Westar Programs Online



Program Title: Bless_Israel_002_WOE_v6


Former IFCJ Title: WOE FSU Children

Ask: $1,500 One Time Gift

$500 One Time Gift

$150 One Time Gift

# Asks in Program: 4 by Announcer, 2 by Yael Eckstein

Donation Provides: Airlift of One (1) Jew on WOE


Today, right where you are, you can rescue a Jewish boy or girl, an orphan by putting them on an upcoming “On Wings of Eagles Freedom Flight.” The cost to bring home a precious orphaned child on these flights is $1,500. $1,000 of that donation is assigned directly to help the child, to pay for their new home in Israel, give them clean, new clothes, food, child care, and education. The rest of your donation covers the cost for the expensive airfare and re-settlement costs that The Fellowship oversees for the child you rescue. There are 3 ways you can donate today. One is with a generous gift of $1,500. Second is with a gift of $500. We’ll join your donation with two others who are also giving $500, and together you’ll put a child on one of these upcoming flights. And three, you can give a donation of $150. We’ll include your donation with 9 others who are also giving $150, and together you’ll rescue a poor, orphan boy or girl and give them a seat on an upcoming Wings of Eagles Freedom Flight.

Phone Number →844-80-WINGS


Radio Infomercial

Transcript, Edits & Announcer ASKS


The following program, “Bless Israel with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein,” is brought to you by The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews… presenting the plight facing God's chosen people today so that you can be a blessing to them, through your prayers and Christian love.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: For many Jewish children the Holocaust was not just something terrible that happened to their parents and grandparents, its effects are part of the reality they live every day.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Children who may not have witnessed or experienced the Holocaust as their grandparents did, but are survivors of the trauma of the Holocaust nonetheless.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: These children are being brought up in total despair.

INA MARKOVITCH: Sixty-five years has passed, it shouldn't be like this.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: These children, Holocaust survivors brought in to a world with nothing. These children are victims of the Holocaust and its effects much like their parents and their grandparents were. And we are called to help them.

INA MARKOVICTH: It's hard to believe that people live here, it, it is hard to describe the smell that is unbearable. I imagine animals abroad live in better conditions.

[Hebrew spoken]

INA MARKOVITCH: You can just imagine what this woman feel – and what her children feel. The war officially has ended many years ago but, the victims are still alive.

INA MARKOVICH: She's a living victim of the Nazis, her children are victims of her misery -- childhood. And it goes on until we do something to stop it.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: They don't have support systems, the communities were destroyed, all destroyed.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Their children are raised with those fears, with that reality, that their mother, their grandmother are the only ones left living after the Holocaust. And now they live in poverty. Being Jewish is a punishment. You will not get a proper job, you'll be kicked out of university. We need to help them survive and end the war for them. We need to tell them that God exists, he love them.

Every single day, every single meal is a struggle for life and we still have to help them to survive.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Many of them are orphans, many of them just have one parent who cannot care for them.

INA MARKOVICH: Children find themselves on the streets.

MALE SPEAKER: Today, literally, Jewish children on the streets?

INA MARKOVICH: Yes, you can go and see.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: We found Jewish children, orphans, children who are hungry, children who are in deep, deep poverty.

INA MARKOVICH: They have a soul, soul that they don't know about its existence because the struggle of survival kills thoughts about the soul.

RABBI YISROEL SILBERSTEIN: I've traveled all over the former Soviet Union and I've see this terrible need there is. For every bed in the orphanage we have ten children who need help.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: You still can see the effects of that cataclysmic event that happened here many years ago. And I realized a deeper understanding of the Bible and of God's word when he says don't afflict the orphan. We'll I'm not afflicting the orphans, but I heard a voice of God saying to me, yes, you are, so long as you are not actively helping the orphans, the widows, the people in need, you're afflicting them. That's what I believe the Bible is saying to us.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: The only hope for many of these children is to get them to Israel where they can be cared for, educated and restored to the faith in God which their grandparents prayed and gave their lives to preserve for them. Going to Israel is an impossible dream for these children who have been forced into a life of poverty, persecution and antisemitism through no fault of their own or their parents.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Your gift can help to rescue these children from a life of terrible hardship and persecution.


The Bible says in Deuteronomy 26 verse 12, “When you have finished paying all the tithe of your increase in the third year, the year of tithing, then you shall give it to the Levite, to the stranger, to the orphan and to the widow, that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied.”

Today, right where you are, you can rescue a Jewish boy or girl, an orphan by putting them on an upcoming “On Wings of Eagles Freedom Flight” These are 737 jets that leave Kiev, Ukraine with as many children and families as we can bring, because of your financial gift.

The cost to bring home a precious orphaned child on these flights is $1,500.

$1,000 of that donation is assigned directly to help the child, to pay for their new home in Israel, give them clean, new clothes, food, child care, and education. The rest of your donation covers the cost for the expensive airfare and re-settlement costs that The Fellowship oversees for the child you rescue.

There are 3 ways you can donate today. One is with a generous gift of $1,500. Second is with a gift of $500. We’ll join your donation with two others who are also giving $500, and together you’ll put a child on one of these upcoming flights.

And third, you can give a donation of $150. We’ll include your donation with 9 others who are also giving $150, and together you’ll rescue a poor, orphan boy or girl and give them a seat on an upcoming Wings of Eagles Freedom Flight.

Here’s the number to call 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647. Or, you can give online at WWW dot I-F-C-J DOT ORG, SLASH RADIO. I-F-C-J DOT ORG, SLASH RADIO.

INA MARKOVITCH: It shouldn't be like this, no, no hearts could stand to see them in the streets. We want your help to give them good education, to, to let them see that they're people with good hearts outside their sad world.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: We can get these children to Israel where they will be cared for in one of the Fellowship Children's Homes. Save the life of a previous child by giving him or her a new life in Israel, a life that their grandparents and sometimes their parents gave their life to try to make possible.

Again, here’s the number to call to rescue a Jewish orphan and put them on an upcoming “On Wings of Eagles Ukraine Freedom Flight.” 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647.

Or, you can give online at WWW dot I-F-C-J DOT ORG, SLASH RADIO. I-F-C-J DOT ORG, SLASH RADIO.

RABBI YISROEL SILBERSTEIN: My great grandparents were murdered by the Nazis and to me it's very special that I can come back and give to the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, to give them what they didn't get.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Coming to where they are now reminds me that we are living in the times of prophecy. I think of Ezekiel that looked down in to the land and said will these dry bones come alive again?

These children need our help.

INA MARKOVITCH: The common is when everyone to pray to only one God, Lenin. Synagogues were closed, Rabbis were sent to Siberia, migrant for the set in prison because he told to the KGB that he believed in God.

RABBI YISROEL SILBERSTEIN: Well, the communist in -- destroying it within and then the Holocaust destroying it from without, it was really almost totally destroyed, the Jewish community. And today, we're dealing with the remnants of what's left, to save what's left.

INA MARKOVITCH: When the Nazis entered the Jewish town during the war, they took all the Jews that they could take. They were good heart Christians that would take one child and save him. Those good hearted Christians could say I cannot save the whole Jewish nation, see what's happening, Hitler is so powerful. But they save only one child and from those children we have many, many, many new branches, new fruits today.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: This is the future of the Jewish people and there are thousands of such children without clothes, without food, without warmth, without shelter, without education. We're asking for your help for the Holocaust survivors of today, the children who are bearing the brunt of growing up as survivors of families of the Holocaust.



Here at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, rescuing precious Jewish children out of the former Soviet Union and flying them to safety in Israel is our highest priority.

This month, next month and throughout this year, The Fellowship is rescuing these children of Holocaust survivors, many of them orphans with nowhere to turn for help, through its “On Wings of Eagles Ukraine Freedom Flights” leaving Kiev, Ukraine each month and landing in Tel Aviv Israel.

But the cost is too much for any orphan to afford. That’s why we’re asking you to help. We’re asking for God’s blessing on your life, as you consider helping rescue a Jewish boy or girl on one of these upcoming Freedom Flights.

The cost for each seat on the flight is $1,500. $1,000 of this cost goes directly to help the child once they land in Israel. We help them with things like food and clothing. We give them a place to live, someone to take care of them, we pay for their education to help them learn to speak Hebrew, and so much more. As you can imagine, there are a lot of steps and expenses that go into bringing a child all the way from Ukraine to Israel. But here at The Fellowship, we do this with God’s help and we do it through the generous contributions of Christians like you. Would you like to rescue a child and put them on this month’s flight out of Ukraine?

There are three ways you can give today.

First is with a one-time generous gift of $1,500. Second, you can give a one-time gift of $500, and we’ll partner your donation with two others who are also giving $500. Or, lastly, you can give a gift of $150. We’ll combine your donation with 9 others who are also donating $150, and together, you’ll be part of Biblical history in bringing a loving Jewish child, a little boy or girl, home to Israel on The Fellowship’s monthly “On Wings of Eagles Freedom Flights.”

Here’s that number to call. 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. You can also donate online at www dot I-F-C-J dot ORG, slash Radio. That’s www dot I-F-C-J dot org, slash Radio.




Ask God right now what He would have you give today. Friendly Fellowship operators are standing by right now waiting for your call. 844-80-WINGS. 844-80-WINGS.

You can make your donation quickly and easily with your credit card.

Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647.

Please call right now.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: I wish you could have seen these children when they were brought, when they came in to this school from the far stretches of the former Soviet Union. Sad, emaciated, not having any love, never a smile on their face. This is the miracle that we are bringing to the former Soviet Union. Smiling faces of Jewish children whose families have endured so much.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: See this sweet girl, this beautiful girl. Well, you met her mother and her brother, living in conditions that are really terrible, not having any food, just some stale bread. Not having heat during the winter. A young girl, grandparents killed in the Holocaust. Who now, we've been able to provide food, clothing, medicine, education. But there are literally thousands of other children here in the former Soviet Union who we want to give a chance to.

INA MARKOVITCH: A child who needs a warm bed, a child who need a caring person, children that without your help would end up very sadly.

INA MARKOVITCH: It's the 21st century and this is a Jewish family in Ukraine. And it's so sad. She has to prepare food with no running water and this is her life. Rahalla's a survivor from a communist orphanage home because her parents were survivor from the war and the Holocaust.

The few sentences that Rahalla's agreed to tell about the orphanage house is I will do whatever I can so my son would go to school. Just ask me what to do, I will do whatever you say.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Time is running out for many desperate Jewish children waiting for their rescue in the former Soviet Union. Your help is needed now.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: You can help get them to Israel where they will be loved, cared for and raised to become all that God intended for them.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Many of us ask, well, if I had lived during the Holocaust, would I have done something? Could I have done something? Today, we can. Today, we can help the children of Holocaust survivors so that these children would not only see the killing fields outside their villages but, to remind them that today there are people, Christians, Jews, who care for them, who love them, who want to help them.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: And we need to do something to give them faith in God and to change their despair into hope.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Your call right now will make it possible for one of these Jewish children who continue to bear the scars of the Holocaust on themselves and their families, to finally go home to Israel where they will live, learn and worship God in safety.


The Bible says in Jeremiah 31 verse 8. “Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the ends of the earth,

Among them the blind and the lame, the woman with child, and the one who labors with child, together; A great throng shall return there.

Today, right where you are, you can be part of Biblical prophecy in bringing Jews, scattered around the world, home to Israel. Through The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, “On Wings of Eagles Freedom Flights” taking place right now, monthly throughout this year, you can rescue a poor Jewish orphan, a little boy or girl, who desperately needs your help for a better life, for a future. You can put them on this next flight leaving Kiev, Ukraine and landing in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The cost to rescue a child out of the war-torn region of Ukraine and a seat on the next “Ukraine Freedom Flight” is $1,500. $1,000 of your donation goes directly toward the child. The Fellowship will help them with a place to live, caring people to take care of them, food, clothing, and the countless things these children will need to resettle in their new home, in Israel. You can make all of this possible, today. Or, maybe God is speaking to you to give $500. If so, we’ll match your gift with two other people who are also giving $500 and together you’ll rescue a Jewish boy or girl and put them on this upcoming flight. Lastly, you can give a one-time gift of $150. We’ll match yours with 9 others who are also giving $150 and together, the ten donations will rescue a child and bring them to Israel.

Here’s how you can give today, easily with a credit card. The special number to call is 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647. Or, you can donate online at www dot I-F-C-J DOT ORG SLASH Radio. That’s I-F-C-J DOT ORG, Slash Radio.

Friends, today, right where you are, ask God what He would have you do. If what you’ve heard on our program today, rescuing poor Jewish children out of Ukraine and bringing them home to Israel, is something you and your family would like to be involved with, please call us right now. Our friendly Fellowship operators are anxious to talk with you. Again, that number is 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS.

Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”

Please call right now. 844-80-WINGS. 844-80-WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647. And may God bless you and your family for your gift today.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Nazism sought to destroy the Jewish people physically and in many respects they succeeded.

Don't forget our children, our grandchildren, those who survived somehow this cataclysm.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Don't forget them, don't abandon them. Love them, protect them, nourish them.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: You can end the waiting and uncertainty for one precious child. You can also help by adding a monthly charge to your credit card. How ever you can help, these Jewish children will know that Christians in America care and that you reached out to embrace them in their hour of greatest need.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Thank you, and I know that God will bless you as he has promised for helping these children who have suffered too much and for too long.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Protect, help, sustain my children Israel.




Today’s program, “Bless Israel with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein,” is the radio ministry of The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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