Detailing Remarks (cont) Detailing Remarks (cont.) - Granicus

PERS 414October 2012Very respectfully, /s/CDR Dave Dwyer“From the Fantail” Quarterly NewsletterFrom the Branch HeadWebsite:414 LDO/CWOForums:Twitter:PERS41Inside This Issue1.From the Branch Head 2.Detailing Remarks Spouse Collocation Request Japan PCS Qualification Documentation Security Clearances Failure of Selection (FOS) Distributable Inventory and Impacts to the FleetNPC Customer Service Correspondence 3.Promotion New Accession Officers (NAO) Physical StandardsBoard Season ContinuesCareer Management4.Ordnance / ElectronicsEngineeringOperations/DeckADMIN/Security5.Contact InformationSurface LDO/CWO Leaders, Greetings from the Mid-South! It is truly an honor to be back in Millington and serving as your Branch Head. I have a great group of extremely talented Detailers working on the “fantail” and feel very fortunate to be part of this group of professionals. I would like to formally thank CDR Jeff Sheets for his thankless and dedicated service towards our community and wish him the very best in Commander Command at COMOPTEVFOR in Norfolk, VA. I have decided to get the newsletter back out on the deckplates as I feel we truly need to share what we see from Millington on a daily basis; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Inside this issue you will see items that are new, and items that have been in past newsletters and discussed during detailer trips. I promise you if we take the time to put it in this newsletter, it is because we view it as a topic worth sharing and most likely we have seen while reviewing records, promotion board feedback, and the daily invaluable feedback we receive from the fleet.I want to thank you all for all of the hard work and dedication you demonstrate on a daily basis. Even though it is a great time to be in our community, lack of bodies and money makes for very challenging times. Currently we are in the middle of our administrative board season here in Millington. We completed the LDO Department Head Screen Board a couple of weeks ago and congratulations for all of our newly selected DH’s. We are currently working on record reviews for future LDO Major and Commander Command Screen Boards that will commence on 6 Nov and 4 Dec respectively. Please continue to do great things out there as we are in very high demand at all levels. Make sure you are sponsoring and mentoring your relief as we need the very best and brightest our enlisted ranks have to offer applying for our program. There is plenty of great info throughout this newsletter regardless of rank and designator. As always, we are always looking for ways to improve the process, and welcome and desire your feedback.Send newsletter comments and suggestions to LCDR Raul Santospieve at raul.santospieve@navy.milNavy Personnel CommandSurface LDO/CWO Assignments (PERS 414)5720 Integrity DriveMillington, TN 38055-4110Security ClearancesOften issues with security clearances do not come up and are even ignored by commands we are at, especially if you are a excelling and a key member of the command. We had a recent case where a transferring LT had been denied a clearance and the clearance had never been reviewed. With the flag by PERS-8 applied to his record, his PCS orders were held-up until adjudication was complete. The responsibility lies with you as a LDO/CWO and a Commissioned Officer. If your clearance is not up to date it is your responsibility to initiate the process and bring it up to date. Once your record is flagged, PCS orders will not be issued. With this occurring close to members PRD it often affects numerous other commands and individuals. Bottom line; we all have things in our past that we may not be proud of, but the key is to be honest, up-front and to not ignore the situation. As we have all heard “bad news does not get better with time.”Failure of Selection (FOS)In an effort to better explain results from failure to select, the following excerpt from MILPERSMAN 1301-108 is provided:(7) The following Officers do not meet retainability requirements and are not issued cost orders: (a) Officers who will be involuntarily retired due to age or time-in-grade limitations. (b) One-time failure of selection (FOS) Officers who will be involuntarily separated if they FOS a second time. Bottom line: if you are a one or two time fail to select, we cannot issue you cost orders and transfer you. You will remain on station at your current command until your retirement/separation orders send you home.Spouse Collocation RequestWith new accessions being assigned to TYPE 2/4 duty for their first tour /second tour the detailers are often asked “What about my spouse COLO request?” The answer is not a simple one. If the spouse is enlisted, the PERS 40 detailer assigned will review the request, and if granted have up to a year to issue PCS orders. The difficulty is that the billet has to be a valid billet; PERS 40 cannot assign a Sailor to assignment that is not valid. With the scarcity of shore duty in some geo-locations, the spouse may have little or no choice in the assignment. If the spouse is an officer, PERS 41 or the associated branch will work to have the request granted. The important piece of the puzzle is to ensure all detailers concerned are notified and be flexible in your assignment. Qualification DocumentationFrom the beginning of our Navy careers we are told to ensure everything is documented correctly. Training, material history, PMS, NOAP samples, BW/FW chemistry, and the list never ends and we ensure it gets done. Unfortunately, some of us fail to maintain the same standards with our own records. After achieving a milestone qualification, it is vital that you get a copy of the qualification letter to your detailer. Also, retain a copy for your own record. After emailing it to your detailer, ensure it reflects in your online BOL account in 6-8 weeks. This is vital for ensuring an accurate record is the key to having the best shot at promoting through the ranks. Detailing Remarks Detailing Remarks (cont) Detailing Remarks (cont.) Distributable Inventory and Impacts to the FleetDistributable inventory refers to the ratio of personnel inventory that can be moved at any given time. The numbers provided below fluctuate daily and right now we’re working with the following distributable inventories in the Surface LDO/CWO designators:6410/7411: 81%6490/7491: 95%6110/7111: 95%6120/7121: 82%6131/7131: 75%6160/7161: 83%6180/7181: 84%All too often when detailers discuss distributable inventory, it’s in the context of looking for a hot fill to replace an officer who has become an unplanned loss for a ship. Unplanned losses coupled with low inventory result in late reliefs at sea and gapped billets on shore.The yearly injection of New Accession Officers (NAO) into our ranks bolsters manning to a point. Unfortunately, we seldom receive the NAO bodies we require to keep up with the demand for all of our designators. A few weeks after the LDO/CWO Board, NAO’s are “in the system” and ready to have orders written on them. However, the first group commissions in October, and we have sea billets to fill as early as May/June with no identified relief. Some detailers in the shop have ripped upwards of 30 people over the course of two years from shore duty to fill gapped sea billets. When manning shortfalls force a “rip to fill” scenario, the search for the fill reaches a point of diminishing return at some indeterminate point in the future whereas we would be ripping somebody who just reported to shore duty. So the bottom line is: NAO’s keep us at a steady state rather than increase inventory. While we’ve covered how the rip to fill and NAO’s pieces pertain to overall manning, let’s expand yet again. Three additional categories of folks who impact manning and readiness in our designators are: those retiring, LIMDU, and DFCs.To anyone that is retiring from the Navy, we appreciate the great work you’ve done and stand ready to help you run down any questions you may have in the process. The key to understanding how our retiring members impact manning is this: they still count against our total numbers when we ask for new accession quotas for a particular FY. Not the retiree’s fault, but it is part of the man power process. Note: if you are going to retire in Oct - Nov, please consider rolling back to September, so we have a chance to ask for an additional quota for the next year’s board. Due to the nature of our jobs and given any significant cross section of people, we’re always going to have some folks hurt and ill. Sometimes theses illnesses and injuries are very serious and require the officer to get off the playing field to recover. While LIMDU status is certainly not a knock against any member, it does count against manning. Inevitably, we’re going to have a handful of officers pending disciplinary issues that have resulted in them getting fired from their jobs…at sea. This scenario also causes our community to take the hit and pick up the slack for the wayward officer. Additionally, training tracks and ship’s schedules do not always accommodate a tidy chain of relief. Placement has to work with the course quotas given, and at times a training track can extend to four to five months.Let’s revisit our main issue that keeps officers at sea, in some cases, months beyond their PRD, and is a big reason why some shore billets are gapped. When we take into account NAO’s, folks pending retirement, on retirement leave/TAD, OOC for medical, and DFC for behavior, our actual personnel inventory is less than it appears. Eighty percent may be consider good by some for a math test, but not real good for the commands taking the hit for the lack of bodies to fill the required billets. The information we provided is intended to put things in perspective and provide education at all levels on the challenges that we all face in our great community.Detailing Remarks (cont.) ALL “COMMERCIAL” (FEDEX, UPS, DHL, etc.) Express or Overnight Mail should use the following address:Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Customer Service Center President, FY-XX (Active Duty or Reserve) (Grade) (Line or Staff) Promotion Selection BoardBoard #xxx (Board # may be found on that board’s respective page or the board schedule)5640 Ticonderoga Loop Bldg 768 Room E302Millington TN 38055 4. You may call the NPC Customer Service Center at 1-866-U ASK NPC (1-866-827-5672) or DSN 882-5672 to confirm receipt of your package for Statutory Promotion Selection Boards. You may also check at the Customer Service Center online site BY LOGGING IN at: 5. Make sure you include the board # on your letter and envelope.6. Use either a binder clip or paper clip (no staples) to fasten your documents together. It is unnecessary, and a waste of your time and money, to place your letter in special covers, folders, or notebooks (they must be removed to scan your correspondence into your record.NPC Customer Service Correspondence1. Correspondence for a statutory promotion selection board MUST arrive by the day BEFORE the board convenes.2. You MUST use your “complete” SSN on all correspondence to the board. SSN is the only means to add correspondence to a record that has been loaded to a board. If you do not give us your entire SSN you run the risk that letter might not get added in time.3. The address for mailing your letter is slightly different depending on type of service.ALL US Postal Service (USPS) mail correspondence is to be mailed to the following address: Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Customer Service Center President, FY-13 (Active Duty or Reserve) (Grade) (Line or Staff) Promotion Selection BoardBoard #xxx (Board # may be found on that board’s respective page or the board schedule)5720 Integrity DriveMillington TN 38055 Detailing Remarks (cont) PromotionBoard Season ContinuesThis year’s promotion boards are completed and administrative boards continue through Dec. CONGRATS to all that promoted this cycle! If you have any questions about the board process, contact your detailer. Career ManagementDetailers make a dedicated effort to offer and assign individuals in meeting the four “FIT” principles of distribution process:Assigning personnel with proper knowledge, skills to meet demands of assignment –“the right Sailor”Match obtained skills or recommend training to meet the job – “the right skills.”Offer assignments at right point in individual’s career that meets the challenges to enhance a person career and provide continued professional growth – the “right place.”Timely arrival to assignment to support the unit’s operational needs – “the right time.”Everyone at NPC understands how the current environment may be affecting personnel in negotiating for future assignments. We will try to work with finding a winnable solution for all parties as long as there are valid billets available at correct paygrade.In large naval concentration areas (Norfolk and San Diego) the opportunity to meet career milestone assignments and maintain geographic stability are better than in other locations. However, the main factor is timing if you are offered a milestone assignment (CO, OIC, and DEPT HD AFLOAT). I strongly encourage you to consider the future opportunities, and promotion before declining the offer because the assignment is not in your current geographic area.New Accession Officers (NAO) Physical Standards We are continuing to commission the FY13 New Accession Officers (NAO). With that being said, I need to talk briefly on BCA and PRT for selected new accessions. It has been brought to my attention that we have seen an increase number of selectees being commission and arriving to Officer Training Command not within standards.As you know, all selectees are required by CNO to be physically qualified prior to appointment. A PFA shall be administered no more than four months prior to commissioning date. Selectees must hand carry test results to Officer Indoctrination School, Newport, RI. If selectee fails to achieve satisfactory medium, PERS 803 must be notified. Commissioning shall be held in abeyance until PFA is successfully completed.Again, as I mentioned in previous newsletters things are getting tough out there. More and more officers of all designators and enlisted Sailors are being administratively separated for failing the PRT and BCA. Do not under estimate what you may potentially lose should you end up in this situation. This may include losing retirement benefits, being forced to revert to enlisted status and retire. Additionally, the board briefing screens now show your PRT/BF results. Thus if you are a medical waiver or have failed it is presented to the selection board for their consideration. Ordnance / ElectronicsVoluntary RetirementsReferences: OPNAVINST 1811.3A and MPM 1810-020SNO Letter and endorsement required 6-12 months in advance (no more than 12: $$$)Officers must request 1st day of month3 Statutory Wickets by PERS-8353 (all else PERS 4)20 yrs + 1 day by ADSDCommissioned service: O1 and above – 10 yrs (waiverable to 8 yrs IAW ALNAV 057/11); CWOs – 4 yrsTime In Grade (TIG): O4 and below and CWOs – 2 yrs (FTS officers - 6 months TIG); O5/O6 – 3 yrs (more info on waiver slide)Verify qualified for retirement by SOS calculationProcess takes ~ 4-6 weeks (if no waivers are involved)Statutory RetirementsAll the requirements (commissioned service, active duty service, age) vary between Regular/Reserve/LDOStat Letters from NPC go out ~ 9 months priorOrders cut automatically, although SNO can request retirement, too2xFOS: Once notification is made, retirement orders will be originated for mandatory retirement. If mbr is eligible and would like to retire earlier than mandatory date, mbr must submit a voluntary retirement request. Retire-RetainClosely governed by statute as well as policyRetire-RetainRequests should be submitted 6-9 months in advance Max 25 CAPT and below at any given time in NavyLDO/CWO’s will not get approved as it is not good for the overall health of our community, and other communities utilize the numbers provided by law.POC Data: Please ensure I have your latest contact information to include your work and home email address, and work, home and cell phone numbers. It is very important that this information is accurate, and on record and in our database.EngineeringFY-13/14 Promotion Boards Record ReviewThe statutory promotion boards will use your photo, OSR and PSR for the selection boards. It’s imperative that each officer take the time to review their OSR and PSR for accuracy. The OSR shows current duty station, up to a maximum of 25 AQD’s, college education, graduate level certifications, language skills (based on DLAB exam), subspecialty codes (by experience and formal education), and awards. You can view each document on your BOL acct.Additional Qualification Designator (AQD)If you are missing an Additional Qualification Designator (AQD) contact your detailer. You can scan and email the designation letter and the AQD can be added to your record. It usually takes up to 2-weeks to migrate to your ODC/OSR. AQD management is extremely important to your record for statutory promotion and administrative boards. All LDO’s/CWO’s should review the Manual of Navy Officer Manpower and Personnel Classifications, Vol I, part D, to see if they are eligible to earn a specific AQD. Link provided below. missing awards you must follow the instructions on the NDAWS website. Click on record management webpage link below for more information. officer photos are still a problem across all designators. All statutory and admin boards use your photo, so we encourage you to follow the instructions posted on the NPC website: ReportsSome of our officer fitness report reviews have shown errors in the promotion recommendation block, where a “Promotable” is shown instead of an “Early Promote.” This usually results from the BUPERSINST 1610.10 change, where URL fitness reports for junior officers are a mandatory “Promotable” and CO’s did not recognize that LDO fitness reports do not fit this category.The following note is included in the latest revision of BUPERSINST 1610.10: NOTE: Ensign and lieutenant junior grade FITREPs for designators other than Limited Duty Officer (6XXX) cannot receive a promotion recommendation higher than Promotable. We highly recommend that you review your fitness reports online using BOL WEB record check and validate your PSR against your fitness reports. Having a “promotable” recommendation may potentially disadvantage your record at a promotion board. Again, officers that sit the selection boards review numerous records, so you want to insure you record is 100% accurate. If you find an error, you will need to follow BUPERSINST 1610.10 to make necessary administrative changes. Administrative changes can still be made if you cannot locate your reporting senior. Also, PERS-311 inputs your fitness report into the computer system, so errors can occur there as well. PERS-311 contact information is available on BOL fitness report continuity web page. Lastly, detailers cannot add fitness reports to your record. Only your command can send in missing fitness reports for inclusion to your permanent record. POC Data: Please ensure I have your latest contact information to include your work and home email address, and work, home and cell phone numbers. It is very important that this information is accurate, and on record and in our database. Operations / DeckPOC DataI recently suffered a complete hard drive failure to my computer and lost my PST files, which means I lost everyone’s email address. If we haven’t exchanged emails in the last 6 weeks, please send me your current POC information to help me rebuild my database. Thank you.Available Billets PageThere seems to be some confusion as to what billets are posted on my “avail billets” spreadsheet that is posted on the website. The billets that are posted on the website as “AVAIL Billets” are billets that are coming avail in the next year. So if you are coming into your 1 year negotiating window, that will give you a good idea of what is avail when you are supposed to transfer. These billets are not “Hot Fills,” if I have a “Hot Fill”, I will list it as such, but the reality is that a hot fill usually necessitates that I pull someone from another billet to fill the “Hot Fill” immediately. Negotiating WindowYour Negotiating window starts at 1 year from your PRD. However, you may call or email me anytime to talk about what you want or need to do next. The further in advance you let your intentions/desires be known, the easier the detailing process will be for you. If you call me at the 18 month mark, I will be able to give you an idea of what you may need to do to line yourself up with what you want to do next. (ie, adjust PRD to left or right if possible). Most billets will not match up exactly with your PRD, which means you will need to be flexible in your transfer date in order to line yourself up with what’s next. This doesn’t always mean you can get exactly what you want, but the more lead time I have to work with, the better your chances are.If the first time you reach out to me is somewhere between the 9-12 month window, and I already have your relief identified and penciled in, then you will likely not be able to ADJ your PRD to line up with something you may want. Bottom line is to start talking early! OPS ManningThe current distributable inventory for OPS LDO’s and CWO’s is about 82%, which means that at any given time we have approx 18% of our billets either gapped, or manned with 1110’s to help fill the gaps, etc. What this means is that just because a shore facility has gapped billets, doesn’t mean that I will be able to send you to the billet if we have billets at sea that need to be filled. Sea duty is our number one priority to fill! So just because you are coming from sea duty, doesn’t mean that you will automatically be able to roll to shore duty. Bottom line here is that everyone needs to be prepared to go back to sea duty if needed.Deck ManningThe current distributable inventory for DECK LDO’s and CWO’s is about 98%, which means that the designator as a whole is very well manned. We have very few gaps, in any of our billets, and have people in “waiting lines” to get milestone sea tours. Do not pass up a chance at a milestone tour such as AFL/1st LT just so you can go to a non ships company billet for a “break.” If you do this, you take a serious risk of not being able to get that milestone tour before you need it for promotion.FLTTMPSMany of us use FLTTMPS as a “tool” to try and get an idea of what will be avail before we call the detailer. Although it will give you a rough idea, you should not ever rely on FLTTMPS to get your hopes up. We do not use FLTTMPS here at NPC, and it isn’t even connected to our database. FLTTMPS doesn’t take into account that I may have already negotiated someone into the billet you are looking at, and it may not reflect an accurate PRD if someone adjusted their PRD for whatever reason. Your best bet is to check the avail billets and call the detailer. ADMIN / SecurityGreetings: Admin/Security LDOs and CWOs, it’s truly a pleasure and humbling honor to be serving as your detailer. I’d like to thank LCDR Mike Beal for his service as our detailer – for those that don’t know, Mike filled three of arguably the hardest jobs we have in the 6410 community during his stint in Millington. Fair Winds and Following Seas to Mike as he commences what I’m sure will be a very successful Admin Officer tour on board USS CARL VINSON. For those of you that don’t know me, I just finished serving as the Flag Secretary to the Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. I look forward to working with each and every one of you!POC Data: Since many of you were ordered into your current assignment prior to my arrival (and some prior to LCDR Beal’s assignment as the detailer), I do not have current/accurate contact information for many of you. So if we haven’t exchanged emails since I took the job in mid-June, please send me your current POC information. Thank you!Career Intentions and Communication: Communication is the key to any successful relationship! It’s imperative that you be up-front and honest with me, as I will certainly be with you. We won’t always see eye-to-eye, but I will always provide you with the best possible options for your career progression. The paths of career progression and personal/family desires are generally not the same, especially as we move up through the ranks. So when you contact me and say your intention is to stay in the Navy “forever” and make CAPT, but you have no intention of leaving the PACNORWEST… the two just don’t add up. As many of you can already attest, I will be very direct and honest about how your assignment decision will (most likely) impact your ability to promote. So if your desire is really to stay in Florida (at any and all cost) and you will request retirement before taking that Flag Secretary job in Washington, DC, just be up-front…it will save a lot of time and energy and will get us to the ultimate end-state much quicker. It may result in an assignment to a less than favorable job in your desired geographic location, or it might not. Also, if your intent is to retire, let me know as early as possible. You don’t necessarily have to drop your papers, but I need to know what your plan is, so that I can start working a back-fill. There are several commands that are currently “eating” a sizeable gap, because they approved an early (before PRD) retirement with 100 days terminal leave/permissive TDY without the constituent or the command talking to the detailer.Pre-Promotion Board/Record Preps In addition to the previously mentioned administrative checks prior to going before the selection board; I will reiterate what I tell each and every constituent that I talk to – SHOW PROFESSIONAL FLEXIBILITY THROUGHOUT YOUR CAREER AND GET SOMETHING IN YOUR RECORD THAT ALL OF THE VOTING MEMBERS CAN RELATE TO!!! In other words, 6410s don’t do all of your tours in aviation squadrons and commands (and SV1s get out of the submarine community for your allotted 2 tours). 6490s, don’t do all of your tours at MSRONs and Expeditionary commands. The majority of the voting members on promotion boards are Unrestricted Line Officers…they relate to warfare pins, education, and fitness reports signed by their peers. ADMIN / SecurityPERS 414CDR Dave DwyerEmail: david.dwyer1@navy.milPhone: (901) 874-3885, DSN 882PERS 414SMr. Roger BerryhillEmail: roger.berryhill@navy.milPhone: (901) 874-3905, DSN 882Fax: (901) 874-2685, DSN: 882PERS 414ALCDR Todd OakesEmail: todd.m.oakes@navy.milPhone: (901) 874-2329, DSN 882PERS 414BLT Justin SantosEmail: justin.santos@navy.milPhone: (901) 874-3906, DSN 882PERS 414CLCDR Raul SantospieveEmail: raul.santospieve@navy.milPhone: (901) 874-3887, DSN 882PERS 414DLCDR Pat SuttonEmail: patrick.sutton@navy.milPhone: (901) 874-3907, DSN 882PERS 414 Contact Information ................

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