for the

Light Rail Transit Line 1 South Extension Project

Volume 1

Submitted by

Light Rail Transit Authority

August 21, 2008

Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Brief Description of the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Brief Description of Data Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Project Screening and Scoping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Brief Description of Project Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Physico-chemical Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

Biological Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Socio-Economic Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Project Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 EIA Approach and Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 EIA Process Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.4 EIA Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.5 EIA Study Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.1 Project Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2 Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.2.1 The Five (5) Basic Alternative Routes . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.2.2 The Four (4) Short-Listed Alternative Routes . . . . . 23

2.2.3 Selection of Technically Preferred Route

for North and Central Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.3 Project Area and Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.4 Project Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

2.4.1 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

2.4.2 Pre-Construction and Construction Phases . . . . . . . 72 2.4.3 Operational Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

3 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

3.1 Environmental Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

3.2 Physical Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

3.2.1 Geomorphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

3.2.2 Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 105

3.2.3 Statigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

3.2.4 Seismicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

3.2.5 Earthquake Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

3.2.6 Hazard Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

3.2.7 Surface Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

3.2.8 Land Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

3.2.9 Pedology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

3.2.10 Water Quality and Limnolgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

3.2.11 Meteorolgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

3.2.12 Air Quality and Noise Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

3.3 Biological Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

3.3.1 Flora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

3.3.2 Fauna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

3.4 Socio-Economic Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

3.4.1 The National Capital Region or Metropolitan Manila

The Host Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

3.4.2 Cavite : The Host Province in the South End . . . . . . 158

3.4.3 The Host Cities and Municipalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

3.4.4 The Direct Impact Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

3.4.5 Affected Population Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

3.4.6 Socio-Economic Profile of the Affected Group . . . . . 169

3.4.7 Measures of Social Acceptability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

LIght Rail Transit Authority


In regard to the EIS report, there should be two versions of the report:

1. Original version, as submitted to DENR, and

2. Updated version for submittal to the lenders.

You should maintain an original version of the EIS report on file in case there is a need to make additional copies in the future. For preparation of the updated version of the EIS report, please find enclosed the following:

• Diskette containing the update to Section 2.4 to incorporate into Volume 1 of the EIS report.

• Revised figures for Volume 2 of the EIS report.

• Revised Social Development and Resettlement Program for Volume 3 (Additional Information) of the EIS report.)

Provide us with one complete loose unbound original set of the updated EIS report so that we can make copies of the document. The updated EIS report will be organized into three separate volumes and bound into a 3-ring binders, as follows:

• Volume 1 - Main Report

• Volume 2 – Figures, Photographs & Appendices

• Volume 3 – Additional Information (Includes Social Development Program)

Also, provide us with a set of covers for the three volumes and tabbed dividers. Please note that Table 2.6 has been deleted and as such the table numbering in Section 2 should be revised.



WITHOUT THE PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

4.1 Physical Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

4.2 Biological Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

4.3 Socio Economic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210


AND ENHANCEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Impact Identification, Prediction and Evaluation . . . . . .212

5.1.1 Pre-Construction Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

5.1.2 Construction Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

5.1.3 Operational Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

5.2 Unavoidable and Residual Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

6.1 Construction Contractor’s Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

6.2 ROW Acquisition Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

6.3 Social Development Program (SDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

6.3.1 Objectives of the SDP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

6.3.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

6.2.3 Specific Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

6.3.4 Compensation Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

6.3.5 Livelihood Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

6.4 Resettlement Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

6.5 Traffic Management Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

6.5.1 During Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

6.5.2 During Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

6.6 Utilities Management Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258

6.7 Waste Management and Disposal Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

6.8 Contingency Response Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

6.9 Abandonment Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

6.10 Environmental Monitoring Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

6.10.1 Monitoring Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

6.10.2 The Multi-Partite Monitoring Team (MMT) . . . . . . . . . . 263

6.10.3 Environmental Monitoring Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

6.11 Institutional Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

6.12 Information, Education, and Communication (IEC)

Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

6.12.1 General Objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

6.12.2 Specific Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

6.12.3 Activities / Milestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273



Figure 1.1 Normalized Peak A-Weighting Sound Level as a Function of


Figure 1.2 Distances from Rail Track to the Observer Location

Figure 1.3 Graph Showing the Method of Addition of Two Sound Pressure Levels


Figure 2.1 Project Location Key Plan (Coastal Corridor)

Figure 2.2 Preliminary MMUTIS Network Plan (Master Plan Network, Year 2015)

Figure 2.3 Five Basic Route Alternatives

Figure 2.4 Prospective Routing Combinations

Figure 2.5 The Four Route Combinations

Figure 2.6 Four Short-Listed Route Alternatives

Figure 2.7 Rating of Route Alternatives

Figure 2.8 Assessment Summary of Criteria

Figure 2.9 The Technically Preferred Route

Figure2.10 The Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Route

Figure 2.11 General Arrangement of Dual Trapezoidal Box Beam Elevated Guideway Scheme

Figure 2.12 General Arrangement of Dual Trapezoidal “Two Component”

Box Beams Guideway Scheme

Figure 2.13 General Arrangement of Single Segmental Trapezoidal Box Beams Guideway Scheme.

Figure 2.14 Multiple ASSHTO Beams & Slabs Guideway Scheme

Figure 2.15 General Arrangement of the Proposed Guideway Scheme

Figure 2.16 Tie-In to the Existing Guideway Structure

Figure 2.17 Locations of Passenger Stations

Figure 2.18 Civil Design Concept of Redemptorist Station

Figure 2.19 Civil Design Concept of MIA Station

Figure 2.20 Civil Design Concept of Asia World Station

Figure 2.21 Civil Design Concept of Ninoy Aquino Station

Figure 2.22 Civil Design Concept of Dr. Santos Station

Figure 2.23 Civil Design Concept of Manuyo Uno Station

Figure 2.24 Civil Design Concept of Las Piñas Station

Figure 2.25 Civil Design Concept Zapote Station

Figure 2.26 Civil Design Concept of Talaba Station

Figure 2.27 Civil Design Concept of Niyog Staton

Figure 2.28 Functional Plan for the Intermodal Facility at Dr. Santos


Figure 2.29 Functional Plan for the Intermodal Facility at Niog Station

Figure 2.30 Functional Plan for the Intermodal Facility at Zapote Station

Figure 2.31 General Vehicle Configuration of the Extension

Figure 2.32 Ultimate Plan of the Existing Depot in Pasay

Figure 2.33 General Layout of the Satellite Depot

Figure 2.34 Locations of Boreholes

Figure 2.35 Beam Launching Process

Figure 2.36 Summary Level Overview of the Implementation Schedule

Figure 2.37 Material Source Map

Figure 2.38 Typical Existing Service Profile for the LRT Line 1



Figure 3.2.1 Geomorphologic Features along the Project Corridor

Figure 3.2.2 Sub-Surface Stratigraphy along the Pasay-Zapote Coastline

Figure 3.2.3 Geologic Cross Section Perpendicular to the Pasay-Zapote Coastline

Figure 3.2.4 Active & Suspected Faults & Seismic Sources in Central Luzon

Figure 3.2.5 Possible Ground Acceleration (g) Distribution in Metro Manila

Figure 3.2.6 Liquefaction Hazard Zonation along the Pasay-Zapote Coastline

Figure 3.2.7 Flood Susceptibility Map along the Pasay-Zapote Coastline

Figure 3.2.8 Natural Catch Basin along the Pasay-Zapote Coastline

Figure 3.2.9 Watershed Areas Draining to the Pasay-Zapote Coastline

Figure 3.2.10 Proposed Land Use Plan of Parañaque City

Figure 3.2.11 Existing Land Use Plan of Las Piñas City

Figure 3.2.12 The Las Piñas-Parañaque Commercial Zone

Figure 3.2.13 Water Quality Sampling Sites

Figure 3.2.14 Climate Map of the Philippine

Figure 3.2.15 Air Quality & Noise Level Sampling Stations


Figure 3.4.1 Settlements Map (Direct Impact Area and Indirect Impact Area)

Figure 3.4.2 Settlements Survey Area (On a per Barangay Basis)

A. Tabon /Brgy. Hall, La Huerta

B. Parañaque River, La Huerta

C. Abuhan Burakay, Manuyo Uno

D. Pulang Lupa 1

E. Longos

F. Talaba 2


Figure 6.1 Resettlement Land Acquisition Through Participatory Approach

Figure 6.2 Redemptorist Road Traffic Management Plan during Construction

Figure 6.3 Ninoy Aquino Avenue Traffic Management Plan during Construction

Figure 6.4a Las PIñas-Talaba Diversion Road Traffic Management Plan during Construction

Figure 6.4b Possible Traffic Re-routing Plan at the Las Piñas-Talaba


Figure 6.5a Traffic Flow at Zapote Intermodal Station

Figure 6.5b Traffic Flow at Niog Intermodal Station

Figure 6.5c Traffic Flow at Dr. Santos Intermodal Station

Figure 6.5d Traffic Flow at Ninoy Aquino Station

Figure 6.5e Traffic Flow at Las Piñas Station

Figure 6.6 Institutional Plan



Measures of Social Acceptability

Potential Impacts and Mitigation/Enhancement Measures


Table 1.1 Census & Survey of Affected Households in Affected

Settlement Areas

Table 1.2 Survey of Affected Business Establishment and Institutions

Table 1.3 Survey of Affected Vendors, Redemptorist Road


Table 2.1 Evaluation Criteria and Factors of the Alternative Routes

Table 2.2 Summary of Rationale for Routes Screened Out

Table 2.3 Weighting of Route Evaluation Criteria

Table 2.4 Summary of Detailed Assessment of Short-Listed Route


Table 2.5 Structural Design Criteria Outline for the Proposed LRT Line

1 Extension Project

Table 2.6 Special Structures Description

Table 2.7 Pre-Cast Yard Equipment Requirement

Table 2.8 Crew Requirements at the Pre-Cast Yard

Table 2.9 Estimated Capital Cost for the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project

Table 2.10 Minimum Essential Equipment Required for Substructure Construction

Table 2.11 Minimum Essential Equipment Required for beam Erection

Table 2.12 Earthworks Computation for the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension

Table 2.13 Year 2005 Service Levels and Fleet Size Allocation for the Monumento-Redemtorist and Redemptorist-Niog Segments.


Physical Environment

Table 3.2.1 Terrain Characteristics along the Pasay-Zapote Coastline

Table 3.2.2 Major Earthquakes that affected Metro Manila and its Vicinity

Table 3.2.3 Classification for Liquefaction Susceptibility

Table 3.2.4 List of Creeks and Waterways along the Baclaran-Zapote-Bacoor Coastline

Table 3.2.5 Physical Properties and Use of the Rivers and Creeks Traversed by the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Route

Table 3.2.6 Climatological Record of Port Area (MCO), Manila from 1961-1995

Table 3.2.7 Observed Ambient Air Quality along the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Route

Table 3.2.8 Observed Noise Level along the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Route

Table 3.2.9a Observed Noise Level near the Baclaran Church Door and Convent during AM Peak

Table 3.2.9b Observed Noise Level near the Baclaran Church Door and Convent during Off-Peak

Table 3.2.9c Observed Noise Level near the Baclaran Church Door and Convent during PM Peak

Table 3.210a Observed Noise Level near the Church’s Entrance Gate during AM Peak

Table 3.2.10b Observed Noise Level near the Church’s Entrance Gate during Off-Peak

Table 3.2.10c Observed Noise Level near the Church’s Entrance Gate during PM Peak

Biological Environment

Table 3.3.1 Mangrove Species Observed from the Collection Sites

Table 3.3.2 Physicochemical Characteristics of the Rivers

Table 3.3.3 Plankton and Nekton Observed from the Collection Sites

Socio-Economic Environment

Table 3.4.1 Affected Groups by type, By Area

Table 3.4.2 Number of Business Establishments According to Type of Business

Table 3.4.3 Number of Business Establishments According to Type of Business/Merchandize

Table 3.4.4a LRT Project Acceptablility (Settlements Areas)

Table 3.4.4b LRT Project Acceptability (Business Establishments)

Table 3.4.4c LRT Project Acceptability (Vendors)

Table 3.4.5a LRT Project Acceptability (If Respondent is Affected) – Settlement Areas

Table 3.4.5b LRT Project Acceptability (If Respondent is Affected) - Business Establishments

Table 3.4.5c LRT Project Acceptability (If Respondent is Affected) – Vendors


Table 5.1 Census & Survey of affected Households in Affected Settlement Areas

Table 5.2 Predicted Resultant Noise Levels


Table 6.1 Procedure of ROW Acquisition

Table 6.2 Schedule of Activities for the 5 –Year Resettlement Program

Table 6.3 Environmental Monitoring Matrix


Appendix A Salient Points of the Consultation Meeting Conducted by the ComRel Team

Appendix B Statements of Support

Appendix C Accountability of Statement of EIS Prepares

Appendix D Accountability Statement of the Proponent

Appendix E Wind Rose Analysis of Port Area (MCO) Manila

Appendix F Certifications from DENR Regional Offices

Appendix G Mortality and Morbidity Records of Parañaque and Bacoor

Appendix H Health Facilities in the City of Parañaque

Appendix I Clause 19 of the DPWH Bid Documents Volume II


AASHTO American Association of State highway & Transportation Officials

ATP Automatic Train Protection

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand

CCR Central Control Room

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

ComRel Community Relations

DENR Department of Environmental and Natural Resources

DOTC Department Of Transportation & Communication

ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate

EER Electronic Equipment Room

EMB Environmental Management Bureau

FOCS Fiber Optic Communication System

IEC Information Education and Communications

LGU’s Local Government Units

LP-PCZ Las Piñas-Parañaque Commercial Zone

LRTA Light Rail Transit Authority

MMUTIS Metro Manila Urban Transportation Integration Study

MOA Memorandum of Agreement

NAPC National Anti Poverty Commission

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NGO Non-government Organization

NHA National Housing Authorization

NSO National Statistics Office

OCC Operations Control Center

OCCLAN Operation Control Center Local Area Network

OCS Overhead Contact System

PAS Public Address Speaker

PAS Public Address System

PEA Public Estate Authority

PO Peoples Organization

PPHPD Passengers Per Hour Per Direction

PPSI Public-Private & Sector Investment

ROW Right – Of – Way

RTUs Remote Terminal Units

SCADA Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition

SDP Social Development Program

SMEs Small-Medium Enterprises

TESDA Technical and Education Skills Development Administration

TPS Traction Power Substation

TSS Total Suspended Solids

TSS Train Supervision System

UDHA Urban Development and Housing Act


The Proponent

Light Rail Transit Authority

Administration Bldg., LRTA Compound

Aurora Blvd., Pasay City, Metro Manila

Telephone Nos.

832-31-41 to 60



Proponent’s Representative:

Mr. Teodoro B. Cruz, Jr.



The Preparer

ECOSYS Corporation

48-B Times St., West Triangle, Diliman, Quezon City

Telephone Nos.



Telefax No.



Brief Description of the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Brief Description of Data Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Project Screening and Scoping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Brief Description of Project Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Process Documentation Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

Summary of Proof of Social Acceptability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Summary of Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv


Brief Description of the Project

The Proposed south extension of the existing LRT Line 1 known as the LRT Line 1 Extension Project is a 12 kilometer light transit system which will be undertaken by the LRT. The Extension, which will be physically connected to the Baclaran Station of the existing line will operate on fully elevated dual tract guideway from Baclaran, Parañaque City to Bacoor in the Province of Cavite, with provision of another further to the south to Imus and Dasmariñas. It will utilize a technology that is compatible with that of the existing LRT Line 1 and its 100 % capacity extension.

The extension line, consisting of ten (10) passenger station, three (3) intermodal facilities at Dr. Santos, Zapote, and Niog Stations, and a satellite depot in Bacoor, Cavite, will serve the southern area of Metro Manila and the northeast corner of the Province of Cavite. The estimated capital cost for the proposed Extension is $ 597,000,000.00

The LRT Line Extension Route

The route from the Baclaran Station of the existing LRT Line 1 will turn west at Redemptorist Road towards Roxas Boulevard. At approximately 6.5 meters from the seawall, the line deflects south, traversing the reclaim area along the west side of Roxas Boulevard until it reaches Asia World, where it veers on an easterly direction to follow the course of Parañaque River. The Extension will directly traverse the middle of the said river to avoid concrete structures and shanties on both sides. The alignment will maintain its course until it reaches the river bend in Brgy. La Huerta where it deflects on an southerly direction to merge with the existing Ninoy Aquino Avenue. Using the median of the avenue, the alignment continues south crossing the San Dionisio River, then join Dr. Santos Avenue.

The route then leaves the avenue, turning southwest, crossing the site of the proposed C-5 Highway, onto the salt beds and fishponds areas in Manuyo Uno, Las Piñas City. The Extension Continues southwest then cross the Golden Haven Cemetery, then pass through some built-up areas near Tramo Bridge at Pulang Lupa I, until it reaches Padre Cera Bridge at Quirino Avenue. The alignment will then traverse the southern bank of the Las Piñas River, and then again cross some marine ponds in Pulang Lupa I, then cross Zapote River in Brgy. Longos, Bacoor, Cavite. The alignment maintains its direction crossing under the Coastal Road Flyover, then deflects on a southerly direction to join with the Talaba Diversion Road. The route continues south traversing the median of Talaba Diversion Road then cross the intersection of Gen. E. Aguinaldo Highway and Talaba Diversion Road and head towards the end of the first phase of the project at Brgy. Niog, Bacoor, Cavite.

Brief Description of Data Gathering

The Study was conducted from April to September 1999. The approach and methodology adopted are based on the Procedural Flow of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System prescribed under Article III of the DENR Administrative Order NO. 96-37, series of 1996.

Data Gathering and Collection

• Primary data gathering procedures was employed to established baseline information on the project site, particularly with respect to the vegetation, ambient air, noise and water quality, geology and geomorphology, and socio-economic aspects.

• Since the project area is well studied, available published and unpublished literatures were also utilized. Several government offices/entities such as the City Government of Pasay, Parañaque and Las Piñas, Provincial Government of Cavite, Municipal Government of Bacoor, Cavite, PAGASA, PHIVOLCS, Mines and Goesciences Bureau (MGB), Bureau of Soils, DPWH Southern Manila Engineering District, were visited

to gather the necessary information.

Project Screening and Scoping

• 1st Level Scoping of the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project was held on 22 April 1999 at the EMB Conference Room. The meeting was conducted to determine the appropriate scope and level of environmental assessment to be used for the proposed project, and also to ensure the project’s compliance with the procedural requirements of the DENR for the issuance of the ECC.

• The Guidelines for Public Participation and Social Acceptability prescribed in the DAO 96-37 regarding the conduct of the social preparation activities was adopted. Presentations of the project were rendered to the Barangay Officials of the areas that will be traversed by the project. The consultations and briefings provided the venue for active participation of concerned sectors in project planning and decision making.

• Three (3) Formal Scoping Sessions were conducted at different venues. All the meetings were well represented and attended by the stakeholders in the project area. After the Open Forum, the Agreed Upon Studies To be Undertaken and Agreed Upon Issues to be Addressed by the EIA were signed by the stakeholders. (Please refer to the submitted Scoping Report).

• A Scoping Report was prepared and submitted by the EIA Team to the EMB (Environmental Management Bureau) on. July 1999.

Brief Description of Project Environment

The Direct Impact Area (DIA) refers to areas within the construction limit (within the Right-of-Way) that will be directly affected by the construction activities, i.e., areas where houses and improvements will need to be demolished/removed. The Indirect Impact Area (IIA) on the other hand refers to areas which will be indirectly affected by impacts such as increase in noise levels and TSP levels, traffic congestion, and the like.

Physico-Chemical Aspects


The project area lies on the delta plain bounded by the Manila Bay on the west, the western flank of the Guadalupe Plateau on the east, and the slopes of the Tagaytay highlands at the south. The slopes of these highlands serve as the catchment areas for the river systems that bisects the project area. The Parañaque and Las Piñas River, and their tributaries drain from the slopes of the Guadalupe Plateau. Zapote River drains from the Tagaytay Highlands.

The geomorphologic features of the area include tidal flats, backswamps, beach ridges/coastal dunes, and, alluvial lobes and crevasse splays. At present, the plain fully developed and highly urbanized, which altered the inherent features of each geomorphic unit.


Based on the environment of deposition, the sediment deposits in the project area can be classified into six (6) Lithologic Units namely, abandoned channel deposits, active channel deposits, backswamp deposits, beach sand deposits, tidal flat deposits fill and reclamation materials.

Based on records, Metro Manila had experienced numerous earthquakes in the past. On the average, Manila is likely to be hit by a perceptible (Intensity IV) earthquake every year and by a destructive earthquake once every 15 years. A rough estimate of the average return period for Intensity VIII earthquake is about 79 years based on five events that occurred from 1599 to 1970. Records also show that four (4) extremely strong events (Intensity IX) occurred from 1645 to 1863 with an average return period of 54 years. An extremely strong earthquake has not shaken the metropolis for the last 130 years. However, available instrumental data during the last century suggest that the return period for such big earthquake could be as low as 250 years (J.A. Daligdig & G.M. Besana 1993)

The more important potential earthquake generators likely to affect the Metro Manila area are the Manila Trench, Philippine Fault, Lubang Fault and the Marikina Fault.

The existing geological, geomorphic and tectonic conditions posses certain geological hazard that will affect the project. These include 1) ground shaking, 2) ground rupture, 3) liquefaction, and 4) flooding. The first three are directly caused by earthquakes due to the presence of earthquake generators near the area, the last is consequent to the areas geologic and geomorphic setting.

Surface Hydrology

Drainage within the route corridor is served by three (3) major drainage system (i.e. Parañaque, Las Piñas, and Zapote Rivers) that empties into the Manila Bay through two (2) main outlets. Within the coastal plain, the river course is morphologically controlled, running parallel to the coastline following the land ward boundary of the beach ridges and exhibits a meandering coarse. This area also acts as natural catch basin surface water coming from the flanks of Guadalupe Plateau and Tagaytay Highlands. The flow in the coastal Plain is generally sluggish, dominated by standstill water condition. This is mainly caused by the influence of tidal fluctuations and the terrain’s flat topography with elevation ranging from 2 meters below sea level in some sections just to 3 meters above sea level.

General Land Use

General land use types in the Project Area (Cities of Pasay, Parañaque, and Las Piñas, and Municipality of Bacoor) mainly consists of the following : ( i ) Low to Medium Residential, ( ii ) Mixed Residential/Commercial, ( iii ) Industrial, ( iv ) Mixed-Use Agricultural, and ( v ) Reclamation Area. Due to its proximity to the business districts and highly urbanized areas of Metro Manila such as the Makati Central Business District (CBD), the Ortigas Sub-Urban Center, and the

Manila CBD, it has become an extension of these growth areas, and is rapidly developing into suburban communities and satellite subcenters.

Water Quality

The results of the laboratory analyses show that all the samples exceeded the DENR Standard for the 5-day 20º BOD level, which is 7 mg/l, except for the water sample taken from Zapote River in Las Piñas City. Water samples from the San Dionisio and Las Piñas Rivers exhibited the highest levels. The high BOD levels indicate that of the river systems are polluted, and thus cannot support higher forms aquatic life.


The climate in Metro Manila and the Province of Cavite belongs to Type I of the Modified Corona’s Classification. This climate type is characterized by two ( 2 ) pronounced seasons, the wet and dry. Rainy months are from June to September, whereas dry season is experienced from November to April. The highest average monthly rainfall in the project area occurs during the month of August with an average of 463.5 mm, the minimum on the other hand occurs in February. The mean monthly temperature is gauged at 28.0ºC, with the minimum monthly temperature of 24.8ºC, which is experienced in February. The Northeast and Southwest Monsoon, and the North Pacific Trades are the major air streams that significantly affect the study area. The Northeast monsoon prevails from June to September, whereas the Southwest Monsoon predominates from October to May.

Ambient Air quality and Noise Levels

Laboratory results show that TSP levels at four (4) out of seven (7) stations exceeded the DENR Standard. On the other hand, TSP concentrations of the rest are well within the standards. Values obtained for other pollution indicators such SO2 and NO2 are way below the DENR standard.

Noise level measurements shows that all values exceeded the DENR Standards for morning, daytime, evening, and nighttime ambient noise levels. A more detailed noise level sampling procedure was conducted within the Baclaran Church premises. This was done to address the apprehension of church officials that the operation of the LRT will significantly disturb the solemnity of church rites/activities. The average baseline noise level at the Baclaran Church area show an average level of about 62 dB(A) near the Redemptorist Road. The average noise level near the Church side door is 70 dB(A).

Biological Aspects


There are two (2) major types of vegetation identified in the project area namely the ( i ) natural vegetation types consisting of residual mangroves and grassland; and ( ii ) cultivated vegetation types, which are mainly composed of build-up area ornamental plants.

The mangrove plants presently thriving in the project area consist of Aigiceras sp., Bruguiera sp., Excoecaria sp., and Prosopis vidaliana. Field investigation revealed that the area cannot be classified as a mangrove forest since there are relatively few mangrove species in the area, and that the area is deforested. In addition, houses built in the surrounding river systems are observed instead of mangrove species. However, there are indications of a mangrove rehabilitation program as indicated by the presence of what seems to be a mangrove seedling nursery beside the La Huerta Elementary School. Grasses being referred to her are the common talahib, cogon, makahiya, kulut-kulutan, amorsecos, and carabao grass, among others.

Certifications obtained from the respective DENR Offices (attached as Appendix F) confirmed that there are NO proclaimed protected areas (such as mangrove forests) in the study area.

Built-up area vegetation here refers to ornamental plants found around settlement areas, as well as those along roadsides and medians


No in-depth study was conducted for the identification if wildlife fauna (terrestrial) since the alignment will traverse mostly built-up areas. Nevertheless field observation of some common birds and domesticated animals were noted (Please see Chapter 3).

Analysis of samples obtained for determining aquatic species from the river systems showed two types of organisms, namely the Pelagics and Benthics. Six (6) species of phytoplankton and three (3) of zooplankton were identified. The nekton observed, and identified are two (2) species of guppy or mosquito fish, which are relatively abundant and dominant. Abundance of this type or organism, plus the deformed morphology of some phytoplankton species are indicators of a polluted habitat. Analysis of Benthos (sandy to blackfish mud) showed no traces of live macro-invertebrates and microorganisms. Resident macrofuana from the mid-littoral zone were not observed either. Not even a single gastropod was observed alive.

Socio-Economic Aspects


Metropolitan Manila, the Project’s host Region, is the country’s primary political, economic, social and cultural center, Based on its 1995 population of 9.5 million and an annual growth rated of 3.3% its current population is computed to be 10, 765,115, It is a very crowded area with a population density of 14,800 person per square kilometer. Using 1995 as base year, the NCR population is expected to double in 21 years.

The host cities and municipality consists of Parañaque, Las Piñas and the Municipality of Bacoor, in Cavite. Parañaque is one of the more urbanized areas of Metro Manila with a population of 446,145 growing yearly at the rate of 4.6%. As of 1995, Las Piñas recorded a population of 413,086. With an average growth rate of 6.39%, the city will have a populace of 528,011 by year 2000. Like Parañaque and Las PIñas, the municipality of Bacoor is also a catchment area for overspill population from Metro Manila. It currently has a population of 250,821 persons and 52,594 households in its 73 all-urban barangays.

Economic Activities

For the past 20 years, development in Metro Manila has been towards Parañaque, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa in the south, to Novaliches in the north, and to Marikina Valley in the east. Strongest growth was noted in the northeast (Quezon City) and in the south towards Muntinlupa. The same trends are predicted to continue with growth extending to neighboring town of adjacent provinces.

In 1997, registered business and commercial establishments in Parañaque reached a total of 12,818. Majority ( 53%) of the establishments belongs to the wholesale and retail sector. Barangay Baclaran remains the main Central Business District (CBD) of Parañaque. Areas along Ninoy Aquino Avenue and A. Santos Avenues ( or Sucat Road ) are emerging commercial and business centers.

Industrial firms are concentrated along the South Superhighway. With only 13 hectares devoted to agriculture, activities in this sector are very minimal. Fishing is confined along the coastal areas of Manila Bay.

Las Piñas houses mostly small-medium enterprises (SMEs) as most of its big factories have relocated outwards to the CALABARZON area. Ninety percent ( 90%) of its total 10,000 business establishments are SMEs, which are touted as the entrepreneurship base of city’s future role as the “Southgate of Metro Manila”

Most of the commercial establishments and large shopping malls are located along the Alabang-Zapote Road. These establishments include Shoemart (SM) South Mall, Manuela Metropolis and Filinvest City.

Very little agricultural activity is undertaken in residual farmlands, salt beds and fishponds, which comprise a total of three percent ( 3% ) of the total land area of Las Piñas.

Trade, commerce and service sectors constitute the primary sources of income for the Bacoor population. These are mostly wholesale, retail ( sari-sari stores) and restaurant establishments. Business establishments are mostly concentrated in Zapote, Panapaan, Mabolo and Talaba. Other income earners are small-scale manufacturing, cottage industries, and fishing which includes oyster mussel culture. Agriculte experienced a rapid declined due to land conversion for subdivisions.

In 1995, registered business establishments reached a total of 3,690. This number does not include establishments within the Shoemart (SM)-Bacoor Commercial Complex and other commercial buildings that recently sprouted along Aguinaldo Highway.

Project Affected Population Groups (PAPG)

Since the Project is only an extension of the existing LRT Line 1, no PAPG shall be significantly affected at the Pasay area.

In Parañaque, affected areas are mostly commercial, residential, and institutional. Building owners and the small to medium enterprise occupants, and fixed stall and ambulant vendors comprise the business establishments along Redemptorist Road, Barangay Baclaran. The Baclaran Church compound is also situated along this road, but the church building itself has a set back of approximately 60 meters form the LRT alignment. At a section of the Coastal Road in Barangay Tambo. Big business establishments, including the Uniwide Coastal Mall are part of the impact area. Institutions include the Don Galo Sports Complex, the La Huerta Elementary School, and the La Huerta Barangay Hall. Also included are informal settlers at the north and south banks of Parañaque River (Brgy. Don Galo and La Huerta).

In the Las Piñas area, most of the residential/commercial areas to be affected are located in Barangay Pulang Lupa I. They consist of NHA lot awardees/applicants, small house & lot renters, and private residential property owners. Small to medium business establishments include Sarao Motors, Sogo Bldg., automotive shops, a bus terminal and a disco house. Fishpond/saltbed owners and operators / tenants in Abuhan, Brgy. Manuyo I and Irasan, Kawayanan in Pulang Lupa will also be affected. Informal settlers to be displaced include those in Abuhan, Manuyo I and Daang Kariton/Calle 5 Gabriel Compound, Pulang Lupa 1.

In Bacoor, Cavite, residential areas, including informal settlers along the east side of the Coastal Road in Barangay Longos/Zapote and a portion of Talaba 2 shall be affected. Commercial establishments such as the AMA Bank along the Talaba Diversion Road will also be affected. Institutions such as the Talaba Elementary School, the Talaba 4 Barangay Hall, Bacoor Police Station and Fire Station, and a Barangay chapel will also be affected by the inevitable widening of the Talaba Diversion Road as part of the engineering design.

Process Documentation Summary

Social Preparation Activities

As part of the Social Preparation process, Project Briefing Sessions (PBS) were conducted by the Proponent together with the EIA Preparer. These briefings were carried out mainly to (i) inform the Project Affected Persons (PAPs) about the proposed Project; (ii) familiarize them with the EIA process that the project has to undergo, and (iii) hear out their comments, issues, and perception related to the Project. A total of seven (7) formal presentations and briefings were accomplished within the months of April and

May. 1999. These consist of PBS with the Provincial Officials of Cavite, City Officials of Pasay, Las Piñas, and Parañaque, and Municipal Officials of Bacoor. Four (4) meeting with various Barangay Officials of the impact areas, and eleven (11) barangay assemblies ( Please refer to the Scoping Report for details).

Scoping Sessions

1st Level Scoping of the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project was held on 22 April 1999 at the EMB Conference Room. Three (3) Formal Scoping Sessions were conducted at different venues, one in Parañaque, one in Las Piñas, and one in Bacoor. All the meetings were well represented and attended by the stakeholders in the project area. After the Open Forum, the Agreed Upon Studies To be Undertaken and Agreed Upon Issues to be Addressed by the EIA were signed by the stakeholders, the Proponent, and the Preparer.

Perception Surveys

Perception surveys of 529 households, 92 business establishments and institutions, and 78 vendors were conducted as part of the preparation of the EIS.

IEC/ComRel Campaigns

Since the Project will traverse densely populated commercial and residential areas, it is inevitable that negative perceptions are encountered from the initial stages of consultations. To address this, the Proponent thorough its Community Relations Team, launched two programs, namely the Information, Education and Communications (IEC) and Community Relations (ComRel) Campaigns. Several consultations meetings, seminars, and workshops have been conducted with different stakeholders groups (City, Municipal, and Barangay Officials and community members of impact areas, Church leaders, business organizations ) as well as pertinent national government agencies such as the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), Urban Poor Affairs Office (UPAO) and Presidential Commission on Urban Poor (PCUP), National Housing Authority (NHA), and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). These were accomplished from August 1999 to January 2000. Salient points raised during these meetings are included in the EIS as Appendix A. Transcriptions of these are also available upon request.

Summary of Proof of Social Acceptability


|Ecological and Environmental soundness |√ |

|Effective implementations of public participation process |√ |

|Promotion of social inter-generational equity and poverty |√ |

|alleviation | |

|Resolution of Conflicts |On-going |

Ecological and Environmental Soundness

This is addressed by the entire EIS document.

Effective Implementation of the Public Participation Process.

This was accomplished through a series of project presentations, briefings, seminars, workshops, and consultations meetings with the various stakeholders, from the Pre-Project Scoping stage to the present. (See Scoping Report and Appendix A).

Promotion of Social and Intergenerational Equity and Poverty Alleviation.

Skill Training and Resources Mobilization, and Livelihood Training and Development are included as part of the Proponent’s Social Development Program (SDP). This will be part of the Proponent’s effort to provide a mechanism that would weed out undesirable elements that may disrupt the process of social change among the relocatees. Details on the SDP are provided in Chapter 6.

Conflict Resolution

A draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Proponent, the MMDA, and the Parañaque Local Government Officials and the affected stakeholders in the Baclaran area is currently being reviewed by the parties involved.

Other Forms of Social Acceptability

Documents of Support from the various stakeholders are attached as Appendix B.

Summary Matrices

An Impact Assessment, Mitigation, and Enhancement Matrix is presented in the following tables.

|Potential Impacts and Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |

|Parameters |Impacts |Duration and Degree of Impacts |Mitigation /Enhancement Measures |

|Pre-Construction and Construction Phase |

|Physical Environment |

|Geology |The proposed Extension Route lies in the |Long -term negative |The seismic risk at particular sites have to be characterized before building |

| |vicinity of a seismically active area that could| |critical public structures that can reasonably be expected to resist earthquake |

| |induce ground shaking | |damage. This could be met by developing methods to accurately account for: |

| | | | |

| | | |the fault-rupture process of a predicted earthquake; |

| | | |the geology along the seismic wave's path of travel ( the propagation path ) from |

| | | |the fault to a particular site; |

| | | |the subsurface geology at sites expected to be affected by this predicted |

| | | |earthquake |

| | | |the nonlinear response of geologic formations to strong ground motion; and |

| | | |the nonlinear response of large structures to strong ground motion. |

| |Susceptibility to liquefaction and ground |Long -term negative |The following mitigation measures shall be evaluated in terms of appropriateness |

| |settlement | |to site conditions: |

| | | | |

| | | |use of bored cast-in-place-reinforced concrete piles with diameters of 1000-1800 |

| | | |mm. |

| | | |use of foundations consisting of groups of piles with a pile cap |

| | | |use of alternate foundation using a single diameter caisson per column |

| | | |installation of bored caissons or driven stell or pre-cast concrete piles |

| | | | |

| | | |Nevertheless a moren detailed subsurface inverstigation in consonacne with the |

| | | |Detaile Engineering Design Stage is deemed necessary. This can be undertaken so |

| | | |that the potential for liquefaction and ground settlement for certain sections can|

| | | |be more ascertained |

|Hydrology & Water Quality |Possible increase in turbidity and downstream |Long -term negative |These impacts are unavoidable, but short-term in nature. Condition of the water |

| |sediment loading of the rivers, creeks and tidal| |in the rivers and creeks is expected to be back to normal after the construction |

| |channels along the proposed alignment due to | |works are completed. It is important to note here that the watercourses traversed|

| |excavation and bored piling activities | |by the alignment already exhibit very poor water quality, having high BOD and |

| | | |Total Suspended Solids (TSS) levels. These waterways provide poor habitat for |

| | | |wetland vegetation and aquatic fauna. |

|Water Quality |Possible contamination of groundwater due to |Short-term negative |Location of aquifer zones must be exhaustively studied before any excavation |

| |excavation of landfill areas in Brgy. Manuyo I | |activity is started, particularly in the landfill areas. |

| | | | |

| | | |Once established, excavation limits must be properly delineated and strictly |

| | | |complied with. |

| | | | |

| | | |Excavated garbage from the said landfill areas must be immediately hauled out and|

| | | |brought to DENR-approved disposal sites. These garbage materials msut be |

| | | |prohibited from being stockpiled, to avoid contamination of nearby water bodies |

| | | |and possibles spread of pathogenic organisms. |

| |Possible aggravatrion of existing flooding |Short-term negative |Proponent msut ensure that appropriate mitigation measurs are put in place and |

| |problems in San Dionisio, La Huerta, Manuyo I, | |strictly complied with, so that these areas can be protected from further |

| |Pulang Lupa, Longos, and Talaba | |degration. Some of these are: |

| | | | |

| | | |Contractor must be prohibited from stockpiling constrcution spoils anywhere near |

| | | |watercourses nor artificial drainage systems to avoid clogging of these drainagy |

| | | |systems; |

| | | | |

| | | |Conventional sedimentation and erosion control measures must be put in place; |

| | | | |

| | | |Sufficient and effective drainage systems must be incorpo rated in the detailed |

| | | |design of the structures and stations to offset effects of increase in amount of |

| | | |impermeable surfaces as well as differences in elevation between the the raised |

| | | |(constructed) areas and the surrounding low-lying communities. |

|Air & Noise Quality |Increase in exhaust gas emission levels with the|Short -term negative |Regular maintenance of the construction heavy equipment and other smoke emitting |

| |operation of different construction equipment | |machinery must be strictly complied with |

| | | | |

| |Increase in noise level due to operation of | | |

| |various pre- construction and construction |Short -term negative |Proper scheduling of high noise generating pre-construction activities during the |

| |equipment and machinery | |daytime. |

| | | | |

| | | |Temporary noise barriers such as gavlanized iron shields must also be used |

| | | |particularly in noise-sensitive areas such as churches, schools, and hospitals in |

| | | |the immediate vicinities of the construction area. |

| | | | |

| | | |Being the direct noise recievers, construction workers must be provided with |

| | | |earmuffs. |

| | | | |

| | | |Use of mufflers and noise suppressors, and regular maintenance of heavy equipment,|

| | | |construction machinery, and other support vehicles. |

| |Increase in Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) | | |

| |Levels due to dust generated during construction| |Spraying of the exposed and/or cleared sites with the use of water spraying |

| | | |tankers. |

| | |Short -term negative | |

|Potential Impacts and Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |

|Parameters |Impacts |Duration and Degree of Impacts |Mitigation /Enhancement Measures |

|Pre-Construction and Construction Phase |

|Biological Environment |

|Flora |Minimal loss of the natural and cultivated |Insignificant |The mangrove species observed alont the routs is very limited and only occurs in |

| |vegetative covers in areas traversed by the | |patches. The guideway alignment will cause minimal effects on the mangrove |

| |alignment | |species and other coastal vegetation covers, since it will be fully elevated and |

| | | |will be on columns |

| | | | |

| | | |Proponents must comply with the governing rules and regulations regarding tree |

| | | |cutting. |

|Aquatic & Terretrial Fauna |Pre-construction and construction activities |Insignificant |Abundance of guppies or mosquito fish, plus the deformed morphology of some |

| |along the rivers and creeks traversed by the | |species of phytoplankton are indicators of a polluted habitat. Analysis of the |

| |alignment will pose no significant effect on | |benthos (sandy to blackfish mud) showed no traces of l ive macro-invertibrates and|

| |aquatic faunal. | |microorganisms. |

| | | | |

| | | |The present physico-chemical condition of the waterways, particularly the high |

| | | |levels of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), cannot support survival of higher form |

| | | |aquatic faunas. |

| | | | |

| | | |Since the project area will traverse urbanized areas, it is not expected to have |

| | | |any significant effect on existing terrestial fauna, since most of these are of |

| | | |the domesticated type (i.e., cats, dogs, chickens). |

| |

|Potential Impacts and Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |

|Parameters |Impacts |Duration and Degree of Impacts |Mitigation /Enhancement Measures |

|Pre-Construction and Construction Phase |

|Socio-Economic Environment |

| |Displacement of residential houses, and few |Long term, negative |Different resettlement packages will be designed according to the types and |

| |commercial and business establishments along | |specific situations of population groups that may be displaced by the project. |

| |the right-of-way of the alignment. | |That is . . |

| | | | |

| | | |Those qualified for relocation/resettlement (They should satisfy the NHA |

| | | |requirements such as: long-term residency within the community; with their own |

| | | |dwelling structures; falling within the poverty line; not owning any property |

| | | |(elsewhere. ); |

| | | |Sharers; |

| | | |Renters; |

| | | |Other types of community dwellers; |

| | | |Sea-dependent dwellers; |

| | | |Women-headed households; and |

| | | |Senior citizen-headed households |

| | | | |

| |Generation of employment with the project area | |Prioirty in hiring of qualified laborers and workers during the construction |

| |Disturbance of business |Short-term postive |period must be given to the residents in the direct impact area |

| | | | |

| |Disturbance of business activities in affected | |Construction activities along the Redemptorist Road section will have to be |

| |commercial areas |Short-term negative |undertaken in the shortest period of time, in consideration of the affected |

| | | |groups including the Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine and its devotees. |

| | | | |

| | | |If necessary, the proponent may have to prepare for safety net programs for |

| | | |vendors, establishments and small-medium enterprises (SMEs) in cases of extended |

| | | |construction time, which may lead to major financial difficulties for these |

| | | |groups. |

| | | | |

| | | |Vendors will have to be temporarily relocated to other parts of the Baclaran |

| | | |commercial area so as to minimize economic dislocation. Proponent has to work |

| | | |this out the municipal and barangay LGUs concerned. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |

|Parameters |Impacts |Duration and Degree of Impacts |Mitigation /Enhancement Measures |

|Pre-Construction and Construction Phase |

|Socio-Economic Environment |

| |Disturbance of institutional buildings and |Short-term negative |Noise barriers and aesthetic features shall be incorporated in the LRT structural|

| |places of worship | |design in keeping with the over all atmosphere of the Baclaran Church, while alos|

| | | |complementing the modernization effort in the Baclaran Commercial Area. This |

| | | |shall also be applied in consideration of the requirements of school zones. |

| | | | |

| | | |The MMDA-approved Traffic Management Plan must be strictly implemented. |

| | | | |

| |Increased traffic congestion and changes in |Short-term negative |To furhter improve traffic flow, blockage of roads, particularly by heavy |

| |traffic patterns | |equipment and vehicles (such as delivery and hauling trucks) must be minimized |

| | | |if not avoided. |

| | | | |

| | | |Transport of guideway beams must be done during the nighttime when there are less|

| | | |vehicles on the road. |

| |Possible disturbance to underground and |Short-term negative |Works involving service interruptions shall be dealt with in an expeditious, |

| |overhead utility lines (water, sewerage, gas, | |internationally accepted manner which reduces disruptions to a tolerable level. |

| |electricity, telephone) during excavation and | | |

| |erection of fixed facilities | |All of the major authorities having jurisdiction over the provision of utilities |

| | | |shall be contacted, as necessary, during the development and implementation |

| | | |phases. |

| | | | |

| | | |Reducing disruption of munucipal emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) |

| | | |shall be addressed through staged construction and traffic maintenance strategies|

| | | |to be developed as part of the traffic Management Plan. |

|Potential Impacts and Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |

|Parameters |Impacts |Duration and Degree of Impacts |Mitigation /Enhancement Measures |

|Pre-Construction and Construction Phase |

|Physical Environment |

|Air & Noise Quality |Decline in emission rates and concentrations of|Long-term positive |Studies of similar transit system indicate that the overall impact of an |

| |air pollutants along the main roads in the | |introduction of an LRT System would be a decline in emission rated and |

| |project area | |concentration of vehicular pollutants such as hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide |

| | | |(CO), NO2, PM10, and lead. |

| |Possible increase in the level of noise due to | |Although effects on the Balcaran Church religious rites/activities are expected to|

| |train operation | |be minimal, it may be worthwhile to adopt noise minimization measures such as the |

| | | |provision of noise barriers, or by using shock absorber pads and ballast to help |

| |Computed resultant noise levels show that the |Insignificant |reduce noise and vibration. |

| |operation of the LRT trains, whether at the | | |

| |minimum -34 kph or maximum 60-kph, will NOT | | |

| |significantly affect the Baclaran Church | | |

| |activities (located approx. 60 meters from the | | |

| |source) in terms of nuisance from the noise it | | |

| |wll generate. | | |

| | | | |

| |However noise generated by the train will | | |

| |significantly affect areas 10 to 30 meters from| | |

| |the source | | |

| | | | |

| | |Long-term negative | |

|Potential Impacts and Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |

|Parameters |Impacts |Duration and Degree of Impacts |Mitigation /Enhancement Measures |

|Pre-Construction and Construction Phase |

|Socio-Economic Environment |

| |Enahancement of students' mobility and |Long-term positive |Improved students' performance can be expected through this improved transport system|

| |productivity | | |

| |Enahncement of the aceptability of |Long-term positive |With the proposed integrated and conitnuous LRT system from Monumento to Bacoor, |

| |Off-Mter Manila relocation sites | |social acceptability of relocation sites is hoped to be enhanced. This is because |

| | | |this efficient mass transport system could bring its capacity to bridge the distance |

| | | |between off-metropolis relocation areas and livelihood centers such as markets in |

| | | |Baclaran, Divisoria, Pasay and Quiapo, and the factories within and immediately |

| | | |outside Metro Manila. |

|0 |Decongestion of Entry Point into Cavite |Long-term negative |One major positive socioeconomic impact of this project is providing an efficient |

| |and CALABARZON. | |mass transit system that enhances workforce mobility between the industrial zones |

| | | |Valenzuela, Bulacan and the CALABARZON area. |

| | | | |

| | | |Shorter travel time and more comfortable travel circumstances will allow workers a |

| | | |better physical and psychological state to undertake productive work. |

| | | | |

| | | |The project creates the benefit by way of accomodating expanding ridership between |

| | | |various parts of Metro Manila and Cavite. If more passengers are encouraged to take |

| | | |the LRT, other public utility vehicles like jeeps, mega-taxis and buses plying the |

| | | |narrow Bacoor streets can be reduced. |

| | | | |

| | | |The Uniwide Coastal Mall and its occupant enterprises forsee a strong boost in terms |

| | | |of patronage as a result of LRT Line 1 Extension riders that will alight from and |

| | | |embardk in the planned station at the corner of Coastal and MIA Roads. |

| | | | |

| |Boosting of Developing |Long-term positive | |

| |Business/Commercial/Tourism Areas in Las | | |

| |Piñas, Parañaque & Bacoor (long term, | | |

| |positive) | | |


1. Project Background………………………………………………1- 1

2. EIA Approach and Methodology……………………………… 1- 2

3. EIA Process Documentation……………………………………1-11

4. EIA Team……………………………………………………………1-12

5. EIA Study Shedule…………………………………………………1-13


1. Project Background

Traffic conditions in and around the Metropolis have rapidly worsened, particularly during the 1990s. In southern Metro Manila area including the cities of Parañaque, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa has been experiencing rapid urban expansion and attracting primarily residential and industrial development. The increase of infrastructure has been relatively insignificant resulting in reduced levels of service from buses/jeepneys, which currently serve about 70% of the total travel demand in Metro Manila. As well, air pollution is becoming acute due to the traffic situations. These facts have become a serious socio-economic concern to Metro Manila and the surrounding region.

The Province of Cavite, which is situated south of Metro Manila, has a high potential for growth, particularly the Municipalities of Bacoor, Imus, and Dasmariñas. Being part of the Calabarzon Region, the province is envisaged by the National Government as one of the seats for special development programs. This is now being realized due to the in-migration, industrialization, and rapid urbanization of the province. With this unprecedented growth, it is now experiencing traffic congestion, which is greatly affecting commuters between Cavite and Metro Manila.

The coastal corridor is a vital link to the said southern cities and the Province of Cavite to the center of Metro Manila. At present, the coastal and other transportation corridors in the south of Metro Manila is experiencing heavy traffic congestion that severely affects accessibility to the southern areas, including the Province of Cavite. Current road network improvements and traffic management measures alone cannot alleviate the worsening traffic congestion in the area.

To meet the current and future travel demands in the area, a transportation plan must be put in place. This plan should offer an alternative mode of transportation to the present public and private road-based transport modes, in view of the current traffic congestion. The cornerstone of the transportation plan must be a rail transit network that is integrated with the public and private transportation mode. Furthermore, rail transit is an environmentally friendly mode of transport as it does not contribute to air pollution.

The Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), an attached agency to the DOTC, will undertake the implementation of the south extension of the existing LRT line 1. The proposed south extension of the existing LRT Line 1 is known as the LRT Line 1 Extension Project. The extension project is envisaged to operate on a fully elevated dual track guideway, from Baclaran, Parañaque City to Bacoor in the Province of Cavite, with a provision for another extension further to the south to Imus and Dasmariñas.

2. EIA Approach and Methodology


The general approach adopted in the present study is based on the procedural flow of the Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) System prescribed under Article III of the DENR Administrative Order No. 96-37. The EIA Team followed the Participatory Impact Assessment Method (PIAM) wherein the stakeholders were involved in the conduct of the EIA through project briefings, public consultation meetings/barangay assemblies, and formal scoping meeting. Please refer to the Project Scoping Report July 1999 for a discussion of the issues raised and agreed scope of the EIS.


The EIA study covers the following modules:

• Geology

• Meteorolgy

• Hydrology

• Water Quality

• Air Quallity and Noise

• Terrestrial Biology

• Socio-Economics


The geological study for the proposed project was done through field verification of existing secondary information. The secondary data used in the preparation of the report were obtained from various concerned offices/entities among others the PHIVOLCS, Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB). The R-1 Expressway Project Stage 1, conducted by DCCD Engineering Corporation was also used. Existing literature were also utilized in the preparation of this report.

Water Quality

Water samples were collected early morning of 19 July 1999 from the rivers and/or creeks that will be crossed by the alignment. Seven (7) sampling stations were identified and selected to establish water quality of the said waterways that may be affected by the proposed project. Field measurements were taken for each sampling station to determine water discharged and temperature readings as well as its pH using a digital pH-meter. Samples were then brought to the SGS Philippines for laboratory analysis of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Oil and Grease content.

Air Quality

Baseline air quality sampling for air pollutants such as SOX, NOX and Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) within the vicinity of the proposed project was conducted last 25-26 June 1999. Gaseous pollutants were determined utilizing a Kimoto Gas Bubbler, whereas TSP was measured using High Volume Sampler. The data gathered will serve as the baseline information that will be used for comparison with future levels of air pollutants (during monitoring).

Noise Level

Noise level samplings were also conducted along the project corridor. The same sampling locations as that of the air quality were used. Noise levels during the morning, daytime, evening, and nighttime were recorded to serve as baseline information that will be used for comparison with future levels of noise.

The data gathered will serve as the baseline information that will be used for comparison with future levels of air pollutants and noise levels (during monitoring).

Noise Measurement at the Baclaran Church Vicinity

Noise levels at the Baclaran Church vicinity were measured during morning, early evening and afternoon period which coincides to the expected AM and PM Peak, and Off-Peak operation of the proposed LRT Extension Project. A One-minute average ambient noise level measurement was conducted using an Extech Sound Level Meter with an A-weighing scale.

Noise Prediction at the Baclaran Church Vicinity

Noise modeling comparison the “without project” with the “with project” scenarios was undertaken to determine the effect of noise to be generated by the train operation on the existing noise level. The results of the

Sampling obtained last 21 July 1999 within the Baclaran Church compound will serve as input to the said model.

The model used for predicting resultant noise levels was by Peters (1974), wherein the prediction of noise from a railway train is due to rail-wheel noise. The assumption is based on a sample linear source as a function of distance from the observer (receptor) to the railway track (source).

Peters developed and empirical formula to predict the peak A-weighted sound level where noise is mainly rail-wheel (that are in good condition) and welded track. The formula is normalized to an effective train velocity of 120 kph. The equation is in the form:

SPLP = SPLG + 10 log (A/4N) – 20 log (Iv/20) + 25 log (V/120) in dB (A)


SPLP - predicted sound level pressure

SPL - normalized sound level pressure level based on observed –track distance to train length ratio (See Figure 1.1)

A - mean number of axles of vehicles

N - is the number of vehicles

Iv - is the vehicle length in meters

V - is the train velocity in kph

The location of stationary noise source and observer location were considered at ground level. The predicted noise at a distance from the train depends upon the strength of the source and the source-observer distance at the time the sound is radiated. Effects of barriers and other noise absorption materials were not considered. Barriers and absorption materials have significant reduction in noise source to the noise receptors.

Computation of Predicted Noise Levels (generated by the LRT Train)

Basic assumption for computing noise generated by LRT -1 Extension are the following:

i) Assumed distances from the train bridge centerline to the observer (receptor points) are 10m, 30m and 60m

ii) Train speed categories for computation are 34-kph and 60-kph, the average commercial speed and maximum operating speed, respectively.

iii) Normalized peak sound level pressure (A-weighted scale) as function of distance shown in Figure 1.1

iv) Track-observer distance (D) to train length (L) ratio are shown at Figure 1.2

v) Height of observers is assume to be 1.5 m from the ground

vi) Elevation of the train rail is 5.5 m from the ground

vii) Train length is 106 m ( 26.5 for each coach with 4 coaches)

viii) Noise source is assume at the center of the bridge

ix) Noise observer is opposite (perpendicular) to the railway track

Computation of Resultant Noise Levels (Baseline + LRT Train)

Baseline noise level at Baclaran Church area shown an average level of about 62 dB(A) near the Redempptorist Road. The average noise level near the Church side door is about 70 dB(A). The procedure for combining the predicted noise level due to the LRT-1 Extension project and baseline noise level are as follows:

i) Take the difference between the two noise levels;

ii) Find difference on the nomograph (Figure 1.3) and move horizontally to the left to find the corresponding value on the vertical scale;

iii) Add this number to the larger decibel level. The sum will be the decibel level for the two noise levels.

Flora & Fauna


Mangrove plants from the selected sampling sites were identified on-site and/or were taken photographs for verification at the laboratory by a plant taxonomy expert.


Terrestrial Fauna

Identification of terrestrial fauna present in the project area was based mainly on actual field observation.

Aquatic Fauna

Several physicochemical and biological parameters were determined from the Parañaque and Las PIñas Rivers. Surface water temperature was taken with an aide of a laboratory thermometer (China Brand), whereas, salinity was determined using a Baume Hydrometer (China Brand), Light penetration was also conducting a Secchi Disc. Two (2) readings were done to get the average water clarity.

Living organisms from the rivers were also identified at the laboratory. The existing nekton was identified on-site and then verified at the laboratory.

Plankton samples were collected using plankton net of very fine mesh sized and fixed with Lugol’s solution, composed of Iodine crystals and Potassium Iodide. Samples were then brought to the laboratory for proper identification using a light microscope (Leiz Wetzlar). Photographs were also taken for verification and documentation.


This study is a multi-level socio-economic and cultural investigation of host communities, potentially affected stakeholders and local government units (LGUs) that fall within the route of the proposed project. The objectives of the study are as follows:

➢ To gather baseline data on the socio-economic and cultural situation of the affected communities and stakeholders;

➢ To measure the project’s social acceptability among the various stakeholders;

➢ To identify relevant socio-economic-cultural factors that affect community acceptance;

➢ To gather perceptions of different stakeholder groups about the project especially those pertaining to project impacts;

➢ To gather pertinent inputs to formulate sociologically and culturally fit mitigating and enhancement measures.

This study was preceded by a rigorous scoping process involving several alignment walkthroughs, provincial, city/municipal and barangay consultations. This process facilitated the exact identification of host communities trimming down the original number from 15 to 10 barangays.

As the scoping meetings on the barangay level revealed that there is no problem of general community acceptance of the proposed project, the succeeding investigation efforts focused on the identified areas where right-of-way acquisition would take place and on business areas where initial opposition was encountered.

This output also includes a review of pertinent secondary sources.

Primary data were gathered through the following:

➢ Quick Census & Household socio-economic-cultural and perception survey in identified in affected settlement areas. The survey was done within the proponent- delineated 30-meter corridor from which a final 10-meter right- of-way (ROW) tract would be taken.

➢ Socio-economic and Perception Survey of business establishments, building owners in affected business areas.

➢ Socio-economic and Perception Survey of ambulant and fixed stall vendors.

➢ Perception Survey of affected institutions

➢ Key informant interview

➢ Barangay assemblies

➢ Multisectoral Scoping Meetings

Coverage of the Household Census and Sample Surveys are shown in Tables 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

|Table 1.1 Census & Survey of Affected Households in Affected Settlement Areas |

|Settlement Area |Number of Structures |Number of Households |Number of Households |

| | |Covered |Not Interviewed |

|Abuhan, Manuyo 1, Las Piñas |16 |15 |4 |

|Abc, Pulang Lupa 1, Las Piñas |25 |34 |1 |

|Tramo, Pulang Lupa 1, Las |16 |50 |0 |

|Piñas | | | |

|Daang Kariton/Calle5/Gabriel |46 |55 |0 |

|Compound, Pulang Lupa 1Las | | | |

|Piñas | | | |

|Irasan/Kawayanan, Pulang |20 |28 |0 |

|Lupa 1Las Piñas | | | |

|M. Rodriguez, La Huerta, |35 |35 |1 |

|Parañaque (river bank) | | | |

|In front of Iglesia ni Kristo, La Huerta, Parañaque (river |39 |48 |2 |

|bank) | | | |

|Tabon/Barangay Hall, La Huerta, Paranaque (river bank) |7 |11 |0 |

|Longos, Bacoor, Cavite |110 |157 |5 |

|Talaba 2, Bacoor, Cavite |61 |95 |0 |

|Talaba 4, Bacoor, Cavite |3 |1 |2 |

|T O T A L |378 |529 |15 |

|Table 1.2 Survey of Affected Business Establishments and Institutions |

|Business/Institutional Area |Approximate |Sample Size |% to Total Population |

|1. Redemptorist Road, Baclaran, Parañaque |200 |66 |16.5 |

| Building owners/administrators | |8 | |

| Small Business owners | |38 | |

| Big Business owners | |20 | |

|2. Coastal Mall, Coastal Road, Tambo |50 |19 |38 |

|Parañaque | | | |

|3. Talaba Diversion Road, Talaba 4, Bacoor |15 |7 |46.7 |

|Table 1.3 Survey of Affected Vendors, Redemptorist Road |

|Affected Group |Estimated Population |Sample |% to Total |

| | |Size | |

|Vendors |420 |78 |18.6 |

| Fixed-stall vendors |120 |44 |36.7 |

|Ambulant vendors |300 |34 |11.3 |

3. EIA Process Documentation

During the execution of the EIA study for the Extension Project, proper and careful documentation was conducted. The EIA Team Together with the representatives of the Proponents, LRTA, primarily participated and observed with project related activities that involves the stakeholders, in order to obtain a clear view of the project and its possible effects. The activities include Project Presentation to City and Municipal Mayors, and Barangay Captains of the affected areas. Barangay Assemblies, site inspections, field surveys, and other related social and project preparation activities were also conducted.

The EIA Team listed down the names of individuals present in each activity. The issues and concerns raised, contents of discussions and interactions, and the agreements and decisions taken were documented. Photographs were also taken and proceedings in these meetings were recorded on tape.

Furthermore, secondary data or existing records were also obtained to further clarify and validate the observed information.

Social Preparation Activities

As part of the social preparation activities, the EIA Team and the representatives of the conducted project briefings and presentations to various concerned government offices/entities. These includes the following:

• City of Las PIñas;

• Provincial Government of Cavite;

• City of Parañaque;

• City of Pasay;

• Municipality of Bacoor;

Project Scoping

The 1st Level Scoping (Technical) was held on 22 April 1999 at the Conference Room of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB). It was attended by the representatives of the Proponent, the EIA Prepares, the EIA Review Committee Members, and representatives form the EMB. The proceedings of the meeting were recorded on tapes. Photographs were also taken.

Three (3) Formal Scoping Sessions were held for the LRT Line 1 Extension Project. The first session was conducted for the areas covered by the Cites of Pasay and Parañaque. It was held at the San Dionisio Multi-Purpose Assembly Hall In Brgy. San Dionisio, Parañaque City on 19 May 1999. The second session for the areas covered by City of Las Piñas, was held on 20 May 1999 at the TESDA Hall, Quirino Ave., Las Piñas City. And on that same day at 3:00 pm., the third formal scoping session was held at the Talaba Elementary School for the areas covered by the Municipality of Bacoor, Cavite.

Please refer to the Scoping Report for a complete documentation of both scoping activities. A letter validating the Scoping Report is attached as Appendix C.

4. EIA Team

Team Leader

Annabelle N. Herrera holds a Master of Science Degree from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City and specializes in the conduct of Environmental Impact Studies. As an Environmental Specialist, she has completes EIAs of seventeen (17) infrastructure projects, resource extractive and golf course projects. She is and EMB- Accredited EIS Prepare, Team Leader Category with Accreditation No. A2AHD004.

Terrestrial and Marine Biologist

Evangeline B. Enriquez is a candidate for a Master of Science Degree in Biology at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. She has written several scientific papers and has conducted field and laboratory research on a marine and terrestrial habitat. She is also a Certified Open Water Diver.


Carlo D. Dayanghirang, is a BSc, Geology graduate of Adamson University in Manila. He obtained a MSc. in Quaternary Geology (Magna cum Laude) degree from Vrije University of Brussels, Brussels Belgium in 1986. Mr. Dayanghirang has conducted several consultancy works for EIA of several geothermal plants mining projects, and various infrastructure projects.

Social Preparation and Public Participation Specialist

Ma. Theresa T. Agravante is a candidate for a Master of Science Degree in Environmental Science at Mirriam College Graduate School. She has been involved in EIA work for development projects since 1993 and has conducted socio-economic and multi-sectoral perception surveys and public consultations with LGUs, NGOs, and POs as a component for the EIA studies.

5. EIA Study Schedule

The EIA commenced with a preliminary site inspection on. This was followed by a series of Project Presentations to the: City Officials of Las Piñas on 15 April 1999; Provincial Officials of Cavite on 15 April 1999; City Officials of Pasay on 16 April 1999; Municipal Officials of Bacoor, Cavite on 22 April 1999; City Officials of Parañaque on 23 April 1999; Sangguniang Panglungsod of Parañaque City on 27 April 1999; and Brgy. Officials of six (6) affected areas in Bacoor, Cavite. Prior to the actual field works, the EIA Team conducted several barangay assemblies on areas that will be traversed by the alignment. The said assemblies were conducted from 02-10 May 1999.

The 1st Level Scoping (Technical) was held on 22 April 1999 at the Conference Room of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB). It was followed by the conduct of three (3) Formal Scoping Sessions. The scoping session for the areas covered by the Cities of Pasay and Parañaque was held at the San Dionisio Multi-Purpose assembly Hall in Brgy. San Dionisio, Parañaque City on 19 May 1999. The second session for the areas covered by City of Las Piñas, was held on 20 May 1999 at the TESDA Hall, Quirino Ave., Las Piñas City. And on that same day at 3:00 pm., the third formal scoping session was held at the Talaba Elementary School for the areas covered by the Munucipality of Bacoor, Cavite.


2.1 Project Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.2 Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

2.3 Project Area and Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24

2.4 Project Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26


1. Project Rationale


Metro Manila, encompassing of major urban centers at the center of Luzon, has been suffering from severe transportation problems. Traffic conditions in and around the Metropolis have rapidly worsened, particularly during the 1990s. The increase of infrastructure has been relatively insignificant resulting to reduced levels of service from buses/jeepneys, which currently serve about 70% of the total travel demand in Metro Manila. As well, air pollution is becoming acute due to the traffic situations. These facts have become a serious socio-economic concern to Metro Manila and the surrounding region.

The southern area of Metro Manila that include the cities of Parañaque, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa has been experiencing rapid urban expansion and attracting primarily residential and industrial development. It is linked to the rest of Metro Manila by two (2) figure main corridors, the south and coastal corridors.

The Province of Cavite is situated south of Metro Manila. Due to its proximity to Metro Manila, Cavite has a high potential for growth, particularly the Munucipalities of Bacoor, Imus, and Dasmariñas. Being part of the Calabarzon Region, the province is envisaged by the National Government as on the seats for special development programs. This is now being realized due to the in-migration, industrialization, and rapid urbanization of the province. With this unprecedented growth, it is now experiencing traffic congestion, which is greatly affecting commuters between Cavite and Metro Manila.

The Need

The Coastal Corridor (Figure 2.1), from Baclaran to Zapote is one of the highest growth areas of Metro Manila. Situated along the coast of south Metro Manila, the corridor is a

Vital link to the southern cities and municipalities, connecting Parañaque, Las Piñas, Muntinlupa, and the Province of Cavite to the center of Metro Manila.

Currently, the coastal and the other transportation corridors in the south of Metro Manila is experiencing heavy traffic congestion that severely affects accessibility to the southern areas, including the Province of Cavite. Not to mention the fact that the road network in the corner of Bacoor is nearing gridlock, including Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo Highway, the Las Piñas-Talaba Diversion Road, and the Real Street. Road network improvements and traffic management measures alone cannot alleviate the worsening traffic congestion in the area.

To sustain continued growth and avoid economic stagnation, and to meet the current and future travel demands in the area, a transportation plan must be put in place. This plan should offer an alternative mode of transportation to the present public and private road-based transport modes, in view of the current traffic congestion. As such, the cornerstone of the transportation plan must be a rail transit network that is integrated with the public and private transportation modes. Furthermore, rail transit is an environmentally friendly mode of transport, as it does not contribute to air pollution.

At present, the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) is preparing a “transportation master plan” (See Figure 2.2) through the ongoing Metro Manila Urban Transportation Integration Study (MMUTIS). In the recent status report of MMUTIS, it was revealed that the South Extension of the existing LRT Line 1 to the Province of Cavite is indeed a priority.

An analysis of the distribution of transport demand was conducted using the 1996 MMUTIS origin- destination for public and private modes (excluding walking trips). The distribution of transport demand is indicated by the desire lines of travel. Trips are concentrated in the core area of Metro Manila generally bounded by EDSA Avenue. Also trips, of the suburban area outside EDSA are heavily focused toward this core area of Metro Manila

A high desire line is between south Metro Manila and Metro Manila to the north that has 1.3 million daily trips. There are a total of 2.0 million daily trips across a screen line along a boundary between south Metro Manila and the remainder of Metro Manila. These 2.0 million daily trips are funneled through the coastal and South Super Highway/PNR corridors. South Metro Manila produces and attracts a total of 3.1 million daily trips. Of this total, 1.4 million trips (45%) are internal trips with origin and destination within south Metro Manila, and the remaining 1.7 million daily trips (55%) have their origin or destination outside of south Metro Manila. It is in this vein that the LRT 1 Extension Project was conceptualized and designed to provide easy access to the burgeoning populace of south Metro Manila.

The Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), an attached agency to the DOTC, will undertake the implementation of the south extension of the existing LRT Line 1. The proposed south extension of the existing LRT Line 1 is known as the LRT Line 1 Extension Project. The extension project is envisaged to operate on a fully elevated dual track guideway, from Baclaran, Parañaque City to Bacoor in the Province of Cavite, with a provision of another extension further to the south to Imus and Dasmariñas.

2.2 Alternative Routes

Alternative routes were studied to minimize the potential adverse impacts on the environment, while enhancing the level of service to the traveling public and constructing a cost-effective system. In order to add an element of flexibility in the selection process, the routes were divided into the North and Central Sections at the Parañaque River. And since the study areas are highly urbanized, the development of the route alternatives was primarily influenced by the existing development constraints. Thus, route opportunities were limited along the right-of-way reclamation land, other vacant lands, river banks, and marine ponds/salt beds.

2.2.1 The Five (5) Basic Alternative Routes

As previously mentioned, the alternative routes studied were divided into the North and Central Sections at the Parañaque River. Discussed below are the five (5) basic alternative routes studied. Figure 2.3.

Land Reclamation-Manila Bay Route (Alternatives 1N & 1C)

This route will run west from the Redemptorist Road onto the land reclamation and then turn south to run along the main spine road of the Boulevard 2000 development. It will continue to run south on the reclamation land through the planned Boulevard 2000 and Asia World developments to the end of the reclamation at the mouth of the Parañaque River.

The land reclamation project of Public Estates Authority (PEA) is planned to be extended further south from the ASIA World development the Cavite foreshore (Manila Bay). The route will continue along this future land reclamation area to the Cavite foreshore, where it will deflect south to join with Aguinaldo Highway. The implementation of this section is dependent on the completion of the land reclamation by PEA.

Roxas Boulevard-Coastal Road Route (Alternatives 2N & 2C)

This route, from Redemptorist Road will run south along the center median of Roxas Blvd. Alternatively, the line could run along the west side of the road, either within or adjacent to the right-of-way, which is currently undeveloped. An alignment along the east side of Roxas Boulevard was rejected as it would be too close to the existing frontage development. The line would be elevated for its entire length, as there will be many future roads crossing the line when the road network of Boulevard 2000 development is completed.

As the alignment approaches the mouth of Parañaque River, it will cross to the east side of the Coastal Road, where the existing development is sufficiently set

Back from the right-of-way. It will follow the east side of the Coastal Road within the right-of-way onto Cavite. The southern terminal station will be located in the Municipality of Bacoor near Aguinaldo Highway.

Quirino Avenue Route (Alternatives 3N & 3C)

This route will run south along Quirino Ave. on an elevated guideway from Redemptorist Road to Aguinaldo Highway in the Municipality of Bacoor. Quirino Ave. is a narrow two-lane road for most of its length, and has frontage developments along both sides with minimal set back. The alignment will run along the center of the said avenue. At the north end, it will directly connect to the existing LRT line 1 at Baclaran Station.

The stations will be elevated over the road, with platforms and stairway access extending beyond the right-of-way in some locations.

Parañaque River-Las Piñas/Parañaque Commercial Zone Route (Alternatives 4N & 4C)

This river route will run south from Baclaran Station of LRT Line 1 along the west bank of Parañaque River. At the north end, a new north terminal station will be introduced near Baclaran Station. From the north terminal station, the route will run south along Bac-II Road. It will continue south along the east bank of Parañaque River to the confluence of Parañaque and Las Piñas Rivers.

The route will continue south along the east side of Las Piñas River through an open area of marine ponds and salt beds, which is designated for future commercial development. It will then veer to a westerly direction and run along the bank of Las Piñas River, crossing over Tramo Road and Quirino Avenue. The line will then curve south the through the open area on the east side of Coastal Road.

Ninoy Aquino Avenue-Tramo Road Route (Alternatives 5N & 5C)

This route will run south along the west side of Roxas Boulevard to the Airport Road. At the Airport Road, it will turn east along the center of the road and then deflects to a southerly direction to follow along the west side of Airport Avenue. The line will head towards Ninoy Aquino Avenue by running along the center median of MIA Road. Along Ninoy Aquino Avenue, the alignment will traverse along the center median and cross to the west side of the road to avoid the elevated access road to NAIA Terminal I. Past the elevated access road, the route will cross back to the center median and continue south to the Parañaque River.

The alignment will continue south from Parañaque River along the center of Ninoy Aquino Avenue to Dr. Santos Avenue. Near the said avenue, it will head towards Tramo Road via A. Bonifacio Road. The route will then continue south on Tramo Road to Alabang-Zapote Road. Beyond Alabang-Zapote Road, the alignment will run west through existing development to reach Quirino Avenue.

2.2.2 The Four Short-Listed Alternatives Routes Routing Combinations

In developing the route alternatives, it became apparent that a degree of flexibility could be achieved by utilizing the combinations of North and central segments of adjacent corridors that lent themselves well to “crossover” configurations. The prospective combinations are listed below and are shown on Figure 2.4.

• IN Land Reclamation - 2C Coastal Road Routes;

• 2N Roxas Boulevard - 4C Las Piñas / Parañaque

Commercial Zone; and

• 5N Ninoy Aquino Avenue - 4C Las Piñas / Parañaque

Commercial Zone. Route Evaluation Criteria

The criteria for evaluating the candidate routes were developed in relation to the following project objectives:

(i) to provide a rail-based mass transit link to the existing LRT Line 1 terminus at Baclaran in Pasay City and Zapote in the Province of Cavite, which can be integrated with the planned mass a transit network and surface modes of public transport as a means of meeting established economic growth targets;

(ii) to optimize the level of service to the traveling public in the target corridor by providing a transportation system that is convenient, accessible, fast , reliable, and safe;

(iii) to avoid, minimize or mitigate potential adverse environmental effects and achieve sustainable environmetal conditions to the greatest degree possible;

iv) To satisfy the LRTA’s functional and design requirements for the provision of rail-based mass transit services; and

v) to optimize the return of investment through construction of a

cost-effective system.

The criteria applied on evaluation process of the extension route was primarily based on seven (7) major factor groups, which are briefly discussed in Table 2.1.

|Table 2.1 Evaluation Criteria and Factors of the Alternative Routes |

|Rapid Transit Service |Service Coverage – maximize service to residents and employees within walking|

|Objective: aims to optimize the level of service to the |distance of the line; |

|transit users (public) | |

| |Accessibility – eases of access to the system by motorized vehicles (i.e. |

| |buses, jeepneys, and private cars) |

| | |

| |Convenience – minimize numbers of transfers between the proposed LRT Line |

| |Extension and the planned LRT network; and |

| | |

| |Directness of Route – minimize passenger travel distance and time between |

| |Zapote and Baclaran. |

|Network Integration – aims to connect all the LRT Lines and |Network Connectivity – opportunity to connect the proposed LRT line Extension|

|integrate the different modes |with the planned LRT network; and |

| | |

| |Intermodal Integration – opportunity for provision of intermodal facilities |

| |(bus bays, jeepney parking). |

|Property Requirements |Property Takings – minimize property takings (acquisition) for immediate |

|Objective: aims minimize lands to be |right-of-way; and |

|Consumed by the facility. | |

| |Lane Reductions – minimize property takings for road lanes which must be |

| |added to account for lanes displaced by the transit right-of-way. |

|Land Use |Support Future Land Use – support of the future land use plans and proposed |

|Objective: aims to support the future land use plans in south|developments in the corridor, particularly within the reclamation area; and |

|Metro Manila and minimize impacts to the existing development | |

| |Impact to Built Environment – minimize impacts to existing businesses and |

| |residential neighborhoods. |

|Cost |Capital Cost – minimize capital cost of the facility. |

|Objective: aims to construct the most cost-effective facility| |

|Environmental Aspect |Noise – minimize noise impacts/proximity to noise sensitive areas; |

|Objective: aims to minimize impacts of the project to the | |

|natural, social, and cultural environment |Visual Intrusion – minimize impacts to the streetscape; |

| |Cultural/Heritage Sites – minimize impacts to the cultural/heritage sites; |

| |and |

| | |

| |Natural – minimize potential displacement or further degradation of natural |

| |features. |

|Traffic Impacts |Traffic Impacts around Stations – minimize traffic congestion around the |

|Objective: aims to lessen impacts to surface traffic |stations; and |

|operations | |

| |Traffic Disruption during Construction – minimize disruption of traffic flow |

| |during construction period. |

|SOURCE: SNC Lavalin & LRTA,. Feasibility Study for the Manila LRT Line 1 Extension, Volume 2. |

3. Route Evaluation and Selection

Evaluation Process

A joint evaluation process was undertaken to select a technically preferred route for the proposed LRT Line 1 Extension. It was participated in by LRTA, the Cities of Parañaque and Las Piñas, and the Municipality of Bacoor and the province of Cavite. The Study Team performed an initial route assessment and comparison and presented the results to the LRTA, and the Cities of Parañaque and Las Piñas, and the Municipality of Bacoor for their inputs and comments. The route assessment was then revised to reflect the comments received and obtain a consensus on a technically preferred route.

Stage 1 – Initial Screening of Route Alternatives

The Feasibility Study Team performed an initial route assessment and comparison to eliminate route alternatives that were rated the poorest in terms of achieving project objectives. The initial screening process entailed a qualitative assessment of the routes, which is based on the seven (7) primary factor groups defined in the evaluation criteria presented on Table 2.1.

During the qualitative assessment, the Study Team concluded that five of the ten (10) route segments should be discarded, and that combinations of the remaining five (5) segments should be carried forward for a more detailed assessment. The screening results are presented on Table 2.2.

|Table 2.2 Summary of Rationale for Routes Screened Out |

|Route Section |Route Segment |Rationale for Screening |

|North Section |Quirino Ave. (3N) |limited space for intermodal facilities; |

| | | |

| | |narrow right–of-way results in taking of traffic lane in an area |

| | |already subject to heavy traffic congestion; |

| | | |

| | |displacement of residences; |

| | | |

| | |displacement of existing businesses and commercial premises; and |

| | | |

| | |costly relocation of utilities |

| |Parañaque River (4N) |limited access to buses and jeepneys; |

| | | |

| | |very limited spaces for intermodal facilities; |

| | | |

| | |displacement of residences along river bank; and |

| | | |

| | |proximity effects (noise/visual). |

|Central Section |Manila Bay (1C) |high risk, in terms of ridership, associated with dependence on future |

| | |land reclamation (uncertain time frame), combined with indirect route |

| | |to the candidate southern terminus locations in Cavite; |

| | | |

| | |costly construction over water if the project proceeds without land |

| | |reclamation; and |

| | | |

| | |very limited accessibility to Las Piñas and Parañaque. |

|Central Section |Quirino Avenue (3C) |limited space for intermodal facilities; |

| | | |

| | |narrow right-of-way results in taking of traffic lane in an area |

| | |already subject to heavy traffic congestion; |

| | | |

| | |proximity effects (noise/visual); |

| | | |

| | |displacement of residences; |

| | | |

| | |displacement of existing businesses and commercial premises; |

| | | |

| | |impacts to historical corridor and designated tourism zone; and |

| | | |

| | |costly relocation of utilities. |

| |Tramo Road (5C) |limited space for intermodal facilities; |

| | | |

| | |proximity effects (noise/visual); |

| | | |

| | |narrow right-of-way results in taking of traffic lane in an area |

| | |already subject to heavy traffic congestion; |

| | | |

| | |displacement of residences; |

| | | |

| | |displacement of existing businesses and commercial premises;. |

|SOURCE: SNC Lavalin & LRTA 1999. Feasibility Study for the Manila LRT Line 1 Extension, Volume 2 |

The Quirino Avenue Route was screened out over its whole length primarily due to the property requirements and environmental impacts associated with attempting to fit the alignment into such a narrow right-of-way. In addition to the land requirements for the stations, the guideway would require the addition of new traffic lanes which could displace homes and businesses abutting the street. The potential for noise and visual impacts of the elevated guideway, particularly on the southern segment of the route which is a designated historical corridor and tourism zone, was also a significant determining factor in discarding this option.

The key factors for eliminating the Parañaque River Segment was its poor service in comparison to the Ninoy Aquino Avenue and Quirino Avenue segments. The segment is difficult to access due to its location along the Parañaque River and there is a limited space for intermodal facilities. In addition, there is relatively dense residential development, including legal homes, squatter settlements, and important community/institutional buildings that would be displaced or be subject to significant visual and noise intrusion.

The essential factors for eliminating the Manila Bay Segment were poor service coverage and high cost which can be attributed to the timing of the land reclamation project. Since the land reclamation area is currently undeveloped, this route is not likely to capture enough ridership to make it financially viable. Furthermore, the land reclamation currently ends at the mouth of the Parañaque River. Beyond the southern end of the land reclamation, the guideway construction would be more costly, as it would be constructed over water or require further land reclamation.

The Tramo Road Segment exhibits land use and right-of-way characteristics similar to those of the Quirino Avenue corridor and the same rationale was used to screen it out.

And based on the initial evaluation screening exercise, the Team arrived at the four (4) route combinations that would be carried forward in the detailed route evaluation process. The four (4) route combinations are enumerated below and are attached as Figure 2.5.

▪ 1N Land Reclamation - 2C Coastal Road Route;

▪ 2N Roxas Boulevard - 2C Coastal Road Route;

▪ 2N Roxas Boulevard - 4C LP Commercial Zone; and

▪ 5N Ninoy Aquino Avenue - 4C LP Commercial Zone

With the four (4) routing combinations presented above, the Feasibility Study Team came up with the four (4) short-listed route alternatives, which is shown on Figure 2.6.

Stage 2 – Detailed Route Evaluation

The four (4) short-listed route alternatives were subjected to a detailed impact analysis applying all the seven (7) evaluation criteria listed on Table 2.1. The team conducted a preliminary evaluation and rating of the alternatives to identify the key issues and determinant factors in accordance with, and to confirm the initial weighing of the criteria. The results of this process were presented to the LRTA, the Cities of Parañaque and Las Piñas , and the Municipality of Bacoor for review and comments. The evaluation was then revised to incorporate comments and inputs from the LRTA, and concerned LGUs.

Step I Weighting of Evaluation Criteria – Since the criteria and factors were not deemed to be of equal significance by the Study Team, initial weightings were assigned to each criterion and factor, giving more weight to what were determined to be the more important considerations in the decision making process.

Step II Analysis of Route Alternatives – A detailed analysis of each route alternative was conducted on a factor-by-factor basis to measure how well each alternative met the project alternatives. The analysis formed the information database on which to conduct the comparative evaluation.

Step III Rating of Route Alternatives – based on the results of Step II, a qualitative rating was assigned to each route alternative on a factor-by-factor basis to determine how well each alternative route satisfied the project objectives.

Step IV Selection of Technically Preferred Route – From the rating established in Step III, the key differences between the route alternatives were identified; this became the focus of discussion with the LRTA and the Cities of Parañaque and Las Piñas, and the Municipality of Bacoor to reach a consensus on a technically preferred route.

Step I Weighting of Evaluation Criteria

The first step involved assignments of weight to the evaluation criteria and factors by the Study Team. Weights were assigned to the criteria and factors on a scale of 1-10, where a more important criterion and factor was assigned a higher weight, (Table 2.3). It should be noted that the criteria and factors were assigned numerical weightings to assist the Team in developing a rational thought process. The weightings are only indicative of the importance attached to each criterion and factor, and did not form the basis for a quantitative rating of the route alternatives.

| Table 2.3 Weighting of Route Evaluation Criteria |

|Criteria |Criteria |Factors |Factor Weights |

| |Weights | | |

|1. Rapid Transit |2.5 |1.1 Service Coverage |4.0 |

|Service | | | |

| | |1.2 Accessibility |4.0 |

| | |1.3 Convenience |1.5 |

| | |1.4 Directness of Route |0.5 |

| | |TOTAL |10.0 |

| 2. Network |1.0 |2.1 Network Connectivity |5.0 |

|Integration | | | |

| | |2.2 Intermodal Integration |5.0 |

| | |TOTAL |10.0 |

| 3. Property |0.5 |3.1 Property Taking |6.0 |

|Requirements | | | |

| | |3.2 Lane Reductions |4.0 |

| | |TOTAL |10.0 |

|4. Land Use |2.5 |4.1 Support Future Land Use |7.0 |

| | |4.2 Impact to Built Environment |3.0 |

| | |TOTAL |10.0 |

|5. Environmental |2.0 |5.1 Noise |2.0 |

| | |5.2 Visual Intrusion |3.0 |

| | |5.3 Cultural/Heritage Sites |4.0 |

| | |5.4 Natural |1.0 |

| | |TOTAL |10.0 |

|6. Cost |1.0 |6.1 Capital Cost |10.0 |

| 7. Traffic Impacts |0.5 |7.1 Traffic Impacts Around Stations |6.0 |

| | |Traffic Disruption During |4.0 |

| | |Construction | |

| | |TOTAL |10.0 |

|TOTAL |10.0 | | |

|SOURCE: SNC Lavalin & LRTA, 1999. Feasibility Study for the Manila LRT Line 1 |

|Extension, Volume 2 |

Step II Analysis of Route Alternatives

A detailed analysis of the four short-listed alternatives was conducted by qualitatively and quantitatively measuring how well each route satisfied the project objectives. The analytical information was summarized in evaluation tables containing an assessment on each route alternative for each evaluation factor. The results were then presented to the LRTA, to the Cities of Parañaque and Las Piñas, and the Municipality of Bacoor for review and comment to ensure that the analysis was based on up-to-date and complete information.

The analysis information provided the basis for subjectively assigning scores to the route alternatives. Table 2.4 Summary of Detailed Assessment of Short-Listed Route Alternatives summarizes the analysis of the route alternatives.

Step III Rating of Route Alternatives

Based on the analysis information, a comparative evaluation of the route alternatives was conducted by assigning ratings to each option on a factor-to-factor basis. The criteria and factor weightings were considered qualitatively in the final determination of the technically preferred route. Figure 2.7 shows the ratings of the Study Team which were subsequently adjusted, where required, to reflect input and comments received from the LRTA, the Cities of Parañaque and Las Piñas, and the Municipality of Bacoor.

In summary, over the full range of evaluation criteria, the Land Reclamation-Coastal Road Route, the Roxas Boulevard-Coastal Road Route, and the Roxas Boulevard –LP Commercial Zone Route were rated most equal (within 10% of each other). Whereas the Ninoy Aquino Avenue-LP Route was deemed to be measurably less desirable than the other three (3) options.

2.2.3 Selection of Technically Preferred route for North and Central Sections

In the selection of a technically preferred route, the Study Team considered the following most heavily weighted evaluation criteria to determine the most acceptable alternative;

i) Service Coverage;

ii) Accessibility to buses and jeepneys;

iii) Support for future land use development; and

iv) Environmental impacts.

1. Assessment of Key Evaluation Criteria

Figure 2.8 - Assessment Summary of Key Criteria, isolates the rating of the key evaluation criteria. In light of these considerations, the route alternatives were ranked as follows:

Roxas Boulevard-LP Commercial Zone Route was ranked first overall. Its key advantages include:

▪ Fair service coverage to mature development on the east side of Roxas Boulevard corridor and good coverage for existing residential areas in Parañaque and Las Piñas;

▪ Good bus and jeepney accessibility at regular intervals along the route via Multinational Drive, Dr. Santos Drive, Quirino Avenue, Naga Road, Alabang-Zapote Road, and Gen. Aguinaldo Highway;

▪ Route along Roxas Boulevard will support Boulevard 2000 development. The central section of the route will support the proposed commercial and industrial areas in Parañaque and Las Piñas; and

▪ No identified cultural resource impacts; opportunity to avoid or mitigate proximity effects (noise, visual intrusion) through sensitive guideway/station design in new developments (integration with spine roads).

Coastal Road-Roxas Boulevard Route – This alternative was ranked second overall. This option provides fair service coverage in the North Section, but there is no frontage development on the Coastal Road, and residential catchment areas to the east are removed from the corridor. This route has poor accessibility for buses and jeepneys, as there are few roads to the coast (Kabihasnan Drive, Alabang-Zapote road, Gen. Aguinaldo Highway). The potential for adverse environmental impacts is low and the route would be the least costly option due to the directness of routing and the limited need for acquisition of private property.

Ninoy Aquino-LP Commercial Zone was ranked third overall. This alternative provides fair to good service to existing industrial and commercial areas in the Ninoy Aquino Avenue corridors and offers the most direct link to the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA). It would also serve existing residential areas in Parañaque and Las Piñas. However, it is the least direct route between the north and south terminal areas. This, combined with the need to acquire a substantial amount of private property, makes it the most costly route.

The route has good road linkages for bus and jeepney access due to existing network serving NAIA and surrounding development. Although the route would not directly support Boulevard 2000, it would run through the proposed industrial areas in Parañaque and Las Piñas. In terms of environmental impacts, the route runs through a corridor which is currently subjected to high noise level as a result of its proximity to NAIA, and has no identified cultural sensitivities in the North Section. In the South Section, its exhibits the same potential for avoidance of proximity effects as the Roxas Boulevard-LP Commercial Zone option, and has the highest number of water course crossings.

The Land Reclamation-Coastal Road was ranked fourth overall. The attributes of this route are similar to those of the Coastal Road-Roxas Boulevard Route, with the exception of rapid transit service. Since the reclamation land is currently undeveloped with substantive plans in place, it has poorer service coverage, a lower degree of accessibility and less capability to satisfy ridership demand.

2. Route Selection

The results of the comparative evaluation were reviewed by the LRTA and the City representatives from Parañaque and Las Piñas. A technically preferred route was selected, following discussions of the key advantages and disadvantages of the routes, focusing on the determinant evaluation criteria.

It was agreed that, at a technical level, the Roxas Boulevard-Las Piñas/Parañaque Commercial Zone route is the preferred alternative (Figure 2.9). It provides the most comprehensive service coverage, exhibits optimal accessibility and good opportunities for integrating existing transit services, and creates a reasonable balance between environmental impacts and capital costs.

2.3 Project Area and Location

The project will pass through three (3) cities in Metro Manila namely; (i) Pasay; (ii) Parañaque; and (iii) Las Piñas, and the Municipality of Bacoor in the Province of Cavite.

In Pasay City, the proposed railway extension will traverse Barangay 145 (Sto. Niño). In the City of Parañaque, the alignment will cross five (5) barangays namely Baclaran, Tambo, Dongalo, San Dionisio, and La Huerta. In Las Piñas City, the Extension Line will pass through barangays Manuyo Uno and Pulang Lupa, whereas in Bacoor, it will cross Brgys. Longos/Zapote 5, Talaba 2, Talaba 3, Talaba 4, and Talaba 7.

The LRT Line 1 Extension

The proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project will be directly connected to the Baclaran Station of the existing LRT Line 1, and will be using the present LRT Depot in Pasay City. From the Baclaran Station, the proposed Extension alignment will turn west at Redemptorist Road, traversing the southern side of the road towards Roxas Boulevard. The alignment then turns south, passing through the reclaimed area on the western portion of Roxas Boulevard, about 6.5 meters from the sea wall. The Extension will have its first station (Redemptorist Station),at Brgy. Baclaran, Parañaque City approximately at km 0+650-0+750.

The alignment will continue to traverse the reclaimed area, crossing MIA Road (MIA Station at km 2+250-2+350), then pass through the parking lot in front of Uniwide Coastal Mall. It will maintain its course until it reaches the Asia World (Sta. 3, Asia World Station approximately at km 3+050-3+150), where it deflects on an easterly direction following the course of the Parañaque River. The proposed Extension Line will use the middle of the said river to avoid concrete structures and shanties on both sides. Still running on easterly direction, the alignment will continue traverse the river, crossing the Quirino and Ninoy Aquino Avenue Bridges, and then veers southwest at the river bend in Brgy. La Huerta, Parañaque City, to merge with Ninoy Aquino Avenue. Using the median of the avenue, it will continue to follow its course until it reaches the San Dionisio River, at Brgy. San Dionisio, Parañaque City (boundary of Ninoy Aquino Ave. and Dr. Santos Avenue). At about 100 meters after the bridge, it will then shift to a southwesterly direction crossing the proposed C-5 Highway alignment (crossing Dr. Santos Ave.) and head towards the next station, located approximately 150 meters (Dr. Santos Station and Intermodal Facility) from the avenue. This are acrossed by the alignment is the site of the proposed Multinational Development. The proposed Line 1 Extension will move onto the landfill area, salt bed and fishponds in Manuyo Uno, Las Piñas City, where the future Manuyo Uno Station will be constructed (approximately at km 7+050-7+150). It will continue on a southwesterly direction towards the Golden Haven Cemetery and the built-up areas along Tramo Road near the bridge, at Pulang Lupa1. The alignment will directly pass through the houses near the bridge, then cross Quirino Avenue, and then traverse the southern bank of Las Piñas River, where the Las Piñas Station will be located. Still on the same direction, the alignment continues, traversing some fishponds at Pulang Lupa 1 near Zapote River, then cross the river and head towards the proposed Zapote Station and its intermodal facility approximately 250 meters before the Talaba-Diversion Road. The alignment continues southwest and cross under the Coastal Road Flyover. It will then deflects south traversing Brgys. Talaba 7 and 2 (future Talaba Station, km 10+850-10+950), and will then merge with the existing Talaba Diversion Road, approximately 100 meters from its intersection with Real Street. The Extension continues south, traversing the center of the Talaba Diversion Road, then cross the junction of the Talaba Diversion Road and Gen. E Aguinaldo Highway, then leaves the existing diversion road and head towards the Niog Station. The first phase of proposed extension will end near the St. Dominic Hospital where the Niog Station and the intermodal facility will be located. (See Figure 2.10).

The proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project is a 12-kilometer light rail system that will operate on a mostly elevated dual track guideway from Baclaran, Parañaque City to Bacoor in the Province of Cavite. It will utilize a technology that is compatible with that of the existing LRT Line 1 and its 100% capacity expansion. The Project, consisting of ten (10) passenger stations and a satellite depot will serve the southern area of Metro Manila and the northeast corner of the Province of Cavite. It will also include three (3) intermodal facilities, which will be provided at Dr. Santos, Zapote, and Niog Stations.

The LRT Line 1 Extension is an integrated system optimizing patron convenience, operational efficiency, cost economy and modal interface/network connectivity. Its key features include the following:

▪ Consistency with the rail transit network plan prepared by the Metro Manila urban Transport Integration System (MMUTIS);

▪ Interconnectivity to the existing Line 1 at Baclaran Station, to form a continuous line and transport more people;

▪ Technology compatible with the existing Line to permit through running of trains;

▪ Integrated fare collection system, with ticket commonality for seamless travel with LRT Line 1, LRT Line 2, and the Extension;

▪ Intermodal facilities at three major stations; and

▪ Single operating authority for the operations and maintenance of the System.

2.4 Project Description

This section discusses the activities involved during the Pre-Construction, Construction, Operational, and Abandonment (Demobilization and Maintenance) Phase of the proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project.

1. System Overview

1. System Demand and Capacity

The peak-hour maximum link load is estimated to be 15,500 passengers per hour per direction (pphpd) in Year 2005. This maximum load point occurs between Redemptorist and Baclaran Stations, in the northbound direction during the morning peak hour.

The system will be designed for an initial system capacity of 15,500 pphpd to meet the estimated demand with provision to expand its capacity to 30,000 pphpd with additional rolling stock. The initial fleet will have a total of forty-four (44) vehicles, configured into eleven (11) four-vehicle trains, which are composed of ten (10) operational trains and one (1) spare train.

2. System Performance and Operation

The LRT Line 1 Extension will provide service 17.5 hours per day for 365 days per year. The operating hours will be from 0500-2230 hours to match the current operating hours of LRT Line 1.

Simulations of train performance on the route, including station dwell times of thirty (30) seconds, indicate a round trip time of forty-two (42) minutes on the Extension. The maximum operating speed will be sixty (60) kilometers per hour and the average operating speed including dwell time at the stations will be thirty-four (34) kilometers per hour.

The full operational fleet will be put into service during the morning and afternoon peak periods of demand. During off-peak periods, the service will be determined by the demand.

3. Alignment Configuration

Geometric Design and Criteria

The horizontal and vertical alignment has been designed to suit the proposed light rail vehicle technology and to conform with the geometric design criteria of the existing LRT Line 1 to ensure compatibility with the existing technology. Alignment restrictions including curve radii, superelevation on curves, minimum tangent lengths between curves, spiral lengths and grades have been established as a minimum or maximum to ensure passenger comfort.

The alignment has been designed to optimize the following requirements:

▪ Maximum comfort and safety for passengers;

▪ Maximum systems safety;

▪ Compatibility with the characteristics of the existing rolling stock; and

▪ Minimum track and rolling stock maintenance.

The basic design criteria established for the horizontal and vertical alignment of the track are as follows:

Maximum operating speed 60 km/h

Horizontal curve radius 250 meter desirable on mainline

170 meter minimum on mainline except near stations

100 meter minimum on mainline in vicinity of stations

30 meters minimum in depot

Transition spirals 40 meter desirable

35 minimum

Tangent between curves 50 meter minimum on mainline

Grade 0.5% minimum

3.5% maximum

0.00to 0.5% in stations

Vertical curves Parabolic


Vertical clearance 5.0 meters between catenary and high voltage power lines

5.5 meters over road

4. Guideway Structure

Design Criteria and Loads

A project Design Manual setting out governing design codes, criteria and parameters will be generated for the systems elements including the Civil/Structural components of the Guideway. The design manual will be based on the major elements presented in Table 2.5, and will be similar to other manuals developed for other such projects.

|Table 2.5 Structural Design Criteria Outline for the Proposed LRT Line |

|Extension Project |


|1 |DesignCodes |ASSHTO Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges 1998 is to be used for elevated |

| | |guideway structures. |

| | |National Structural Code of the Philippines, Volume 1- Buildings, Towers and Other |

| | |Vertical Structures, 1992 is to be used for the Stations and ancillary buildings. |

| | |Loadings and Load Combinations and code supplementary information to be based on Project |

| | |Specific Designed Manual. |

| | |Materials codes for Concrete (normally reinforced and prestressed), Steel and other |

| | |materials of construction are to be those referenced in the governing design code (ASSHTO |

| | |or NBC of the Philippines). |

|2 |Live Load |LRTA Vehicle for normal operations loading. Service vehicle loadings as required. |

| | |Loads as prescribed in National Structural Code of the Philippines, Volume 1-Buildings, |

| | |Towers and Other Vertical Structures, 1992 is to be used for the Stations and ancillary |

| | |buildings, |

|3 |Environmental Loads |Loads for: |

| | |Rain minimum loading; |

| | |Wind design velocity; and |

| | |Seismic Zonal Accelerations. |

| | |All to be taken from the National Structural Codes of the Philippines, Volume 1-Buildings,|

| | |Towers and Other Vertical Structures, 1992. |

|4 |Seismic |In accordance with ASSHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges 1998. Design for |

| | |elastic response for 1:100 year seismic event with no significant damage and for |

| | |earthquake survival in 1:475 event with repairable damage. |

|5 |Design Service Life |100 years |

|6 |Geometrics |Guideway to be direct fixation rail with superstructure configuration to suit horizontal |

| | |and vertical geometry including superelevation. |

| | |Roadway clearances to be in accordance with the requirements of the road right-of-way |

| | |owner. |

|7 |Parapets |Guideway parapets are to be designed for collision loading from vehicle mishap. |

|8 |Serviceability |Design for the requirements of: |

| | |Fatigue control; |

| | |Crack control; and |

| | |Deflection control |

|9 |Fatigue |Stress limits on the change in stress in non-prestressed and prestressed concrete |

| | |reinforcing will be provided in the project Specific Design Manual. Stress limits on |

| | |stress ranges for the detail categories set out in ASSHTO will be provided in the Project |

| | |Specific Design Manual. S/N curves for each category will also be provided. |

|10 |Utilities |Aerial and underground utilities to be relocated or protected during construction to avoid|

| | |conflict with physical construction or operational clearance criteria. |

|11 |Surface Water Run-off |Convey surface water from the surface of the guideway of roof via a contained system to |

| | |discharge of locations remote from the structure. Discharge locations to be acceptable to |

| | |environmental and other affected agencies. |

|12 |Gudeway Bearings |Bearings are to be easily accessible and removable and designed for all vertical and |

| | |lateral loads imposed on them. |

|13 |Guideway Expansion Joints |Expansion Joints to be sealed and consist of an assembly which mechanically connects to |

| | |joint seal to each adjoining structural elements. |

Guideway Beam

The following structural options were considered for the LRT Line 1 Extension’s guideway beam:

▪ Dual trapezoidal Box Beam Elevated Guideway – The Guideway beam in this concept as shown on Figure 2.11 are trapezoidal box beams with approximately 3000 mm wide to flange, which acts a sinlge guideway/trackway slab. The typical guideway is comprised of a dual pair of guideway beams configured in parallel. A complete beam span is fabricated in the Precast yard with precision setting of track fastener plinths suitable for direct fixation. Beams are formed in articulated forms which can accommodate the vertical, horizontal and superelevated geometry of the trackwork. Experience with this system indicates that the beams can be erected and the track directly fastened with minor amounts of shimming or grinding. The Superior torsional stiffness of the trapezoid box lends itself to use in curved and superelevated geometry and provides the stability for use of erection trusses and travelers.

▪ Dual Trapezoidal “Two Component” Box Beams – The Guideway beams in this concept as presented on Figure 2.12 are identical in general arrangement to the proposed “Single Component” beams, but are constructed in two (2) stages. First, the precast “Tub” component is erected onto the columns, and then the precast top flange “Plank” components are erected in segments on top of the “Tub”. This approach allows precision setting in place of the top plank to track grades for direct fixation without the need for any shimming or grinding at the track fastener plinths. Concurrent precasting of the “Tub” and “Plank” components provides schedule advantage during the precasting process and beam transportation and erection process. Since this project is schedule driven, this option will be pursued further as the primary recommendation to achieve a cost/benefit solution.

▪ Single Segmental Trapezoidal Box Beams – This construction method is commonly used for elevated guideways and is a well understood technology for use in beam fabrication and erection. If this concept were to be used, a second pour would be required to provide the track slab. For this project with this concept, LRTA would propose to use precast “second pour” slabs similar to that developed by them for the recently completed Kuala Lumpur LRT System. This concept was not selected primarily because, segmental beam erection followed by a fabrication and erection of precast track slabs will cause an unacceptable extension of the project schedule. Please refer to Figure 2.13 for the general arrangement of guideway scheme in this concept.

▪ Multiple ASSHTO Beam and Slabs – This construction method is similar to the existing LRT Line 1 System, which consists of standard prestressed concrete girder with a cast-in-place guideway slab. This option will require the use of a second pour for the superelavation and track geometry which will add time and cost to the guideway construction. Since this technology is well understood and has been used locally, it may have some cost advantages for the guideway construction. It is also probable that the added costs of the second pour will eliminate the guideway cost construction cost advantage. LRTA has also determined that this approach will likely require a longer schedule than the selected option. This concept was therefore not selected primarily due to the schedule extension. The general guideway scheme in this concept is presented on Figure 2.14.

The Proposed Guideway General Arrangement

The guideway of the Extension will be mostly elevated with transitions to grade Dr. Santos Station and Zapote Station. The structural system proposed for the standard guideway consists primarily of the following:

Dual pre-cast/pre-stressed or post-tensioned concrete trapezoidal box beams one for each trackway. Spans typically planned on an average length of 30 meters, except in stations where they are planned to be 20 meters;

Cast-in-place concrete “Hammerhead” piers consisting of a cross head supporting both box beams supported in turn by a single column located at the centerline of Dual Guideway; and

Piled foundations consisting of pile groups with pile caps set below grades.

The entire guideway has been framed based on the selected structural system, and the preliminary alignment and mapping using nominal 30-meter tangent span length. Substructures have been arranged to minimize conflicts with all identified utilities, properties, and other physical constraints. Where required, substructures have been arranged to reduce span lengths on tight radius curves to accommodate torsional constraints of the beam. The general arrangement of the proposed guideway scheme is presented on Figure 2.15.

The dual guideway provides two (2) parallel tracks at 4300 mm on center. This plan arrangement remains for the entire system, except at center platform stations and pocket tracks. Where the center track distance varies, the dual guideway will transition to two (2) single guideways supported on individual columns. Pocket tracks will employ support bents which will support the guideway and pocket tracks as required. Stations will be framed integrally with the guideway structure based on a 20-meter span.

The proposed guideway beam consists of a trapezoidal box element spanning, as a simple span, nominally 30 meters between the substructure supports. In stations, the guideway beam will span 20 meters to fit with the station module. The guideway beam has a 3000-mm wide top flange providing a 2910-mm wide trackway slab between parapets. Each guideway beam will be cast with the horizontal and vertical geometry as well as superelevation to provide for direct fixation tracks on plinths on the beam’s top flange.

The plinth will be configured to provide sufficient separation between the rail and storm water collected on the guideway while at the same time providing a direct fixation surface within the track placement tolerances. This plinth can be constructed as part of the pre-cast beam fabrication or after beam erection as a second pour.

Wherever possible, the guideway will be constructed using the simple span beams. If required, the system can be configured into two-span, three-span, and multi-span continuous general arrangements. The two-span arrangement allows for two 36-meter spans; the three-span enables a 36/45/36-meter span arrangement. Arrangements with multiple 45-meter spans can be generated within the constraints of a track and structure expansion/contraction interaction. The potential use of continuous arrangements provides flexibility to accommodate a wide variety of conditions with varying span ranges without having to introduce other “special” structures with deeper cross-sections or using other materials such as steel box girders.

The substructures for the dual guideway are proposed to consist of “hammerhead” cross heads supported on a single column extending down to the foundation below grade. For the dual guideway, the cross head is proposed to be configured to fit with the depth of beam dap to provide a continuous flat soffit. Columns will vary in size from 1400 mm square to 1900 mm square depending on height. Round columns may also be considered based on the economies of formwork and materials of construction.

Substructures for single guideways consist of a cross head and column with the cross head configured to fit within the beam dap and width.

The substructures used at the stations and in special trackwork areas consist for the most part of rigid cast-in-place concrete bents.

The simple span beams will bear on elastomeric bearing pads, which allow controlled lateral, transverse and rotational movements. At continuous span cross heads, the beam and cross head will be integral. The use of an elastomeric bearing pad introduces a base isolation effect which can reduce seismic response forces in the substructures and foundations. As well, this type of bearing as allows load distribution to varying height columns to be equalized by “tuning” the total pier stiffness.

The vertical geometry will facilitate guideway drainage along the beam to the drains at each substructure element. Drains will run down the columns and wherever possible, be tied into the storm drainage systems which are currently carrying the run off within the guideway footprint.

Special Structures

A number of areas have been identified which will require spans longer that the typical 30-meter span planned for this project. Where special span arrangements are required, the proposed beam cross section will be configured into continuous two (2), three (3), and multi-span arrangements to extend span lengths to 80 meters in tangent sections. Table2.6 describes the special structures identified, their location, description and the proposed span arrangement to avoid conflicts.

|Table 2.6 Special Structures Description |

|Number |Station |Description |Span Arrangement |

|1 |0+450 |Crossing of Roxas Boulevard |30m/25m/30m |

|2 |2+550 |Crossing just south of MIA Station |32m/40m/32m |

|3 |3+800 |Crossing of Coastal Road and Parañaque River |32m/40m/32m |

|4 |5+460 |T-Intersection at Ninoy Aquino Avenue |32m/40m/32m |

|5 |5+770 |T-Intersection at Ninoy Aquino Avenue |32m/40m/32m |

|6 |5+900 |Crossing San Dionisio River |32m/40m/32m |

|7 |8+800 |Crossing Zapote River |60m/80m/60m |

|8 |9+850 |Crossing Talaba Diversion Road |32m/40m/32m |

|9 |10+750 |Las Piñas-Talaba Road |38m/40m/38m |

|10 |11+200 |Crossing Las Piñas/Talaba Diversion to Niog Station |40m/40m |

|SOURCE: SNC LAvalin, 1999. Manila LRT Line 1 Extension Offer for |

|Implementation and Operation, Volume II Implementation & |

|Technical Plan |

Tie –In to the Existing Structure

The tail tracks at the southern end of the existing LRT Line 1 terminate at Mexico and Redemptorist Roads. The alignment of the Extension will tie into the existing line before the end of the tail tracks and will immediately curve to the west to run along Redemptorist Road. To allow for this curve, the last two (2) spans will need to be reconfigured as shown on the attached Figure 2.16.

The structural framing proposed consists of constructing new bents and corresponding foundations at the last two (2) column lines of the existing guideway. This bents will tie into the existing columns and extend over Mexico Road to new columns in the intersection median island. New tee beams with varying top flange width will be placed to provide the track bed for the new curve. The existing tee beam on the west side of the second last span will be modified to allow installation of a new tapered beam to expand the deck. A transition slab, which allows a stepped variation in ballast depth, will be installed within this last two modified spans to provide the track transition to direct fixation. The southern most bent will provide fort he first span of the standard dual guideway of the proposed LRT Line 1 Extension. Passenger Stations

Station Types

The stations will be either side or center platforms. The operational plan passenger demand and alignment have determined each station type. Platforms will be elevated or at-grade. All concourses are at-grade. Discussed below are the three (3) types of stations adopted for the LRT Line 1 Extension Project.

Type SI – Elevated Side Platform with Concourse At-grade

This station type has been designed to serve an ultimate one-way passenger flow to 6,000 passengers per hour. The station concourse and ancillary spaces will be at-grade with an elevated platform.

Type S2 – At-grade Side platform with Concourse At-grade

This station type will be integrated with an intermodal facility and have an at-grade concourse and an at-grade platform. It will have an initial capacity to handle up to 15,000 passengers per hour per direction. The ancillary spaces will be at-grade (plant rooms) and at mezzanine level (personnel rooms).

Type C1 – Center platform Terminal Station

This station type will have a concourse at-grade and an elevated center platform. The ancillary spaces will be located at-grade under the station platform. It can accommodate a passenger flow of 18,000 pphpd.

Passenger Station Locations

The passenger stations have been located to maximize passenger capture, both pedestrian and vehicular, and for efficient access to and integration with the adjacent urban environment. The station locations are shown in the key plan of Figure 2.17. The following sections will discuss the location and general configuration of each passenger station.

i) Redemptorist Station (SI): Side platform station located west of Roxas Boulevard on the Public Estates Authority (PEA) reclamation area, south of Redemptorist Road. The station will have a pedestrian overpass across Roxas Boulevard and pedestrian access to the Aseana Development on the adjacent reclaimed land. Figure 2.18 shows the Civil Design Concept of Redemptorist Station.

ii) MIA Station (SI): Side platform station located on the west side of Roxas Boulevard north of MIA Road. (Figure 2.19). Since it is near to NAIA Airport, it could be served by an airport shuttle bus service. The planned business and commercial development of Manila Bay Development Corporation will surround the station.

iii) Asia World (SI): Side platform located west Roxas Boulevard on the planned bus terminal site of the Asia World Development. This station will mainly serve the Asia World Development. It will have an overpass across Roxas Boulevard. The Civil Design Concept of Asia World Station is presented on Figure 2.20.

Iv) Ninoy Aquino Station (SI): Side platform located north of La Huerta Elementary School at the north side of Imelda Avenue Bridge in Parañaque. This station will serve pedestrian traffic, adjacent schools and the light industrial areas being developed north of Ninoy Aquino Avenue. The station ground level will be designed to enhanced and protect the existing mangroves and landscape to increase the green spaces, and to allow the neighborhood to benefit and enjoy this valuable natural resources. See Figure 2.21 fort the Civil Design Concept of Ninoy Aquino Station.

v) Dr. Santos Station (S2): Side platform intermodal station. The station will be served by an intermodal facility with passenger drop-off and pick-up area, and bus and jeepney parking. The surrounding area includes neighborhoods along Dr. Santos Road to Sucat. Figure 2.2 shows the Civil Design Concept of Dr. Santos Station.

vi) Manuyo Uno Station (S1): Future side platform station located in the future Multinational Development. The station will be located to integrate with the master plan of the Multinational Development which is still under preparation. Figure 2.23 shows the Civil Design Concept of the future Manuyo Uno Station.

vii) Las Piñas Station (S1): Side platform station (Figure 2.24) in the heart of the historic district locatedbetween Tramo Road and Quirino Avenue along the south side of Las Piñas River. Architecturally, this station should be a signature station, consistent with Las Piñas design guidelines for the historic district. The station will serve

The local historical district and communities along Quirino Avenue, Tramo Road, and Naga Road.

viii) Zapote Station (S2): Side platform with at-grade concourse. The station will be part of an intermodal facility with passenger drop-off and pick up areas , and bus and jeepney parking. The area to be served includes Las Piñas and the communities along the Alabang-Zapote Road to Alabang in Muntinlupa. Refere to Figure 2.25 for the Civil Design Concept of Zapote Station.

ix) Talaba Station (S1): Future side platform station. The station will be constructed when the surrounding area furthere develops and matures, and could serve buses and jeepneys, by way of the future R1 Highway Extension. Figure 2.26 shows the Civil Design Concept of the future Talaba Station.

x) Niog Station (C1): Center platform located south of Talaba Diversion Road on the east side of Gen. E,. Aguinaldo Highway. It will be served by an intermodal facility. This station will serve the highest patronage of the Phase 1 Extension. The Civil Design Concept of Niog Station is shown on Figure 2.27.

Station Components

The station will have public spaces and non-public ancillary spaces. The public spaces will include paid and unpaid zones. Non-public ancillary spaces include personnel rooms and plant rooms. The following enumerates the functional areas within the stations:

Public Spaces

▪ Entrances;

▪ Ticket purchasing areas;

▪ Passenger information areas;

▪ Fare paid concourses;

▪ Vertical circulation in the form of stairs and/or escalators;

▪ Elevators;

▪ Emergency exit stairs; and

▪ Provisions for commercial spaces (locations to be identified)

Non-Public Spaces

Personnel Rooms

▪ Stationmaster Office;

▪ Security Office;

▪ Cash Room:

▪ Personnel Comfort Rooms including toilets and locker Rooms, both for Male and Female; and

▪ Janitor Room

Plant Rooms

▪ Electronic Equipment Room (Communications)

▪ Train Control Systems;

▪ A/C Electrical Rooms;

▪ Telephone Closet Room;

▪ Mechanical Room;

▪ Station Substation; and

▪ Generator Room

The exterior spaces of the stations will facilitate access and connectivity of the stations with their urban setting, and shall include the following:

▪ Pedestrian overpasses over major streets;

▪ Passenger drop-off/pick-up areas for buses and jeepneys;

▪ Direct pedestrian connections to existing or future developments;

▪ Ramps to facilitate accessibility to the physically challenged; and

▪ Walkways and landscaping or other improvements to make the station user friendly.

Station Entrance

The station entrances will be clearly identifiable from the streets. They will be open spaces protected from weather and will contain information panels and ticket vending machines. The space is functionally organized to accommodate the following activities:

▪ Free flow circulation areas for passenger movements between the entrance and turnstiles;

▪ Queuing areas for passenger to purchase tickets from the ticket booths and ticket vending machines; and

▪ Pause areas for passengers that are unfamiliar with the system and need to orient themselves and consult the information panels.

Ticket Booths and Turnstiles

The ticket booth is the first secured space in the station and is protected by the station closure. The ticket booth has to be accessible to patrons in the paid and unpaid zones for assistance and add-fare purchases. The turnstiles will form the barrier the paid and free zone of the station. Included in this barrier will be gates for the physically challenged, wheel chairs or parent with strollers, and exit gates as required by NFPA 130 for emergency existing. A clear surge space of 5.0 meters will be provided on each side of the turnstiles.

Fare Paid Zone Hall

This will be an open space which will include directional signs and clear lines of sight and circulation paths to the vertical circulation. This space may include the access to the station personnel rooms or station plant rooms, which will be secured from unauthorized access.

Vertical Circulation

All stations will be equipped with stairs, escalators and with elevators for the physically challenged.

▪ Stairs: all platforms will be accessible through stairs. Stair step rise and run will be designed to provide the maximum comfort and circulation efficiency. Landings will be provided at an average rise of 2.6 meters. Stair widths have been sized for normal and emergency conditions.

▪ Escalators: All stations will have escalators.

▪ Elevators: all platforms will be accessible through elevators. Elevator cabs and shaft will be glazed for passenger safety and to prevent vandalism.


▪ General: The platforms will be 110 meters in length to accommodate the older 3-vehicle trains and newer 4-vehicle trains. The platform will be approximately 200 mm lower that the train floor to allow for the opening of the plug doors. It will have a 500-mm wide safety edge with a continues lighting strip above. Platforms will include primary and directional signage. There be will provisions for advertising panels.

▪ Side Platforms: All side platforms will be 4.00 meters wide. The standard side platform width has been determined by the ultimate patronage, plus safety factors of the station width the highest patronage. This width will also accommodate the 500-mm safety edge and space for platform furniture such as benches, waste receptacles, and information panels.

▪ Center Platform: Center platforms will be 9.5 meters wide. This width has been determined by patronage. To maintain a standard platform width on the high and very high patronage stations, passenger movement has been expedited by means of adding additional vertical circulation and increasing the concourse area.

▪ Emergency Conditions: Platforms, vertical circulation, and emergency exist have been sized and located to provide a safe environment for passengers and staff. They will meet the requirements of the Philippine Building Code and NFPA 130.

Public Spaces Design Parameters

The design of public spaces follows the international design practices for contemporary transit stations as reflected on the station floor plans. Stations may be unique depending on their urban settings, but will have common elements that will be consistent system wide. Commonality will be achieved by function, space and form, lighting, signage and equipment, and by the materials that comer in contact with the users in a safe and secure environment, including their orientation, horizontal travel, passage through fare vending areas, training and detraining and emergency egress.


The station’s functional design is based on the volume and needs of the flow of passengers. This starts when passengers approach the station on foot or by other modes of transportation and continues as they enter the free zone, purchase tickets, pass through the fare gates, and ascend to the platforms.


The stations have been sized to meet the peak hour demand for the Year 2025, including a peaking factor of 25% for the 15-minute peak period. All platforms have been designed to meet the ultimate demand. Vertical circulation in low patronage stations will have sufficient vertical circulation capacity to meet the ultimate demand. High patronage stations will have sufficient capacity for the first ten (10) years of operation, with provisions to build additional vertical circulation when it is warranted by the demand.

Space and Form

The quality of space and form of entrances, concourses, vertical circulation elements, and platforms will be consistent system wide, allowing for better passenger orientation and flow.


The stations will have standard elements that will be consistent system wide to assist passenger orientation and flow. Common components at each station will include identification of station entrances, location of equipment such as information panels, ticket vending machines and ticket booths, fare gates, vertical circulation and platform arrangement, including lighting and signs.

Passenger Comfort

Comfort in stations is achieved by providing personal space along the various sequences of events that take place in the station. The design will take into consideration passenger information, easy familiarization through the commonality of the stations, clear circulation paths, easy orientation and movement in crowded environments, adequate space to wait on the platforms and access the trains.

Passenger Safety and Security

Safety and security has been paramount in the design of the stations. Safety is dependent on providing clear sight lines and proper selection of materials that are in contact with the patrons (i.e. floors, railings, platform edge).

Security personnel at the stations will provide station security. Ground level areas will be closed during non-revenue hours by an alarmed

Coiling grill. Platforms will have CCTV cameras connected to the office of the Stationmaster.

Station Services

▪ Station Lighting: Lighting level at stations will be high to provide a good level of safety and security. Platforms will have continuous lighting strip over the safety edge. Emergency lighting lasting at least ten (10) minutes in case of main power failure will be provided through the station.

▪ Air conditioning and Force Ventilation: None will be provide in public spaces. The stations will be designed to allow for natural ventilation and the station canopy will have a continuous ridge ventilation. Personnel and plant rooms have ventilated and/or air conditioned as required for their intended use.

▪ Public Address (PA) Speakers: All public spaces at stations will have PA speakers.

▪ Public Phones: Station entrances and exterior areas will have provisions for public telephones to be installed by the telephone company.

▪ Water Supply: Each station will have a water storage tank for domestic and fire fighting purposes. The water will be pumped to the various outlets.

▪ Sanitary Sewer: Stations will be provided with septic tanks with an outflow connected to the existing sewer lines.

▪ Fire Fighting System: In public spaces, stations will be provided with dry stand pipes located as required by the fire authority. In non-public spaces, personnel rooms may be provided with sprinklers, plant rooms with inert gas and fire

extinguishers where needed. All areas of stations, including public spaces, plant rooms, escalator and elevator pits will have a fire detection system. Intermodal Facilities

Major intermodal facilities for passenger interchange between buses/jeepneys and the LRT Line 1 will be located at three (3) stations namely Niog, Zapote, and Dr. Santos. The intermodal facilities will contain the following:

▪ Passenger drop-off area;

▪ Bus/jeepney parking area;

▪ Passenger pick-up area; and

▪ Pedestrian linkages to/from the station entrance

The functional plan for the three (3) intermodal facilities are shown on Figure 28 to 30. The layout of the facilities provides smooth and efficient transfer of passengers to/from the Extension, and provide smooth traffic flow of buses and jeepneys through the station site and to/from the adjacent streets.

The layout shall follow the logical sequence of events. Jeepneys will be routed to unloading berths to drop-off their passengers. Walkways and/or stairs will lead the passengers to the station entrance. The jeepneys will proceed to the storage area wait in the designated queue for their route. They will then move to the first available loading bay to pick-up passengers.

▪ The unloading and loading of bus and jeepney passengers within the intermodal facilities rather than on adjacent streets will prevent disruption and impedance of traffic flow along adjacent streets;

• Stations along Roxas Boulevard (Redemptorist, MIA, and Asia World) are located adjacent to the planned bus terminals of PEA, which will facilitate the transfer of passengers between buses and jeepneys.

• Las Piñas and Ninoy Aquino Stations will be provided with on-site facilities for smooth transfer of passengers between the Extension and buses and jeepneys.

• Pedestrian crossovers will be provided at Redemptorist, MIA, and Asia World Stations to avoid traffic disruption from pedestrian crossings.

• Traffic regulation in coordination with MMDA.

7. Rolling Stock

The rolling stock will be single articulated light rail vehicles with a width of 2.59 meters and nominal length of 26 meters. It will incorporate proven technology, compatible top the existing fleet of seven (7) trains (procured under the LRT Line 1 Phase 1 Capacity Expansion Program), and will be constructed to meet the minimum operating life of twenty-five (25) years or better within the Metro Manila area environment.

The vehicles will be manually driven under the supervision of the onboard Automatic Train Protection Subsystem.

The train configuration will be Mc-M-M-Mc (Motor Coach-Coach-Coach-Motor Coach) as shown on the general vehicle configuration of the Extension on Figure 2.31. Four (4) vehicles will make up a train consist with the two end vehicles having one (1) cab each, with cab positions at both ends of the train consist, and the two middle vehicles having no cab. The vehicles will be single-articulated with stainless steel carbody and four (4) double doors per side.

8. Automatic Fare Collection System (AFC)

The automatic fare collection system (AFC) for the LRT Line 1 Extension Program will be compatible with the planned AFC for the existing LRT Line 1. Ticket commonality will permit seamless travel on the existing Line 1 and the Extension. The main characteristics of the AFC are described below:

• Fare Structure – Closed system based on the graduated fare structure where the fare is related to the distance travel;

• Fare Media – Plastic tickets and cards with magnetic layer will be used as a single journey and multi-journey (stored value) ticket;

• Entry/Exit Control – Magnetic ticket/card operated turnstiles will provide controlled entry and exit to the paid area in the passenger stations. Upon entry, the turnstiles will read and encode a variable message on the ticket and return the ticket to the passenger. Upon exit, the turnstiles will read/encode the passenger’s ticket and either allow or deny exit depending on the operating philosophy implemented. If the exist is denied, the ticket will be returned to the passenger to add value to the ticket at the Addfare machine or the ticket booths. All single journey tickets and multi-journey tickets with no stored value will be captured by the turnstiles when the passenger is allowed to exit. Tickets not captured will be returned to the passenger;

• Ticket Sales – Magnetically encoded tickets sold by means of Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) and ticketing booths located at the station concourses, and by third parties at kiosk located in the vicinity of the stations; and

• Central Control Capability – Information from the fare collection equipment will locally processed at the passenger stations and centrally processed at the Operations Control Center (OCC).

9. Trackwork

The track will consist of steel running rails gauged at 1435 mm. For the mainline track, the “Direct Fixation” method will be used where the running rails are directly fastened to the guideway top slab. Ballasted track and concrete or hardwood ties will be used in the yard and depot area.

The running rails will be continuously welded UIC 54 for the mainline, UICV 50 for the yard. Turnout sizes will be as follows:

• Number 8 and Number 4 equilateral – Mainline; and

• Number 6 – All maintenance depot and yard switches Traction Power Substation Buildings (Rectifier Substations)

The stand-alone buildings for the Traction Power Substations (RSS-Rectifier Substations) will be located along the route as follows:

TPS #10 – vicinity of Redemptionist Station

TPS #11 – vicinity of MIA Station

TPS #12 – vicinity of Parañaque River

TPS #13 – vicinity of Dr. Santos Station

TPS #14 – vicinity of Las Piñas Station

TPS #15 – vicinity of Zapote Station

TPS #16 – vicinity of Satellite Depot

TPS #17 – vicinity of Niog Station

The electrical substation equipment will be contained in a fully enclosed buildings provided with the necessary electrical and mechanical building services. The substation building will have nominal dimensions of 12 x 23 meters. Power Supply and Distribution System

The traction power system will be sized to meet the ultimate capacity of 30,000 pphpd. Eight (8) new traction power substations (TPS) will be provided. One will be located at the satellite depot and the other will be along the mainline. The local Manila Electric Company (MERALCO) will supply a dedicated cable (3.5kV, 3 phase 60Hz) feed to each TPS. Feeds to adjacent TPS’s will be from different MERALCO supply points, and adjacent TPS’s will be interconnected for redundancy in case of power loss from any single TPS.

Transformer-rectifier units will convert the power feed to nominal 750 V dc power for distribution through the Overhead Contact System (OCS). The power system is designed to operate with all of the traction power substations is connected in parallel on the 750V dc side through the OCS. The running rails will be used as the return current conductors.

A 6.6kV cable ring network will feed the passenger stations substations. The ac supply will be from two (2) transformers, located in theTPS’s, at both ends of the network. Step-down transformers in each passenger station substation will provide power requirements to adequately support the initial peak-period revenue service requirements of 26,000 pphpd with AW4 loaded trains (crush passenger load and 0.25g dynamic load). The power supply and distribution system will be designed and constructed so that it may be readily upgraded in capacity to meet the ultimate peak service requirements with AW4 loading.

Each vehicle will have three (3) two-axle trucks (bogies), one (1) motor truck per carbody section (2 motor trucks per vehicle) and one (1) trailer truck under the articulation section. Each motor truck will be equipped with two (2) traction motors, each driving a single axle through the parallel gear unit.

Major features shall include ac propulsion with regenerative braking capability, roof-mounted air conditioning units, pneumatic disk friction brake system, magnetic track brakes, outboard journal bearings, resilient wheels, primary suspension by elastomeric springs and secondary suspension by diaphragm type air spring. Overhead Contact System (OCS)

The Overhead Contact System (OCS) will comprise the conductors and related items forming the trackside distribution system, which supplies 750V dc power (positive supply) to the trains. The overhead contact wire system will consist two (2) types of construction namely: (i) weight-tensioned catenary for the mainline, and (ii) simple trolley wire for the depot yard.

The mainline OCS will consist of a single messenger wire and a single contact wire located over each track. Both wires will be current-carrying conductors with the messenger wire supporting the contact wire by means of in-span hangers, and the contact wire providing the current collection interface for the roof-mounted pantographs of the trains

The catenary wires will be supported by insulated cantilever bars from galvanized steel masts located in the center space between the tracks on the dual track guideway and at the side of the track in the special trackwork areas, center platform stations and single track sections.

13. Signalling and Train Control System

The signaling system will use state-of-the-art solid state technology, off-the-shelf standard material and components to the greatest extent possible to provide the highest levels of reliability, maintainability, and safety performance.

The signaling system will provide full Automatic Train Protection (ATP). The ATP system will ensure safety of operations including separation of trains, running on the same tracks, and over interlocked routes. The ATP will include both wayside and onboard vital safety functions.

Trains will be driven manually and the train operator will initiate door operation.

The signaling will include a Train Supervision System (TSS) located in the Operations Control Center (OCC) to monitor train operations. The train supervision function will assist the control room operations staff to provide scheduled service under normal operating conditions and maintain the best possible service in case of disruptions. The signaling system will permit train operations at sustained headways, of 110 seconds.The maximum authorized speed along the system will be 60 km/h. In certain sections, trains will operate at reduced speeds due to civil speed restrictions. Operations, Maintenance and Storage Facilities

Expansion of the Existing Depot

The LRTA maintenance compound (the “Depot”) in Pasay City is to be expanded and enhanced as part of the Phase II (100%) Capacity Expansion Project for the existing LRT Line 1 System. The operations and maintenance functions for the LRT Line 1 Extension Project will also be centered at the existing Depot. The depot modifications for the Extension Project will be coordinated and integrated with those required for the Phase II Capacity Expansion Program. Expansion of the existing maintenance and storage facilities to accommodate the additional fleet of the Extension will include the following:

• Repair Shop: The existing workshop has sufficient capacity to serve the fleet maintenance requirements of the existing LRT Line 1, Phase II Capacity Expansion and the Extension. Night work shifts will be required to meet the maintenance requirements of the fleet.

• Power Supply: The existing traction power substation will be able to provide the power requirements of both the Extension and the Phase II Capacity Extension.

• Train Washing Facilities: The present car washing system will continue to be used.

The ultimate plan for the expansion of the existing depot in Pasay City is presented on Figure 2.3

Satellite Depot

A new fenced satellite depot will be constructed near the south end of the Extension between Zapote and Talaba Station. It will require two (2) hectares of land, and will have an open-air stabling yard with an initial storage capacity and two (2) platforms for interior cleaning of vehicles and manual washing of vehicle exterior. The satellite depot will have a new access road and one (1) gated guard house. The general layout of the satellite depot is attached as Figure 2.33. Operations Control Center (OCC)

The Operations Control Center (OCC) will be located at the new Administration Building on the grounds of the existing LRT Line 1 maintenance and storage facility in Pasay City.

The OCC will consist of the Central Control Room (CCR) and the Electronic Equipment Room (EER). It will centralize the following:

• radio, telephone and platform public address communications;

• LRT traffic management and traffic coordination;

• control and supervision of the traffic-supporting subsystems; and

• control and monitoring of the traction power substation.

Five (5) people will staff the CCR. Each person will have an assigned workplace at which the majority of their tasks will be carried out.

The operator positions will be:

• Supervisor;

• Mainline and yard operators (2); and

• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)/communications operator.

An extra workplace will be provided for a communications operator.

The operator positions will consist of the required SCADA and Traffic Control graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and Communications console equipment to support the defined operator position.

16. Communications

The telecommunications system for the Extension Project will be comprised of the following elements:

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) – will consist of a computer based system with centralized control and monitoring equipment placed at the OCC, and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) placed at new traction power substations and the maintenance depot for monitoring and controlling the PS&D system;

• Fiber Optic Communication System (FOCS) – will support all audio and data communications between the new mainline facilities, including the new passenger stations, the satellite depot and the OCC at the existing LRTA maintenance depot in Pasay City;

• Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) – will provide real-time video surveillance by means of CCTV cameras and monitors located at the new stations;

• Public Address System (PAS) – will allow for the OCC and station personnel to page staff and make public announcements over the new passenger stations and maintenance depot speakers. A separate public address system be will provided in the vehicles for passenger communications with the on-board train operators;

• Two-Way Radio System - will provide two-way radio communications between the control center, trains, rail service vehicles, mobile and personal hand-held radio units. It will be connected to the DOTC centralized 800 MHz trunking radio system;

• Telephone System - will provide conventional voice telephone service throughout the LRT Line 1 Extension system. Conventional telephones will be provided in station and depot offices equipment rooms and control center, and weatherproof telephones will be provided along the track side and at station platforms;

• Master Clock - will provide as required, the accurate time of day to all communication subsystems and support local time displayed throughout the LRT Line 1 Extension mainline facilities; and

• Operations Control Center Local Area Network (OCCLAN) – all communications subsystems centrally located to the OCC and as required, to support the LRT Line 1 Extension operations. It will support a standard Ethernet type interface for OCCLAN interconnection.

2.4.2 Pre-Construction and Construction Phases

The Pre-Construction and Construction Phases of the project shall involve the following activities:

1. Pre Construction Activities

Property Acquisition

Property Acquisition for the proposed Project right-of-way will be undertaken by LRTA in advance of construction and in accordance with the Project Schedule.

LRTA has contacted major property owners along the proposed alignment and obtained their agreement in principle to the provision of the required right-of-way. During the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the Project, LRTA will finalize and mathematize the alignment, establish the general arrangement of the fixed facilities, and prepare right-of-way plans precisely defining the property acquisition requirements for the entire project.

The Program Management Office (PMO) will liaise continuously with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC), and Public Estates Authority (PEA) to keep them fully informed of the ROW definition as it evolves.

Informal Settler Resettlement

Some parts of the project site will require the resettlement of informal settlers by the Government in accordance with the policies of the Government and the Project Schedule. The precise extent of the resettlements required will be defined during the Preliminary Engineering Phase in conjunction with the property acquisition requirements. The PMO will liaise with the Government during the Preliminary Engineering Phase to keep them fully informed on the precise definition of the informal settler clearance as they evolve

Permits and Approvals

LRTA has discussed the alignment with the central and local government authorities, and with the utility companies. These agencies and authorities are already aware of the needs of the proposed Project, and are supportive of the Project. Nevertheless, various formal approvals and permits will have to be obtained in respect with the construction work. The permits and approvals shall include the following:

▪ Construction permits;

• Permits for working in streets;

• Approvals for traffic diversions;

• Approval for utility relocation and/or protection measures;

• Permits and approvals for working in the Parañaque River;

• Approval for disposal of excavation and waste materials, and for discharge of construction drainage water;

• Approvals for environmental protection measures; and

• Permits for night time working, where necessary.

The PMO will start the permitting and approval processes during the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the Project. They will establish the communications and dialogues with all pertinent authorities that is essential for orderly, efficient and timely approval of construction. The permitting and approvals process will be completed during the Detailed Design and Construction Phase of the Project.

Traffic Management Planning

The construction of the LRT Line 1 Extension Project will affect various roads and highways. The major effect will be experienced during the construction period only thus it will be temporary. To address the traffic problems that will be brought about by the project, the Proponents formulated a sound traffic management plan, which is discussed in detail in Section 6.5, Chapter 6, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of this Report. The said traffic management plan will be submitted to the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) for approval.

Utilities Management Plan

The Proponents have already undertaken an examination of available utility plans for the guideway alignment to assess the impact of utility relocation, protection, and abandonment measures. A detailed discussion of the utilities management plan for the proposed project is presented in Section 6.6, Chapter 6, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of this Report.

Site Demolition, Clearing, and Grubbing

Site demolition, clearing, and grubbing will be undertaken in conjunction with and preceding the substructure construction. The execution of these activities will follow traditional construction methods. All waste materials shall be disposed in areas duly approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Construction Period

Guideway Construction Staging

The construction of the elevated guideway for the LRT Line 1 Extension Project will be done in two (2) stages.

Stage 1: Construction of the foundations on piles or caissons followed by cast-in-place concrete columns and crossheads.

Stage 2: Positioning of precast concrete beams on the crossheads and field welding the bearings.

The columns and crossheads will be constructed concurrently with the production of the precast concrete beams. Column construction will proceed at multiple locations in order for the project to remain on schedule, whereas the beam placement will progress linearly from Baclaran Station. Although this is the desirable sequence, beam placement has flexibility to move to a different sequence or to work at two locations simultaneously, if the site or schedule conditions require this.

Guideway Substructure Construction

Foundation Construction

The standard foundation type will be a traditional bored pile/pile cap system. After access to the column location has been accommodated and secured, the required number of piles will be installed to the required depth. The excavation will be undertaken to the bottom of pile cap, and supported with trench sheeting, where required. The excess pile lengths will be cut off, and the sub-grade for the pile cap will be prepared. Pre-fabricated rebar cages will be lowered into the excavation and the formwork will be installed. Because pile caps sizes will be standardize, reusable steel forms will be utilized in the construction of the pile caps. The quantity of forms required will be dictated by the construction schedule.

The geological conditions and local geotechnical experience suggest the use of bored cast-in-place reinforced concrete piles with diameters of 1000 mm to 1800 mm. These piles are to be designed based on skin friction, and will extend from 8-22 meters in depth depending on the site conditions. For the loads and forces imposed on the guideway substructures, the foundations will consist of groups of piles with a pile cap. Pile groups will vary from 6-12 piles with an average of nine (9) piles for the guideway column. The pile cap size will vary with pile group size with an average size of 8.5 meters square by 1.3 meters deep.

Where a single, large diameter caisson foundation is used, the caisson casing will be installed, the caisson will be excavated to the required depth, then the reinforcing steel concrete will be placed to form the caisson.

Alternate foundation using a single diameter caisson per column has also been explored and could show some advantages in schedule and cost. Equipment availability is an issue with this type of construction and will need further investigation during the design development.

The installation of bored caissons within marine or river environment is difficult and costly. Driven steel or pre-cast concrete piles are typically more appropriate in these conditions but do not appear to be used to any great extent in the Manila construction market. An investigation to the availability of equipment and reliability of such installations in the local area will be evaluated during the design development phase.

The geotechnical investigation has found liquefaction indicators in boreholes 1, 2, and 3 at Redemptorist, MIA, and Dr. Santos Stations, respectively. (Please see Figure 2.34 for the borehole locations) . In boreholes 1 and 3, the areas of liquefaction risk are near surface and relatively thin. At borehole 2, the liquefiable layer is about 9 meters below grade. Based on the conditions found at boreholes 1 and 2, no ground conditioning has been provided for this area. In the case of borehole 3, an allowance for downdrag on the piled foundations in this area has been provided for. In general, since the geotechnical investigation has found very little evidence of potential for surface or near surface liquefaction flow, there has been no provision for ground conditioning for any of the foundations.

Column and Cross-Head Construction

After the foundations have achieved sufficient strength, the reinforcing steel for the columns will be installed. Again, re-useable steel formwork will be used for the columns. The installation of this formwork will require at least one (1) crane and the installation of “dead-men”, in order to anchor the reinforcing steel cages and column forms during the stages of installation.

Once the forms have been installed and checked for accuracy, the ready-mixed concrete will be placed for the columns. When the columns have achieved sufficient strength, the forms will be removed and the site will be backfilled to proper grade.

The steel reinforcing cages and formwork will then be placed for the crossheads will be constructed using steel formwork. These forms will be secured to the columns with friction collars in order to minimize the disruption around the columns in crowded areas. Any non-standard or special crossheads will be constructed using traditional plywood and timber formwork timber. After casting of the crossheads, a small field post tensioning procedure will take place.

Substructure Construction Outside Parañaque River

The substructure for all guideway outside of the Parañaque River will be constructed using traditional construction methods. The sequence of activities involve shall include the following:

▪ Construction of temporary access road where required;

• Drill piles or construction of caisson foundation;

• For piled foundation, excavation to bottom of pile cap, prepare sub-grade and cast pile cap;

• Build Columns;

• Backfill pile caps; and

• Construction of crossheads.

Substructure Construction in the Parañaque River

The alignment will include a section of the guideway that will be constructed within the Parañaque River. Although the structures for this section of the guideway will be consistent with the remainder of the guideway, a different construction methodology is required. The sequence of construction activities that will be involved for this part of the guideway substructure is expected to be:

• Construction of temporary staging areas adjacent to the Parañaque River;

• Construction of temporary docking facilities;

• Dredge the river as required for construction barges;

• Drill piles; and

• Form and cast pile caps and build columns and crossheads.

Work in the Parañaque River will comply with the Government’s environmental standards and will not obstruct river traffic.

Guideway Superstructure Erection

Beam Delivery

Specially designed transporters will be used to move the beams from the pre-casting yard to the guideway for installation. These units have multiple axles for weight distribution and steerable rear dollies for maneuverability. The distance between the bunks can also be adjusted to the length of the beam being transported. To minimize traffic disruption, the beams will be transported at night.

Beam Erection

Methods for erecting the beams will vary by locations. Typically, the beams will be hoisted into position on the columns with two (2) 250-ton crawler cranes. For hoisting, the cranes will be positioned on timber crane mats. Typical crane mats will be 5 meters long by 1.5 meters wide, and will constructed of 300 mm x 300 mm timbers bolted together. Mats will be relocated by front end loaders equipped with forks and then placed by an excavator with a grapple. Cranes will move between columns on mats to protect roadways and underground utilities from damage. Every crane pick will be engineered.

In areas where heavy crane and transport access to the guideway is restricted, the beams will be positioned on the column using specially designed and constructed launchers. The beams will be transported to the staging locations along the guideway where cranes will hoist the beam onto temporary blocking on the erected guideway beams. At this pint, two (2) guideway transporters will pick the beam up, deliver it along the erected superstructure to the launching area, and deposit it onto temporary blocking. The launcher then hooks onto the beam and places it in its final position in the next open span. The launching cycle is approximately 2.5 hours. Figure 2.35 shows the process of erection of the guideway beams using launchers. Enumerated below are preliminary locations where beams will either be launched or be placed using cranes.

• Baclaran Station to Redemptorist Station, beams will be launched;

• Parañaque River Bridge to Niog Station, beams will be launched; and

• Niog Station to termination of guideway, beams will be placed using cranes.

Bearing Installation

Bearings will be secured to the beams in the pre-cast plant prior to shipping. After installation of the beams, the bearings will be first welded to plates embedded in the top of the substructure. When this process is complete, track installation can follow.

Station Structural Framing

The proposed structural framing for the stations will be typically reinforced concrete one-way slabs supported on longitudinal beams. The reinforced concrete bents for the guideway structure will also constitute the primary structural support system for the stations. The bents will resist the lateral forces in both the longitudinal and transverse directions.

The roof structure will be typically a gable type roof consisting of structural steel purlins and tubular roof trusses which supports the roof deck insulation and roof cladding. The concept of using roof trusses to resist lateral and gravity loads eliminates the need for cross bracing and provides a clean roof system which is aesthetically pleasing. The trusses will also clear span the platform level to provide patrons with clear unobstructed space.

Space trusses will be located along the perimeter of the roof except at the ends of the station. These trusses resist both lateral and uplift loads generated by wind and seismic loads. They also act to support the roof purlins and can provide a means for attaching advertising panels.

The main trusses will be located generally every 20 m on center and will clear span the platform level. They will form a tree-like structure supported on cantilever concrete columns at each end of the main trusses.

The proposed structural system provides the following advantages:

• Reinforced concrete is a common method of construction;

• The beam and slab arrangement accommodates large openings at the platform level for stairs and escalators;

• Continuity and statical indeterminancy in the structural system which is preferred din an active system area;

• The guideway structure can be constructed independently of the stations; and

• The roof structure is constructed using steel which is lightweight and has a clean appearance.

Ancillary Spaces and Station Substations

These secondary facilities located below the platforms the stations will be constructed of load bearing reinforced masonry walls supporting a reinforced concrete roof slab which will be waterproofed. The masonry walls will be capable of resisting both gravity and lateral loads due both to in plane and out of plane loads. The substructure will consist primarily of a continuous strip footing. The slab on grade will be raised approximately 600 mm above the surrounding grade for protection in case of flooding.

Pedestrian Bridges

Pedestrian bridges will be located at Redemptorist, MIA, Asia World, and Dr. Santos Stations. The primary structural system for these bridges will consist of two (2) parallel upstand precast prestressed I-girders, which will either clear span the roadway or. For wide roads, be supported on columns located in the medians. The I-girders will be of simple span design and will be supported on cantilever cross beams that will be cast at the top of circular columns. Reinforced concrete slabs will provide the walkway surface and span between the I-girders. Continuous handrails will be attached to the top face of the I-girders.

At the end of the bridges, reinforced concrete stairs will be provided for patrons to enter and/or exit the stations.

Foundations for the bridges will be constructed using precast prestressed piles. The piles will be driven through the softer alluvial soils to the dense tuffaceous siltstone, which is typically located 18 meters below the existing ground surface.

Expansion of the Existing Depot (LRTA Compound in Pasay City)

The following are the construction activities that will be involved in the expansion of the existing depot within the LRTA compound in Pasay City.

• site clearing and demolition of derelict barracks buildings;

• site preparation and placing of sub-ballast for additional railroad;

• tracks for train storage;

• construction of new 3-storey Administration Building for new operating company;

• new roadwork’s, drainage, sewer and domestic water supply for expanded facilities;

• relocation; and

• water treatment plant

Satellite Depot in Bacoor, Cavite

The following is a simplified chronology of construction activities involve in the

• site drainage and removal of unsuitable material;

• fill placement and preparation for construction of railroad tracks for storage of ten trains, including placing sub-ballast;

• perimeter security fence with gate and guardhouse;

• small storage facility for materials and equipment to clean interiors of trains;

• relocation of existing water treatment plant; and

• roadworks, drainage, sewer, domestic water and electric power

Traction Power Substation Buildings

• eight traction power substations buildings, including concrete masonry unit buildings with concrete roofs; and

• associated roadworks, storm water drainage connections and landscaping

Electrical and Mechanical Systems Works

• interface with existing Line 1, i.e. control recommendations power supply;

• installation of traction power substation electrical equipment including transformers and switch gear;

• installation of dual railroad tracks along the entire guideway, directly fastened to the guideway superstructure deck without use of ballast;

• installation of ballast and railroad tracks for existing Depot expansion and for new Satellite Depot;

• installation of overhead catenary power distribution system along the entire guideway, mounted on poles, located along the center of the guideway;

• installation of overhead catenary power distribution system for existing Depot expansion and for new Satellite Depot;

• installation of miscellaneous cables along guideway, in stations and in Depots;

• installation of automatic fare collection system equipment in stations; and

• installation of miscellaneous electrical/electronic equipment along in stations and at the Depot.

Temporary Facilities for Construction

• precasting facility for the guideway superstructure beams, located on the existing reclamation area west of Roxas

• Boulevard or in the future Multinational Development area south of Dr. Santos Avenue;

• temporary access roads along guideway alignment where access is not possible from existing roads;

• temporary bridges where alignment crosses rivers;

• temporary staging areas for construction access for works in the Parañaque River;

• temporary staging areas along the alignment for construction; and

• offices, materials and equipment storage, etc

Temporary Access Roads

The guideway will traverse a very diverse land types and uses along the proposed alignment. Thus, varying degrees of construction access roads will be necessary at different locations along the alignment. These roads will be constructed as temporary accesses for construction materials and equipment, and will be designed and constructed accordingly. Several temporary bridge structures will also be required to cross various drainage ditches and other small water courses.

The major effort in constructing temporary access roads will be for the section of the guideway between Dr. A. Santos and the Talaba Diversion-MCCR link Road, where much of the alignment passes through salt beds and fish ponds. For this area, an 8-meter wide access road is envisaged to facilitate the delivery and equipment, and provide ample working space for construction. The construction activities that will be involved for the construction of this temporary access road will include:

• drainage of affected salt beds and fish farms;

• excavation of silty bed materials over width required for access road;

• installation of geotextile fabric; and

• construction of engineered fill road using crushed rock and granular road based materials, graded and compacted to shed rain water.

Temporary Precast Yard

The guideway for the LRT Line 1 Extension Project will be elevated over the entire 12-kilometer length. The basic guideway structure will consist of a pair of trapezoidal precast concrete box beam girders resting o a cast-in-place crossheads and columns.

Where operational requirements or site conditions prevent the use of the typical structure, special purpose structures will be constructed thus, will become an integral part of the elevated guideway. All special purposes structures will also utilize the standard trapezoidal beam cross section. Situations that may require special purpose structures include:

• structures requiring long spans;

• structures requiring continuity over multiple spans;

• track crossover structures; and

• pocket structures

Preliminary investigations indicate that approximately 843 precast concrete guideway beams will be required to complete the proposed Extension Project. All beams will have the same trapezoidal box beam cross section, and beam lengths will vary from 24 meter to 30 meters. Approximately 70% of the beams on this project will be tangent and 30% will be curved.

Forming System

The precast concrete beams are designed to be produced in two stages. The first stage pour includes the U-shaped box beam section and the second stage pour includes the trackway slab and both parapet walls.

Approved highly sophisticated forming system will be utilized to produce beams with continuously varying vertical and horizontal curvature and superelevation. In addition a high precision jigging system will locate the threaded inserts in the second stage pour for the attachment of the track hardware.

Each tangent beam form, lower section, will consist of three meter tub sections and ten three meter loaf sections which will adjust only to a vertical curve. The upper section will consist of ten three meter parapet wall sections complete with the insert setting jigs. Pre-stressing of the tangent beams will be accomplished through the use of external stressing abutments and sandwich plates.

The curve form, bottom section, will consist o twenty 1.5 meter long segments located adjacent to each other. Each segment will consist of an individual adjustable tub form set in a moveable frame. The individual segments will have horizontal and vertical adjustments while the tubs will be capable of being rotated within the segments. The parapet wall forms with the insert jigs for curved beams will be similar to the tangent units but will be limited to 1.5 meter lengths to facilitate forming the required curvature. Curved beams will be produced by adjusting the segments and tubs to the computer generated formset data for each beam. The post tensioning of the curve beams and the grouting will be completed in the storage and finishing area of the pre-cast facility.

Fabrication of the forms will take place at the form supplier’s facility. The forms will then be transported to the pre-cast yard where they will be positioned and assembled on designated beds. Once the forms have been installed they will be calibrated before going into production, and then again at regular intervals throughout the duration of beam production. Throughout the calibration sequence, quality control inspectors will verify all form positioning dimensions and certify that forms are suitable for beam production.

Pre-Casting Facility

A pre-cast facility, specifically designed to produce the trapezoidal box beams, will be constructed. The pre-cast yard equipment requirements are summarized in Table 2.7. The size and layout of the production facility will be determined by the Project schedule, beam production requirements, and the anticipated ratio of curve to tangent beams. Current information indicates that six (6) forms (4 tangent and 2 curved) will be required to meet the proposed schedule. This and the amount of beam storage will give the size of the site required for the pre-cast operation.

|Table 2.7 Pre-Cast Yard Equipment Requirements |

|Equipment |Number |

|70-tone straddle carriers |2 |

|Lindon L30/75 tower cranes |4 |

|28-tone Grove. R.T. Crane |1 |

|950 Caterpillar front and end loaders |3 |

|Modified 5 m3/hr concrete pump truck complete with placing booms |2 |

|Batch Plant and 2m3 mixer (60 m3/hr) c/a Auto Mixer control, control room, insulated water tank and|1 |

|chiller | |

|5-million BTU steam generators complete with motorized control valve, automatic controls and time |3 |

|and temperature recording equipment | |

|Truck mounted Miller Big 40 welder |1 |

|300 amp wire feed welders |2 |

|Grout mixer and pump |1 |

|5 tone caterpillar forklift |2 |

|5 tone Hiab truck |1 |

|Multi strand stressing jacks complete with hydraulics and | |

|recording equipment for post tensioning |1 |

|Prestress jacks c/a pump hoses and gauges |2 |

|Sandblasting pot and 185 c.f.m. diesel power compressor |1 |

|300 c.f.m. electrical stationary compressor |2 |

|Miller Big 40 welders-trailer mounted |2 |

|Covers for curing beams |6 |

|10 tone caterpillar forklift |1 |

|SOURCE: SNC Lavalin, 1999. Manila LRT Line 1 Extension Offer for |

|Implementation and Operation, Volume II Implementation & |

|Technical Plan |

The forms will laid out in three rows, two rows of two tangent forms and one row of two curve forms. Each form row will have a moveable telescoping shelter on tracks which can be moved over any form to protect it from the weather during concreting operations.

Since this plant will be in operation for three (3) months prior to the commencement of installation of pre-cast beams, storage for two hundred and fifty beams is required. In view of this, the pre-cast facility will require a total site area of approximately 7 hectares

Quality Control

A comprehensive Quality Control Program will be implemented. All quality related items will be identified, monitored, and recorded. This will involve a series of inspection and sign off stages during the production cycle. Subsequent stages of production will not proceed until the current stage has been inspected and signed off verifying compliance with specifications.

Pre-Casting Operations

The pre-cast operation will typically require a Pre-Cast Plant Manager, a Pre-Cast Project Engineer, a Production General Superintendent, an Equipment and Maintenance Superintendent and a Pre-Cast Quality Control Engineer. Seventy-nine (79) Superintendents, 9 Engineers, 16 Inspectors and 5 CAD Operators will answer to these senior supervisors. Twenty-one (21) Foreman and 290 Trades Personnel will complete the staffing of this facility (See Table 2.8).

Staff work will be staggered shifts generally beginning at 5:00 a.m. daily, at which time Quality Control inspectors will break concrete cylinders to confirm the concrete release strengths. As the day continues, beams will be removed from forms and transported to the finishing storage yard. Concurrently, other forms will be cleaned and adjusted. Rebar cages will also be placed in appropriate forms. Concrete batching and placing will begin at 1:00 p.m. Shifts will commence and end throughout the day until approximately 1:00 a.m. at which time concrete placing will be completed and the forms covered for steam curing. This routine will be completed every working day.

The equipment required in the operation of the pre-cast yard is all commercially manufactured and readily available with the possible exception of the straddle carriers. Preliminary inquiries indicate a delivery time close to five months for delivery of the two straddle carriers.

| Table 2.8 Crew Requirements at the Pre-Cast Yard |

|Crew |Number |

|Rebar Cage Fabrication | |

| Tangent (8 x 4 beds) |32 |

| Curve (12 x 2 beds) |24 |

| Fabricate Special End Cages |6 |

| Sub-Total 1 |62 |

|Production | |

| Tangent (10 x 4 beds) |40 |

| Curve (12 x 2 beds) |24 |

| Concrete Placing (2 crews of 14) |28 |

| Dry Finish |24 |

| Yarding |8 |

| Post Tensioning |4 |

| Grouting |2 |

| Formset |8 |

| Miscellaneous and clean-up |10 |

| Sub-Total 2 |148 |

|Operators | |

| Tower Crane |4 |

| Straddle Carriers |4 |

| Swampers |8 |

| Loaders |6 |

| Crane |2 |

| Forklift |6 |

| Concrete Pump Truck |4 |

| Batch Plant |2 |

| Hiab Truck |2 |

| Sub-Total 3 |38 |

|Services | |

| Maintenance |9 |

| Welders |12 |

| Carpenters |12 |

| Quality Control |16 |

| Storemen |4 |

| Surveyors |2 |

| Rodmen |2 |

| Sub-Total 4 |57 |

| TOTAL |305 |

|SOURCE: SNCLavalin, 1999. Manila LRT Line 1 Extension Offer for Implementation and Operation, Volume II |

|Implementation & Technical Plan |

Associated Civil Works

Enumerated below are associated civil works that will be involved during implementation of the project.

• modification, widening and/or restoration of roads in which guideways and stations will be constructed (Redemptorist Road, Roxas Boulevard, Ninoy Aquino Avenue, and talaba Diversion Road); and

• relocation and diversion of utilities that conflict with guideway or station construction

Construction Schedule

The Proponents are committed to deliver the proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project within the term of the current Government Administration, and have developed an implementation plan and schedule to engineer and construct the project in 3 ½ years. A preliminary Summary Level Overview Implementation Schedule for the proposed project is presented on Figure 2.36.

Project Cost

A cost estimate (Table 2.9) has been prepared for the southern extension to the existing LRT Line 1, with a total length of 11.674.9 meters and eight (8) passenger stations. The pre-operational capital costs are broken down into:

• Infrastructure Works, including land acquisition allowance; and

• Electrical and Mechanical Works.

All costs are Year 1999 prices stated in U.S. Dollars, without allowance for escalation or inflation, using foreign exchange rates of:

• $ 0.67 Canadian Dollar to one (1) U.S. Dollar; and

• 40 Philippine Peso to one (1) U.S. Dollar

The capital cost of the project has been estimated based on unit prices obtained from local Filipino Contractors and quotations from international equipment suppliers. Experienced gained in previous projects has also been incorporated to account for special conditions and complexities of the project.

| |

|Table 2.9 Estimated Capital Cost for the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project |

|Item Description |Cost (US$) |

|Civil Works | |

|Sub-total Civil Works |$250,000,000 |

|Land Acquisition | |

| Sub-total Land Acquisition |$ 23,000,000 |

|Electrical and Mechanical Systems | |

|Sub-total Electrical and Mechanical Systems | |

| |$324,000,000 |

|Grand Total |$597,000,000 |

|SOURCE: SNC Lavalin, 1999. Manila LRT Line 1 Extension Offer for Implementation and Operation, Volume II Implementation & Technical |

|Plan |

List of Construction Equipment for the Project

Listed in Tables 2.10 and 2.11, respectively, are the minimum essential equipment required for the construction of substructure and beam erection.

| |

|Table 2.10 Minimum Essential Equipment Required for Substructure Construction |

|Equipment |Quantity |

|950 cat loader c/w Quick Attach |4 |

|D8N Dozers |2 |

|EX300 Excavators |4 |

|235 Cat Backhoes |2 |

|EX270 Hoe c/w Hoe Pak |2 |

|JD 250 Dozer |1 |

|Dump Trucks |6 |

|120 cat Graders |2 |

|Manitowoc 777 Crawler Cranes |4 |

|35 T. Grove R.T Cranes |2 |

|85 T. Truck Crane |1 |

|35 T. Truck Crane |1 |

|50 T. Truck Crane |2 |

|Concrete Mixer Trucks |4 |

|ELBA Concrete Pumps |2 |

|Batchplant and Concrete Mixer |1 |

|Mechanics Truck |2 |

|5-Ton I.R. Rollers |2 |

|185 CFM Diesel-Powered Compressors |3 |

|400 Amp Welders |6 |

|Cat 500 KUA Gen Sets |2 |

|Mobile Light Towers |6 |

|10 T. Forklift Trucks |2 |

|6” Sludge Pumps |4 |

|Water Chiller |1 |

|LG450 Dynapac Compactors |2 |

|250 CFM Air Compressors |2 |

|Pick-up Trucks |10 |

|SOURCE: SNC Lavalin, 1999. Manila LRT Line1 Extension Offer for Implementation and | |

|Operation, Volume II Implementation & Technical Plan | |

| |

|Table 2.11 Minimum Essential Equipment Required for |

|Beam Erection |

|Equipment |Quantity |

|Beam Launcher-FOB Manila |1 |

|Straddle Carriers |2 |

|Generator for above |1 |

|200 T. Crawler Cranes |2 |

|950 Cat Front End Loader |1 |

|Millar Big 40 welders |3 |

|Man Lifts-Articulated |2 |

|Beam Transporters c/w Steering Trailers |4 |

|185 CFM Compressors |1 |

|Special Scaffold for access to bearing plates over water |1 |

|Fuel and Maintenance Truck |1 |

|Pick-up Trucks |11 |

|35 T. Grove R.T Crane |1 |

|Conexes |6 |

|SOURCE: SNC Lavalin , 1999. Manila LRT Line 1 Extension Offer for Implementation and Operation, Volume II |

|mplementation & Technical Plan |

Source of Construction Materials

Aggregates for the proposed project will be procured from five (5) locations outside Metro Manila as identified by the Engineering Consultants (Figure 2.37).

The identified areas are:

1. Porac, Pampanga;

2. Plaridel, Bulacan;

3. Montalban, Rizal;

4. Calamba, Laguna; and

5. Sariaya, Quezon

Based on the Consultants’s account the areas have unlimited quantities of gravel and sand.

Availability of Support Services and Facilities

Support services and facilities that are required for the implementation of the LRT Line 1 Extension Project does not constitute a problem. Water resources, electricity and other support services are available within the project site.

Earthworks Volume and Disposal Site

The total volume of earthworks estimated is about 674,017 m3. Total backfill materials is estimated at around 569,147 m3. Details on the type of activity and the corresponding quantity of earthworks are presented in Table 2.12.

|Table 2.12 Earthworks Computation for the Proposed LRT Line 1 Extension Project |

|Earthworks |Quantity |Unit |


|Clearing and Grubbing |4 |ha |

|Stripping |204,000 |m3 |

|Bulk Excavation (cut to fill) |292,200 |m3 |

|Detailed Excavation |177,817 |m3 |

| TOTAL |674,017 |m3 |

| | | |


|Granular materials ¾” minus |15,000 |m3 |

|Road Surfacing 1 ½ “ minus |32,560 |m3 |

|Road Sub-base 12”/10”/6” minus |341,570 |m3 |

|Structural Fills 3” minus |12,000 |m3 |

|Native Fills |167,817 |m3 |

| TOTAL |569,147 |m3 |

|SOURCE: SNC Lavalin, 1999. Manila LRT Line 1 Extension Offer for Implementation and Operation, Volume |

|II Implementation & Technical Plan |

Disposal of earthworks materials/construction spoils are yet to be finalized.

However the exact location of these sites shall be submitted to the DENR for approval prior to disposal.

2.4.3 Operational Phase

The LRT 1 Line Extension shall be opened to traffic after the construction period of 3.5 years. Train Configuration and Fleet Size

The fleet will be configured into four-vehicle trains with a total length of approximately 108 meters based on a 27-meter nominal length for a light rail vehicle with single articulation. The design capacity of each 4-vehicle train is 1,358 passengers at a total density of seven (7) passengers per square meter standing and peripheral seating arrangement.

The fleet size is calculated for initial and ultimate system capabilities of 17,000 and 30,000 passengers per hour per direction (pphpd) respectively, based on a design capacity of 1,358 per train. For the initial operation (Year 2005), the Project will require an operating fleet of ten (10) trains plus one (1) spare train for a total of forty-four (44) vehicles. For the ultimate operation, it will require an additional operating fleet of six (6) trains for a total of twenty-four (24) vehicles. Operating Schedules and Service Levels

The integrated LRT Line 1 will provide service 17.5 hours per day for 365 days per year. The full system is in operation from 0500-2230 hours. Outside these hours, start-up and shutdown periods are required for trains to build up service and, at the end of the day, to finish their run and return to the depots.

For a weekday, the passenger demand and corresponding service levels can be classified into peak and off-peak periods. The existing LRT Line 1 currently has two (2) peak periods on a weekday from 0600-0800 hours and from 1600-1900 hours. The present service level of the existing Line 1 in the midday off-peak period is 80% of the peak period.

The fleet deployment diagram shown on Figure 2.38 illustrates the typical existing service profile for LRT Line 1, which similarly be followed for the LRT Line Extension. The percentages shown are approximate and refer to the active fleet. The routine fleet arrangement through a normal operating day comprises:

• Fleet mobilization and build-up to 60% level;

• Build-up to 100%;

• Peak-hour operation;

• Fleet reduction to 80%;

• Midday operation at 80% level;

• Build-up to 100%;

• Fleet reduction to 60%;

• Operation at 60% fleet level; and

• Service phase-out and fleet removal

Table 2.13 presents the active fleet sizes, fleet allocation on the existing and the Extension segments, and headways for two-system configurations and operating modes. It should be noted that values displayed are projections and may change somewhat with the implementation of the Project to suit the Phase II Capacity Expansion Project.

Water Supply and Demand

Water supply requirement for the construction activities will be sourced from existing water districts through huge water tankers. During the operational phase, water usage shall be minimal, and limited to domestic use only, i.e., for usage in, and maintenance of comport rooms.


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3.1 Environmental Study Area…………………………………….3-1

3.2 Physical Environment………………………………………….3-1

3.3 Biological Environment……………………………………....4-43

3.4 Socio-Economic Environment………………………………3-50


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3.1 Environmental Study Area

The proposed LRT Line 1 Extension will traverse three (3) Cities in Metro Manila namely, Pasay, Parañaque, and Las Piñas, and the Municipality of Bacoor in the Province of Cavite.

In assessing the possible impacts of the proposed project to the recipient communities, the following delineation was used. The Direct Impact Area (DIA) refers to areas within the construction limit (within the Right-of-Way) that will be directly affected by the construction activities, by way of physical displacement of houses and improvements. The Indirect Impact Area (IIA) on the other hand refers to areas which will be indirectly affected by impacts such as increase in noise levels and NOx, SOx, and TSP levels, traffic congestion, and the like. See Figure 3.1.

3.2 Physical Environment

3.2.1 Geomorphology

The project area lies on the delta plain bounded by the Manila Bay on the west, the western flank of the Guadalupe Plateau on the east, and the slopes of the Tagaytay highlands at the south. The slopes of these highlands serve as the catchment areas for the river systems that bisect the project area. The Parañaque and Las Piñas River, and their contributaries drain from the slopes Guadalupe Plateau, on the other hand, the Zapote River drains from the Tagaytay Highlands.

At present, the plain is fully developed and highly urbanized, which altered the inherent features of each geomorphic unit. From the coastline, the original terrain shows a tidal flat, beach ridges, marsh-backswamp, crevass splay, and tidal channels. The eastern edge of the corridor fringes the distal edge of the volcanic apron of the Tagaytay Highlands.

The overall terrain development occurred during the last sea level regression. Terrestrial sediments delivered by the river systems into the coast where reworked by the coastal dynamics and processes operating along the coastline. These sediments where eventually deposited and reflects their environment of deposition. The continued sedimentary accretion contributed to the seaward progradation of the coastline, synchronous with sea level retreat.

Geomorphologic Features

As shown on Figure 3.2.1 and summarized on Table 3.2.1, the geomorphological features identified in the project area are the following;

Tidal Flats

Tidal flats are featureless plains bordering the seaward side of the strand line dissected by a network of tidal channels. During flood period, tidal waters enter the channels, overtopping the channel banks and inundate the adjacent flats. Following the period of slack water, the tidal water drains via the channels and re-exposes the flats. The terrain is generally covered with fine-grained detritus and mud, subject to inundation by the rise and fall of the tide. These materials are deposited in the zone between the low tide limit and the maximum swash line.


Backswamps are topographically low areas on the landward side of the beach ridges and serves as natural repository of floodwater from the high land and is subject to inundation during high tide. Meandering tidal channels bounded by levees serves as the water conduits. Abandoned channels, which are filled up channel lines, reflected as longitudinal depressions in aerial photographs are common. Pockets of mangrove vegetation are present in some segments bordering the river channels in the area.

Backswamps are commonly used as fishpond during the rainy season and as salt beds during summer. Large sections are extensively filled up which are used as housing, industrial, and commercial site. Fill materials varies from garbage, construction spoils, and other undifferentiated materials.

Beach Ridges/Coastal Dunes

Beach ridges/coast dunes are essentially longitudinal continues mounds of low relief along the coastlines. These topographic features run parallel to the dominant wind direction and were formed by the deposition of sand transported by longshore current. These are sediments derived either from those delivered into the sea by the river systems or those from offshore areas and are reworked and redistributed along the coastline. The seaward progradation is the beachfront response to the rich sediment influx and sea regression.

Alluvial Lobes and Crevasse Splays

Alluvial lobes are fan-shaped features formed by the dumping of sediments debris from the highlands, and those deposited by the river systems such as the upstream portions of Parañaque River.

Crevasse splays are tongue-shaped deposits of sediments along the banks at the upper portion of Zapote River, particularly along the Alabang-Zapote Road. The deposits were laid when flood waters overtopped the channel banks.

|TABLE 3.2.1 Terrain Characteristics along the Pasay - Zapote Coastline |  |  |  |  |  |

|Terrain Unit |


| |(in Metro Manila) | |

| | |Violent earthquake damaging principal edifices in the city. Including Sto. |

|1599 June |VIII |Domingo Church founded on adobe and fissuring of stone vault on the Society of |

| | |Jesus |

| | |Violent earthquake, completing the destruction of the 1599 quake, immensely |

|1601 Jan |VIII |damaging the city destroying many stone houses, churches and causing |

| | |unspecified number of casualties |

| | |Considered as one of the most destructive quake ever to hit manila, destroying |

|1645 Nov |IX |most of the building and leveled the manila cathedral |

| | |Leveled most building made of wood and timber |

|1658 Aug |IX | |

| | |Caused ground fissuring in places, damaged old and unstable buildings, |

|1677 Dec |VII |tsunamigenic |

|1684 Aug |VII |Strong quake, but caused minimal damage |

|1767 Nov |VII |Strong quake, but caused minimal damage |

|1770 Dec |VII |Strong quake, but caused minimal damage |

|1771 Feb |VII |Strong quake damages in Ermita and Antipolo Church |

|1796 Nov |VII |Strong quake, but no serious damage |

|1824 Oct |VIII |Destructive quake, demolished several churches, private homes and bridges, |

| | |leveled military barracks to the ground |

|1828 Nov |VII |Strong quake, but no considerable damage |

|1829 Dec |VII |Strong quake, partial damage to several buildings |

|1830 Jan |VII |Strong quake, but no serious damage |

|1852 Sept |IX |Destructive quake, serious damage to public buildings, churches monasteries and|

| | |private houses |

|1862 March |VII |Strong quake, slight damages to houses and buildings |

|1863 June |IX |More than 1,000 buildings partially to totally damaged including old churches |

| | |and edifices that survived past earthquakes, extensive fissuring and |

| | |liquefaction, tsunami reported from China Sea. |

|1869 Oct |VII |Strong quake, but no considerable damage |

|1880 July |VIII |About 30 public buildings and 200 private residences were partially / totally |

| | |damaged, mostly on tile roofed structures, ground fissuring and possible |

| | |liquefaction along Pasig river near present Malacañang Palace and estuaries of|

| | |Binondo, Sta. Cruz, Quiapo, Pandacan and Sta. Ana. |

|1885 Nov |VII |Strong quake but no serious damage, loud sub-terranean noises heard in Marikina|

| | |and Manila |

|1937 Aug |VII |Strong quake but considerable damage crack and subsidence reported in some |

| | |areas. |

|1968 Aug |VII |Collapse of the six-storey Ruby Tower, a number of major buildings located |

| | |north and south of Pasig River delta plain incurred moderate to severe |

| | |non-structural and structural damage. |

|1970 April |VIII |Considerable damage to buildings on alluvial plains in Manila, temporary |

| | |disruption of communication lines |

|1972 April |VII |Several buildings partially damaged |

|1973 March |VII |Minor damage to high rise buildings compared to extensive damage within the |

| | |epicentral area. |

|1977 March |VII |Twenty two buildings had cracked walls and broken windows |

|1990 July |VII |Minor damage to buildings, subsidence in reclaimed areas. |

|Adopted from J.A. Daligdig & G.M. Besana 1993 |

5. Earthquake Generators

The more important potential earthquake generators likely to affect the Metro Manila area are the Manila Trench, Philippine Fault, Lubang Fault and the Marikina Fault. Instrumental data exist on the recent activity along these first three sources of earthquakes, some of which has caused considerable damage to the city. As for the Marikina Fault, although no historical seismic event can be definitely related to it, the fault cuts across the eastern fringes of Metro-Manila.

(See Figures 3.2.4 – Active and Suspected Faults and Seismic Sources in Central Luzon)

Manila Trench

The Manila Trench is located west of Luzon and extends from Taiwan in the north to Mindoro in the south. The trench marks the trace of the subduction of oceanic crust of the South China Sea Basin underneath the Luzon arc. It is associated with an active volcanic arc which includes Mt. Pinatubo. The trench is expressed as a narrow but deep bathymetric feature that reachers a maximum depth of 5,100 meters west of Manila. The deformation of trench sediments, as seen from seismic reflection profiles taken across the trench, also shows that the trench is active (Hayes and Lewis, 1984)

The Manila Trench is a major earthquake generator. The distribution of earthquake foci defines a belt which dips to the east to a depth of 220 kilometers (Hamburger et al, 1983). Focal mechanism solutions are those of thrusting events. It has been suggested that the 1677 and 1863 earthquakes might have been triggered by this Trench. The first occurrence resulted in the generation of tsunamis hitting the western coast of Luzon and fissuring in Manila. The second likewise resulted in tsunamis and the collapse of numerous buildings due to ground shaking.Extensive fissuring, liquefaction and seische along the Pasig River were also observed (Daligdig and Besana, 1993).

Philippine Fault

The Philippine Fault is a major left lateral strike slip fault that cuts across the entire length of the Philippine archipelago. It is an intra-arc wrench fault located behind a zone of oblique convergence. The concept of shear partitioning (Fitch, 1972) predicts that the Philippine Fault must have accommodated the trench-parallel component of the Eurasian-Philippine Sea Plate convergence. This last attribute, together with the Philippine Fault being a basement-cutting fault, have not been highlighted in early descriptions.

Lubang Fault

The Lubang Fault is a major left lateral strike slip fault that branches off from the Philippine Fault near Masbate and continues along the Verde Passage between Luzon and Mindoro towards the Manila Trench. This fault is seismically important and is associated with left lateral strike slip focal mechanism solutions. Although the main fault passes south of Lubang Island, a possible branch passes between the island of Lubang and Ambil.

Marikina Valley Fault System

The Marikina Valley Fault System consists of the East and West Marikina Fault. The West Marikina Fault extends over a distance of 90 kilometers from north of Amang Rodriguez to the Tagaytay Ridge. Its east-facing scarp is slightly curvilinear. Its trend varies from NNE-SSW along its northern portion to north-south / NNW-SSE along its southern portion. The height of this scarp varies along strike from 100 meters west of Amang Rodgriguez to a much higher values where the fault forms the eastern limit of Tagaytay Ridge. Where the Pasig River crosses the West Marikina Fault, the scarp measures 30 meters and the river entrenches itself in the Pleistocene Guadalupe Formation.

Surface water usually follows the shortest route downslope and streams are therefore expected to follow the regional slope of an area. However, in the Muntinlupa area, the streams trend NNE-SSW, oblique to slope produced by West Marikina Fault scarp. These streams are clearly fault-controlled and correspond to a series of NNE-SSW faults. These structures have been interpreted as being due to pull-apart basin formation. However, such an interpretation requires the presence for a second major strike slip fault to the west but the presence of this fault still has to be demonstrated. These oblique faults are instead interpreted as faults in riedel position to the West Marikina Fault. These en echelon faults are definitely active and actual displacements in man-made structures have been made.

The shorter East Marikina Fault extends for more than 20 kilometers from north of Amang Rodriguez to Marikina. However, its southern termination is less clear and the fault may continue for another 20 kilometers towards Laguna de Bay. Its west-facing escarpment is likewise curvilinear. Its trend varies from NNE-SSW near Amang Rodriguez to NNW-SSE near Angono. The fault scarp has a maximum height of 450 meters east of Rodriguez and likewise cuts the Guadalupe Formation to the south.

Although the exact deformation history of the Marikina Valley is unknown, important vertical displacements are predicted. Trenching by PHIVOLCS across the East Marikina Fault shows both thrust and strike slip components. In Brgy. Pututan, Muntinlupa City, vertical displacements of up to 40 centimeters has occurred along the en echelon faults since 1990. That the fault is definitely active is exhibited by displacements of man-made structures in Brgy. Pututan and the thrusting of basement rocks over recent alluvium as observed from the trenches.

6. Hazard Identification

Geological Hazards

The existing geological, geomorphic and tectonic conditions posses certain geological hazards that will affect the project. These include 1) ground shaking, 2) ground rupture, 3) liquefaction, and 4) floods. The three are directly caused by earthquakes due to the presence of earthquake generators near the area, the last is consequent to the areas geologic and geomorphic setting. Ground Shaking

Strong ground vibrations caused by the passage of seismic waves from the earthquake source (foci) to the ground surface may cause damages to the proposed project. The intensity of ground shaking in a given area is influenced by the magnitude of the earthquake, distance of the site from earthquake generator, and the modifying effects of subsoil conditions, Usually, the shallower the earthquake source and the close the area from the epicentral area, the stronger is the felt intensity within the particular site. The resulting possible damage can be exuberated by the quality of the materials used, the quality of the design and the mode of construction.

Maps from previous workers had shown the probable level of ground shaking on a regional context, where the intensity of the ground shaking is usually translated into percentage of the ground acceleration (g). These hazard maps took into consideration the contribution of all possible earthquake generators within a broad area for certain span of time (e.g. 100-year return period) and the result expressed in probabilities (e.g. 90% of non-exceedence).

Recent works of Bautista (1992) shown on Figures 3.2.4a & 3.2.4b predict ground acceleration (PGA) of values of 0.15g to 0.17g for a 50- year return period and 0.20g to 0.22g for 250 years. However, the study did not incorporate the Marikina Fault system as a source of their model. Activity of the Marikina fault is difficult to quantify at present due to absence of instrumental records of seismicity. The inclusion of this information could considerably alter the map of probable levels of ground shaking.

Possible ground acceleration in Metro–Manila prepared by Daligdig and Besana (1992) used an attenuation relation derive by Fukushima and Tanaka (1990) in combination with historical, instrumental and empirical seismicity data. It is based on the hypothetical assumption that a magnitude 7.5 earthquake is generated from the Marikina Valley Fault System (MVFS) as presented on Figure 3.2.5. In terms of ground shaking, it is assumed that a magnitude 7.5 from MVFS as a worst case scenario for Metro Manila. The PGA values may reach up to 1.0g within the epicentral area for areas underlain by soft soils, while those with bedrock close to the epicenter could experience PGA of about 0.4g. This is likely to be experienced in Marikina Valley and in the northern and western coastlineof Laguna de Bay, followed by the areas on the Pasig River delta plain towards Zapote-Bacoor with PGAs of 0.4g to 0.8g.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 generated at the Philippine Fault segment east of Quezon could generate PGA within at the Metropolis in the order of magnitude of 0.4g and 0.15g for soft and hard rock conditions respectively. For other earthquakes generated further away from the metropolis, PGA of 0.18g or lower may affect Metro –Manila (PHIVOLCS 1993). Grounds Rupture

Surface rupturing of the breaking and movements of the ground along an active fault trace could result to horizontal/vertical shifting of the ground or a combination of both. Damage can be severe for structures directly straddling and located within a narrow zone of the active fault traces. For the 1990 earthquake, the deformations zone range from 5-10 meters from the surface rapture. The location, pattern, and style of surface faulting generally appear to occur along pre-existing active fault traces, hence the precise delineation of these traces is very important in mitigating the damages due to surface rupturing.

At present, there is an unconfirmed extension of the East Zambales Fault which runs along eastern Zambales, crossing the western part of Parañaque city (project area), and extends southeast to Laguna de Bay (Yumul 1997). It is possible that ground rapture may occur along the route corridor if the fault line is really present. Liquefaction

Soil liquefaction is phenomenon in which a soil deposit below the groundwater table loses a substantial amount of strength due to strong earthquake ground shaking and becomes fluid-like. Some soil type tend to compact during earthquake shaking; this tendency for compaction will induce excess pore water pressures in the soil that, in turn, causes a reduction in strength of soil. A liquefied soil becomes fluid-like and this condition may continue for some period of time following the earthquake, depending on the soil permeability and drainage conditions, until the excess pore water pressure dissipates.

The route corridor is an old tidal flat area, which is commonly underlain by layers of silt, sand, and clay. These materials are highly susceptible to liquefaction. However, this tidal flat area has been modified by large backfilling and reclamation that hampered the identification of zones susceptible to liquefaction.

Potential consequence of liquefaction includes:

• Reduction or loss of foundation-bearing strength that can lead to large settlements due to shear failure in the weakened soil;

• Flotation of the light-weight structures embedded in the liquefied soils.

• Differential compaction due to soil densification as excess pore water pressures dissipate, which can lead to differential settlements in the structure foundation;

• Lateral movements due to lateral spreading or flow sliding of liquefied soils can lead to total and differential movements of the structures;

• Increase lateral pressures on the retaining walls;

• Settlements hazards due to sand boils which involves ejection of liquefied soils to ground surface through vents; and,

• Gound oscillation where ground overlaying liquefied soil experiences large displacement transient oscillations that results to fissures, buckling and thrusting of structures.

Factors affecting Liquefaction Susceptibility

The primary factors affecting the susceptibility for liquefaction are as discussed follows:

Composition of the Soils

Youd and Perkins present an empirically based correlation that relates the geologic age and environment of deposition to liquefaction susceptibility as shown on Table 3.2.3. Geologically young (less than 500 years old), relatively unconsolidated cohesion less soil, which occur locally in river channels, food plain, uncompacted artificial fills etc. are expected to have a high to very high susceptibility for liquefaction if they occur below ground water table. The depositional environment of the soil has a strong influence on the grain size distribution and the relative density and structural arrangements of gains. Geologic provenance (i.e. the nature of source area) also has strong influence in the composition of the deposit.

Sand and silty sand are particularly susceptible to liquefaction. All cohesion less soil (silt and gravel) and some sensitive clays have exhibited liquefaction – type strength losses are susceptible to liquefaction.

|Table 3.2.3 Classification for Liquefaction Susceptibility |

|Type of |General distribution of |Livelihood that cohesion less sediments when saturated, would be susceptible to liquefaction |

|Deposits |cohesion lees sediments in |(age of deposit) |

| |deposits | |

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