drawings, schematics, wiring diagrams and cable running sheets.  (CDRL A008)

2.6.12         Arrange for, setup and monitor testing.  Testing may include equipment performance and acceptance testing plus all areas of environmental testing (e.g., shock, vibration, temperature, electromagnetic/radio frequency interference, etc.)

2.6.13         Conduct analytical studies and tests in the areas of system performance and operation to determine adherence to specifications, interface control documents and acceptance and qualification tests.  (CDRL A002)

2.6.14         Perform data reduction, analysis and documentation of data from operational and environmental tests.  (CDRL A002)

2.6.15         Develop test plans and procedures for laboratory and field testing, taking into consideration specifications, interface control documents, operational requirements documents ant acceptance tests.  (CDRL A002)

2.6.16         Prepare test reports that include analysis of test results, capabilities and deficiencies of system under review.  (CDRL A002)

2.6.17         Recommend new strategies, techniques and design changes aimed toward MG system improvement.  (CDRL A002)

2.6.18         Perform design analysis on new and existing MG system components to determine their capability to meet technical, functional and mission requirements.  Provide technical documentation in support of these designs.  (CDRL A002 & A008)

2.6.19         Develop MG installation and operation documentation.  These documents will detail component specifications and interface requirements.  (CDRL A002 & A008)

2.6.20         Review and maintain the AN/USQ-82(V) MG Operations and Maintenance Manual including updates for Technical Refresh issues.  Report these issues to the Program Office in the Monthly report. (CDRLs A001 &  A002)


2.7.1            Conduct reviews of user system design modification documents including ECPs, SCDs, Requests for Clarification, Interpretation and Assistance (RCIAs), Naval Adjudication Board (NAB) documents, and Initial Change Proposal (ICP) documents applicable to host ship classes.     The review shall include generation of IS/WAS (recommended change/what it is today) markups for the applicable host ship classes contract drawings and specifications, and supporting narrative as appropriate for each required AN/USQ-82(V) interface design modification. (CDRL A002 & A008)       The reviews also shall include the impact on the IC System, Alarm and Indication Systems, Hull, Mechanical and Electrical (HM&E) Systems and Navigation (NAV) System as a result of the AN/USQ-82(V) design changes and AN/USQ-82(V)/IC/HM&E/NAV System interface design discrepancies and inconsistencies.      The results of these reviews shall be documented in Technical Discrepancy Records (TDRs) that identify the required AN/USQ-82(V) interface design changes and functional requirement changes in the applicable Application Programs (APs). (CDRL A002 & A007) 

2.7.2            Prepare revisions of AN/USQ-82(V) MPM Application Program (AP) Performance Requirements Documents to incorporate design modifications required to support changes in the AN/USQ-82(V) subscriber data transfer requirements applicable to host ship classes. In preparing subject programs ensure that the systems design modifications described therein are adequately reflected in the revised software specifications. This documentation is to be delivered to the Program Office and ISEA. (CDRL A007) 

2.7.3            Develop new revisions of AN/USQ-82(V) APs and associated design/operations/test documents per the applicable AP Performance Requirements Document for the host ship classes. (CDRL A007) 

2.7.4            Update and maintain the AN/USQ-82(V) FODMS/GEDMS MG software.  Develop and enhance MG software, based on directions from the MG Working Group.  Correct PTRs and implement other improvements as provided by the AN/USQ-82(V) Design Agent.  Develop a summary report of software changes implemented through 30 November each year.  Provide and distribute copies of this report.  (CDRL A007)

2.7.5            Participate in contractor lab, land based facility and shipboard testing of AN/USQ-82(V) software to assess AN/USQ-82(V) software problems and to provide recommended solutions to any software problems that may be encountered. 

2.7.6            Perform IV&V on the AN/USQ-82(V) software elements and report results. (CDRL A006)


2.8.1            Develop the AN/USQ-82(V) Training Site Installation Plan (TSIP) for GEDMS. (CDRL A004)

2.8.2            Complete development of the Web-Based Training (WBT)/Computer-Based Training (CBT) course, Interactive Courseware (ICW) and Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) for the GEDMS Course of Instruction (COI).  (CDRL A004) 

2.8.3            Prepare instructor guides, student guides, all source documentation and all associated training materials for an Instructor-led GEDMS COI.  (CDRL A004) 

2.8.4            Provide an instructor for the classroom portion of the GEDMS COI.

2.8.5            Review current AN/USQ-82(V) Operation and Maintenance Courses and recommend updates. (CDRL A004) 

2.8.6            Develop the AN/USQ-82(V) Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) for GEDMS Operation and Maintenance. (CDRL A004) 

2.8.7            Provide life cycle curriculum support (i.e., revisions and updates to WBT/CBT, ICW, CAI, instructor guides, student guides, source documentation and all associated training materials) for all AN/USQ-82(V) Operation and Maintenance Courses.  (CDRL A004) 

2.8.8            Provide AN/USQ-82(V) overview, operation and maintenance training at various AEGIS Training Readiness Center sites and other training centers for prospective U.S. Navy and FMS ship class personnel. 

2.8.9            Procure commercial supplies and services to support the set-up and operation of the GEDMS Training Site. Supplies include electronic test equipment (such as an oscilloscope, short haul OTDR/Network Analyzer, and ST Connector Termination Tool Kit) and classroom equipment (such as an overhead projector, smart board, desks, chairs, instructor podium, student computers and printer).


2.9.1            Provide INCO services support to new ship construction, ship modernization and FMS programs including integration, installation, test & evaluation (developmental & operational), troubleshooting, repair and alteration.

2.9.2            Provide INCO services support to investigate, analyze and resolve user system issues as they arise for AN/USQ-82(V). 

2.9.3            INCO services support will be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 


2.10.1          Provide Field Engineering Services support to new ship construction, in-service ship and FMS programs including integration, installation, test & evaluation (developmental & operational), troubleshooting, repair and alteration. 

2.10.2          Provide Field Engineering Services support to investigate, analyze and resolve user system issues as they arise for AN/USQ-82(V). 

2.10.3         Field Engineering services support will be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.


2.11.1         Execute security-related activities and operations in accordance with (IAW) the most recent editions of DoDI 8510.01. 

2.11.2         Analyze, test, and evaluate the security relevant and security critical aspects of AN/USQ-82(V) hardware, software, firmware, and operations on an annual basis IAW the most recent editions of DoDI 8510.01. 

2.11.3         Conduct demonstrations and exercises on the system annually.

2.11.4         Facilitate a more consistent, comparable, and repeatable approach for selecting and specifying system security controls for information systems IAW the guidance found in the most recent editions of DoDI 8510.01. 

2.11.5         Ensure IT Security POA&M development, tracking and issue resolution.  (CDRL A005)  

2.11.6         Conduct testing to determine the vulnerabilities in the AN/USQ-82(V) and provide the risk assessment report to the Program Office IAW DoDI 8510.01.  Prepare, update and provide the C&A report. (CDRLs A002 & A005) 

2.11.7         Evaluate all current and proposed change documents, including software documentation, for security issues relating to the AN/USQ-82(V) system. 

2.11.8         Update, maintain, and distribute the AN/USQ-82(V) System Security Authorization Agreement (SSAA). (CDRL A005) 

2.11.9         Assist the Designated Approving Authority (DAA) in making an informed decision to grant approval to operate the AN/USQ-82(V). 

2.11.10      Determine, coordinate, and procure consumables needed to support AN/USQ-82(V) DOD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP).  This applies to both hardware and software.


This task order will involve working onboard operational/commissioned U.S. and/or foreign naval ships or vessels. As such, the Contractor is reminded of its responsibility to assure that shipboard protocol is stringently followed. Specifically, visit requests must be arranged through the Government sponsor and must be forwarded to the individual command being visited as well as to all supporting commands, such as the base, squadron, tender, etc. that the visitor must pass through to get to the ship or vessel; the Contractor is responsible for obtaining and maintaining specialized training (i.e., nuclear awareness, safety, quality control, etc.) and certification (i.e., SUBSAFE certification, etc.); personnel performing onboard U.S. Navy ships must have at least a SECRET security clearance; if not led by a government representative, the Contractor is responsible for briefing the ship/command upon arrival; and the Contractor is responsible for debriefing the ship/command upon departure to include the operational status of the equipment.

The Contractor shall ensure its personnel adhere to these requirements when performing shipboard. Compliance shall be reported in the trip report.

• All personnel working shipboard shall possess at least a SECRET security clearance.

• All personnel, while shipboard, shall conform to the rules and regulations of the ship. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to be fully aware of the proper rules, regulations, actions, policy, and procedures.

• Alarms – actual or drill shall be reported and procedures appropriately adhered.

•  Safety – hardhats, tagouts, safety shoes, goggles, etc. as applicable shall be utilitized.

• HAZMAT – bringing hazardous materials aboard and using hazardous materials is strictly prohibited.

• The designated team lead shall, upon arrival, brief the Commanding Officer or his/her designated representative as to the purpose of the visit and expected duration.

• The designated team lead shall, upon departure, debrief the Commanding Officer or his/her designated representative as to the success of the work performed and the operational condition of affected equipment.


Contractor personnel may be required to sign non-disclosure statements as applicable to specific SOW tasking. The TOM will notify the contractor of the number and type of personnel that will need to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreements. These agreements will be signed prior to accessing data or providing support that is considered either business or program sensitive. The signed Non-Disclosure Agreements will be endorsed and retained by the TOM.


The Contractor shall conduct In-Process Reviews (IPRs) with the government. The reviews are estimated to take place on a semi-annual basis but shall be scheduled as needed with the TOM.


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