Bibliography – check against desktop version


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J. Alan Thompson, Only the Sun Remembers, trilogy (Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean)

James Allen Ford, The Brave White Flag (Hong Kong)

Noel Barber, Tanamera: A Novel of Singapore (Singapore, Malaya)

J. G. Ballard, The Last Emperor (Shanghai)

H. E. Bates, The Purple Plain (Burma)

________, The Jacaranda Tree (Burma)

________, The Scarlet Sword (India)

________, How Sleep the Brave: The Complete Stories of Flying Officer X (Australia, Britain, Malta)

Dirk Bogarde, A Gentle Occupation (British-occupied Dutch East Indies)

Pierre Boulle, The Bridge on the River Kwai (Burma, Thailand)

Errol Braithwaite, An Affair of Men (Bougainville)

A. R. Channel, The Forgotten Patrol (Western Desert)

James Clavell, King Rat (Singapore)

Lawrence Durrell, Alexandria Quartet (Middle East)

J. G. Farrell, The Singapore Grip (Singapore)

Amitav Ghosh, The Glass Palace (Burma, India)

Graham Greene, The Heart of the Matter (Sierra Leone)

Gerald Hanley, The Consul at Sunset (ex-Italian Somaliland)

John Harris, A Funny Place to Hold a War (Sierra Leone)

J. Hewitt, Three Men on a Bridge, Sometimes Four (China, Hong Kong)

Laurent Joffrin, All That I Have (Indian SOE agent in France)

James Leasor, Boarding Party (India, Goa)

________, Nothing to Report (India)

Andrea Levy, Small Island (West Indies, Britain)

David Malouf, Great World (Australia)

Olivia Manning, The Levant Trilogy (Egypt, Middle East)

Ngaio Marsh, Died in the Wool (New Zealand)

Anthony Masters, Tenko (Malaya)

John Masters, Bhowani Junction (India)

Alan Moorehead, African Trilogy (Middle East, North Africa)

Nicholas Monsarrat, The Cruel Sea (Atlantic)

________, Three Corvettes (Atlantic)

Leonard Mosley, The Cat and the Mice

Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient (Mediterranean)

J. M. O’Neill, Commissar Connell (West Africa)

Douglas Reeman, A Dawn Like Thunder (Burma, Ceylon)

________, A Ship Must Die (Australia, Indian Ocean, Pacific)

________, HMS Saracen (Malta)

________, In Danger’s Hour (Mediterranean)

________, Rendezvous South Atlantic

________, Strike from the Sea (Borneo)

________, Sunset (Hong Kong)

________, The Pride and the Anguish (Singapore)

________, Winged Escort (Indian Ocean, Pacific)

Paul Scott, Johnnie Sahib (Burma)

________, The Raj Quartet (India)

Nevil Shute, A Town Like Alice (Malaya)

Christopher Sykes, Albert and Emerald (Middle East)

________, A Song of a Shirt (Middle East)

________, High Minded Murder (Middle East)

Laurens Van der Post, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence (Java, POW camp)

Evelyn Waugh, Sword of Honour Trilogy (Britain, Mediterranean, West Africa)


Brian Farrell, The Defence and Fall of Singapore 1941-1942 (Tempus, 2005).

________, (ed.), Churchill and the Lion City

Peter Thompson, The Battle for Singapore

Oliver Lindsay, The Battle for Hong Kong, 1941-1945 (Tempus, 2005).

Jama Mohamed, ‘The Evils of Locust bacteria: Popular Nationalism during the 1945 Locust Control Rebellion in Colonial Somaliland’, Past & Present, 174 (2002).

Brian Bond, Pownall Diaries

Colonel Toosey and Burma-Thailand Railway

Peter Tuthill, Mediterranean Minefield:The Disaster of HMS Nepture: Force K

Nicholas Sarantakes, ‘One Last Crusade: The British Pacific Fleet and its Impact on the Anglo-American. . . ‘, English Historical Review, CXXI (2006).

________, Allies against the Rising Sun

Robert Lyman, Iraq 1941: The Battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Fallujah, and Baghdad

New HK study

S. J. Ball, ‘Harold Macmillan, the Second World War, and the Empire’, in R. Aldous and S. Lee (eds), Harold Macmillan: Aspects of a Political Life (1999).

________, The Bitter Sea

The business of war

Seychelles book

Pacific article in Nira Wickramasinghe

Also Present - Lawson


Patricia Eliot, White Umbrella

Noel Barber, A Woman of Cairo

Rain novel

Carolyn Brown, Judith Byfield, and Timothy Parsons (eds), Re-evaluating Africa and World War Two (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press).

Gregg Huff, “The Japanese occupation of World War II Southeast Asia”, with Shinobu Majima, South East Asia Research, 19, 2 (2011), pp. 848-69.

________, The Economic Growth of Singapore: Trade and Development in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).

Nancy Lawler, Ghana

L. J. Butler, Nigeria

Christopher Bayly and Tim Harper, Forgotten Armies

Ashley Jackson, The British Empire and the Second World War

________, Distant Drums: The Role of Colonies in British Imperial Warfare

________ (ed.), ‘New Research on the British Empire and the Second World War: Part One’, Global War Studies

________ (ed.), ‘New Research on the British Empire and the Second World War: Part Two’, Global War Studies

David Killingray, Fighting for Britain

________ and Richard Rathbone (eds), Africa and the Second World War

Lee and Petter (revisit the classics)

CUP Africa mss

West Indies book

Alistair Hinds, ‘Government Policy and the Nigerian Palm Oil Export Industry, 1939-1949’, Journal of African History, 38, 3 (1997).

Vance, Maple Leaf Empire

Wireless Officer

Ahmad Alawad, Sudan Defence Force: Origin and Role, 1925-1955 (Khartoum, 1983).

Nir Arielli, ‘“Haifa is still burning”: Italian, German and French air raids on Palestine during the Second World War’, Middle Eastern Studies, 46, no. 3 (2010).

‘A Short History of the 82 (West Africa) Infantry Division, (2010).

(see all other WA/Burma related titles I’ve gathered for Modern Television)

Tarak Barkawi, ‘Culture and Combat in the Colonies: The Indian Army in the Second World War’, Journal of Contemporary History, 41, 325 (2006).

________, Soldiers of Empire: Battle and Society in the Good War

Hal Brand, ‘Wartime Recruiting Practices, Martial Identity, and Post World War Two Demobilization in Colonial Kenya’, Journal of African History, 46 (2005).

Carolyn Brown, Judith Byfield, and Timothy Parsons (eds), Re-evaluating Africa and World War Two (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press).

Nancy Clark, ‘Gendering Production in Wartime South Africa’, The American Historical Review, 106, 4 (2001).

Juan Cole, ‘Iraq in 1939: British Alliance or Nationalist Neutrality towards the Axis?’, Britain and the World, 5, 2 (2012).

Raymond Dumett, ‘Africa’s Strategic Mineral Resources during the Second World War’, Journal of African History, 26, 4 (1985).

Toyin Falola, ‘”Salt is Gold”: The Management of Salt Scarcity in Nigeria during World War II’, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 26, 3 (1992).

________, ‘Cassava Starch Export in Nigeria during the Second World War’, Economic History, 18 (1989).

Masimilliano Fiore, Anglo-Italian Relations in the Middle East, 1922-1940 (London: Ashgate, 2010).

________, ‘Anglo-Italian Armaments Competition in Iraq, 1937-1940’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History (2012).

D. N. Gupta, Communism and Nationalism in Colonial India, 1939-45 v. 12 (Sage, 2008).

Fay Gadsden, ‘Wartime Propaganda in Kenya: The Kenya Information Office, 1939-1945’, The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 19, 3 (1986).

Alistair Hinds, ‘Government Policy and the Nigerian Palm Oil Export Industry, 1939-1949’, Journal of African History, 38, 3 (1997).

Gregg Huff, “The Japanese occupation of World War II Southeast Asia”, with Shinobu Majima, South East Asia Research, 19, 2 (2011), pp. 848-69.

________, The Economic Growth of Singapore: Trade and Development in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).

Ashley Jackson, The British Empire and the Second World War

________, Distant Drums: The Role of Colonies in British Imperial Warfare

________ (ed.), ‘New Research on the British Empire and the Second World War: Part One’, Global War Studies

________ (ed.), ‘New Research on the British Empire and the Second World War: Part Two’, Global War Studies

H. C. Jackson, The Fighting Sudanese (London, 1945).

Alan Jeffries and Patrick Rose (eds), The Indian Army 1939-1945 (Ashgate, 2012).

Yasmin Khan, ‘Sex in an Imperial War Zone: Transational Encounters in Second World War India’, History Workshop Journal, (2012).

Rebecca Kenneison, Playing for Malaya: A Eurasian Family and the Pacific War (Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2012).

David Killingray, Fighting for Britain

________ and Richard Rathbone (eds), Africa and the Second World War

James Lunt, Imperial Sunset

Francine McKenzie

David Macri

Eunan O'Halpin, Spying on Ireland: British Intelligence and Irish Neutrality during the Second World War (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008).

Colin McCabe and Lee Grieveson (eds), Film and the End of Empire (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).

Jonathan Marshall, To Have and Have Not: South-east Asian Raw Materials and the Origins of the Pacific War (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995).

Spencer Mawby, ‘”Uncle Sam, We Want Back We Land”: Eric Williams and the Anglo-Amerin Controversy over the Chaguaramas Naval Base’, Diplomatic History, 36, 1 (2012).

Ayodeji Olukoju, ‘”Buy British, Sell Foreign”: External Trade Control Policies in Nigeria during World War II and its Aftermath, 1939-1950’, The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 35, 2/3 (2002).

A. Olorunfemi, ‘Effects of Wartime Trade Controls on Nigerian Cocoa Traders and Producers, 1939-1945: A Case-Study of the Hazards of a Dependent Economy’, The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 13, 4 (1980).

Richard Osborne, World War II in Colonial Africa: The Death Knell of Colonialism (Indianapolis, IN: Riebel-Roque, 2001).

Annette Palmer, ‘The US and the Commonwealth Caribbean 40-45’ PhD Fordham 1979

________, ‘The Politics of Race and War: Black American Soldiers in the Caribbean Theatre during the Second World War’, Military Affairs, 47, 2 (1983).

________, ‘Rum and Coca-Cola: The US in the British Caribbean, 40-45’, The Americas, 43, 4 (1987).

Ian Pylväinen, ‘Bwanas in Burma: British Officers and African Regiments in Southeast Asia, 1944-45’, BA Thesis (Wesleyan University, 2010).

Deborah Ray, ‘The Takoradi Route: Roosevelt’s Prewar Venture beyond the Western Hemisphere’, The Journal of American History, 62, 2 (1975).

Mark Seddon, ‘Incorporating Corporations: Anglo-US Oil Diplomacy and Conflict over Venezuela, 1941-43’, Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 10, 2 (2012).

‘The Sudan’s Service in a Global War: The Story of a Section of the Trans-African Air Ferry Route’, Journal of the Royal African Society, 43, 170 (1944).

Gardner Thompson, Governing Uganda.

Vance, Maple Leaf Empire

Papers and theses

Suzanne Bargett, ‘The Imperial War Museum’s collections and multi-cultural Britain: uses, challenges, possibilities’

Elena Bosch, ‘The Role of Red Cross Aid in POW Camps on the Siam-Burma Railway’


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