1302 AMERICA – Study Guide – Ch

1302 AMERICA – Study Guide – Ch. 30

Lone Star College Mrs. Laura Whisler

True / False:

1. By the end of World War II, over 6 million women had entered the workforce._________p. 1163

2. Black American soldiers generally served in desegregated units during W.W.II. ________p.1164

3. Large numbers of Americans of German, Italian, and Japanese descent were incarcerated

During W.W.II. ___________________p. 1168

4. The U.S. and Britain adopted a Pacific first strategy to W.W.II in response to Japanese attacks

in the Pacific. ________________p. 1169

5. D-day refers to the cross-Channel Allied amphibious invasion of Nazi-occupied France.p1176-9

6. The agreements at Yalta Conference included Stalin’s pledge to enter the war against Japan three months after Germany’s defeat. __________p. 1189

From late 1941 into early 1942, describe the U.S. military experience in the Pacific. p. 1157-8

8. Why was the Battle of Midway important? p. 1158-9

9. What was the biggest Challenge to the U.S. in the Atlantic in early 1942? p. 1159

10. By late 1942, the U.S. effectively countered German advantages in the Atlantic with what

strategy? p. 1159

11. How did the U.S. government finance the war? List them. p. 1160-1

12. What did the Office of Price Administration do? p. 1161

13. During W.W.II how did women fit into the labor force and how were they accepted? p. 1164

14. The Fair Employment Practices Committee, established by executive order in 1941, had what

objective? p. 1165

15. What was the bracero program? p. 1166

16. What was the zoot-suit riots of 1943? p. 1166

17. What were “War Relocation Camps” in the U.S.? p. 1168

18. When Roosevelt and Churchill met to draft a joint war plan in early 1942, they made what

commitments? List them. p. 1169

19. What helped the Allies gain the advantage in the Battle of the Atlantic? p. 1175

20. How did Germany respond to Italy’s decision to switch sides in Sept. 1943? p. 1175

21. What did the 1943 Declaration of Cairo state? p. 1176

22. What was D-day? p. 1176-7

23. What was the Battle of the Bulge? p. 1185-6

24. What was so significant about the election of 1944? p. 1185

25. What did the Allies agree to at the Yalta Conference of 1945? List them. p. 1187-8

26, What was the Holocaust? p. 1191-2

26. Why did the U.S. decide to use atomic bombs on Japan instead of just the fire bombs? p 1194-6

27. _____________________(country) suffered the most deaths in the fighting of W.W.II. p. 1196

28. How did W.W.II effect the Great Depression? p. 1196

29. Following the conclusion of W.W.II, the two most powerful nations in the world were:

_____________________________ and _____________________________ p. 1197


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