St Ursula's E-ACT Primary Academy

?Year group: 6T1Topic Title: How does WW2 compare to that of previous wars discussed? Cohesion- Text linksA Medal for Leroy – Michael MorpurgoThe Apple Spy – Terry DearyNational Curriculum linksConceptsWho were the alliance forces and why did they join forces?What was the political treaty bringing them together?How the war impacted on Bristol Mary Carpenter – Bristol Lady Bathurst- husband killed in war; first lady MP of BristolKey figuresLinks: How was the world war to that we have spoken about in Tudor, Viking, roman times? what brought all the countries together- what were they fighting forWas Hitler any different from Caesar, cleopatra, henry V111, why, why don’t we have dictators now?Key QuestionsCore knowledge Assessment History vocab:WW2WarVictoryWinston ChurchillPoliticianBritishNazi Ration – a fixed amount of something allowed to each person during a time or shortage.Adolf HitlerLebensraumAryanFuhrerWeaponsMachine gunsPropagandaRecruitmentMilitaryAntisemitismBlitzkrieg – ‘lightning war’ – the ‘concentration principle’ is the idea that concentrating forces against an enemy and making a single blow against carefully chosen target was more effective than dispersing forces. DT vocabKnifeCutChopSafeFruitVegetableSeedDesignPlanLabelSweetSavouryHealthyUnhealthyIngredients Music vocabArt vocabBanksy Stencil Street art Line Layout Sketch ChiaroscuroColour mixingStippleCompositionRelief printingPolitical statementPropagandaPHSE/REKey people/figuresMary Carpenter – C21st (1807 – 1877)An English educational and social reformer, bringing previously unavailable education opportunities to poor children and young offenders in Bristol. Winston ChurchillSir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was a British politician, army officer and writer. He was Prime Minister of the UK from 1940 – 1940 when he led the country to victory in WW2, and again from 1951 - 1955.Adolf HitlerGerman politician and leader of the Nazi party. He rose to power as the Fuhrer in 1934. He initiated WW2 in Europe by invading Poland in September 1939.History KnowledgeDT KnowledgeMusic ArtPHSE/RECore, powerful, substantive, disciplinary Domain Knowledge -WW1 lasted 4 years between 1914-1918.-WW2 began in 1939, only 21 years after WW1 ended. -Food was rationed-During this time, Bristol had an important harbour and shipyards. -Know that WW2 less than 100 years ago. -T – this has not been taught yet so could be done as a starter to your lesson – in the future this will have been taught in Year 3 and so will be present on the Knowledge Organiser. Y3 link – Benin/Persians – Know that the Edo people settled in West Africa in 900s. They had Obas (rulers) who ruled and they became a powerful empire – the Benin. In the 1860s, British officials visited Benin and were sent away. The British ignored them so a group of warriors killed several British men. The British were furious so attacked the Benin City and burned it to the ground. The kingdom of Benin became a part of the British Empire. -Y4 link – Vikings – The Viking period began at a similar time as the kingdom of Benin but ended much sooner (787AC - 1066). Britain was a good place to invade because it the monasteries had treasures to steal. Weapons used were spear, sword, archery, axe and defensive equipment. -Y5 link – Romans and Greeks – The Roman and Greeks were two different empires that were located in the Mediterranean and overlapped in time. They had good social class and defence systems put in place and believed in different gods. Powerful substantive In blue belowComposites and components Composite – What was WW2 and how did it affect Bristol?Components-Know that world War 2 was the largest war ever fought in human history, over 50 countries were involved come the end. -It began in 1939 because Hitler wanted to expand Germany’s territory. The Nazi’s thought that they were a superior race and therefore had the right to take other people’s/countries land. -Since the middle ages, Jews have been victims of discrimination and persecution, often for religious beliefs. -Hitler didn’t like Jews because, from a young age, he grew up in Austria where the president at the time was antisemitic against the Jewish race and portrayed them in a negative light. So, when Hitler became first Chancellor and then Furher, he wanted to eliminate the Jews for being disloyal, untrustworthy and money hungry. He persecuted the Jewish people by killing them and sending them to work, and die, in concentration camps; such as Auschwitz during the Holocaust. -VE Day – Victory over Europe – the day the Nazi’s surrendered – 8th May 1945.-Although the war ended for Europe in 1945, the war continued in other places of the world until September of that same year – VJ Day (Victory over Japan).-As we know, Bristol had an important harbour and shipyards. They also had an Aeroplane factory which made bombers for the Royal Air Force – it was a target for air raids. -Bristol was bombed heavily between June 1940 and May 1944. Bristol Blitz began in autumn 1940 and ended the following spring. -Before the war, the Bristol Fire Service only had 85 fire men which expanded to 1175 full time officers and men, 40 women and 3,000 part-time workers but there was little they could do in the most intense attacks. T - how does this compare to Bristol fire-fighting today? Answer – we have On-Call fire-fighters who complete a day job but have a telephone that rings when they are required. They have to be within 2 miles or 5 minutes of the local station to ensure that there is not too much delay. -Many old buildings were severely damaged or completely destroyed including St Nicholas Church and Clifton Parish Council. -Boy Scouts (which some of our children do) were recruited as messenger riders; they would cycle around the city at the height of raids carrying essential messages.-Temple Church, Bristol, was bombed on 24th November 1940 – in 1958 the ruins were taken into state posite – How does the invasion of the kingdom of Benin compare with that of WW2?KINGDOM OF BENIN:-Know that the Kingdom of Benin was invaded by British officials who wanted to explore new land and claim it as their own. - The British wanted to explore and find new resources that they could bring back to England and make profit. WW2:-Adolf Hitler, and Nazi Germany, wanted ‘World Domination’ so signed a strategic treaty with both Italy and Japan. He started by invading Poland in September 1939.-Hitler anointed himself Fuhrer (supreme leader) and was obsessed with the ‘Aryan’ – a “pure” German race. -He believed that war was the only way to gain ‘Lebensraum’ (living space) for the German race to expand. -Hitler knew that Poland had guaranteed military support from Britain and France so knew that war would break out. Two days after the invasion on Poland, war broke out. - WW2 was a more equal playing field. Whereas when Britain invaded the Kingdom of Benin, the people had no idea they were arriving. -The British had more advanced weapons and the element of surprise. T – this could be a whole lesson -How reliable are different accounts of the same event – Germany’s version of events will be different to Britain’s. Talk about who was important e.g in a simple historical account (significance) 1) Winston Churchill and 2) Adolf Hitler.-Link sources and work out how conclusions were arrived at. -Winston Churchill – famous for his motivational speeches and intimidating tactics. Churchill retaliated to the Poland attack in such a way that was considered as ruthless aggression – working through the weekends and regularly working 18-hour days to discuss tactics, motivate troops and studying action reports to decide on the next move. -Adolf Hitler – Hated Jews and wanted ‘world domination’. When he invaded Poland (the start of WW2), he employed ‘blitzkrieg’ tactics which combined air-ground attacks and the use of Panzer tank divisions to quickly engulf the poorly equipped Polish troops. Composite – How does the propaganda used during WW2 compare with Roman Military recruitment?ComponentROMANS-Rome’s military adapted and evolved over the centuries to overcome new threats. -During most of the Roman Kingdom, all eligible men were forcibly conscripted to perform military service. -Recruitment required a man to have some wealth – this is because they had to provide their own weapons and armour. -in 107BCE, Marius changed the military from a part-time to full-time professional army which meant Rome could respond to threats immediately rather than having to raise, train and deploy a force. -Ideal recruitment age was late teens/early twenties. WW2- Propaganda was used in WW2 to persuade boys and men to join the war and to be motivational. -During WW2, if people didn’t know what they were fighting for, they would lose faith in the war effort. -The Ministry of Information was formed to produce posters and films to give information to the public on the war to keep their spirits high.-Most boys and men had no training. -Ideal recruitment age was 18 (an adult); however, some people lied about their age.-Make comparisons between Romans and WW2 wars.-The Roman army were forced to join, so were young men during WW2.-The men during WW2 had little training before heading off to fight, where as the Romans were prepared for any battle and had lots of training. T – see what the children come up posite – How do the weapons and tactics used during WW2 compare with the Vikings battle techniques?VIKINGS-The Vikings weapons consisted of the spear, axe, sword and archery.-Weapons were made from wood and metal, usually cheap, functional and well made.EG – the sward was double edged so they could slash in different directions without having to worry which side the blade was. -The wealthiest Vikings could afford helmets – they were expensive. -The Vikings had warships which were very fast and shallow which enabled them to get close to land for invasions. The long, narrow ships could accommodate 50-60 men/warriors for battle. WW2-During WW2 the British forces had access to aircraft, boats, tanks, armoured cars, torpedoes, machine guns and a variety of guns. - Every solider was given a helmet along with other standard protection wear/equipment.-Aircraft made it easier for forces to invade and fight more inland. Domain knowledge I know where some foods come from around the worldI know some things need to be kept in the fridge and some in the freezerI know if food is gone off it can make me unwellI can name healthy and unhealthy food Powerful knowledge Know what a 3 course meal is (school dependant) Composite and components Does where our food comes from affect whether we choose to buy it? What are courses of food?Know what a course means in terms of food and how many there can be. Understand that food courses may differ depending on different nationalities and cultures.Be able to use knowledge of meal courses to plan a 3-course meal Where does food come from?Using the 3-course meal which you planned investigate where all the ingredients comes from Which countries does the food come from?How does the food get to the UK? How are the ingredients produced? (grown, manmade in factories etc) Can we always eat/serve the food we choose?Use knowledge of rationing in WW2 to review your planned menu.Know which ingredients would we still be able to use in our planned meal during WW2?Understand and consider food availability due to rationing, storage and also whether particular foods would have been available at that time. Can I plan a 3-course meal with limited resources?Re-plan a 3-course meal using only the limited foods available during WW2 (consider rationing, storage and availability) Can I cook a 3-course meal?Know how to cook the 3-course rationed meal Understand and take into consideration food hygiene and safety.Know which tools/ equipment to use for each task. Be able to evaluate my own and others designs.Understand what went right wrong both in the design and production of the meal. Links: WW2 – foods eaten during that time, limited availability, rations, preparing a WW2 style meal, using menus from this timeDomain KnowledgeKnow what street art is.Have knowledge of street artists (Link to Banksy in yr2)Understand what being political meansPowerful Knowledge-Knowledge of the concept of Chiaroscuro-Awareness of art works, especially Banky’s which create a political posite and ComponentsWho is Banksy and what is he telling us with his art?-Know about Banksy’s art work.-Interpret the messages he is giving with his work (important to take the location of the art works into consideration as well as the actual art works).-Why is he putting these messages in his work?What skills do I need to create my own political artwork?-to create observational drawings paying attention to form, line and layout.-know a sketch is not a finished piece and can be altered.-to explore the chiaroscuro technique.-to use sketches and drawings to then create clear lines and shapes and to create stencils.-to plan an image (composition)-to use paint to create an image using stencils and plasticine to create the reverse of the stencil image (a print board). Compare and contrast the results.Can I create an art work giving a message about my home town of Bristol? -To use prior knowledge and knowledge of techniques used this term to create an art work which conveys a message.-To use links to WW2 propaganda and references to Banksy art to help choose the sort of message you would like to convey. Links – WW2 propaganda messages, Banksy yr 2 Trips and VisitsM-Shed - Trip workshop to learn about the affects of WW2 on Bristol – “Bristol at War – The home front”. Where can this take youHistorianArmy MediaPolitician TeacherMuseum guideTour guideTravel guideMisconceptionsChildren may not be sure where this fits in the timeline – Show this on school timeline. Children might think that this is the same as WW1 so explain that there were two different wars and this is the second one – also the biggest. Kingdom of Benin and the Viking period started at the same time but were happening in different parts of the world – Benin (West Africa) and Vikings (Scandinavia).Links with BristolBristol Blitz – A time during WW2 where Bristol got bombed due to the importance of its ports. HinterlandUseful web links: - WW2 info videos - Information about the Bristol Blitz - BBC videos about different aspects of WW2. - Info on the different areas of war and how it began. - The Roman ArmyScaffolding (practical activities)Sentence startersEvidenceThis evidence suggests...I found out that...Explain This is true/false because...This illustrates that...Link- I know this because..It is clear that...I believe this because...I agree/disagree...PPDeploy intervention appropriately to ensure domain knowledge is understood – EG pre-teach.Introduction workshop to try on PPE.Consistent vocabulary.EALImagery to support learningRelevant links to their countries made.Discuss multicultural nature of Bristol.Introduction workshop to try on PPE.Consistent vocabulary. Extension for experts Research how WW2 has affected modern day changes. How can a war be avoided in the future?What are the countries of the world doing to avoid another war? Dual coding the map to explain the map of WW2 – allies, axis etc.Explain how they used colourful posters to encourage women to work in factories (considered a ‘man’s job) while the men were fighting in the war. Year group: 6T3Topic Title: Men are hunters, women are gatherers?Stone Age to Iron Age (8700BCE – 2000BCE) Cohesion- Text linksDefenders: Pitch Invasion – Tom PalmerStone Age Tablet – Andrew Langley (non-fiction??)Wolf Brother – Michelle PaverStone Age Boy – Satoshi Kitamura (LA??)National Curriculum linksNC – Pupils should be taught about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron AgeThis could include:Late Neolithic hunter-gatherers and early farmers (Skara Brae)Bronze Age religion, technology and travel (Stonehenge)Iron Age hill forts: tribal kingdoms, farming, art and culture. Concepts How women used tools to cook and make food Inequality emerged through agricultureNatural resources made powerHill forts (maiden castle)Power through communal monuments like StonehengeGoughs cave cheddar gorgeEvidence in river Avon – Bristol museum Key figuresLinks: Compare to current 3rd world/tribal countries, Amelia Earhart, Links to Tutankhamun dagger being from the iron ageKey Questions Core knowledge Assessment When was the Stone Age?When was the Iron Age?When was the Bronze Age?How did people live together? Answer – tribesHow do we know about the stone age?Because there is no-one around to tell us. Which animals lived in pre-historic Britain?What kind of art did hunter gathers make?How were Stone Age human ancestors like us?History vocabStone AgeBronze AgeIron AgeBCE (Before the Current Era)NeolithicMesolithicPalaeolithicToolsSpearsHand AxeBorerCommunityWeaponsArtefactsAncestorsTribesDT vocabMusic vocabArt vocabPHSE/REKey people/figuresHistory KnowledgeDT KnowledgeMusic ArtPHSE/RECore, powerful, substantive, disciplinaryDomain Knowledge-The Stone Age began about 2.6 million years ago. -The Stone Age lasted around 2.5 million years and was a period of time in which humans used primitive stone tools. -The Stone Ages is typically broken into three distinct periods: the Palaeolithic Period, Mesolithic Period and the Neolithic Period. -During the Stone Age, humans shared the planet with a number of now-extinct hominin relatives, including Neanderthals and Denisovans. -The Bronze Age began when humans in the Near East began working with metal and making tools and weapons from bronze. -The Iron Age started between 1200BC and 600BC (depending on the region) and this is the time where people across Europe, Asia and parts of Africa began making tools and weapons from iron and steel. -The use of iron became more widespread when people learned how to make steel – a much harder metal (heating iron with carbon). Powerful substantive In blue belowComposite – What were hunter gatherers? Component- Know that hunter-gatherer culture developed among the early hominins of Africa. -Acknowledge Stone Age food varied over time and from region to region, but included the foods typical of hunter gathers: meats, fish, eggs, grasses, tubers, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. -Hunter-gatherers caught and found everything that they ate. They would kill animals for food rather than scavenging meat left behind by other predators.-People during the Stone Age first started using clay pots to cook food and store things. -Hunter-gatherers moved around a lot to get food and due to this food supply, hunter-gatherer groups were small in size (usually under 50 people). Any larger and food supplies would rapidly be exhausted.-They harnessed the use of fire, developed intricate knowledge of plant life and refined technology for hunting and domestic purposes. -Early Stone Age people hunted with sharpened sticks which they developed into bows and arrows and spears tipped with flint (type of rock) or bone. -They cut their food with stones and cooked it on a fire. -They used animal skins to make clothes and shelters. -The hunted and gathered daily. -During the Stone Age, people lived in caves so they decorated their walls with picture of animals – including giant bulls, stags, horses, bison and birds. Unfortunately, not cave paintings have been found in Britain, but they have been found at Lascaux in France (created around 14,000 years ago – they show animals and human hunters). -Stone Age Britons made necklaces out of tusks, bones and shells and drew patterns on their bodies using paint from ochre (a type of red clay).-During the iron age, people started to live in hill forts which were surrounded by walls and ditches which helped warriors defend their people from enemy attacks. They started to live in larger communities and began to make tools to help them with their daily work – clay for pottery and a rotary quern to grind grain to make flour quicker and easier than before. Composite – Where were all the women? Component-During the Stone Age period, women completed a role called gathering. They would gather all sorts of things, like wild plants, seeds, nuts and other things in the wild. -The women would also cook the food; the men would hunt and the women would make clothes from the skin of animals hunted. - Women would also make accessories with bones and take care of the children. -Most of the time, the women would guard and be responsible for maintaining the camp. -Women had easier jobs than the men but had a lot more responsibility and so they were working as hard as the men were. -Women used hand-made tools known as ‘scrapers’ which were used to prepare animal and plants for consumption. They also used tools called ‘awls’ for shredding plant fibers and making clothing. -Cave paintings were assumed to be made by men but recent discoveries in Spain suggest that stencils might have been made by women. -Gender segregation is not natural or necessary in human history. -Assumptions were made due to graphics in today’s society that men were considered as the primary hunters, while women looked after the children; however, there is minimal evidence for this and in actual fact women completed a lot of hunting for fish using handmade spears. -The jobs of both men and women, although different, were of equal importance for their survival. Why are men considered hunters?Component-Challenging Phrase – Women can multi-task.- Challenging Phrase – Men are stronger than women.-Challenging Phrase – Man the toolmaker – because of his strength. -Scientific studying suggest that gender differences are deeply rooted – the way we think and act is instincts rooted from when we were hunters. Women apparently see colour more strongly due to the fact that they would gather berries and had would not eat certain colours. -Men are considered hunters because they are ‘stronger’, more intellectual and the protector with more aggression. Whereas women are considered more ‘passive’ and suppose to engage in less physically and mentally strenuous – childcare, more domestic. -In some cultures (including some poorer areas of Africa) this is still the case – women stay at home to cook and look after the children while the men go out and work on the farms. -Because men were primarily hunters for their tribes and families, they hand crafted their own tribal tools to complete these tasks because they were made by themselves they could be specific for their intended task. -After learning all of this information, it is suggested that, due to lack of evidence, there is a lack of certainty about gender arrangements during this time. Composite – What evidence is there of the Stone Age now?-Hunter gatherers lived in small tribes and protected their land, resources and possessions within their tribe. -They passed on their homes to their descendants. -Know that people had specific roles within the tribes. -Understand that the tribes would communicate differently but they would still communicate within their tribe. -Hill forts are still visible today – they were used to protect their land and people. EG Maiden Castle (T-could you link to WW2 trenches?)-Lots of powerful communal monuments like Stonehenge (a more modern structure). These circular stone structures appear all over the UK but we don’t know how or why they are there. -Bring knowledge gathering from several sources together in a fluent account. T – research the Stonehenge structure – why is there? Etc.-Lots of the information regarding the stone ages is apparent due to the stone age paintings discovered on the inside of cave structures. Much later, this was imitated into paintings as art work on people walls. The art work is to tell stories depicting the men as hunting large animals using spears and bows and arrows. This could be because men’s supposed superioriority of that time. What are the best textile techniques to use?Designing and making a bagConcepts Design for a purposeUsing a blanket stichAccurately cut and join Compare 3d objects to 2d designs Understand construction methods for 3d shapesKnow how to create a hidden seamEvaluating work continually Key figures: Links: textiles and material knowledge from years 2 and 4.Fastening knowledge from year 4.Cave paintings Trips and VisitsStonehenge – to look at the stones and their arrangement and to understand the significant rituals linked to this. Bristol Museum – Stone Age exhibit - 2 Basics – Visitor to come in and do Stone Age workshops (CHARGE)Leigh Wood – Iron Ages life - Cheddar Gorge – in school workshops to discuss different periods. Stanton Drew stone circles are just outside the village of Stanton Drew in the English county of Somerset. The largest stone circle is the Great Circle, 113 metres in diameter and the second largest stone circle in Britain; it is considered to be one of the largest Neolithic monuments to have been built. BS39 4EWWhere can this take youHistorianHistory TeacherArchaeologistHeritage manager Conservation officer Museum/Gallery CuratorArchivistMisconceptionsChildren might think that the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze age overlap - be clear with distinction between the three time periods – they were named because of the tools used. Links with BristolLinks with how we live our lives today.The Bristol area has been settled sine the Stone Age. The Stanton Dew stones are linked to the Bronze Age. HinterlandUseful web links:. – Stone Age Bronze Age - All about hunter-gatherers - Hunter vs Gatherer: Gender Differences on the Mind. – Hunter Gatherers – how are ancestors the same as us. - Stone Age hunter-gatherers. - iron age.. – women – women during the stone age. THIS VIDEO – great video discussing the Palaeolithic women. Scaffolding (practical activities)Sentence startersEvidenceThis evidence shows...I found out that...Florence Nightingale did/was… Explain This is true/false because...This mean that...Mary Seacole was treated differently because… Link- I know this because…It is clear that...I believe this because...I agree/disagree...We can change this by… PPPre-teach domain knowledge linked to prior topic and knowledge organiser (discussion over hospitals, doctors and nurses). Scaffolding use of word banks.Physical resources to support lessons.Pictures with words next to them. EALPre-teach domain knowledge linked to prior topic and knowledge organiser (discussion over hospitals, doctors and nurses). Scaffolding use of word banks.Physical resources to support lessons.Pictures with words next to them. Extension for experts -Could create a timeline putting the different stages of this period – Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. -Write a leaflet to promote as stone age/ bronze age/ iron age exhibition. Dual codingAwl for making clothesScraper for scraping fibers. Image of men cooking whilst women hunting. Maiden CastleYear group: 6T5/6Topic Title: Egyptian poster girl or revolutionary leader? Cohesion- Text linksThe Egyptian Cinderella – Shirley ClimoThe Time-Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess – Julia JarmanEgyptology: Search for the Tomb of Osiris – Dugald SteerNOT FINISHEDNational Curriculum linksNC – The achievements of the earliest civilisations – an overview of where and when the first civilisations appeared and a dept study of one of the following – Ancient Egypt.Concepts MedicineLinks to the romans Bilingual and intelligent relationship builderKey figuresLinks: Compare how she built Egypt to be wealthier and the methods she used to Tudor /Stuart and Georgian queens. Were they less honourable?Jenni notes - Egyptian poster girl or revolutionary leader???I can see why your struggling here- the question doesn't actually link very closely to the concepts! I'm also guessing that this is about?Cleopatra II but it could also be?Hatshepsut as another famous egyption pharaohs. I wasn't with you for the HLP so am not sure but I'll roll with it for now. So let's break it down to the composites again needed to answer the question:Who was she??when did she live??why is she famous?What did she do??Her writing on medicine?Her imageBilingual and intelligent relationship builder?How did she rule and what can we see of it now?Links to the Romans??Compare how she built Egypt to be wealthier and the methods she used to Tudor /Stuart and Georgian queens. Were they less honourable??Key QuestionsCore knowledge Assessment History vocab:Ancient EgyptPharaoh – rulerPyramid – triangular Egyptian tomb.Papyrus – water-loving plant best known for making paperSarcophagus – a stone coffin.Hieroglyph – a picture used to write somethingNile River Cleopatra – a famous Egyptian Queen. Decade – 10 yearsBCRiver NileRomansArtefactsAncestors DT vocabComponentsDesign CriteriaPerspectiveMusic vocabArt vocabPHSE/REKey people/figuresCleopatra Julius CaesarMark AntonyAlexandriaOctavian History KnowledgeDT KnowledgeMusic ArtPHSE/RECore, powerful, substantive, disciplinary Domain Knowledge - Ancient Egypt was during the same time as the Stone Age/Bronze Age.-Both men and women wore make-up – the wealthier people were, the more make up they would ware. -Egypt was conquered by Rome and became part of the Roman Empire – conquest by Alexander the Great in 332BC. Powerful substantive In blue belowComposite – What do historians know about Ancient Egypt?Component T note – starter – understand that artefacts give information about different time periods. Have a range of artefacts (Egyptian and other EG Romans, Stone Age) and children decide which artefacts are from Ancient Egypt. Why do they think that?-Understand that our knowledge of Ancient Egypt comes from the discovery of artefacts – show a video of an archaeological dig. -Ancient Egypt began 3100BC-Egyptians settled in northeast Africa, where the country of Egypt is today.-Ancient Egyptians settled around the Nile River so that they could grow crops.-The Egyptians built pyramids to bury their kings and queens (pharaohs). -Men and women had equal social status – this meant that women could own, earn, buy, sell and inherit property. -By the time of Cleopatra, pyramids had already been looted and they were not specifically used for anything. Composite – Who was Cleopatra? Revolutionary leader or poster girl? This composite might cover a few lessons and spark really good ponentsREVOLUTIONARY LEADER FACTSCleopatra ruled Ancient Egypt for almost 3 decades.She could speak multiple language She was regarded as a well-educated in maths, philosophy and astronomy, and a very clever leader. She was in a relationship with Roman Leader, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. She was in a relationship with Antony at the time of defeat.Cleopatra was not Egyptian. She was born in Egypt but her family origins trace back to Greece. -She led a fleet of boats in a Naval battle, and when she was married to Mark Antony, she personally led several dozen Egyptian war ships into the battle alongside Antony’s fleet. -She paid attention to the everyday Egyptians, more so than her ancestors.POSTER GIRL FACTSRoman propaganda painted Cleopatra as a debauched temptress who used her beauty as a political weapon, but she may have been more renowned for her intellect than her appearance.There is evidence that shows Cleopatra wasn’t as physically striking as once believed. In portraits of her, she has many manly features such as her hooked nose and masculine display of strength. You could discuss if being physically strong helped the Roman’s and Egyptians regard her as a strong leader. She aided in the deaths of three of her siblings.Cleopatra used her political stance to marry and kill her siblings if they disagreed with her political decisions. -She was living in Rome at the time of Caesars assassination. Cleopatras presence unsettled the local residence. She was portrayed by Caesar as his mistress. -Because of this, Cleopatra was forced to flee Rome and return home for fear of her own death. However, many Roman women adopted the ‘cleopatra look’ and were often mistaken for Cleopatra herself – she was a role model (a poster girl). -Cleopatra was important/famous in both Rome and Egypt. Did this benefit or hinder her?Composite – What was the downfall of Cleopatra and Ancient Egypt?Components-Caesar needed to return to Rome and needed Egypt to repay debts established by the previous ruler of Egypt. -In 31BC, Octavian’s (Roman Emperor before Alexandria the Great, nephew of Caesar) forces defeated those of Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium. -Cleopatra’s ships deserted the battle and returned home to Egypt.Cleopatra took her life following the defeat of her forces against Octavian, the future emperor of Rome. How do you identify the components needed when designing a steady hand game? ConceptsGenerating ideas through sketching and discussionModelling ideas through prototypesCutting and assembling with accuracyAdapting products to improve functionalityTesting finished productCreating and using electric circuits in their designsKnowing how to make electromagnetic motorsKey figures: Links: Using their understanding of electrical systems and design, pupils are challenged with designing and creating a steady hand game. Pupils will use nets to create their bases and their knowledge of electrical circuits to build a circuit with a buzzer which closes when the handle makes contact with the wire frameCurriculum links: Science Trips and Visits - in school workshops about Ancient Egyptians – can tailor to you. (CHARGE)Bristol Museum – Ancient Egypt exhibit to look at key parts of this time – Pharos, mummification etc. Where can this take youHistorianEducator – teacherBook authorArchaeologistPolice investigatorMisconceptionsCleopatra wasn’t Egyptian, she was Greek.Today, we are closer in time to Cleopatras existence, than she was to the Great Pyramids. Cleopatra committed suicide in 30BC. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built roughly 2580BC – 2510 years before Cleopatra was born. Links with BristolNONEHinterlandScaffolding (practical activities)Useful web links: – Key facts – archaeological dig. - Twinkl evidence lesson. – Cleopatra info - Cleopatra dies by suicide.Sentence startersEvidenceThis evidence suggests...I found out that...Explain This is true/false because...This illustrates that...Link- Compare how she built Egypt to be wealthier and the methods she used to Tudor /Stuart and Georgian queens. Were they less honourable?PPEALExtension for experts Dual coding ................

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