Arizona State University

DATEFrom: Assistant Command Fitness Leader, NROTC Unit, Arizona State UniversityTo: (MIDSHIPMAN)Subj: FITNESS EXPECTATIONS, CONSEQUENCES, AND ASSIGNMENT TO THE FITNESS ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMRef: (a) CNSTCINST 1533.2A (b) OPNAVINST 6110.1JEncl: (1) Workout and Nutrition Log1. This letter is intended to clearly outline the standards for fitness and readiness that dictate our expectations and actions at the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) Unit at Arizona State University. I want to identify the specific goals that, if met, will ensure your continued success in the unit. a. Reference (a) states that it is the responsibility of students to “participate in the unit physical conditioning program and maintain an adequate personal physical training (PT) program to meet physical fitness standards” and to “develop and maintain a lifestyle that promotes optimal health and physical conditioning”.2. Requirements. The plain language requirements for students participating in the NROTC are that students must pass the physical fitness assessment (PFA) which includes both the Body Composition Assessment (BCA) and Physical Readiness Test (PRT). The minimum standards to pass the BCA and PRT are outlined below: a. Body Composition Assessment (BCA) (1) To pass the BCA, you must either pass a height/weight test, or pass a body fat measurement. If the BCA is failed, you automatically fail the physical fitness assessment (PFA). b. Physical Readiness Test (PRT) 1) The minimum required score on the PRT is an overall “good” score and a score of “good” in each category. This is the required score in order to commission as an Ensign in the Navy henceforth, this is the minimum score you must attain while in the NROTC unit. c. Failure of either of these results in a Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) failure and requires specific action from the NROTC unit. 3. Consequences. a. Reference (a) dictates the actions we must take upon PFA failures. 1) Failure on an unofficial or inventory PFA:Warning 2) Failure on the official PFA (first time):Probation 3) Failure on the official PFA (second time):Leave of Absence (LOA) 4) Failure on the official PFA (third time):Disenrollment b. There is one official PFA per semester; which is two per academic year. If you are put on a LOA, you will not receive any scholarship, stipend or book money for the next semester. Students in LOA status are also not authorized to participate in CORTRAMID or other summer cruises. CORTRAMID physical readiness requirements are an overall Good Score for attendance.4. Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP). a. You are now formally assigned to the Battalion’s FEP. You are required to attend and participate in the unit’s weekly FEP physical training (PT) sessions. Normally, these PT sessions are on Wednesdays at 0545 until 0700. In addition to attending the FEP PT sessions, you will be required to adhere to the following standards: 1) Establish a personal physical fitness exercise regimen. The physical fitness regimen should include at minimum the below: a) At least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise weekly (at least 30 minutes 5 days per week). b) At least 2 days will incorporate some sort of strength exercise regimen. c) Incorporate flexibility exercises in all of your exercise regiments (at least 5 times per week). 2) You are required to log your exercise and physical training sessions on a workout log attached as enclosure (1). 3) You will be assigned a fitness mentor who will assist you in the development and maintenance of your fitness and nutrition. You will be required to meet with your mentor at least once per week; more times are encouraged but are not required. 4) You will be required to fill out, sign, and turn in your workout and nutrition log to your mentor. Your mentor will then review the log and give guidance as necessary. Your mentor will then turn your workout log to the Battalion Command Fitness Leader (CFL) or Assistant Command Fitness Leader (ACFL) for review. Each log will be kept on file by the CFL or ACFL for the entire duration of your assignment to the unit.5. Conclusion. This letter is intended to make you aware of the unit’s requirements so that you can set and achieve reasonable goals to maintain your status in the unit. I encourage you to utilize resources including but not limited to your peers, your personal fitness mentor, active duty military advisor, your command fitness leader, nutritionists, and your personal doctor to help make your goals and improve your physical readiness. These people can be very helpful, but the bottom line, it comes down to you. You are responsible to develop and maintain a lifestyle that promotes optimal health and physical conditioning.SSGT T. W. GARCIAAssistant Command Fitness LeaderAcknowledgement:I have read and understand the requirements set forth in this counseling. I understand where I need to improve, how I need to improve, and what the requirements are for me while assigned to this program. I understand the repercussions for failing an official PFA which includes performance review board, probation, leave of absence, and disenrollment from the NROTC program.______________________________________Signature______________________________________Class Last Name, First Name M.I.______________________________________Date ................

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