Comparing and Contrasting Historical Perspectives on World ...

|Topic |Perspective #1 |Perspective #2 |

|Teenagers in Germany leading up to 1939 |German Swing Youth |Hitler Youth |

|Nuremberg Laws Introduced in 1935 |Jewish Citizen reflecting on impact of |German citizen reflecting on impact of laws |

| |laws | |

|Invasion of Poland |Polish Citizen |French Citizen or Nazi Officer |

|September 1939 | | |

|Fall of France |Resistance Fighter in Free France |Nazi sympathizer in Vichy France and supporter |

|June 1940 |responding to Charles de Gaulle’s call to|of Marshal Philippe Pétain |

| |join the fight vs. the Nazi’s | |

|Battle of Britain |Londoner experiencing Blitz |Pilot in the German Luftwaffe |

|Summer 1940 | | |

|Life in the Warsaw Ghetto 1940-1943 |Jewish citizen |Nazi officer instructed to begin the liquidation|

| | |of the Ghetto |

|Pearl Harbour & America Declares War |Japanese Fighter Pilot |American stationed in Pearl Harbour |

|December 1941 | | |

|Internment of Japanese Canadians |Japanese Canadian moved into Internment |Member of Canadian government defending action |

|1941 |Camp | |

|Operation Barbarossa in Russia |Russian civilian vacating homestead |German forces advancing on Russia |

|June 1941 | | |

|The Desert War: Battle at El Alamein, |Member of Allied Forces |Erwin Rommel – The Desert Fox – German forces |

|Autumn 1942 | | |

|Stalingrad |Russian forces (Red Army) |German Forces |

|1942-1943 | | |

|Operation Husky & |Allied forces invading |Italian or German forces retreating |

|Invasion of Sicily | | |

|July 1943 | | |

|Contributions from the Canadian Homefront |Citizen reflecting on their role and |Naval Officer defending the Atlantic/ or |

| |contributions to the war effort |Pacifist refusing to fight |

|D Day June 6 1944 |Allied forces launching Operation |Either French civilians response or German |

| |Overlord |forces retreating |

|Allied (Russia, U.S.A., Britian) Advance on |Red Army Member reflecting on this final |German civilian response, protecting Berlin. |

|Berlin |race to reach Berlin | |

|Spring 1945 | | |

|German Surrender – End of Hitler |Allied/Canadian response to hearing news |German forces or civilian response |

|May 1945 | | |

|Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan Surrenders |A Japanese survivor of Atomic Bomb |American response, military, political, or |

|August 1945 | |civilian |


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