NEWS: AIRLINES AND FOOD RIOTS - North Texas Fellowship


Dear friends:

Many of you know what is happening in and around America, but some of you do not because you live outside America.

This last week, for four days, American Airlines has grounded planes, and today it doesn’t look much better. As of last night's NBC “Nightly News, April 10, 2008, so far 3, 500 flights have been cancelled over four days, leaving 250,000 passengers stranded. The FAA called Southwest Airlines on the carpet for not keeping up their inspections as ordered, but then began calling other airlines on the carpet for having things not up to FAA “standards" in several areas.

Now, as usual, this is all for our good, and perhaps it is. But, because I have studied the plans of the Luciferic world elite for so many years,I smell a dead rat in the pie.

Homeland Security has been hinting at having everyone who flies an American-based airline put through a background check. More and more rules have been added, for our good of course, because of some one thing that supposedly happened in America or England, making going through "inspection" now almost like a cattle drive--at times dehumanizing. I foresee new regulations and standards for passengers on the horizon. Because I travel so much by air, I have to keep up with what is happening. But, this is something we all need to pay attention to, because escape routes that seem logical now will soon be closed off. I commend you for having your passport, but it won’t do you any good if you miss your “window” of opportunity.

And, as the news of yesterday, it is possible that excuses will be made to ground other planes, leaving air travel to be a worse nightmare or non-existent. Father is telling me to go now more than ever to strength the set-apart ones and prepare them. He knows the time is short and the window will close.

Once they release the bird flu, created in America’s and/or England’s laboratories, or some worse plague following it, a military quarantine will be in effect, and we won't be able to leave our houses. Famine is looming nearer and nearer for the unprepared. The word went out from the true Prophets several years ago to get out of debt, get your passport, get a suitcase by the door filled with your documents and basics of clothes, shoes and medicines, etc., in case you have to flee. Few listened and did anything about it.

But, our Father has told us more than once in the Word to get out of Babylon. If you wait for the "sword" to be on the land, you will not escape, whether that sword is Russia, bird flu pandemic, riots because of banks shutting down, or some other reason yet to surface.

Whatever the wise do, they need to do it quickly! One day all will be well, the next day there will be some panic excuse given to declare martial law and

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restrict everyone to their homes. (Below is a news story off the Internet about the airline situation. I also have written an article entitled “Airports and Reality”—please ask for it).

The last few nights NBC has been reporting on the "food riots" in Haiti. Haiti is the poorest of all the western nations. They said that the people cannot afford to buy food, because the imported food has risen in price 60% in one year. Chaos has hit the streets as starving people are rioting. The police are trying to keep the rioting at a minimum. The water is also polluted. The news showed people making "dirt cakes" out of flour, water and dirt. Good dirt has minerals in it that our body needs. One man said he ate 25 dirt cakes a day—small, fried crackers. As I watched the pictures of the rioting people, the reality hit me--it is coming to America! They are showing us these things to prepare us. Other Prophets of Yahuweh have seen the same things coming to America—rioting in the streets—civil war.

I've written an article entitled "Famine". Ask for it if you do not have it. In previous articles I have shown that famine is a major part of the last seven years before Messiah comes--being years of "Kadim"--the forward moving destroying east wind (See: "The Shmittah Year Prophecy") from the pattern in Genesis 41:15-32. Of course, we know that the ruling party of Israel is "Kadima".

Recently, Messianic rabbi-Prophet Tom Deckard, speaking on the “Prophecy Club”, warned about famine, bird flu, and other present things. In 1989 on his radio broadcast he warned of famine. He said that people literally spit in his face and mocked him for saying that. He had seen a vision of starvation in America. He saw people running to steal from stores, breaking windows, attacking neighbors, and at that time Yahuweh told him to warn people that it was coming. He said that the visions he saw were like the pictures we see of the children starving in the Third World.

Our National Guard, what few are left in America, is being trained for chaos, panic, rioting and an outbreak of cannibalism in America due to famine. Our grain production is at the lowest it has been since 1947. Indeed, “we are one crop away from famine” as Steve Quayle has said. Yet, most of His people in America and Europe sit in front of the TV eating their preverbal Big Mac, and are doing nothing to store food or do anything else to prepare. Father has told me to store food. He's never said that to me before, even when I was in Jordan during the beginning of Gulf War II—Iraq, 2003. In the past, as now, I have had little money to buy food, but I've seen Him multiply food. I trust Him to do it again. Two weeks ago I had gone to Publix grocery store and I saw a buy one get one free sale on extra virgin cold pressed olive oil. I bought 1, got one free. I left the store and was heading out of the parking lot, when He said very emphatically, "Go back and buy more". So I obeyed. If you are not hearing and obeying now as a lifestyle, then what will happen when He instructs the set-apart ones for their survival?

Brother Tom Deckard, back in the 1980s and 90s saw everything in vision or

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dreams that is happening now...for Amos 3:7 is in effect. All of His true Prophets now are warning of judgment, and telling of what is going to happen. The false prophets are saying “Nothing is going to happen to us!”

But, John 16:13 and I John 2:27, tell us that YOU can also hear from Yahuweh’s Spirit about things to come. In the 1980’s Brother Deckard saw, in dreams and visions, racial wars, gangs with automatic weapons, metal detectors in schools, violence in schools, massive spreading of drugs, contaminated food and water, diseases, and about the release of the Bird Flu with a worse plague following it. And now, these things are upon us.

Our Father has shown many of His true Prophets these things, but until recently they were mocked and ridiculed for telling that these things would happen in America. Yet, like I said, movies are telling us what is reality. In the recent movie "I Am Legend" I journaled four pages of quotes from the movie--phrases and sentences that match exactly what it happening in reality. An executive order will be issued by the President, military quarantine will be in effect, people will starve because they won't be allowed out of their homes, mutates will be released (not because of the disease as the movie shows), created in some of our 200 underground cities, clones too, and the Nephilim of Genesis 6:2 and 4 are back. Children’s cartoons and adult movies have been teaching that we should receive these creatures as either good, or terrifying.

A friend of mine who saw the movie, “I Am Legend” commented that friends of hers said it was a "stupid movie", because the scenario was so unrealistic. This is how we've been programmed into fantasyland--we're shown the truth, and made to believe it is just fantasy. Yet, at the end of the movie, they are telling us their timeframe—2009 was the date of the outbreak of the plague.

Star wars--oh yes, that's reality too. In fact, way back in the late 1940s they began showing us the truth, and we all grew up with illusions, thinking the truth was fiction. We have not been trained in reality in America. If you store food, you still will have to contend with starving, vicious people and vicious animals. Where will you put your trash? There won’t be any trash pick-up. If they see food-related trash near your home, the starving will know you have food. There are so many details that we don’t think of because we are so into fantasy thinking. We don’t really think anything is going to happen to interrupt or pristine lifestyles.

Here’s a fascinating quote from Orson Well’s novel 1984: “In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary”. We have to be revolutionary! (See Isaiah 59:14-15 and Amos 5:10)

Think: famine, riots, military--martial law--takeover, suspension of the Constitution, coupled with airports shut down--concentration camps open for the rioters, but in the midst of it the concentration camps will also be for those who believe in Messiah, love His Word, and worship Yahuweh. His people will be taken to their death, considered mentally ill “RELIGIOUS” people who hear from “God”. Lies will be told about His people, and they will do their dirty work with the approval of the secular public.

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I'm telling you from the heart of Yahuweh, whatever you do, do quickly, for as we go into 2009/Creation calendar--at Yom Teruah this year--September 29th—

we enter the last seven years before Messiah comes. Even the secular world is very concerned about 2009 and forward. (See the article: “What Are The World’s Elite Doing To Prepare Their Ark”, for a lot of wisdom.)

We are now in a “Shmittah year”. Our Father marks time by Shmittah years. Please ask for the trilogy on that subject if you don't have it. It is critical that you know the timeframe that we are in.

This last week a woman in England asked me: "how far behind America is England?" I said, "maybe six months". America and England, the two heads of the world government--announced publicly worldwide except America in May of 1999--are under the control of the Jesuit Vatican Illuminati, thus they are experiencing much of the same thing, and will in the future.

In Jeremiah 50, speaking of the collapse of the U.S., it says that her "mother" is ashamed. But, her mother, England, won't be ashamed too long before it happens there. The same experiments being done on the citizens in America are being done to the citizens of England, including the aerial spraying of chemicals, the "false flags", the laws that affect truth-tellers and lovers of Yahuweh's Word. (Please ask for the article “False Flags” if you don’t have it, for it shows parallels between what has happened in America with what has happened in England).

Watch the nightly world news--something new is happening--they are telling us their version of truth, but showing some reality at least. There has been a purposed black out of news to American citizens for over 40 years—we are supposed to remain ignorant. But, now they are leaking a little to us—and that is significant!

This last week, a "RELIGIOUS group", emphasis on “religious” given by last night’s newscaster, was exposed as keeping over 400 children and their mothers as sex slaves. They have yet to say what religion they followed, but I'm sure it will be used by the government, as the Waco horror story was, to bring more suspicion on good believers who believe in Messiah's return. Listen carefully to what is being said, because in movies and now in the news they are telling us things that are setting us up for total destruction.

Fast and pray! He wants to give you instructions as to what to do. Use Shabbat as a day to hear. Sit alone with your Bible, your notebook and pen, and be ready to hear His instructions... and write it down and do it. He is getting more and more personal with His set-apart ones.

I advise you to listen to King Jehoshaphat in II Chronicles 20:20, when he was facing an army much greater than his, and had received a prophecy as to how to win over them from a true Prophet: "Trust in Yahuweh your Elohim, and be steadfast, trust His prophets and prosper". Father is raising up His prophetic voice in these days through those He trusts to speak for Him, but to all who will hear Him, He will speak.


Yedidah, April 11, 2008

Appendix A and B next pages Page 4

APPENDIX A: Airplane Update:

Flight Cancellations Likely to Spread


Posted: 2008-04-10 11:24:05

WASHINGTON (April 10) - This week's flight cancellations by American Airlines are likely to spread to other U.S. airlines in the weeks ahead as federal regulators step up a by-the-book review of carriers' compliance with maintenance and safety orders issued in recent years.

"If we do uncover any safety issues from these audits, the carriers will have to make a business decision as to how to deal with the issue," Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Les Dorr said.

Midwest Airlines on Thursday became the latest airline to ground planes and cancel flights to re-inspect a wiring harness, the same issue that has forced American to cancel more than 2,400 flights and Alaska Airlines to cancel about 40 more in recent days.

On Capitol Hill, Nicholas Sabatini, the FAA official who ordered the audits last month after Southwest Airlines  was found to have flown planes that missed inspections, will likely face tough questions Thursday. Some of Sabatini's congressional testimony from last week, which came during a hearing that featured whistleblowers, has been labeled as "misleading and inaccurate" by House lawmakers - charges the FAA has denied.

Depending on how you look at it, this could be viewed as a classic bureaucratic overreaction after the agency was embarrassed by the disclosure last month that FAA inspectors were letting Southwest ignore airworthiness directives - or that the top brass, shocked at how lax the safety review system had gotten, has finally awakened and ordered a high-impact new way of doing business.

"There's always going to be extremes, just as there are in politics, and to some extent this is a political issue," said Bob Harrell of New York-based travel and aviation consulting firm Harrell Associates. "Auditors get paid to audit, get paid to find things."

Another sign of the political stakes: the Senate confirmation process for acting FAA Administrator Robert Sturgell, who was nominated by President Bush in October, has been put on hold. Sturgell announced last week that four U.S. airlines are being investigated for failing to comply with federal regulations,

that the probe would take months to complete and could result in fines.

Flight delays and cancellations could soon get worse, "particularly for the

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carriers that have older fleets," Harrell said. About 35 percent of the U.S. fleet is more than 25 years old, according to the International Air Transport Association.

Donna McWilliam, AP


Excerpts from April 10th MSNBC news on-line story titled:


Millions worldwide are vulnerable, developing nations especially at risk

“Rome: Even with bigger crops, soaring food prices that have sparked unrest across the globe are likely to persist, threatening millions of people worldwide, a U.N. agency said Friday (April 11, 2008) ”.

“Prices of bread, rice, milk, cooking oil and other basic foodstuffs have sharply increased in the past months in many developing countries. Prices of wheat and rice have doubled compared to last year, while those of corn are more than a third higher.”

“Surging food prices, further stoked by rising fuel costs, have triggered protests around the world in recent days. The increases hit poor people hardest, as food represents as much as 60-80% of consumer spending in developing nations, compared to about 10-20% in industrialized countries, the U.N. said.”

“One person was killed in two days of rioting in Egypt earlier this week, while violence wracked Haiti, where demonstrations over rising food prices led to looting and clashes with police.”

“In Pakistan and Thailand, troops have been deployed to avoid seizing of food from fields and warehouses”.

“People are dying because of their reaction to the situation. People will not be sitting dying of starvation, they will react, a U.N. spokesman said”.

My Note: In Genesis 41:15-32, we see that after seven good, prosperous years in Egypt, they then had seven years of famine (“kadim” in Hebew). From September 13, 1993 until September 29, 2000, the dates of the Oslo Accord, we had the best years the world has ever known financially. The years from September 29, 2000 to September 12, 2007, we had good years of transition, but they set us up for the last set of seven years—September 12, 2007 until 2015. Each of these seven year-periods goes from a “Shmittah Year” to a “Shmittah year”—the seventh year of a seven year cycle (Deuteronomy 15:1ff).

On September 12, 2007, we entered the next to the last Shmittah year before Messiah Yahuweh – Messiah of Israel – comes to take the “kingdoms of this earth” and set up His own glorious Kingdom. The ruling party in Israel now is “KADIMA”—it stands for a forward-moving wind. Yet, it’s ancient meaning is: “the east wind—the destroying forward-moving east wind”. As in Genesis 41—the last seven years were years of the east wind’s destruction, and the word “kadim” is used in verses 23 and 27.

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