ECPD Resource Notebook

ECPD Resource Notebook Table of Contents

Project Materials

-Agenda for Project Training

-Project Calendar

-Regional Team Project Coordinators & Facilitators List

-12/4/09 Webinar PPT

-Project Overview

-Project FAQ


-Key Areas for Action Plan

-Guiding Questions for Regional Meetings

-Action Planning Tool – Current Scan

-Action Planning Tool – Goal Development

-Regional Project Meeting Notes e-form & Word document

-SWOT Overview

-Process Evaluation Form for Regional Meetings

-CCR&R Brochure

-Institute Overview


-The Early Care & Education Teaching Workforce: At the Fulcrum (2006, Kagan, et. al,) (e-version)

- State of Early Childhood Workforce Professional Development PPT (10/26/09)

- Schoolage Workforce (6/01 Issue Brief NIOST)

- Head Start data (2008, CLASP)

- Working in Child Care in North Carolina (2003, CCSA)

- 2009 Child Care in the State of North Carolina (NACCRRA)

- NC Early Childhood Professional Development Research Forum PPT (5/6/08, Institute)

- Child Care Highlights (6/09 from DCD website)

- DCD data report: Education Quality Points: 2-5 star centers 7/1/09 – 9/30/09

- DCD data report: Education Levels – active 2-5 star centers 7/1/09 – 9/30/09

ECPD System/Collaboration & Planning

- NC ECPD System Overview (e-version)

- Workforce Designs of Policy Blueprint for State Early Childhood Professional Development

- Systems Issue Brief & Full Report (NAEYC)

- Early Childhood Professional Development: Creating a Plan to Support Child Care Quality (Spring 2008, Policy Paper, Early Childhood Leadership Policy Network)

Workforce Standards & Guidelines

- NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct

- NAEYC Developmentally Appropriate Practice

- NC Infant/Toddler Foundations

- CSFEL Framework

- NC Early Learning Foundations

- NC Schoolage Competencies (draft, NCCAP)

- Core Knowledge for Pk-3 Teaching: Ten Components of Effective Instruction

- Community college curriculum standards for degree

- Professional Education Priorities Serving NC’s Young Children (0-5) 2007-2009 (NCICC)

- Standards for Birth –Kindergarten Teacher Candidates (1/09, NCDPI)

- Head Start Performance Standards: Staff Qualifications

- Responding to Linguistic & Cultural Diversity Recommendations for Effective Early Childhood Education (NAEYC Position Statement (1995)

- Quality Benchmark for Cultural Competence Tool (NAEYC 6/09)

Credit Bearing Opportunities and Supports

- Busting the Myths: Child Care Workforce (Institute)

- NCPC Smart Start PBIS Data (years ending 05 – 09)

- T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® report for North Carolina (FY 08/09)

- T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® brochure

- Education Requirements for Staff (DCD website)

- NC Early Childhood /Family Child Care Credential Application (DCD)

- NC Early Childhood Administration Credential Overview (DCD)

- Definition of the Child Development Associate (CDA) (Council for Professional Recognition)

- NC Community College Early Childhood Program Survey 07-08 (including accreditation; Institute)

- NC Community College Online Directory (2009, CCSA, T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood®)

- NC Community college core Early Childhood Education courses

- NC Community college School-age Education courses

- Increasing Access to Professional Development Opportunities at a Distance (5/08)

- Overview of Birth-Kindergarten Degree

- Moving Beyond Barriers to Articulation: Developing Agreements Among Two and Four-Year Institutions in Early Childhood Education (Fall 2007, Policy Paper, Early Childhood Leadership Policy Network)

Non Credit-bearing Opportunities/Continuing Education & Supports)

- NCCR&R Council Professional Development Outputs (in draft)

- Smart Start Annual Report 2009

Certification & Licensure

- NC Early Educator Certification brochure

- NC Early Educator Certification scale

- NC Early Educator Certification application

- NC Early Educator Certification data (1/10)

- Infant Toddler Personnel Certification (NC Early Intervention Branch)

- Teacher Licensure Unit FAQ (NCDPI, Office of School Readiness website)

- Teacher Licensure Unit Framework, (NCDPI, Office of School Readiness website)

- Glossary for Teacher Licensure (NCDPI, Office of School Readiness website)

- NCDPI NC Teacher Licensure FAQ


- Compensation & Retention of the Early Childhood Workforce (Institute)

- What Child Care Providers Earn (NACCRRA, 07-08)

- Comparing National Increases in Child Care Tuition & Workforce Wages (Economic Opportunity Institute)

- Compensation Fact Sheet (2010, T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood®)

- NCDPI Licensed Teacher Salary Schedule (FY 09/10)

- A Model for Establishing a Salary Schedule for Early Educators (Institute)

- Child Care WAGE$® brochure

- Child Care WAGE$® Project Statewide Outcome Overview (08/09)

- Child Care WAGE$® Outcomes Overview by County (08/09)

- Turnover Fact Sheet (2010, T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood®)

- Health Insurance: Information & Tips for Child Care Employees and Employers (2009, Institute)

- T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Health Insurance Program Fact Sheets

- NCPC Smart Start PBIS data (2005-09)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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