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Animal Farm AssignmentsPrologue Questions: Please answer on separate paper by ___________________ (due dates will be provided in class). Provide three or four facts about the Spanish Civil War, p. 5.What does “Stalin’s political apparatchiks” mean? What’s the difference between a Trotskyist and a Stalinist?“[Orwell] thought … many … people in the Western democracies … succumbed to a dangerously romantic view of the Russian revolution that blinded them to Soviet reality,” p. 6. Why did Orwell think this? Animal Farm is “an attack on the myth of the nobility of Soviet Communism.” According to Baker, why was such an attack necessary? Why did Orwell have a difficult time finding a publisher in 1943? What other books are compared to Animal Farm? Why? According to Baker, why did these authors have such a dark vision of the future? Did the future envisioned by Orwell, Koestler, and Huxley come to be? Why or why not? Chapter Questions: Please answer the following questions on separate paper by __________________ (due dates will be provided in class). Chapter OneRead the “Context” section of Spark Notes on Animal Farm and write down a minimum of five pertinent facts in complete sentences. Explain the significance of the first spoken word in the book being “comrades” (p. 27)?What themes typical of Soviet ideology are rife in Old Major’s speech beginning on p. 28?In Soviet political philosophy, who or what is the enemy? On Animal Farm who or what is the enemy? What are the parallels and differences between them?When Old Major suggests rebellion and revolt (which is also what Lenin and Trotsky preached), what popular Communist manifesto comes to mind?What absolutist statement made by Old Major on p. 31 is typical of Soviet ideology?Explain the significance of Old Major’s song, Beasts of England, at the end of Chapter One. Compare this song with “The Internationale” and certain Nazi war songs. Chapter TwoCheck out Spark Notes for a description of each of the characters and in-depth analyses of the major characters (Old Major, Napoleon, Snowball, Boxer, and Squealer). Attach a sheet with important information about each of these major characters. What is the significance of the milk’s disappearance at the end of this chapter?The characters listed below all represent actual people or groups that existed during Orwell’s lifetime. Explain who or what each of the following characters represents: Mollie, Mr. Jones, Mr. Frederick, and Mr. Pilkington. (Note: Spark Notes will help you with this question.)Animal Farm VocabularyDirections: Define the vocabulary words in bold, italic type below. For words with multiple definitions, be sure to choose a definition that is congruent with the context of the sentence in which it occurs. Due date: ___________________________________________Chapter Four“Snowball also busied himself with organizing the other animals into what he called Animal Committees. He was indefatigable at this” (p. 49).“Bulls which had always been tractable suddenly turned savage …” (p. 56). “Any animal caught singing it [Beasts of England] was given a flogging on the spot” (p. 56). “And yet the song was irrepressible” (p. 56).“… the din of the smithies …” (p. 56). “… the din of the smithies …” (p. 56). “… a flight of pigeons came whirling through the air and alighted in the yard of Animal Farm in the wildest excitement” (p. 56). “And so within five minutes of their invasion they were in ignominious retreat by the same way as they had come …” (p. 58).“An impromptu celebration of the victory was held immediately” (p. 59). “There was also ‘Animal Hero, Second Class,’ which was conferred posthumously on the dead sheep” (p. 60). Chapter Five“In glowing sentences he painted a picture of Animal Farm as it might be when sordid labour was lifted from the animals’ backs” (p. 66). Chapter Six“ … he [old Benjamin] would utter nothing beyond the cryptic remark that donkeys live a long time” (p. 81). “Snowball has done this thing! In sheer malignity, thinking to set back our plans …” (p. 82). ................

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