Investments & Great West Financial

October 2017

Sun, Oct 1

(b)(7)(E) 8:30 AM -? 9:00 AM

9:00 AM -? 9:30 AM

Interview with ABC News Interview with NBC News

Mon, Oct 2

8:00 AM -? 8:45 AM BBrreakfast with LLeeaadder KKeevin McCCaarrthy

9:00 AM -? 9:15 AM PPhhone Call with CChhiieeff of SSttaaffff GGeneral JJoohn Kelly

9:15 AM -? 9:45 AM Daily BBrriiefing

9:45 AM -? 10:00 AM Meeting with SSttaaffff(b)(5)

10:15 AM -? 10:30 AM SSeenniior SSttaaffff Meeting


11:00 AM -? 11:45 AM VPOTUUSS Deregulation SSuummmmit

12:00 PPMM -? 1:00 PPM LLunch with Ways & Means Members

1:15 PPMM -? 1:45 PPM Meeting with CCrraig PPhhiillips

2:00 PPMM -? 3:00 PPM DDeregulation SSuummmmiit LListening SSeessssiion

- 2:45 PPMM -? 3:00 PPM Observe Moment of Silence with POTUSS & FFLLOTUS

3:15 PPMM -? 3:45 PPM Meeting with SSttaaffff(b)(5) 4:00 PPMM -? 4:15 PPM PPeerrssonnel Ilnterview~(b)(6)

4:15 PPMM -? 4:30 PPM PPhhone Call with CChharles RReetttig

4:45 PM ? 5:15 PM Meeting with Staff (b)(5)

At 5:20 PM Phone Call with OMB Director Mick Mulvaney

? Tue, Oct 3

7:45 AM ? 8:15 AM

8:45 AM ? 9:15 AM

10:45 AM ? 11:00 AM

11:00 AM ? 11:30 AM

11:30 AM ? 12:00 PM

12:00 PM ? 1:00 PM

1:30 PM ? 1:45 PM

2:00 PM ? 2:30 PM

3:15 PM ? 3:30 PM

3:30 PM ? 4:00 PM

4:15 PM ? 4:30 PM


Daily Briefing Senior Staff Meeting Meeting with Jamie Dimon, CEO JPMorgan Chase Meeting with Staff (b)(5)

- - Weekly Lunch with FED Chair Janet Yellen

Meeting with Staff (b)(5) Meeting with NEC Director Gary Cohn (b)(5) (b)(5), (b)(6) Phone Call with Senator David Perdue Monthly Meeting with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen Meeting with Staff (b)(5)

4:30 PPMM -? 4:45 PPM Meeting with Tony SSaayegh && EEli Miller

4:45 PPMM -? 5:00 PPM PPhhone Call with Marc SShhoorrt

5:30 PPMM -? 6:00 PPM (b)(5)

6:15 PPMM -? 6:45 PPM (b)(6)

7:30 PPMM -? 8:00 PPM DDiinner with VA SSeeccrreettary David SShulIkin

Wed, Occtt4

8:15 AM ?- 8:45 AM

9:05 AM -? 9:35 AM

9:50 AM -?110:05 AM

10:15 AM ?- 10:30 AM

10:30 AM ?- 10:45 AM

10:45 AM -? 11:00 AM

11:15 AM ?- 11:30 AM

12:00 PPM -? 1:00 PPM

1:15 PPMM -?11:30 PPM

1:30 PPMM -? 2:00 PPM

2:15 PPMM -? 2:45 PPM

3:00 PPMM -? 3:30 PPM

4:00 PPMM -? 4:30 PPM

4:30 PPMM -? 4:45 PPM

5:00 PM ? 5:15 PM

DDaaily BBrriefing Meeting with SSeeccrreettary of SSttate RRex Tillerson Meeting with CCrraig PPhhillips & EEli Miller SSeenniioor SSttaafff Meeting Meeting with SSttaaffff(b)(5) Meeting with EEli Miller & Tony SSaayegh PPhhone Call with ECB PPrreessiiddeennt Mario Draghi Weekly EEccoonnoomic PPrrincipals LLuunch Meeting with EEli Miller & DDrrew Maloney Meeting with Nina Olson, IRS Tax PPaayyer Advocate Meeting with U.S. Ambassador to CChhina Terry BBrranstad (b)(5) (b)(5)

Meeting with Under SSeeccrreettary David Malpass Meeting with Eli Miller, Joey Smith, and USSS

... Thu, Oct 5

8:45 AM ? 9:15 AM

9:15 AM ? 9:45 AM 10:00 AM ? 10:15 AM

- 10:30 AM ? 10:45 AM

11:00 AM ? 11:30 AM

-- 12:00 PM ? 1:00 PM

Daily Briefing Meeting with Staff (b)(5) Senior Staff Meeting Meeting with Staff (b)(5) Meeting with Staff (b)(5) Lunch with Ways & Means Members

1:00 PM ? 1:15 PM Phone Call with Leader Kevin McCarthy

2:00 PM ? 2:45 PM Meeting with GOP Finance Committee Members

3:10 PM ? 3:20 PM Phone Call with FRBNY President Bill Dudley

3:30 PM ? 3:45 PM Phone Call with HUD Secretary Ben Carson

4:00 PM ? 5:00 PM (b)(5)

5:00 PM ? 6:00 PM NEC Principals Meeting (b)(5)

6:30 PM ? 7:00 PM Weekly Principals Tax Cut Cabinet Call

7:00 PM ? 8:30 PM Dinner with Amy and Bret Baier

FFri, Oct 6

7:00 AM -? 7:45 AM

7:455 AM -? 8:15 AM

8:45 AM -? 9:15 AM

9:1155 AM -? 9:455 AM

10:00 AM -?1100::330 AM

10:30 AM -? 11:00 AM

11:00 AM -? 11:30 AM

11:30 AM ?- 12:30 PPM

1:15 PPM -? 1:45 PPM

1:45 PPM -? 2:00 PPM

2:00 PPM -? 2:10 PPM

2:30 PPM -? 2:55 PPM


BBrreakfast with CIA Diirreccttor Mike PPoompeo (b)(5)

Daily BBrriefing (b)(5)

SSenior SSttaaffff Meeting Meeting with BBob RReeyynnolds, CEO of PPuuttnam Invessttments & Great West FFiinancial Weekly PPhhone Call with CChhaaiirman KKeevin BBrrady Nattional Gallery of Art BBooard of Trusteeess Meeting Meeting with SSttaafff -(b)(5) Meeting with SSttaaffff(b)(5) Meeting with CCrraig PPhhiillips & EEli Miller -(b)(5) Meeting with POTUSS

Mon, Oct 9



8:30 AM -? 9:30 AM BBreakfast with CChharles RReetttig

.., Tuue, Oct 10

- 7:4455 AM -? 8:15 AM (b)(5)

8:30 AM ? 9:00 AM Daily Briefing 10:45 AM ? 11:15 AM Meeting with Staff (b)(5) 11:15 AM ? 11:35 AM Meeting with Craig Phillips & Eli Miller

12:00 PM ? 1:00 PM Weekly Lunch with FED Chair Janet Yellen

1:15 PM ? 1:45 PM Meeting with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde

1:45 PM ? 2:30 PM Meeting with Staff (b)(5)

2:30 PM ? 2:45 PM 3:00 PM ? 4:00 PM 4:00 PM ? 4:15 PM 4:15 PM ? 4:30 PM 5:00 PM ? 5:45 PM

Meeting with Brent McIntosh, et al.

-- Stanley Cup Champions - Pittsburgh Penguins Event

Meeting with Staff (b)(5) Meeting with Staff (b)(5)

Meeting with Whip Steve Scalise and Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry

7:30 PM ? 9:00 PM Dinner with Lew Eisenberg, U.S. Ambassador to Italy

Wed, Oct 11

8:00 AM ? 8:30 AM Daily Briefing

8:30 AM ? 8:50 AM Meeting with Under Secretary Sigal Mandelker

9:30 AM ? 10:00 AM Opening Remarks - U.S.-Gulf Public Private Banking Dialogue

10:00 AM ? 10:30 AM Senior Staff Meeting

10:15 AM ? 10:30 AM Meeting with Staff (b)(5)

10:30 AM ? 10:45 AM Meeting with Eli Miller & Joey Smith

11:15 AM ? 12:00 PM Meeting with Presidential Personnel

12:20 PM ? 1:35 PM Meeting with Foreign Counterparts et al. re: Venezuela

1:45 PM ? 2:15 PM Bilateral Meeting with Canadian Minister of Finance, Bill Morneau







5:45 PM ? 6:05 PM POTUS Remarks to the American Trucking Association







Thu, Oct 12

All Day World Bank/IMF Annual Fall Meetings


At 7:30 AM (b)(6)

7:45 AM ? 8:00 AM Interview with CNBC

8:00 AM ? 8:30 AM Daily Briefing

8:30 AM ? 9:00 AM White House Meeting

9:15 AM ? 10:10 AM Bilateral Meeting with French Minister of Finance and Economy Bruno Le Maire

10:15 AM ? 10:30 AM Phone Call with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen

10:30 AM ? 11:00 AM Meeting with Manny Roman, PIMCO CEO

11:15 AM ? 11:45 AM POTUS Signing of Health Care EO

12:00 PPM -? 12:20 PPM iMieeitiinig wiiithlSsttaaftft (b)(5)

12:20 PPM -? 12:30 PPM PPhhone Call with LLeeaadder Mittch McConnell

12:35 PPM -? 12:45 PPM Pull Aside with BBaank of EEnngland Governor, Mark CCaarrney

12:45 PPMM -? 2:15 PPM RReegguullaattory RRoouunndtable

2:30 PPMM -? 3:00 PPM BBiilateral Meeting with ECB PPrressiiddent Mario Draghi

3:00 PPMM -? 3:10 PPM PPhhone Call with SSeennaattor BBob CCoorrker

3:15 PPMM -? 3:45 PPM BBiilateral Meeting with Indian Minister of FFiinance, Arun JJaaiittley

4:00 PPMM -? 4:10 PPM Pull--Aside with BBaahhraini Ministter of Finance, Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al KKhhaalifa

4:20 PPMM -? 4:30 PPM Pull Aside with United KKiingdom CChhaanncceellllor of the EExxcchheeqquuer, PPhhiilip Hammmond

4:30 PPMM -? 6:45 PPM G--7 FFiinance Ministerrss & CCeennttral BBank Governors Meeting

6:50 PPMM -? 7:00 PPM Pull Aside with SSiinnggaappore Minister of FFiinance, Heng SSwwee KKeeaat

7:00 PPMM -? 7:15 PPM G--20 FFiinance Ministers and CCeenntral Bank GGoovernors PPhhooto--Op

7:15 PPM -?1100:00 PPM G--20 FFiinance Miniisterrs and CCeenntral Bank GGoovernors Working Dinner

FFri, Oct 13

All Day World BBaannkk//IMMFF Annual FFaall Meetiinnggs

7:45 AM -? 8:00 AM Politico PPoodcasst

8:15 AM -? 8:25 AM PPhhone Call with RRaanndy Quarles

8:30 AM -? 9:00 AM Institute of International FFinance Membership Meeting

9:15 AM ?- 10:15 AM Informal Meeting

10:30 AM -? 11:20 AM G--20 FFiinance Ministers and CCeenntral Bank GGoovernorrss

Working Session

11:30 AM ? 12:00 PM POTUS Speech Prep

12:00 PM ? 12:15 PM Weekly Phone Call with Chairman Kevin Brady

12:45 PM ? 1:15 PM POTUS Speech

1:30 PM ? 2:45 PM (b)(5)

3:00 PM ? 3:30 PM Bilateral Meeting with European Commission Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis

3:45 PM ? 4:15 PM Bilateral Meeting with Mexican Minister of Finance, Jose Antonio Meade

4:20 PM ? 4:30 PM Pull Aside with Turkey Deputy Prime Minister Simsek

4:30 PM ? 6:00 PM International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) Early Warning Exercise

6:00 PM ? 6:10 PM Pull Aside with Italian Minister of Finance, Pier Carlo Padoan


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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