A. My name is , I am an archaeologist.

B. An archaeologist is a person who studies history by digging up artefacts. An artefact is an object which tells us how people lived.

C. The biggest excavation was at Wood Quay in Dublin. This site is very important because the Vikings settled here.

D. When an archaeologist wants to excavate a site they must get permission. Then the site must be mapped and squared off from the public.

E. We must work very slowly and with great care in case we damage any artefacts.

F. When we find an artefact we must

i. Photograph it.

ii. Package it.

iii. Describe it in detail.

G. How do we know how old an object is?

i. Carbon – dating, we measure the level of carbon 14 in the object.

ii. Dendrochronology → if its timber we count the rings.

iii. By examining berries and pollen we can find a lot of information.

H. I find my work interesting, many of the objects which we found at Wood Quay are now in the National Museum and Dublin, including pieces of pottery and bones.


A. Mesolithic People.

Irelands first people

- 7000 B.C.

- Mount Sandel Derry.

- Nomadic hunters.

- Spears and arrows out of flint → stone.

B. Stone Age Person / Neolithic

- 4000 B.C.

- Houses → Wattle and daub → Lough Gur. Ceide Fields.

- Tools → Stone weapons → hunted deer and pig.

- Tombs → Court / Wedge / Dolmen / Passage.

C. Bronze Age Person

- Bronze, not stone used.

- Houses → thatched and wattle and daub.

- Cooking → Fulacht Fia.

- Tombs → Wedge / Cist / Urn → cremated.


A. I am Deirdre, a Celtic woman, the Celts came to Ireland in 500B.C. They were a powerful tribe from Central Europe and conquered France and Spain.

B. I live in a tuath, there is 150 tuaths / tribes in Ireland.

C. In the tuath there is the King, Aós Dana (educated people), the druid, farmers and slaves.

D. I have blond hair, wear make – up from berries and lots of jewellery e.g. → torc → gold necklace.

E. My husband Fionn wears a cloak → Brat held together with a Brooch.

F. We lived in a Crannóg, this is a man made island in a lake. Inside there are houses of wattle and daub. It is excellent for safety. Other houses were promontory fort and raths.

G. I am a pagan, a druid is a pagan priest. Some of the important Celtic religious festivals were Lughnasa, Samhain and Bealtaine.

This question could be asked about a Celtic

- Farmer.

- Man.

- Slave.

- Druid.

- King.

- A member of Aós Dana.

- Monk.

Use the same information about the Celts.


A. My name is Kevin, I was a monk in Early Christian Ireland. I was a hermit and went to live in Glendalough in Co. Wicklow.

B. After a while other monks joined me and a monastery was built. At first we lived in small wooden huts. The Church was also made of wood. Later on the monks used stone to make their churches and huts.

C. We also built Round Towers. It was tall with a pointed roof. From the Round Tower the monks watched for enemies. If enemies came we took our treasure into the tower and pulled the ladder into the tower.

D. We dressed in simple cloaks, fasted and prayed to God. Some monks wrote down Celtic Legends, others the Bible. Hand – written books were called Manuscripts. Manuscripts were written in the Scriptorium.

E. We did not have paper, so we wrote on Vellum = calfskin. These skins were cleaned, dried and stretched to write on. Ink was made from berries, roots and apples.

Famous Books:

i. The Book of Kells → the 4 Gospels in Trinity

ii. The Book of Durrow.

iii. The Cathach.

F. Monasteries also made metal goods.


a) The Tara Brooch.

b) Ardagh Chalice.

c) Derrynaflan Chalice.

G. Some monks were also great sculptors. They made High Crosses with pictures from the Bible.

H. Often monks went to Europe as Missionaries to spread Christianity e.g. St. Columcille → Iona, Scotland.

I. Many of our monasteries were attacked by the Vikings because we had great treasures.

Very different than a medieval monk.


A. My name is Marcus, I am a wealthy Army General in Ancient Rome. Rome had a large and strong army. We have an empire which includes countries like Britain, France. Julius Caesar was our famous Emperor.

B. I lived in Rome. In my house there was a hall called an Atrium, dining room, bedroom and a courtyard called a peristyle. Mosaics covered the walls. In the summer I live in my villa in the country.

C. I wear a tunic, covered by a toga. My wife wears a cloak called a stola. She also wears a lot of jewellery.

D. The poor people of Rome live in crowded flats, made of wood, too hot in summer, the streets are filthy.

E. School: My children from 7 to 12 went to Ludus.

Boys 12 – 16 Grammar school → learned oratory.

Girls left at 12.

F. We are Religious. Gods e.g. Jupiter, Mars. When a Roman died we cremate the rich and bury the poor. We persecuted Christians when they first started. They hid in tunnels called catacombs.

G. Food: We had lavish parties, ate fruit, meat and drank wine. If we ate too much we went to the vomitorium.

H. Hobbies: Romans visited the Forum, here we shopped and gossiped. Sometimes I go to the Baths and visited the Coldarium / Tepidarium / Frigidarium. The water for Rome was brought from the mountains via an Aqueduct.

We often go to the Circus Maximus to see the Chariot Racing and to the Colosseum to watch the Gladiators.

This question could be asked about a Roman

- Slave.

- Poor Person.

- Child.

- Woman.

- Man.

- Soldier / Army General.

- Emperor.

Use the same information.


Could be asked about any of these

• Castle

• Church

• Manor

• Town

• Monastery

e.g. Castle:

1) Lord / Lady of the Castle.

2) Knights

3) Slave.

e.g. Monastery: Life of a monk.

e.g. Manor:

1) Lord of the Manor.

2) Peasants / Serfs.

e.g. Town: Life of a Craftsperson.



A. My name is Strongbow, IO came to Ireland by the invite of Dermot MacMurrough in 1166. I am a Norman.

B. The first castles we built were Motte and Bailey, wooden castles. After a while we built stone castles, parts of it included the keep, moat, drawbridge, portcullis, barbican.

C. Life in the castle, we live in the keep. Tapestries are on the wall to keep us warm and decoration.

D. Aoife, my wife sits in the solar, this is a warm room where she sews with the other ladies. The Dungeons are in the bottom. In the Great Hall we have banquets. eat → pork, beef, venison.

E. Often the castle is attacked siege tower, battering ram, ladders and mines.

F. My soldiers defend the Castle

• Knights.

• Archers.

• Foot Soldiers.

G. Knights

i. A Page: 7 years old.

ii. A Squire: 14 → started to fight.

iii. Knight: 21 years old, wore suits of armour.


1. My name is Francis, I am a monk in a medieval Church / Monastery.

2. To become a monk, a boy would enter the monastery at the age of seven. After years of learning he would take his Solemn Vows → a promise to God.

a. Chastity → could not marry.

b. Poverty → doesn’t own anything.

c. Obedience → had to obey the Abbot.

3. I had my hair cut into a tonsure. We wore a habit (long cloak).

4. We spend a lot of time praying:

Prime → day break.

Vespers → evening.

Compline →bedtime.

And working:

Abbot → in charge of the monastery.

Sacristan → in charge of the church.

Infirmarian → minded the sick.

Scribes → made manuscripts.

5. We followed the “Rules of St. Benedict”.

6. I lived in the Mellifont Abbey in Co. Louth. I am a Cistercian, other orders are Franciscans and Benedictians.


A. My name is Michael and I am a serf on a manor.

B. A manor was how land was divided. A lord was in charge of the manor.

C. Lord: The biggest house was the Manor House where the Lord lived, there was a big hall and stables. The house was surrounded by an enclosure.

D. Priests. The Priest lived in a house beside the church. The priest baptised, married and buried people. In return people gave him 1/10th of their crops. This was called a tithe.

E. Peasants House: Peasants lived in small houses 8m long by 4m wide. The house was made of wattle and daub and had a thatched roof.

F. Some peasants were free. Others not. I am not and I’m called a serf. We belong to the Lord and must work on the manor. We cannot marry or leave the area without his permission. We sometimes tried to escape. If we hid for a Year and a day, then he was a free man.

G. On the manor everyone worked hard, children did not go to school. People made baskets, sewed and baked.

H. The land on the manor was divided into 3 big fields. Each year one was left fallow (grass) in order for it to stay fertile. We also had a field→ common land where everyone could graze their cattle.

* Be able to talk about Lord / Lady of the manor.


A. My name is Stephen, I am a Carpenter. I belong to the Carpenter Guild in Dublin. Everyone who works at a craft belonged to a guild. They

i. set exams for craftsmen.

ii. set wages and conditions.

B. To train as a Craftsman, I became an apprentice at the age of 12. I went to live in a master’s house to learn the trade. I had to stay there for 7 years. I was not paid during this time but my master gave me food and clothes.

C. Journeysman: After 7 years I became a Journeysman. I left my master and travelled all over to get more experience.

D. Master Craftsman: I wanted to own my own shop. To become a master I had to make a masterpiece. The guild accepted this and allowed me to be a master.

E. The Fairs and Markets were very important to Craftsmen. We could buy and sell our pieces.



A. My name is Michelangelo. I was born in 1475 in Florence, Italy.

B. My teachers name was Ghirlandaio.

C. I trained as a sculptor in Lorenzo de Medici’s school.

D. Went to Rome in 1496 and carved the ‘Pieta’ which shows the dead Christ in his mother’s arms.

E. Then I returned to Florence and carved ‘David’.

F. Painting: asked to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It took me 4 years to do 300 scenes from the Bible.

G. The ‘Last Judgement’.

H. Designed the dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral.

KNOW about

1. Leonardo da Vinci (painter / inventor).

2. A writer / painter outside Italy e.g. Shakespeare.


A. My name is Christopher Columbus. I was born about 1450 in Genoa, Italy. I am a skilled sailor during the Age of Discovery.

B. I have heard from Toscanelli that the world is round not flat. I believed I could reach India and the Spice Islands by sailing west across the Atlantic.

C. I asked the Portuguese King but was refused. King Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain sponsored me.

D. 3 ships the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria set sail in 1492.

E. We sailed for weeks without seeing land. The sailors were scared they would fall off the edge of the world. After a month they demanded that I turn around. I asked them to wait 3 more days.

F. Next day, a sailor saw branches in the water → land.

G. Columbus called the land San Salvador. Called it West Indies, thinking it was India.

H. Returned to Spain with gold and prisoners but had not realised he had discovered a new continent.

I. He sailed 3 more trips, discovered Trinidad and Jamaica, always disappointed he hadn’t discovered India.

J. He died in 1506 – disappointed, thought he was a failure and rejected by King Ferdinand.

Know also about a sailor on his ship.


A. My name is Martin Luther. I was born in Eisleben, Germany in 1483. I am one of the reformers that changed the Church during the Reformation.

B. My father was a miner and wanted me to become a lawyer. One day I was stuck in a thunderstorm and said “Help me St. Anne and I will become a monk”. I was an Augustinian monk.

C. I became Professor of Theology at Wittenburg University.

D. Luther wanted to get to heaven (salvation). Always worried until read St. Pauls who said faith (belief) was enough.

E. In 1517, the Pope sold indulgences to make money for St. Peters in Rome. An indulgence was a prayer to help you get to heaven.

F. A monk, John Tetzel sold the indulgences in Wittenburg. Luther angrily nailed 95 Theses on the door of Wittenburg Church against this.

G. Luther got a letter from the Pope warning him. He burnt it. He was excommunicated.

H. Then called to the Diet of Worms, a meeting with the Emperor. Luther refused to back down.

I. Fredrick the Wise protected Luther. Supporters set up the Lutheran Church. A war began between Catholics and Protestants.

J. Luther died in 1546 during the war. It ended by the Peace of Augsburg, which said each prince must decide the religion for his people.



1. 2 Sacraments 1. 7 Sacraments

2. Heaven → by faith 2. Heaven→ by faith and

Good works.

3. Language of people 3. Latin


4. Prince = Head 4. Pope = Head

5. Bread and Wine 5. Bread and Wine

= symbol only becomes “Body

and Blood”

Luther’s ideas spread because printing was invented at this time.

REFORMATION *Learn Martin Luther v. well

What was the Reformation?

In the 15th Century the Catholic Church was not in good condition. People decided to try and improve the Church or Reform (make better).


A. Simony → the buying and selling of jobs / objects in the Church e.g. pieces of the “Cross”.

B. Nepotism → promoting relatives to powerful positions.

C. Pluralism → a bishop having more than one job. He couldn’t do them all well, yet he got the money.

D. Absenteeism → a priest or bishop living in a different area to where they were supposed to serve.

E. Sale of Indulgences → an indulgence is a prayer to help one get to heaven. They sold these prayers to help build St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.


A. Luther → German → Protestant Religion started.

B. Zwingli → Swiss → Zurich.

C. Calvin → Geneva Switzerland → Presbyterian religion started.

D. Henry VIII → English King wanted to divorce 1st wife, so brought in Protestant religion.


The Counter – Reformation is name to when the Catholic Church tried to improve itself and keep the reformers down.


A. Council of Trent → all bishops met and agreed on rules to improve the Catholic Church, e.g. no simony, nepotism …..

B. Jesuits set up.

C. Inquisition → a Church Court mainly in Italy and Spain. Heretics burned at the stake.


1. Catholic Church forced to reform and improve.

2. New religions began → Protestants e.g. Presbyterians and Lutherans.

3. War in Europe between Religions.



|Monarch |Queen Mary Tudor 1556 |Queen Elizabeth I 1586 |

|Why? |Mary wanted to control Ireland. |Background – The Desmond Rebellion 1579. Munster was |

| |Immediate Cause: The O’Moores and O’Connors raided the|crushed after the Rebellion. Elizabeth took over |

| |Pale. Mary wanted to keep them under control. |Desmond’s land. Aim was to keep Ireland under control. |

| | |To introduce English ways into Ireland. |

|How / |2/3 of land to settlers. 1/3 left for natives. This |Divided the land into estates. Gave land to undertakers |

|Scheme |was mainly forests and bogs, near the Shannon. |who promise to |

| |160 families came over. New settlers were – |Bring in English tenants. |

| |Not to intermarry. |Build defences. |

| |Not to rent land to the Irish. |Use English methods of farming. |

| |Defend themselves from the Irish. | |

| |Offaly became Kings County. | |

| |Laois became Queens County. The land was shired. | |

| |Each county had a main town | |

| |Maryborough – Laois | |

| |Philipstown – Offaly | |

|Result |A failure. |Not successful |

| |A. Not enough settlers. |Land damaged due to war. |

| |B. O’Moores and O’Connors attacked the plantation. |Constant fear of attack (went back to England, those who|

| |English learned a very N.B. lesson. |remained allowed to hire Irish labourers.) |

| | |Plantation → insecure. |

| | |Concentrated too much on farms – not enough on defence. |

| | |Some settlers e.g. Sir Walter Raleigh built towns like |

| | |Killarney and Bandon. |

| | |Lesson learned: next plantation would be a success. |


|Monarch |James I 1609 |Cromwell 1652 |


| |Ulster was the last stronghold of the Gaelic chiefs, |Rising of 1641 → Irish rebelled and killed many planters.|

| |e.g. O’Neill, O’Donnell. |Cromwell wanted to revenge this massacre. |

| |1594 – Nine Years War → Aim: to stay independent from|Ireland → battles and wages for his army. |

| |England. |To pay back those who supported him during the English |

| |Ulster defeated, Battle of Kinsale (1601). |Civil War. |

| |Result of Nine Years War: Treaty of Mellifont → Irish| |

| |chiefs surrendered rights. | |

| |Flight of the Earls 1607. | |

| |James I declared them traitors and took their land. | |

|Scheme |Land divided into estates to |Dublin to Dundalk, massacre and most other towns |

|How? |Undertakers |surrendered. |

| |Servitors |Preparations: The “Down Survey” – survey of Ireland by |

| |Irish of “good merit”. |Sir William Petty. |

| |2. The London Guilds set up the Irish Society and |Land: |

| |established Derry. They made large profits but |The Act of Settlement (1652) confiscated all land of |

| |annoyed the King by renting land to Irish tenants. |those who supported the 1641 Rebellion. Those whose |

| | |loyalty was doubtful were given some land in Connaught – |

| | |“To Hell or to Connaught”. |

| | |2 groups got the rest of the land |

| | |Adventurers |

| | |Soldiers |

| | |People |

| | |Soldiers allowed leave the country and their families |

| | |were transported to the West Indies. Priests were ordered|

| | |to leave also. |

|Result |A success. – well prepared |Setbacks as Adventurers didn’t come, soldiers |

| |1. Land was mostly in the English hands. |intermarried and the Irish attacked. |

| |2. Succeeded in introducing the English language and |Long Term Effects |

| |customs into Ulster. |Great change in ownership of land. |

| |3. Religion NB, Protestants out – numbered Catholics.|A new class of Landlord came to Ireland, English |

| |4. Gaelic Irish, the plantation was a disaster. |Protestants, Absentees. |

| |Towns like Coleraine developed . |Deep divisions between Catholics and Protestants. |

| | | |


1. What was a Plantation?

A Plantation involved driving the Irish out of a place and setting or planting that area with people who were

A. Loyal to the English King.

B. Would speak English.

C. Use English laws and customs.

2. There was 4 Plantations in Ireland.

A. Laois and Offaly.

B. Munster.

C. Ulster.

D. Cromwellian.

3. The Ulster Plantation

Background to the Plantation.

A. Up until 1600 Ulster was the strongest Gaelic way of life. There was two important Chieftains, Hugh O’Neill and Hugh O’Donnell.

B. 1594 → the 9 Years War, they tried to stay independent from Britain. They lost and were forced to accept, the Treaty of Mellifont, they lost all their power. They decided to leave Ireland forever. “The Flight of the Earls”

4. Planning the Plantation.

A. When O’Neill and O’Donnell left, the King of England James, declared they were traitors and took their land.

B. A lot of preparation was done to make this plantation a success, surveyors and mapmakers went all around Ulster.

C. Land was given to 3 groups

|1. Undertaker |£5.33 |1,000 acres |

|2. Servitors |£8.00 |1,000 acres |

|3. Deserving Irish |£10.00 |1,000 acres |

D. Undertakers → the sons of English Lords. They promised to

i. Build stronghouse and enclosure called a bawn.

ii. Hire only English.

iii. Defend themselves from the Irish.

Servitors were soldiers who fought against the Irish.

5. The London Trade Guilds

At first, King James couldn’t get enough people to come over from England and Scotland. He invited the Trade Guilds. They were merchants, who were only interested in making money and hired Irish.

6. Plantation Towns: The planters built Coleraine and Derry. They had a centre square called a diamond with four roads off it. All important buildings were in the square e.g. Town Hall.

7. Results of the Plantation.

It was a success for the planters because it was well prepared.

A. Land controlled by English and Scottish.

B. English laws and customs introduced.

C. The building of towns.

D. Religion → Protestants then outnumbered Catholics. Right up to today there are problems in Northern Ireland.



1. My name is Séan. I lived in Ulster, during the time of the Ulster Plantation. My Chieftain was Hugh O’Neill.

2. A Plantation meant driving the Irish out of an area and settling or planting that area with English people who were

A. Loyal to the King.

B. Would speak English.

C. Would practice English laws and customs.

3. Before the Plantation of Ulster, there was 2 Plantations in Laois and Offaly1556, Munster 1586.

4. Up to 1600, Ulster had the strongest Gaelic way of life. 2 important leaders Hugh O’Neill and Hugh O’Donnell. They fought the Nine Years War to stay independent from England

5. The Irish lost and O’Neill and O’Donnell had to give up all rights. They decided to leave Ireland forever “The Flight of the Earls”.

6. King James said they were traitors and took the Ulster land. A lot of preparation was done, surveyors and mapmakers went all around Ulster.

7. The land was divided into 3 groups.

A. Undertakers £5.33 for each 1,000 acres.

B. Servitors £8.00 for each 1,000 acres.

C. Irish of ‘good merit’ £10.00 for each 1,000 acres.

8. The Undertakers had to promise to

1) Build a strong house and bawn (enclosure).

2) Hire only English.

3) Bring English servants.

4) Defend themselves.

9. All us Irish were very angry. We lost our land and would try and attack the new settlers.

10. At first people would not come, the King invited rich businessmen the London Trade Guilds to come. They built Derry and Coleraine. However they hired Irish. Towns were well planned. All important buildings were built around a square called a Diamond.

11. We thought we could get rid of them but couldn’t.

12. Results:

1) Most of the land held by the English.

2) They were successful in bringing in English customs and language.

3) The Protestant religion outnumbered the Irish. For us native Irish the Plantation was a disaster.

* You could also have to write about a person who came over to settle in Ulster or the King who took over. Use the same info.



1. My name is George Washington. I was born in 1732 in Virginia, America.

2. My father was a wealthy landowner and at the age of 20 I took over the family estate of Mount Vernon. I owned 8,000 acres and 50 slaves.

3. In 1758 I was elected to the Virginian Assembly.

4. In this Assembly I argued against the British setting up taxes in America e.g. The Stamp Act and Boston Tea Party. We said “no taxation without representation”.

5. After the Boston Tea Party, the British King George sent an army over. The War of Independence began.

A. The Battle of Lexington.

B. The Battle of Concord.

6. All American colonies met at the Continental Congress. There they picked me as the Commander of the American Army.

7. The American army were poorly trained and poor weapons. However we had lots of support and the war was fought on home ground. We used ‘hit and run’ attack.

8. The worst time for us was the Winter in Valley Forge in 1777. Many soldiers died. However in Spring we heard the French were coming to help. French soldiers and guns made America much stronger.

9. In 1781 we trapped the British at the port of Yorkstown. The

defeated the British.

10. The United States of America was set up. I became the first President of the United States.

11. For 8 years I was President, I then retired and lived in Mount Vernon until I died.

* You may have to say you are a soldier / supporter of the Revolutionary Leader. Use the same information.


|BACKGROUND: |During the 17th and 18th centuries the British set up 13 colonies in North America. |

| |The colonies ruled themselves and the British rarely interfered with them. |

|CAUSES: |British tried to make the colonists pay taxes to support the army. |

| |1764 British threw French out of Canada – so British felt the Americans should pay part of the |

| |Bill. Intro. The Stamp Act. |

| |Americans outraged – “No taxation without representation”. Formed “Sons of Liberty”. |

| |1767, British imposed taxes on goods imported, e.g. tea. In protest led to the Boston Tea Party.|

|COURSE OF |The Battle of Lexington was the first major battle. Next day there was another battle at |

|WAR: |Concord. |

|1775 – 1781 |Continental Congress: all conolies sent reps. to Philadelphia. They formed a congress to resist |

| |the British. |

| |May 1775: British had big losses: Battle of Bunker Hill. |

| |Congress decided America should cut its links. July 4th 1776 → Declaration of Independence. |

| |Americans had set up an army with George Washington in charge. |

| |1778 French help America. Finally defeated British 1781 Yorktown. |

| |1783 → Treaty of Paris recognising American Independence. |

|RESULTS: |Thomas Jefferson’s “Declaration of Independence, 1776” inspired other Revolutionaries. |

| |Constitution established: guaranteeing certain rights to people. |

| |America became a republic. Its first president was George Washington. |


|CAUSES: |Louis XVI and wife Marie Antoinette disliked due to their luxurious lifestyle. |

| |The Enlightenment reduced support for Absolute monarchy. |

| |Unfair system of Taxation: nobles and clergy exempt from taxes such as the gabelle, taille and corvée. |

| |American War of Independence strong influence on peoples thinking. |

| |Louis bankrupted after American War of Independence → wanted to tax the nobles but they insisted on a |

| |meeting of the Estates General. |

|EVENTS: |1780 May Estate General Meeting → 3 groups |

|Part 1: |First Estate → Clergy. |

| |Second Estate → Nobility. |

| |Third Estate → Everyone else. |

| |Third Estate formed National Assembly |

| |July 14th “Storming of the Bastille” → due to rumour that Louis was to abolish the National Assembly. |

| |Riots throughout France → Castles of Nobles and army units mutinied. |

| |Assembly intro. Reforms |

| |Declaration of the Rights of man and the citizen. |

| |Civil Constitution of the clergy, 1790. |

| |The New Constitution, 1791. |

| |Louis unhappy with reforms, 1791, escapes from Paris, caught at Varenna. His power destroyed. |

| |1972 French war against Prussia and Austria – enemies of the Revolution. War bad for France, blamed Louis →|

| |so imprisoned him. |

| |Join army and defeat Prussia and Austria. |

| |Sept. 1792 France |

| |Declared a Republic. |

| |Abolished monarchy. |

| |Found Louis guilty of treason. |

| |Guillotined January 1793. |

| | |

| |Assembly promised to support people in other countries who shared the idea of “liberty, equality and |

| |fraternity” for all. |

| |“Committee of Public Safety” set up to defeat these countries and opposition in France. 1793 NB member was |

| |Robespierre. |

|Part 2: |“Reign of Terror” – all opponents guillotined. However Robespierre wanted to continue the Terror. He was |

| |arrested and guillotined. |

| |1795 New System “The Directory” – 5 man system. |

|RESULTS: |France → A Republic and an example to others. |

| |Unfair taxes removed and reforms introduced. |

| |Napoleon Bonaparte, great general, supported Revolution. 1804 ‘Emperor Offerance’. |

| |The Revolution had come full circle |


Background to the Growth in Population

Between 1700 and 1850 the population of England and Ireland increased rapidly, e.g. Ireland 1750 - 2½ million, 1840 - 8 million.

Why did the population increase?

1. Better food and new products e.g. potatoes.

2. No more plagues.

3. New medicine e.g. Jenner found the cure for smallpox.


More people meant more food had to be grown. This led to big changes in food production called the Agricultural Revolution. Changes

1) Enclosure System.

2) Crop Rotation.

3) Selective Breeding.

4) New tools / machinery.

Enclosure System

This meant they closed off the land into fields. This helped farming because

1) More productive.

2) Disease spread less.

3) Less time was wasted.

Crop Rotation

Crops must be rotated / changed to keep land fertile. Up until this time, they left a field fallow (grass). This meant on a 3 field system, 1 field didn’t produce each year e.g. → wheat, barley, fallow

→ fallow, wheat, barley

Townshead discovered that turnips and cloves put nutrients into the ground, so a field didn’t have to be left fallow and turnips could be used for food.

Selective Breeding

Robert Bakewell decided to use the healthiest and strongest animals for breeding. This led to a big increase in the size of animals.

New Tools / Machinery

e.g. Jethro Tull → seed drill put seeds into the ground.


Transport also improved at this time because goods had to be moved. Up until then transport was slow and dangerous.

1) Canals: people made these artificial rivers, e.g. The Grand Canal → Dublin to the Shannon.

2) Roads: A. Telford put stones down as foundation.

B. McAdam → put chippings down for a smooth road.

3) Railways:

1) 1821 Stephenson built the first locomotion.

2) The first railway line in Ireland went from Dublin to Kingstown (Dun Laoghaire).

3) The railways were a big success, fast transport and plenty of jobs.


1. The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 1730s because

i. Big population = big demand for goods.

ii. Britain had plenty of raw materials e.g. iron and steel.

iii. Britain had great inventors.

iv. Britain had colonies, where they could

a. Get raw materials

b. Sell products to

2. The Industrial Revolution began in the textile industry.

Famous Inventors

|1. John Kay |Flying Shuttle |1738 |

|2. James Hargreaves |Spinning Jenny |1765 |

|3. Arkwright |Water Frame and the First Factory |1769 |

|4. Watt |The Steam Engine | |


Cities e.g. Liverpool and Manchester grew very big, people lost jobs on farming.


1) Overcrowded, dirty no sanitation.

2) Diseases common e.g. cholera, because of open sewers and poor hygiene.

3) Crime.

4) Drunkenness.

5) Infant mortality was very high.


1) Conditions in factories and mines dreadful.

2) Workers had to work up to 14 hours.

3) Very dangerous, accidents common

4) Bad wages, no sick pay and no compensation for ionjury.

5) Women and children exploited, children of 5 years worked in mines (they were small so could reach deep down).

4. Improvements in Industrial Britain

Improvements were made to help the workers. Lord Shaftesbury got the government to pass laws.

A. 1842 Coal Mines Act → women and children not allowed in mines.

B. 1847 10 Hours Act → women and children not allowed work more than 10 hours a day.

C. Trade Unions helped workers.


Suggested Questions

• Agricultural Revolution → A farmer at the time.

• Transport Revolution → A traveller at the time.

• Industrial Revolution → A person working.

• Ireland → Famine person 1840s.

→ Emigrant who left Ireland.


1. My name is John West, I lived in Kent, England during the Agricultural Revolution.

2. Between 1700 and 1850 the population of Ireland and England increased fast

• Less diseases

• Improved medicine

• Better quality food

3. How did we improve farming?

A. Enclosure

Closed / put all open land into fields.

B. Crop Rotation

Rather than leave a field fallow (grass) they discovered turnip and clover put nutrients back in and also provide animal food.

C. Selective Breeding

The healthiest animals used for breeding. Robert Bakewell used this idea first.

D. New Machinery

Jethro Tull → Seed drill. Horse hoe.

Helped seeds into ground.

*By putting the land into field, it became more productive, disease spreads less and less time was wasted.


1. In the 18th century a Transport Revolution began. It helped people travel quicker and cheaply. Before this travel was slow and dangerous.

2. Canals: people made artificial rivers e.g. the Grand Canal from Dublin to the Shannon, people and cargo travelled by boat.

3. Roads: wanted to make roads less muddy.

a. Telford → put stones down to let water through.

b. McAdam → spread chippings on the road.

Roads were expensive, people had to pay to use at a toll, these roads were called Turnpike Roads.

4. Stage Coaches → as roads improved stage coaches went from town to town. It was expensive to sit inside the coach. You could ride outside too. Every 10 miles they would stop at an Inn. In 1815 an Italian Bianconi set up a coach company which was very popular until railways


1. My name is George, I worked in a mine during the Industrial Revolution.

2. The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 1730s. Why in Britain?

• Big population

• Plenty of raw materials.

• Many great inventors

3. 2 great inventors were

a. James Hargreaves → Spinning Jenny.

b. Richard Arkwright → Water Frame.

4. Conditions in the mines and factories were very bad

a. I had to work up to 14 hours.

b. Wages were very poor and you were fined if any rule was broken.

c. Accidents often happened → machinery or coal mine collapsed.

5. Women and children worked very hard in the mines. They were paid less. Orphans were forced to work in the factories. Children because they were small often worked in the mines. They were exploited and given the most dangerous jobs.

6. As time passed improvements were made.

a. Lord Shaftesbury → got the government to pass laws.

i. 1842 Coal Mines Act → women and children not allowed in mines.

ii. 1847 10 Hours Act → women and children not allowed to work more than 10 hours.

7. The living conditions were also very bad in the cities.

a. Houses → overcrowded → no furniture or sanitation.

b. Diseases were common → open sewers e.g. Thyphus.

c. Crime and drunkenness common.

d. Life expectancy was low and infant mortality was high → due to pollution and unhealthy lifestyle.


1. My name is Brid. In the 1800s the population of Ireland grew very quickly.

1800. 5 million

1820. 6 million

1840. 8 million

We were very poor. My family were labourers on a farm. We lived in a tiny cabin 14 feet by 10 feet. Very damp.

2. We worked for a rich farmer who rented the land from the landlord. The landlords lived in huge houses and had servants.

3. As the population got bigger, the poor farmers and labourers got poorer. We only had potatoes to eat.

4. As people became poorer, the British Government set up workhouses. Poor people went there for help, but mothers and children were separated from each other. Us Irish dreaded the workhouse.

5. In 1845 a new disease blight, destroyed the potato crop. This was a disaster, as it was our only food. For 4 years the blight destroyed potatoes.

6. People sold everything to get money and food. A lot of people had to go to the workhouse, a disease spread there called the Fever and killed a lot more. A lot of people were dying at the side of the road and in their cabins.

7. Some things were done to help.

A. Soup kitchens set up.

B. Public works set up to give people money.

C. Charity gave a lot of help e.g. the Quakers.

8. The famine had a dreadful effect on the Irish.

A. One million died and another

B. One million died.

9. Two of my family died of the fever, the rest of us emigrated to America to start a new life.

*Know about an emigrant too, using the information.


1. In the 1800s the population of Ireland grew very fast

1800 5 million

1820 6 million

1840 8 million

2. The population was divided

• Landlords

• Large farmers

• Small farmers

• Cottiers

Landlords lived in luxury and had big houses, usually Protestant and originally English.

Cottiers → houses very poor, food = milk and potatoes.

3. The Famine 1845 → 1849

Causes of the Famine.

Fathers subdivided farms, farms were so small that potatoes were the only worthwhile crop.

Overdependence on potatoes as the only food.

Potato blight disease destroyed the crop.

4. How the Irish were helped

A. Public Work Schemes → people helped build roads etc, got wages to buy food.

B. Cheap Maize → The British P.M. Peel bought cheap maize to sell in Ireland.

C. Soup kitchens set up 1847.

D. Some landlords were very kind.

E. Charity organisations helped e.g. the Quakers.

F. Workhouses had been set up before the famine. TRhe Irish hated these places.


1) Food very bad.

2) Families were separated.

3) Diseases spread quickly e.g. the fever due to overcrowding.

5. Results of the Famine

A. Population 1841 = 8 million.

1851 = 4 million

Why? = 1 million died.

3 million emigrated to Britain and the U.S.A.

B. Irish language: The number who spoke Irish declined, because the Irish speakers were worse hot during the Famine.

C. Farms: subdivision ended, eldest son got land.

Less marriage = less population.

D. Anger



1) Home Rule and Unionism 1) End of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles

2) The Gaelic Revival 2) The League of Nations

3) 1916 Rising 3) Russia

4) The War of Independence 4) Dictators → Mussolini

5) The Treaty and Civil War 5) Germany 1919 – 1939

6) 1922 – 1932 Cumann na Gaedhael 6) Hitler → steps to WWI

7) 1932 – 1948 Fianna Fail 7) Second World War

• The Blueshirts

• Bunreacht na hEireann

• The Economic War

• The Emergency

8) 1848 – 1951 1st Inter Party Gov. 8) The U.N.

(esp. Noel Browne)

9) 1951 – 1960S Lemass

Economic Development

10) 1966 and Government

11) Northern Ireland since 1920


1) The Cold War

2) The Berlin Crisis

3) The Korean War

4) The Cuban Missile Crisis

* Higher Level

Question 6, this question is 1/3 of your marks! You must give really long answers in Question 6.



1. Charles Stewart Parnell was born in Avondale, Co. Wicklow in 1845.

2. Parnell was a Protestant landowner.

3. He became an M.P. (Politician) and was a member of the Irish Home Rule Party.

4. The Home Rule Party wanted a parliament in Ireland but not a separation from Britain.

5. In 1877, Parnell became the leader of the party. He was an excellent speaker and leader.

6. Parnell had a lot of sympathy for the poor tenants / farmers. He became the leader of the Land League also. He agreed, and hoped then, people would support Home Rule.

7. He was so popular he was called the “Uncrowned King of Ireland”.

8. People did support Home Rule. In 1885, they won 85 seats. Parnell convinced Gladstone the British Prime Minister to give Ireland Home Rule.

9. However it didn’t work, the Conservative Party were now in power, they hated Home Rule. They tried to stop farmers wanting Home Rule by helping them buy their land (Land Acts). This was “Killing Home Rule with Kindness”.

10. After this Parnell lost power, because he had an affair with a married woman Katherine O’Shea. The Catholic Church and British Government condemned him.

11. His own party was split. He fought hard to hold onto his position but lost.

12. However October, 1891 he died of pneumonia aged only 45 years. Buried in Glasnevin Cemetery.

* You may be asked

• Leader of Home Rule Party

• Leader of the time

• A supporter of the Home Rule Party

• A Unionist → someone against Home Rule


1. Eamonn DeValera was born in New York of Spanish father and an Irish mother.

2. Went to school at Blackrock College and U.C.D.

3. In 1908 joined the Gaelic League and in 1913 he joined the Volunteers.

4. In 1916 he was in charge of the Volunteers at Boland’s Mill, sentenced to death. He wasn’t shot like the other leaders, Pearse, Clarke and Connolly because of his American birth.

5. Background to the Rising

When WWI started, the I.R.B. planned a Rising.

The Germans promised guns. Eoin MacNeill did not want the Volunteers to fight but he was tricked by the I.R.B. into thinking the British were planning on arresting the Volunteers.

The Aud (German weapons) ship captured. MacNeill says don’t fight on Easter Sunday.

I.R.B. decide to go ahead on Easter Monday but not enough know.

6. The Rising

A. Fighting mainly in Dublin. The headquarters was the GPO where Pearse read the Proclamation.

B. British stronger, sent in warship the Helga to bomb the GPO.

C. The Irish surrendered after a week.

7. At first the Irish were angry at the rebels, but then they supported them when they were shot.

Also about DeValera.

8. In 1917 DeValera became Sinn Fein Party leader. They won the 1918 election.

9. They set up the first Dail in 19191 and DeValera was President.

10. War of Independence, at the end DeValera sent Collins and another over to sign a Treaty.

11. Civil War → DeValera unhappy over Treaty → he led Anti Treaty side of Civil War against Collins for Treaty. For Treaty won.

12. 1926 DeValera sets up Fianna Fail.

13. 1932 Taoiseach, kept Ireland out of WWII.

14. Became President of Ireland.

* DeValera is perfect as a “Political leader of this century”.

21. DeValera is an excellent person to know very well as he was in

• 1916 Rising

• War of Independence

• Started Fianna Fail in 1926

• Taoiseach 1932 → 1948

• A President of Ireland.

So if asked for a leader during any of these have DeValera learned very well.


1. In Soloheadbeg, Co. Tipperary, the first shot of the War of Independence began. This war a war between the Volunteers → now the IRA and the British.

2. The British hadn’t enough soldiers here. They brought in the Black and Tans, who were ex – soldiers. They were brutal.

3. The Irish formed Flying Columns, small groups who went from place to place, hit and run attacks i.e. guerrilla warfare e.g. Sean Treacy’s in Tipperary.

4. Michael Collins organised a spy system. Members of his group known as the squad.

5. Bloody Sunday 1920 Nov

A. Squad kill 13 men.

B. Black and Tans then open fire in Croke Park. 14 killed.

6. Ceasefire 1921 → peace talks begin.

*Could be a Black and Tan either. Just know the details of the War of Independence.


1. After the War of Independence, Michael Collins signed the Anglo – Irish Treaty.

2. In it Ireland became a free state but England kept Northern Ireland. Collins was satisfied, he saw it as a stepping stone to more and he also knew it was the best deal they could get.

3. DeValera and others were very unhappy, saying we shouldn’t have let England have Northern Ireland.

4. Dail Debate → Pro – Treaty won.

5. Election → people voted for the Treaty.

6. Fighting broke out between 2 sides. ‘Pro - Treaty’ vs ‘Anti - Treaty’.

7. Families fought each other. Collins, Griffith died.

8. Civil War won by Pro –Treaty side.


1. My name is Mary and I lived in Crumlin during World II 1939 → 1945.

2. Ireland stayed neutral, we all supported this. We were able to stay neutral because DeValera had got our 3 ports back from the British Anglo – Irish Agreement in 1938.

3. DeValera was afraid we would be invaded, a lot of people joined the

• Army

• Local Defence Forces

• Sailors and Fishermen kept a watch out.

Also IRA members were interned (in prison) in case they caused trouble.

4. Life was difficult during the emergency. The war cut off supplies, it was impossible to bring food and fuel in and out as ships were torpedoed.

5. What was done?

A. Sean Lemass was made Minister for Supplies. He set up the Irish Shipping Company to try and bring in food and fuel.

B. Farmers were ordered to grow more wheat and vegetables, but foreign food like bananas were impossible to get.

C. Rationing: food and clothes were divided out equally, everyone had a ration book.

D. There was a real shortage of fuel, turf was used as coal and oil couldn’t be imported. Only doctors and priests could use cars.

E. Gas and electricity → only for a few hours. The “Glimmer Man” would check.

6. North Strand Bombing

In 1941 the Germans accidentally bombed the North Strand, Dublin. Killed 34 people.

7. Although we were neutral we favoured Britain.


A. We sold food to Britain.

B. Weather forecasts given to Britain.

C. British pilots, allowed home but German soldiers interned until the end of the war.

8. The war ended in 1945, we did not have the same damage as other countries but our economy was poor and the gap between North and South of Ireland grew bigger, because North of Ireland took part in the war.

24. There are lots of options in Irish History


1. Black and Tan in Ireland 1920.

2. A Blueshirt 1930s

3. A Fianna Fail supporter 1932 → 1948

4. An Irish emigrant in 1950.

5. A Civil Rights Campaigner Northern Ireland 1960s.

6. A Unionist Northern Ireland 1960s.




Could be


• Hiltler

• Mussolini


Hitler was born in Brannau, Austria 1889.

Unhappy home background and poor school results. He wanted to join the Academy of Fine Art but failed to be an Artist.

Bitterly disappointed, spent years selling fake pictures and began to hate the Jews who lived in luxury in Vienna.

Fought in WWI 1914 – 1918, WON Iron Cross for bravery. Very angry when Germany surrendered.

1919 became leader of the Nazis, powerful speeches made the Nazis popular.

1923 Nazis tried to take power, failed. Hitler sent to prison. While there wrote Mein Kampf → “My Struggle”. In it he wrote of his hatred for the Jews and Communists.

1923 → 1929. Nazis not popular, as Germany was doing well.

1929 → the Wall Street Crash → led to 6 million unemployed in Germany. Lots felt a strong leader like Hitler would solve their problems.

1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. He managed to make himself into a Dictator. (When the Reichstag was burnt down).

1933 → 1939 he

• banned all other political parties

• set up a secret police → the Gestape

• got rid of everyone who was against him e.g. “Knight of the Long Knives”.

Steps to WWII, Hitler was very aggressive and invaded countries / areas

1936 Rhineland

1938 Austria

1938 Sudentenland → German area of Czechoslovakia.

1939 the rest of Czechoslovakia

1939 Poland

Between 1939 → 1945, World War II was fought. Hiltler took over Norway, Denmark, Belgium, The Netherlands and France. Hitler did very well, but eventually, the Russians pushed them out of France, ‘D - Day’.

Knowing he was defeated Hitler shot himself in a bunker in Berlin on April 30th. Germany surrendered a week later.

During the war Hitler murdered 6 million Jews.


I am Anna, I lived in Berlin, Germany when Hitler came to power. The Nazis were racist, they believed the German people belonged to the Aryan or master race. They hated the Jews, this is called Anti – Semitism.

In Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, he said Jews must be destroyed.

1935 Nuremberg Laws:

A. Jewish Doctors and Lawyers sacked.

B. Germans forbidden to marry a Jew.

C. German forbidden to employ a Jew or buy in Jewish shops.

D. “A Jew may not be a citizen of Germany”.

1938 Things got worse.

Night of Broken Glass → Nazis attacked


shops and


After this night they had to wear the Star of David. Many Jews left Germany at this time.

1939 → When World War II started the Nazis gathered all Jews into areas of a city called “Ghettos”, cramped, little food.

Hitler wanted to wipe out the Jewish people. At first they were shot.

1941 Hitler’s “Final Solution” → Concentration Camps. Jews from all over Europe were sent to these prisons. On arrival they were divided into “fit” and “unfit” – The fit worked in the factories and the unfit were immediately sent to the gas chambers. It took about 3 minutes.

About 6million died. The extermination of the Jews is called the Holocaust.

Also murdered gypsies, communists, homosexuals and the handicapped.

Concentration camps e.g. Belsen → Germany.

Auschwitz → Poland.

Anne Frank’s Diary is the story of a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis in the Netherlands.


→ In this write main points of the war.

1. 1939 → Germany invades Poland by a fast action called Blitzkrieg “Lightening War”.

2. 1939 → April 1940 → Little Action → Known as the “Phoney War” or False War.

3. April and May 1940 →

1) Hitler attacks Denmark, Norway, Belgium and Holland.

2) British rush to get out of France, the evacuation at the beach at Dunkirk.

3) France under German control.

4. 1940

1) Hitler decides to invade Britain → “The Battle of Britain” – Britain do well due to

a. Spitfire planes

b. British radar

2) Hitler decides to bomb British cities “The Blitz”.

5. 1942 North Africa. British defeat Germans here.

6. Germany invades Russia → “Operation Barbarossa”.

Bad Winter stops the Germans.

7. 1942 Russians push the Germans out.

8. 1944 British, French and Americans enter France and push the Germans out.

9. 1941 → 1945 War goes on between Japan and the U.S.A.

10. 1945 → Hitler commits suicide, Germany surrenders. Japan also surrenders, after 2 atomic bombs land on Hiroshima and Nagasalu.




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