Russell westbrook 2018


Russell westbrook 2018

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Russell Westbrook Player Information Full Name Russell Westbrook III Birthday 12. Novembre 1988 (32 years) Birthplace Long Beach, California, United States Green 191 cm Weight 91 kg Posizione Point Guard College Ucla NBA Draft 2008, 4th Pick, Seattle Supersonics Club information Vereislos Los Angeles Lakers League National Basketball Association Tricyot number 2008 United States Oklahoma City Thunder 2019? "2020 United States Houston Rockets 2020? " 2021 United States Washington Wizards 2021? "0000 United States Los Angeles Lakers National Team1 2010 ... 2012 United States United States 17 Games [2] Medal Mirror Olympic Games 1 ?- 0 ?- 0 ? ? World Championships 1 ?- 0 ?- 0 ?oe Olympic Games Gold United Konigreich 2012 London World Championships Oro Turkei 2010 Turkey 1station: May 3, 2021 Russell Westbrook III [3 ] (* 12. Novembre 1988 A Long Beach, California) is an American basketball player who is currently at the Angeles Lakers in the NBA is under contract. Previously, he was active over 10 years for the Oklahoma City Thunder and was there in his time there several times NBA All-Star as well as in 2017 valuable player of the league (MVP). In the seasons 2014/15 and 2016/17 he led the league in addition to scores achieved. Westbrook is known in addition to its spectacular playing ways for frequent triple doubles. In the 2016/17 season, he managed to achieve a triple double on average as the second player after Oscar Robertson (1962) over the entire season. He repeated this achievement twice in the following years, which has so far the only player who succeeded several times. In addition to most triple doubles within a season, he was also the only player in addition to Wilt Chamberlain that a ? ~ zweiable Triple-Double? was able to achieve, at which all values 20 exceeded ? "on 2 April 2019 he reached In the game Kerker [4] Westbrook matches the record for most Triple Doubles in a season (42). [5] Childhood and High School Westbrook came to the world in California Long Beach and grew up near his birthplace in Hawthorne. He has a year's brother, Raynard Westbrook. Westbrook has been admiring the Lakers legend Magic Johnson since childhood. [6] Westbrook visited Leuzinger High School, which he becomes a 25: 4 victory balance and in the CIF-SS div. I-AA quarterfinals led. He achieved average 25.1 points, 8.7 rebounds, 3.1 steals and 2.3 assists per game. In January 2006 he achieved 51 points against Carson. He collected 14 doubles during the season and achieved more than 30 points in eight games. Until his senior year at the High School, Westbrook could not decide what motivated him to improve his athleticism. [7] College Westbrook played two years for the UCLA Bruins of the University of California, Los Angeles, played for the already basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. In both years, the team reached the Final Four of the NCAA Division I Basketball Championship, but lost in the semifinals. In 2007, the game against Florida was lost with 76:66 and 2008 failed to Memphis at 78:63. In his Freshman year Westbrook did not fall up with 3.4 points and was only backup of Darren Collison. However, in his sophomore year, he was able to increase colliisons in his sophomore year and the launch of the starter on solid 12.7 points. [8] Then he announced himself to the NBA draft. NBA career Oklahoma City Thunder (2008 "2019) Westbrook was selected in the NBA Draft 2008 by the Seattle Supersonics on 4th place. The team moved to Oklahoma City in the same year and has since under the name Oklahoma City Thunder. He signed his contract in July 2008. He met the kevin durant, mit dem er ?ber die n?chsten jahre from gesicht des teams darstellen sollte. in seinem ersten jahr teilte er sich mit earl watson die Point-Guard-Position. westbrook im m?rz 2011 im tenember und februar der saison 2008/09 wurde er als rookie des monats der western conference ausgezeichnet. im tenember legte er durchschnittlich 15,5 punkte, 5,1 assists und 5,1 rebounds pro spiel auf, im februar sogar 20,6 punkte, 5,9 assists und 6.1 rebounds. [9] au?erdem erzielte er am 2. m?rz 2009 mit 17 punkten, 10 rimbalzi und 10 assists als einziger 2008/09er-Rookie ein Triple-Double. er wurde der erste rookie seit chris paul 2005/06 und damals erst der dritte sonics- bzw. Thunder-Spieler ?berhaupt, dem dies gelang. ende der saison wurde er vierter bei der wahl zum rookie des jahres ? accenno derrick rose, o. j. mayo und brook Lopez.[10] er wurde in das nba All-Rookie first team gew?hlt. [11] in der folgenden saison konnte westbrook seinen schnitt von 15.3 auf 16.1 punkte und von 5.3 auf 8 assists pro spiel steigern. in der geschichte der nba konnten bis dato nur f?nf andere spieler im alter von 21 jahren solche werte im schnitt abliefern: lebron james, magic johnson, chris paul, isiah thomas and allen iverson. in den Play-offs konnte er sich noch einmal auf 20,5 punkte pro spiel steigern, doch es reichte nicht, a die serie gegen die los angeles lakers zu gewinnen. in der saison 2010/11 erzielte westbrook am 12. 9mbre 2010, seinem 22. geburtstag, 36 punkte, 7 rebounds und 7 assists im spiel gegen die portland trail blazers. 14 tage sp?ter erzielte er seine karrierebestleistung von 43 punkten gegen die Indian pacers, w?hrend er noch 8 rebounds einsammeln und 8 assists verteilen konnte. zusammen mit seinem teamkameraden kevin durant galt westbrook damit als eines der aufstrebendsten jungen talente der league. dank seiner gesteigerten leistungen auf dem spielfeld wurde westbrook zum nba All-Star gew?hlt. [12] in der folgesaison verl?ngerte er seinen auslaufenden vertrag vorzeitig a 5 jahre mit einem volumen von ?ber 80 millionen US-Dollar.[13] am 4. m?rz 2014 im spiel gegen die philadelitphia 76ers erDoubleelte westbrook sein zweites Triple-Double warwemal am 6. februar 2015 erzielte er gegen die new orleans pelicans 48 punkte und somit einen karrierebestwert in punkten. westbrook nahm am nba All-Star game 2015 teil und erzielte 41 punkte. damit erzielte er die zweitmeisten punkte in einem All-Star-Spiel, nach wilt chamberlain, der seit 1962 den rekord mit 42 punkten h?lt. anschlie?end wurde er auch zum mvp des All-Star spiels gew?hlt. [14] ende februar und anfang m?rz 2015 hatte westbrook als erster spieler seit michael jordan (in der saison 1988/89) come Triple-Doubles in folge. nel dieser zeit stellte er des weiteren einen neuen pers?nlichen bestwert in punkten auf (49 im spiel gegen die philadelphia 76ers am 4. m?rz) im dritten spiel dieser serie brach er sich einen knochen im gesicht nach einem zusammensto? mit [15] beim nba All-Star game 2016 erzielte westbrook 31 punkte, 8 rimbalzi, 5 assists und 5 steals. wie im vorjahr wurde er zum nba All-Star game mvp gew?hlt und verteidigte den titel. dies war bisher nur bob pettit in den jahren 1958 und 1959 gelungen. [16] sleep 28. m?rz 2016 erzielte er sein 16. Triple-Double der saison, of the gleichzeitig sein siebtes im monat m?rz war. es waren die jeweiligen bestmarken seit der saison 1988/89, als magic johnson 17 Triple-Doubles schaffte, w?hrend michael jordan im april 1989 ebenfalls sieben erreichte. [17] auch wurde er im laufe der saison der aktive spieler mit den zweitmeisten Karriere-Triple-Doubles (nach lebron james.) im vorletzten spiel der saison 2015/16 erreichte westbrook sein 18. Saison-Triple-Double, womit er magic johnsons rekord aus der saison 1981/82 einstellte (die meisten)dalla fusione tab / nba 1976). ? stata la prima volta dall'inizio delle opportune catture statistiche (2002/03) che un giocatore ha gestito una tripla doppia gi? nella prima met? del gioco d'azzardo. [18] westbrook and Andr? ? roberson westbrook and il tuono lanciato senza kevin durant nella stagione 2016/17. hard ha lasciato la squadra e pass? ai golden state warriors, che ora la responsabilit? ora westbrook da solo ? oblita. westbrook ha firmto un $ 85,7 million ha complete $ 85,7 million per l'inizio della stagione. [19] westbrook ha giocato una stagione storica e ha rotto il triple record doppio da oscar robertson dal 1967 con 42 tripli doppi in una stagione. inoltre, ? solo il secondo giocatore della storia della nba, oltre a robertson nella stagione del 1961/62, che potrebbe mettere in media un doppio triplo. ha anche revisionato il giorno del record, con un totale di 79 tripli doppi nella seu carriera, wilt chamberlain, che ora ? al fourth post. [20] con il tuono ha raggiunto 47 vittorie e il sesto post nella conferenza occidentale, surrendering qualrli per le play-off. ? diventato anche la seconda volta il miglior Basket della lega con una riparazione di carriera di 31,6 punti per partita. nelle commedie, il tuono ? stato Eliminato dai razzi di houston nel prime round di gioco. westbrook, grazie alla sua storica stagione nba, ha vinto il premio mvp alla fine della stagione. [21] inoltre, ha raggiunto nel gioco contro i lakers di los angeles il 2 aprile 2019 come il secondo giocatore a wilt chamberlain nella storia di nba un cosiddetto ? oeDoubled "triplo doppio con 20 punti, 20 rimbalzi e 21 assist. [22] westbrook ha indossato il numero di jersey 0 per un tempo molto lungo. la ragione di ci? ? la perdita del suo amico kelcey barrs, che ha subito un arresto cardiaco a causa della cardiomyo durante la formazione, and russel westbrook interpreta il numero 0 con un nuovo inizio. [23] la perdita del suo amico lo ha servito come motivazione per avere una carriera sorprendente nella nba, come lui stesso menzionato in numerose interviste. houston rockets (2019 "2020) prima della stagione 2019/20, westbrook ? stato trasferito ai razzi di houston in cambio di chris paul e diversi bozze. [24] ha giocato a lato di james hargen e ha raggiunto le semifinali della conferenza con la seu squadra. [25] washington wizards (dal 2020) in 2020 off-season 2020, russell westbrook ? stato trasferito ai washington wizards in cambio di john wall and draft picks 2023. [26] il 3 maggio 2021, westbrook ha segnato in una vittoria di 154: 141 contro l'indiana pacers 14 punti, 21 rimbalzi and 24 assist (entrambi i caff? di carriera.) con questa performance, ? il primo giocatore nella storia della nba, che potrebbe sollevare diversi do rhino [27] westbrook ha segnato 33 punti, 19 rimbalzi and 15 assist il 8 maggio 2021 in una vittoria 133: 132 contro gli Indian pacers oltre al suo blocco vincente + freeware. era la 181 volta che westbrook ha raggiunto un triple doppio e ha stabilito il record di oscar robertson per la maggior parte dei doppi a triplo nella storia della nba. [28] [29] due giorni dopo, il 10 maggio, westbrook ha segnato in una sconfitta di 124: 125 contro gli hawks atlanta con 28 punti, 21 assist e 13 rimbalzi di nuovo un triplo doppio e rotto con il record di 46 anni di oscar robertson. [30] [31] national team 2010 ? stato grupo di westbrook della squadra nazionale di basket degli stati uniti. [32] nel 2012 ha vinto con il team delle olimpiadi del 2012 2012 in londra. [33] westbrook presso lo stile del team oa questo articolo o successiva sezione non ? sufficientemente dotato di occupazioni (ad esempio, singoli assi.) le informazioni senza document sufficiente potrebbero essere rimosse. si preach di aiutare wikipedia ricercando le informazioni and introducing buone prove. westbrook is.Known as the guard of the attack-oriented point. This has often caused discussions, since many experts see assists as the main task of a punctual guard point and the statistical values of Westbrook, there were first deficit. At the beginning of the 2012/13 season, however, these values have increased massive, so that Westbrook was even more effective, not only as a marker, but also as a successful master encoder. Westbrook is considered one of the most spectacular darkness of the League, because although only 1.91 meters of him often leaves lies, which require a special athletic. Another quality is its ability to intercept the peas and steal the ball to the opponents. He was in the 2011/12 season with 1.6 steal for NBA players' play with the most value in this category. Results and prizes more triple double in the history of NBA (182). (Starting from May 11, 2021) [30] NBA Player Player Player (MVP): 2017 9NBA All-Star: 2011 - 2013, 2015 ? ? ?,? "2019 [12] 2NBA Game All-Star MVP: 2015, 2016 2? Tutto -Na First Team: 2016, 2017 5? All-NBA Second team: 2011 - 2013, 2015, 2018 All-NBA Third Team: 2019 Most points per game (NBA): 2015, 2017 more assist per game (NBA): 2018, 2019, 2021 NBA All-Rookie First Team 2009 [11] Olympic Champion 2012 (Team USA) World Champion Basketball 2010 (US Team) PAC-10 Defensive Player of the Year: 2008 Third Team All-Pac-10: 2008 Pac PAC -10 All-Defensive Team: 2008 NBA Statistics Legend Legend ?, GP Games Graduated (games played) Games from the beginning (Started) ? ? MPG? ? Ten Minutes for Game (Minutes for Game ) ? ?% field launch (field-objective percentage) ? ?% ?,% ? ?% three-point wurfe (3-point field percentage) ? ?% free shooting rate (free throw percentage) RPG Rebounds For Game (Bounce for Game) Assist per game (Assis t For Game) As a game (steal) BPG Blocks for Game (Blocks by Game) ? ? ppg?, Points per game (Points per game) SPG BPG PPG 2008 - 09 Oklahoma 82 65 32.5 .398 .271 .815 4.9 5.3 1.3 0.2 15.3 2009 ?,? "10 Oklahoma 82 82 34.3 .418 .221 .780 4.9 8.0 1.3 0.4 16.1 2010 - 11 Oklahoma 82 82 34.7. 442 .330 .842 4.6 8.2 1.9 0.4 21.9 2011 - 12 Oklahoma 66 66 35.3 .457 .316. 823 4.6 5.5 1.7 0.3 23.6 2012 - 13 Oklahoma 82 82 34.9 .438 .323 .800 5.2 7.4 1.8 0.3 23.2 2013 ... "14 Oklahoma 46 46 30.7 .437 .318 .826 5.7 6.9 1.9 0.2 21.8 2014 - 15 Oklahoma 67 67 34.4 .426 .299 .835 7.3 8.6 2.1 0.2 28.1 2015 - 16 Oklahoma 80 80 34.4 .454 .296 .812 7.8 10.4 2.0 0.3 23.5 2016 - 17 Oklahoma 81 81 34.6 .425 .343 .845 10.7 10.4 1.6 0.4 31.6 2017 - 18 Oklahoma 80 80 36.4 .449 .298 .737 10.1 10.3 1.8 0.3 25.4 2018 - 19 Oklahoma 73 73 36.0 .428 .290 .656 11.1 10.7 1.9 0.5 22.9 2019 - 20 Houston 57 57 35.9. 472 .258 .763. 7.9 7.0 1.6 0.4 27.2 2020 - 21 Washington 65 65 36.4 .439 .315 .656 11.5 11.7.315 .656 11.5 11.7 1.4 0.4 22.2 Complexive 943 926 34.7 .437 .305 .790 7.4 8.5 1.7 0.3 23.2 Play-off Season Team GP GS MPG FG -% 3P% ft5% rpg apg spg bpg ppg 2009 - 10 oklahoma 6 6 35.3 .473 .417 .842 6.0 6.0 1.7 0.2 20.5 2010 - 11 Oklahoma 17 17 37.5 .394 .292 .852 5.4 6.4 1.4 0.4 23.8 2011 12 Oklahoma 20 20 38.4. 435 .277 .802 5.5 5.9 1.6 0.4 23.1 2012 - 13 Oklahoma 2 2 34.0 .415 .222 .857 6 .5 7.0 3.0 0.0 24.0 2013 - 14 Oklahoma 19 19 38.7 .420 .280 .884 7.3 8.1 2.2 0.3 26.7 2015 - 16 Oklahoma 18 18 37.4 .405 .324 .829 6.9 11.0 2.6 2016 - 17 Oklahoma 5 5 38.9. 388 .265 .800 11.6 10.8 2.4 0.4 37.4 2017 ? ? ?,? "18 Oklahoma 6 6 39.2 .398 .357 .825 12.2 7.5 1.5 0.0 29.3 2018 - 19 Oklahoma 5 5 39.4 .360 .324 .885 8.8 10.6 1.0 0.6 22.8 2019 - 20 Houston 8 8 32.8 .421 .242 .532 7.0 4.6.242 .532 7.0 4.6 1.5 0.3 17.9 Total Total 106 106 37.6 .411 .298 .829 7.0 7.7 1.8 0.3 24.8 (Source: [34]) Link Commons: Russell Westbrook - Collection of Images N, Video and audio files Russell Westbrook on (English) Russell Westbrook on basketball- (English) Westbrook (College) on sports- (English) Russell Westbrook on (English) References ? Bleacher Report: Russell Westbrook ? pronto a vincere un campionato con i Lakers (from 00:21:01) on YouTube, 10 agosto 2021, accessed on 11 agosto 2021. ? Russell Westbrook on the official USA Basketball website ? Sam Anderson: the Misundersto Genod Nel New York Times. February 1, 2017, ISSN 0362-4331 ( [accessed on 21 April 2020]). ? Dan McCarney: About Last Night: Westbrook match Wilt. La stella di OKC aggiunge al suo lore, mentre i guerrieri ancora una volta dominano le pepite. In: National Basketball Association? site; New York, NY, 3 aprile 2019. Retrieved on 4 aprile 2019 (in English). ? Westbrook imposta record con 42 ? ? triplo-doppio. 9. Aprile 2017, accessed on 21 Aprile 2020 (English). Russell Westbrook. Profilo. (Memento of 14 March 2013 on Webcite) On 14 March 2013 filed by: UCLA Official Athletics? site; Los Angeles CA, January 20, 2007 (English). ? Pace Miller: 10 cose che devi sapere su Russell Westbrook del tuono. In: Bleacher Reporta site; San Francisco, CA, March 8, 2010. Retrieved on December 25, 2018 (in English). ? N, N .: Prospect profiles presentato since T-Mobile: Russell Westbrook. In: National Basketball Association? site; New York City, NY, no date in 2008. Retrieved on 25 dicembre 2018 (in English). ? N, N .: Nets' Lopez, Thunder's Westbrook chiamato Rookies of the Month. (Memento of 6 March 2009 at the Internet Archive) On 6 March, 2009 filed by National Basketball Association? site; New York City, NY, 2nd March 2009 (in English). ? N, N .: Bulls' Rose porta a casa Rookie of Year Award. (Memento of 6 Aprile 2016 Internet Archive) On 6 Aprile 2016 filed by National Basketball Association? site; New York City, NY, 22 Aprile 2009 (in English). ? a b N, N .: NBA Postseason Awards. Squadre All-Rookie. In: National Basketball Association? site; New York City, NY, no date in 2010. Retrieved on 25 dicembre 2018 (in English). ? a b Royce Young: Russell Westbrook ha scelto la squadra di Western Conference All-Star. (Memento of 8 July 2011 at the Internet Archive) July 8th, 2011 Filed by: Thunder giornaliero ... Sito web; Oklahoma City OK, February 3, 2011 (in English). ? (AHN): Westbrook accetta cinque anni, 80 milioni di dollari di estensione con Thunder. (Memento of 9 July 2012 in the Web archive On July 9, 2012 filed by: Gant News? Sito web; Clearfield PA, January 20, in 2012 (in English). ? Ole Frerks: Record night with Russ and LeBron. In: Spox? site; Unterf?hring, February 16, 2015. Accessed ? sono 25 December 2018. Cliff Brunt (AP): Westbrook 1? ? giocatore since MJ con 4 triple doppie. In: National Basketball Association? Sito web; New York City, NY, March 5, 2015. Retrieved on December 25, 2018 (in English). ? Marc-Oliver Robbers: a record eight in Kobe's last act on: Spox? website;. Unterf?hring, February 15, 2016. Accessed December 25, 2018. sono ? Paul Attfield: il doppio di 16o triplo Westbrook Thunder a 8 ? ? di fila. In: National Basketball Association? site; New York City, NY, March 29, 2016. Retrieved on December 25, 2018 (in English). ? N, N .: luned¨¬ 11 aprile 2016, ore 20:00 ET - Chesapeake Energy Arena, Oklahoma City, OK. 79 Los Angeles Lakers a Oklahoma City Thunder 112. In National Basketball Association? site; New York City, NY, 11 aprile 2016. Retrieved on December 25, 2018 (in English). ? N, N .: Thunder Signs Westbrook all'estensione del contratto. In: National Basketball Association? Sito web; New York City, NY, 4 agosto 2016. Retrieved on December 25, 2018 (in English). ? Nick Kosmider: La performance record di Russell Westbrook elimina Nuggets playoff dai. Westbrook Guadagna 42o triplo doppio della stagione e Segna 50 punti. On: The Denver Post Web site; Denver, CO, 9 Aprile 2017th 25. December 2018 (in englisch.) ^ N.N.: westbrook zum mvp gek?rt. preis f?r dirk. auf: Spox--Website; unterf?hring, 27. juni 2017. abgerufen am 25. December 2018. ^ dan mccarney: about last night: westbrook match wilt. la stella di okc aggiunge al suo lore, mentre i guerrieri ancora una volta dominano le pepite. auf: national basketball Association--Website; new york, ny, 3 aprile 2019. abgerufen am 4. aprile 2019 (in englisch.) ^ markazi: westbrook gioca in memoria di amico. 30. aprile 2010, abgerufen am 13. August 2021 (englisch.) ^ und jetzt auch noch westbrook nach houston ^ 2020 nba playoffs bracket - espn. abgerufen am 4. tenember 2020. ^ perform media deutschland gmbh: NBA-News: houston rockets ha scambiato russell westbrook zu den washington wizards f?r john wall. 3. December 2020, abgerufen am 4. December 2020. ^ russell westbrook si unisce a wilt chamberlain and se stesso con 20 rimbalzi, 20 assist. 4. mai 2021, abgerufen am 4. mai 2021 (englisch.) ^ robertsons rekord eingestellt - westbrook schreibt abermals NBA-Geschichte. in: SRF. ch. 9. mai 2021, abgerufen am 9. mai 2021. ^ russell westbrook lega il record nba di oscar robertson con 181st carriera triplo-doppio. in: USAToday. com. 9. mai 2021, abgerufen am 9. mai 2021 (englisch.) ^ a b westbrook bricht die Uralt-Bestmarke von 1974. in: 11. mai 2021, abgerufen am 11. May 2021. ^ westbrook breaks il record di robinson come wizards cadere a hawks. in: ESPN. com. abgerufen am 11. mai 2021 (englisch.) ^ (luk/dpa): Pallacanestro-WM: durant f?hrt oa zum titel. auf: der Spiegel-- sito web; aburg, 12. September 2010. abgerufen sleep 25. December 2018. ^ russell westbrook bio, stats and risultati. in: sport-. abgerufen am 10. mai 2020 (englisch.) rusell westbrook. auf: basketball Reference--Website; philadelphia, pa, 2000?2018. abgerufen am 11. oktober 2019 (in englisch.) url consultato il 28 febbraio 2015. ^ (en) ^ (en) ^ (en) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^URL Consultato IL 12 April 2015. ^ (en) Iverson | People: James | 2007: Bryant | 2008: James | 2009: O'Neal & Bryant | 2010: Wade | 2011: Bryant | 2012: Durant | 2013: Paul | 2014: Irving | 2015: Westbrook | 2016: Westbrook | 2017: Davis | 2018: James | 2020 Westbrook, Russell Short description American basketball player Date of birth 12. Novembre 1988 Birthplace Long Beach, California, United States retrieved ? oeHttps: //en.w/index.php? Title = Russell_Westbrook & Oldid = 214833762? ""

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