Everything you wanted to know about tendering but were ...

Everything you wanted to know about tendering but were afraid to ask


Geoff Wood

Partner +61 2 8922 5123 Geoffrey.Wood@

Jennifer Fitzalan

Senior Associate +61 2 8922 5724 Jennifer.Fitzalan@

Acknowledgements: Sarah Fitzgerald and Angelique Wanner.

Baker & McKenzie, an Australian Partnership, is a member firm of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein with member law firms around the world. In accordance with the common terminology used in professional service organisations, reference to a "partner" means a person who is a partner, or equivalent, in such a law firm. Similarly, reference to an "office" means an office of any such law firm. ? 2015 Baker & McKenzie All rights reserved.


1. Introduction


2. Legal status of tendering process


3. Types of Tendering


4. Tendering Documentation


5. Issue 1 - Formation of a "Process Contract"


6. Issue 2 - Compliance with Assessment Criteria


7. Issue 3 - "Privilege" tender provisions and duty of fairness


8. Issue 4 - Exclusion of liability clauses


9. Issue 5 - Implied terms in tendering (good faith, confidentiality)


10. Issue 6 - E-tenders


11. Issue 7 - "Process contract"? - consequences


12. Issue 8 - Misrepresentation and Information provided to Tenderers


13. Tendering for Government - Policies and Codes



1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this Paper is to give a basic overview of the basics of tendering including:

(a) the tendering process and the legal status of that process;

(b) typical documentation issued as part of the tendering process;

(c) issues which may arise as part of a tendering process including:

(i) the formation of a "process contract";

(ii) "privilege clauses";

(iii) exclusion of liability by the person issuing the request for tender;

(iv) compliance with expressly stated assessment criteria;

(v) implied terms in the tendering process (good faith and confidentiality);

(vi) E- tendering; and

(vii) misleading and deceptive conduct by the party issuing the request for tender; and

(d) tendering for the public sector.

2. Legal status of tendering process

2.1 Goods and services are often procured by both private enterprise and government bodies through a tendering process.

2.2 One of the first steps in a tendering process is to issue a Request for Tender (RFT). An RFT has been defined in the Commonwealth Government's Procurement Guidelines 2008 as:1

"a published notice inviting suppliers who satisfy the conditions for participation to submit a tender in accordance with the requirements of the request for tender and other request documentation."

2.3 Issuing an RFT by a party (who for the purposes of this Paper will be referred to as the 'Principal') requesting that a tenderer submit a tender, is no more than an "invitation to treat",2 which has been described in Butterworths Australian Legal Dictionary as a "request to negotiate or make an offer with a contract in mind".3 Issuing an RFT is not in law regarded as an "offer".

2.4 In Pratt Contractors Ltd v Palmerston North City Council,4 Justice Gallen stated that:5

"Authority makes it clear that the starting point is that a simple uncomplicated request for bids will generally be no more that an invitation to treat, not giving rise to contractual obligations, although it may give rise to obligations to act fairly."

2.5 The submission of a tender by a party in response to an RFT is regarded in law as an "offer" by the tenderer.6 An offer has been described as "a clear statement of the terms by which the

1 Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, December 2008, Part C Definitions, 46. 2 NSW Government Procurement Guidelines, Tendering Guidelines, December 2011, 8. 3 P. J. Butt, Butterworths Concise Australian Legal Dictionary (LexisNexis Butterworths, 3rd ed, 2004) 235. 4 [1995] 1 NZLR 469. 5 Ibid 478-479. 6 Ibid.


person making the offer is prepared to be bound".7 The mere provision of a price would not amount to an offer as the offeror (tenderer) has not stated the terms under which it is prepared to commit to the price given.8 As with an RFT, generally the provision of an offer by the tenderer (assuming a "process contract" has not been formed - see Part 5) will not be enforceable. 2.6 Whether the acceptance of an "offer" forms a legally binding contract depends on the language of the original RFT.9 RFTs may take two general forms: (a) one where acceptance of an offer produces a binding contract (Section 2.15); and (b) one where acceptance does not produce a binding contract (Section 2.20 to 2.24). These two scenarios are discussed below in Section 2.20 to Section 2.24. 2.7 The legal effect of issuing an RFT is different to the Principal merely seeking "expressions of interest". In such a case, a response to an "expression of interest" would not usually be regarded as an "offer" but merely a party providing information only to another party.10 However, referring to something as an "expression of interest" will not decide what legal implications (if any) will ensue as terms such as "tender" and "expression of interest" are not terms of art.11 The intention of the parties must be determined to establish the form of relationship. 2.8 However, notwithstanding the above, as discussed in Part 5 of this Paper, in some circumstances a contract may be formed during the tendering process.

7 NC Seddon and MP Ellinghaus, Law of Contract (LexisNexis Butterworths, 9th ed, 2008), 109. 8 Harvey v Facey [1893] AC 552. 9 Ibid 128. 10 NC Seddon and MP Ellinghaus, Law of Contract (LexisNexis Butterworths, 9th ed, 2008) 129. 11 NC Seddon, Government Contracts (The Federation Press, 4th ed, 2008) 337.



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