Key Stage 3 History

|Key Stage 4 History. Unit 2 Option 2c Title : Life in Germany c1919-c1945. |

|KQ3 What was the impact of the Nazi Party on society? |

|History Assessment Focus |Expectations |Cross Curricular Framework (CCF) |

|AF1 Recall, select and communicate their |At the end of this unit |A Cross Curricular Aspects |

|knowledge and understanding of history by| |PLTS |

|demonstrating understanding of the past |Most pupils will: develop a secure knowledge of Nazi methods to control the German peoples |1 Independent enquirers, 2 Creative thinkers, |

|through explanation and analyses of |thought. They will understand the nature the methods employed. They will be confident in their |3 Reflective learners, 4 Team workers, 5 Self Managers, |

|a) Key concept: causation, consequence, |understanding of Nazi Youth organisations, the changes made to education and the different forms |6 Effective participators. |

|change, continuity and significance. |of propaganda and will be beginning to analyse why the Nazis made the changes they did and to |ECM |

|b) Key features and characteristics of |evaluate how effective the methods were. Furthermore they will be confident in their understanding|1 Safety, 2 Healthy, 3 Economic well being, 4 Enjoy and |

|the periods studied and the relationship |of Nazi economic policies and analysing the impact of these policies on the German economy and |5 Participate. |

|between them. |people. In addition they will be able to fully explain developments in Nazi policies on racial |KS Level 1, 2 and 3 |

|AF2 Understand, analyse and evaluate a |issues up to and including the Final solution. |1 Communication, 2 ICT, 3 Improving learning and performance, 4 Problem |

|range of source material as part of a | |solving, 5 Working with others. |

|historical enquiry. |Some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: develop a basic knowledge of Nazi |WRL |

|AF3 Understand, analyse and evaluate how |methods to control the German peoples thought. They will be have some awareness of the main Nazi |1 Develop skills 2 Extend experience and understanding, |

|aspects of the past have been interpreted|Youth organisations, the Nazis curriculum and some of the different forms of propaganda. |3 Learn how business works, 4 Awareness of employment opps, |

|and represented in different ways as part|Furthermore they will have basic knowledge in their understanding of Nazi economic policies and |5 Consider career intensions, 6 Undertake tasks and activities, 7 Learn |

|of an historical enquiry. |the impact of these policies on the German people. In addition they will be able to partially |from employment sectors, 8 Develop experiences, |

|About the unit |explain developments in Nazi policies on racial issues up to and including the Final solution. |9 Engage with ideas and challenges. |

|In this unit pupils learn about the | |21st Century Literacy |

|changes and continuities, causes and |Some pupils will have progressed further and will: develop a detailed knowledge of Nazi methods to|1 A, 2 B, 3 C 4 D, 5 E, 6 F. |

|effects of the social impact of |control the German peoples thought. They will understand the nature the methods employed. They |B Wider Curriculum Dimensions |

|developments in Germany 1933-45. Its main|will be confident in their understanding of Nazi Youth organisations, the changes made to |1 Identity and cultural diversity, 2 Community participation, |

|emphasis is developing pupil’s |education and the different forms of propaganda. They will analyse why the Nazis made the changes |3 Healthy Lifestyles, 4 Enterprise, 5 Global dimension, |

|understanding of historical concepts and |they did and to evaluate how effective the methods were, to reach conclusions on their relative |6 Technology and Media, 7 Creativity and critical thinking. |

|their ability in higher order thinking |significance. Furthermore they will be extremely confident in their analysis of Nazi economic |C COL |

|skills. The unit also develops pupil’s |policies and the impact of these policies on the German economy and people. In addition they will |D Prior learning |

|ability to comprehend, analyse and |be able to fully explain and analyse developments in Nazi policies on racial issues up to and |It is helpful if pupils have: |

|evaluate historical evidence. |including the Final solution. |Developed their understanding of the historical concepts of change and |

|Where the unit fits in | |continuity, and cause and effect. |

|This unit is part of the wider study in |Language for learning |Developed their skills in using and evaluating historical evidence. |

|development Germany 1919-45. It builds on|Through the activities in this unit pupils will have opportunities to use and spell correctly a |Developed their ability to structure explanations of historical events |

|pupils understanding of historical |range of key words identified in the curriculum materials, and relating to medical developments |based on critical research. |

|concepts of change and continuity, cause |E.g. regulation, Renaissance, government, science and technology. They will have opportunities to |E Resources |

|and effect, and also on the skills of |write extended pieces of historical writing through the writing frames, which are designed to |Department booklet |

|historical enquiry. |support and structure their ideas and explanations. Opportunities for reading, speaking and |Contemporary illustrations, letters, newspaper accounts and oral |

| |listening are also identified in the curriculum resources. |testimony. |

| | |Suggested websites including |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |and others. |

|Key Stage 4 History. Unit 2 Option 2c Title : Life in Germany c1919-c1945. |

|KQ3 What was the impact of the Nazi Party on society? |

|Lesson titles and Learning objectives |Teaching activities |Learning outcomes |CCF and COL |

|Pupils should learn: | |Pupils: | |

|In a nutshell |To develop a key to analyse patterns of stability and |To develop understanding of patterns of stability and |PLTS 1, 2, 4 and 6 |

|Outline the key developments in Nazi control |instability in an overview timeline. |instability in Nazi control of Germany 1933-1945. |ECM 5 and 6 |

|of Germany 1933-1945? |To explain the significance of the concept map in summarising |To encourage a strategy of summarising key points from lessons |KS X |

| |key points from lesson in preparation for revision. |in plenary sessions. |WRL Y |

|AF1 & AF2 |To discuss the content of the History textbook and explain the|To encourage patterns of independent enquiry. |21CL Z |

| |significance of wider reading for the development of subject | |WCD 1, 6 and 7 |

| |content. | |COL |

|Causes and Analysis Focus 1.The impact of |Highlight key points on flow diagram of the education system. |Development of knowledge and understanding of the provision for |PLTS 1, 2, 4 and 6 |

|Nazi social policies on young people and |Write a report for a 12-year-old schoolboy. |education in Nazi Germany |ECM 5 and 6 |

|women. |Comprehension and explanation questions. |Comprehension and inference from sources of evidence. |KS X |

|How did the education system change? |Highlight key points in a text on university education. |Development of concepts of change and continuity, causation and |WRL Y |

|What ways were used to nurture German youth? |Highlight key points on flow diagram of the Youth |consequence, and literacy skill to pursue extended explanatory |21CL Z |

|How were the lives of women impacted upon? |organisations. |writing. |WCD 1, 6 and 7 |

| |Write a diary entry of activities of Hitler youth. |Development of analytical and evaluative skills to arrive at a |COL |

|AF1a, AF1b, AF2 and AF3 |Comprehension and explanation questions. |substantiated conclusion as to the impact of Education policy on| |

| |Assess impact of youth organisations on the attitude of German|attitudes, values and beliefs. | |

| |youth. |Development of knowledge and understanding of the provision for | |

| |Complete a section of a concept map. |youth in organisations in Nazi Germany | |

| |Describe and explain the role of women in Nazi Germany and to |Comprehension and inference from sources of evidence. | |

| |analyse the extent of change and continuity |Development of concepts of change and continuity, causation and | |

| | |consequence, and literacy skill to pursue extended explanatory | |

| | |writing. | |

| | |Development of analytical and evaluative skills to arrive at a | |

| | |substantiated conclusion as to the impact of Nazi Youth | |

| | |Organisations on attitudes, values and beliefs. | |

| | |Development of analytical and evaluative skills to arrive at a | |

| | |substantiated conclusion as to the extent of change in the role | |

| | |of women in Germany 1919-45. | |

|Causes and Analysis Focus 2. The impact of |Explain and analyse the effectiveness of Nazi economic |Development of knowledge and understanding of Nazi economic |PLTS 1, 2, 4 and 6 |

|Nazi economic policies on the economy and |planning. |plans |ECM 5 and 6 |

|German people |Analyse the effectiveness of the economic plans. |Development of analytical and evaluative skills to arrive at a |KS X |

|How did Nazi economic plans work and how |Describe Strength through Joy |substantiated conclusion as to the impact of Economic policy on |WRL Y |

|effective were they?? |Analyse the impact of the economic plans on different groups |the economy. |21CL Z |

|What was the impact of the economic plans on |within German society |Development of analytical and evaluative skills to arrive at a |WCD 1, 6 and 7 |

|the German economy and its diverse people? | |substantiated conclusion as to the impact of Economic plans of |COL |

| | |different groups within German society | |

| | | | |

|AF1a, AF1b, AF2 and AF3 | | | |

|Causes and Analysis Focus 3. The impact of |Comprehension and description of Nazi racial ideology. |Development of knowledge and understanding resulting in |PLTS 1, 2, 4 and 6 |

|Nazi racial policies on German people. |Description and explanation of Nazi policies and methods in |explanation of Nazi racial ideology. |ECM 5 and 6 |

|What were Nazi ideas about race and how did |dealing with groups they labelled as inferior. |Develop of knowledge and understanding of Nazi racial policy |KS X |

|they plan to achieve a racial Germany? |Comprehension and description of the impacts of the Nuremburg |resulting in explanation of the impact of the Nuremburg Laws and|WRL Y |

|What were Nazi policies towars racial, |laws and Kristallnacht. |Kristallnacht. |21CL Z |

|religious and political groups which they |Description and explanation of polies of persecution which |Development of knowledge and understanding resulting in |WCD 1, 6 and 7 |

|labelled as inferior? |resulted in the Final solution. |explanation of the Final solution. |COL |

|What was the Nuremburg laws and | | | |

|Kristallnacht? | | | |

|How did the Nazi’s develop policies which | | | |

|resulted in the Final solution | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|AF1a, AF1b, AF2 and AF3 | | | |

|Thematic Analysis of wider context. |To consider sorting a number of statements into broad |Consolidation of the evidence which supports a range of factors |PLTS 1, 2, 4 and 6 |

|Mystery Game. When and for what reason did |categories which might help to explain why Walter became a |as being responsible, varying in significance yet inter-related |ECM 5 and 6 |

|Walter become a committed Nazi? |committed Nazi. |in explaining why Walter became a committed Nazi. |KS X |

| |To consider the inter-relationship between the factors and | |WRL Y |

|AF1, AF2 & AF3 |their relative significance. | |21CL Z |

| | | |WCD 1, 6 and 7 |

| | | |COL |

|Cracking the Puzzle. Preparing for Assessment|To complete a concept map as an overview of developments of |Pupils begin to develop knowledge and understanding of German |PLTS 1, 2, 4 and 6 |

|on the development of: |German economy and society 1933-45. |economy and society 1933-45 in overview and depth. |ECM 5 and 6 |

|How can I develop my memory and exam |To complete a Trigger Memory Activity on developments on |Pupils begin to utilise the Trigger Memory Activity as a method |KS X |

|technique on German economy and society |German economy and society 1933-45. |for remembering the key developments in German economy and |WRL Y |

|1933-45? |To complete descriptive, explanatory and analytical questions |society1933-45. |21CL Z |

|To develop knowledge and understanding of the|to time using sources and knowledge. |Pupils further develop their skills of descriptive, explanatory |WCD 1, 6 and 7 |

|methods by which the brain processes and | |and analytical writing under timed conditions. |COL |

|stores information. | | | |

|To develop the skills of descriptive, | | | |

|explanatory and analytical extended writing | | | |

|under timed conditions. | | | |

|AF1a, AF1b, AF2 and AF3 | | | |


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