State Contact for the SRCL State Literacy Formula Grant ...

|Alabama |Alaska |

|Mrs. Sherrill W. Parris |Paul R. Prussing |

|Assistant State Superintendent of Education |Deputy Director, Teaching and Learning Support |

|5234 Gordon Persons Building |P.O. Box 110500 |

|P.O. Box 302101 |Juneau, Alaska 99811-0500 |

|Montgomery, AL  36130-2101 |Phone: 907-465-8721 |

|Phone: 334-353-1389 |Fax: 907-465-4156 |

|Fax: 334-353-5455 |Email: paul.prussing@ |

|Email:   | |

|Arizona |Arkansas |

|Kathryn Hrabluk  M.Ed |Carol Massey |

|Associate Superintendent |Arkansas K-12 Literacy Program Manager, Professional Development |

|School Effectiveness Division  |Arkansas Department of Education |

|Arizona Department of Education |Carol Massey, 401-B |

|1535 W. Jefferson Street, Bin #5 |Little Rock, AR 72201-1019 |

|Phoenix, AZ 85007 |Telephone: 501-682-4232 |

|Phone: 602-364-1985 |Fax: 501-682-4441 |

|Fax: 602-364-0902 (fax) |E-mail address: cmassey@ |

|Email: Kathryn.Hrabluk@ | |

|California |Colorado |

|Carrie Roberts |Gena Feury, M.Ed. |

|Literacy, History and Arts Leadership Office |Reading and Writing Content Specialist |

|California Department of Education |Colorado Department of Education |

|1430 N Street, Suite 4309 |201 E. Colfax Ave., Room 409 |

|Sacramento, CA 95814 |Phone: 303-866-6974 |

|Phone: 916-319-0587 (?)    |Fax: 303-866-6647 |

|Fax 916-323-6269 (?) |Cell: 303-945-9526 |

|E-mail: CRoberts@cde. |Email: Genarose73@ |

| |( |

|Beth Rice, Program Consultant | |

|State Board of Education | |

|1430 N Street, Ste, 5111 | |

|Sacramento CA 95814 | |

|Phone: 916-319-0313 | |

|E-mail: brice@cde. | |

| | |

|Stacy Jordan – State Board of Education | |

| | |

|Connecticut | Delaware |

|Harriet Feldlaufer |Did Not Apply |

|Chief, Bureau of Teaching and Learning | |

|165 Capitol Avenue, Rm. 215 | |

|Hartford, CT 06106 | |

|Telephone: (860) 713-6707 | |

|Fax: (860) 713-7018 | |

|E-mail address: harriet.feldlaufer@ | |

|District of Columbia |Florida |

|Jeremy Grant-Skinner |Stuart Greenberg |

|Director, Teaching and Learning |Executive Director, Just Read, Florida! |

|Elementary and Secondary Education |Florida Department of Education |

|Office of the State Superintendent of Education |325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 514 |

|Government of the District of Columbia |Tallahassee, Florida 32399 |

|810 First Street, NE, #5025B |Phone: 850-245-0503 |

|Washington, DC 20002 |Fax: 850-245-5105 |

|Phone: (202)724-2343 |Email: Stuart.Greenberg@ |

|fax: (202) 741-0227 | |

|Email: jeremy.grant-skinner@ | |

|Georgia |Hawaii SEA |

|Phone: Julie Morrill |Did Not Apply |

|Program Manager for Literacy Team | |

|Georgia Department of Education | |

|1758 Twin Towers East | |

|Atlanta, GA  30334 | |

|Phone: 404.657-8318 | |

|Fax: 404.425-2975 | |

|Email: | |

| | |

| | |

|Idaho |Illinois |

|Heather Love |Marica Cullen |

|Reading Coordinator |Division Administrator for Curriculum and Instruction |

|Idaho Department of Education |Illinois State Board of Education |

|650 West State Street |100 North First Street |

|P.O. Box 83720 |Springfield, IL 62777-0001 |

|Boise, Idaho 83720-0027 |Phone: 217-557-7323 |

|hlove@sde. |Fax: 217-782-7937 |

|Phone: 208-332-6927 |Email: mcullen@ |

|Fax: 208-334-2228  | |

|Indiana |Iowa |

|Dr. Stacey Hughes |Dr. W. Christine Rauscher |

|Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning |Literacy Consultant, Bureau of Teaching and Learning |

|151 West Ohio Street |Iowa Department of Education |

|Indianapolis, IN 46204 |400 E. 14th St. |

|Phone: 317.234-7033 |Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0146 |

|Fax: 317.232.0589 |Phone: 515-281-3061 (319-541-2057?) |

|Email: shughes@doe. |Fax: 515-242-6025 |

| |Email: w.christine.rauscher@ (wcrauscher@?) |

|Kansas |Kentucky |

|Lynn Bechtel |Cindy Parker, Literacy Consultant |

|Education Program Consultant |Kentucky Department of Education |

|Kansas State Department of Education |500 Mero Street, 19th Floor CPT |

|120 SE 10th Ave. |Frankfort, KY 40601 |

|Topeka KS  66612 |Phone: 502-564-2106 |

|Phone: 785-296-8110 |Fax: 502-564-6470 |

|Fax: 785-296-4318 |Email: cindy.parker@education. |

|Email: lbechtel@ | |

|Louisiana |Maine |

|Jill B. Slack |Lee Ann Larsen |

|Director, Literacy Office |Literacy Specialist |

|1201 N. Third Street |Maine Department of Education |

|Room 4-168 |23 State House Station |

|PO Box 94064 |Augusta, ME 04333 |

|Baton Rouge, LA 70804 |Phone: 207-624-6628 |

|Office:  (225) 342-6025 |Fax: 207-624-6821 |

|Fax:  (225) 342-4180 |Email: LeeAnn.Larsen@ |

|Email: jill.slack@ | |

|Maryland SEA |Massachusetts |

|Did Not Apply |Julia Phelps |

| |Executive Director, Center for Curriculum and Instruction |

| |Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education |

| |75 Pleasant Street |

| |Malden, MA 02148 |

| |Telephone: 781-338-3506 |

| |Fax: 781-338-3395 |

| |E-mail address: |

| | |

| | |

|Michigan |Minnesota |

|Dr. Ruth G. Isaia |Bobbie Burnham |

|Grant Coordinator, Office of Education Improvement and Innovation |Education Specialist |

|Michigan Department of Education |Minnesota Department of Education |

|608 W. Allegan Street |1500 Highway 36 West |

|P.O. Box 30008 |Roseville, MN  55113-4266 |

|Lansing, MI 48909 |Phone: 651-582-8414 |

|Phone: 517 373 2590 |Fax: 651-582-8727 |

|Cell: 734 241-0247 |Email: |

|Email: isaiar@ | |

|Mississippi |Missouri |

|Trecina Green, Bureau Director |Diane Audsley |

|Mississippi Department of Education |Communication Arts Consultant, Office of College and Career Readiness |

|Office of Curriculum and Instruction |205 Jefferson Street |

|P.O. Box 771, Suite 313 |P.O. Box 480 |

|Jackson, MS 39205 |Jefferson City, MO 65101 |

|Phone: 601-359-2586 |573-751-4898 |

|Fax: 601-359-2040 |573-526-7861 |

|Email: |Diane.audsley@dese. |

|Montana |Nebraska |

|Kris Goyins |Donlynn Rice |

|Communication Arts Curriculum Specialist |P.O. Box 94987 |

|Montana Office of Public Instruction |Lincoln, NE 68509 |

|P.O. Box 202501 |Phone, 402-471-3240 |

|Helena, MT 59620-2501 |Fax, 402-471-0117 |

|Phone: 406-444-0729 |donlynn.rice@ |

|Fax: 406-444-1373 | |

|Email: kgoyins@ | |

|  | |

|Nevada |New Hampshire |

|Cindy Sharp |Deb Wiswell |

|Assistant Director, Curriculum and Assessment Development |Administrator - Bureau of Accountability |

|Nevada Department of Education |Division of Instruction |

|700 East Fifth Street |New Hampshire Department of Education |

|Carson City, Nevada 89701 |101 Pleasant Street |

|Phone: (775) 687-9166 |Concord, NH 03301-3860 |

|Fax:     (775) 687-9118 |Phone: 603.271.3828 |

|csharp@doe. |Fax: 603.271.7381 - fax |

| |Email: |

| | |

| | |

|New Jersey |New Mexico |

|Mary Jane Kurabinski |Dr. Sheila Hyde |

|Director, Office of Language Arts Literacy Education |Deputy Secretary |

|New Jersey Department of Education |300 Don Gaspar |

|P.O. Box 500 |Santa Fe, NM 87501 |

|100 Riverview Plaza |505-827-1207 |

|Trenton, NJ 08625-0500 |Fax, 505-827-6520 |

|Phone: (609) 633-1726 | |

|Fax: (609) 943-4752 | |

|Email: | |

|New York |North Carolina |

|Jean C. Stevens |Cindy W. Bennett, Ph.D |

|Associate Commissioner, Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Standards|Curriculum & Instruction Division |

|NYSED |NC Dept of Public Instruction |

|Room 875 EBA |6341 Mail Service Center |

|89 Washington Ave. |Raleigh, NC 27699 |

|Albany, NY 12234 |Phone: 919.807.3817 |

|518/474-5915 |Fax, 919.807.3826 |

|518/486-7290 |Email: |

|Email: jstevens@mail. | |

|North Dakota |Ohio |

|Laurie Matzke |Sandra M. Miller, Ph.D. |

|Director, Title I |Director, Office of Early Learning & School Readiness |

|Department of Public Instruction |25 South Front Street, Mailstop 305 |

|600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 201 |Columbus, Ohio 43215 |

|Bismarck, ND 58505-0440 |Ph:  (614) 995-9974 |

|701/328-2284 |Fax: (614) 728-2338 |

|701/328-4770 |Email: |

|lmatzke@ | |

|Oklahoma |Oregon |

|Andrea Wheeler |Julie Anderson |

|Executive Director, Titles I, IIA, VI, and X Oklahoma State Department |English Language Arts Specialist |

|of Education |Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation Oregon Department of |

|2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 311 |Education |

|Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 |255 Capitol St NE |

|Phone: (405) 522-5310 |Salem, OR 97310 |

|Fax: (405) 521-2998 |Phone: 503-524-3076 |

|Email: |Fax: 503-378-5156 |

| |Email: |

|Pennsylvania |Puerto Rico |

|Jo Beth McKee |Rina M. Gonzalez |

|Language Arts Advisor, Division of Standards and Curriculum, Bureau of |Director of Federal Affairs |

|Teaching and Learning |Puerto Rico Department of Education |

|Pennsylvania Department of Education |Phone: 787-773-2004 |

|333 Market Street | 8th Floor |Fax: 787-751-6192 |

|Harrisburg, PA 17126 |email: |

|Telephone: 717-525-5981 | |

|Fax: 717-783-3946 |Maria Rodriguez – profmtrodz@ |

|E-mail address: | |

| |Raquel Marti – raquelmo21@ |

| | |

|Rhode Island |South Carolina |

|Diane S. Girard |Pam Wills, Unit Leader |

|Literacy Specialist |Literacy and Early Learning |

|Office of Instruction, Assessment & Curriculum |Division of Standards and Learning |

|Rhode Island Department of Education |South Carolina Department of Education |

|255 Westminster Street, 4th Floor |1429 Senate Street, Room1104-F |

|Providence, RI 02903 |Columbia, SC 29201 |

|Phone: Tel. 401-222-8479 |Phone: 803-734-8391 |

|Fax: 401-222-3605 |Fax: 803-734-6142 |

|Email: diane.girard@ride. |Email: pwills@ed. |

| | |

|South Dakota |Tennessee |

|Did Not Apply |James Herman, Director |

| |PreK-12 Reading and Lang. Arts |

| |TN Department of Education |

| |5th Floor Andrew Johnson Tower |

| |710 James Robertson Parkway |

| |Nashville, TN 37243 |

| |Phone:  615.741.3387 |

| |FAX: 615.532.8536 |

| |James.Herman@ |

|Texas |Utah |

|Dr. Kathy Stewart |Dr. Reed F. Spencer |

|Director of Special Projects, Division of Standards and Programs |Coordinator, K-12 Literacy, Utah State Office of Education |

|1701 Congress Avenue, Room 3-121P4 |250 East 500 South |

|Austin, Texas 78701 |P. O. Box 144200 |

|Telephone: 512-463-1969 |Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200 |

|Fax: 512-475-2266 |Telephone: 801-538-7893 |

|E-mail address: |Fax: 801-538-7769 |

| |E-mail address: reed.spencer@schools. |

|Vermont |Virginia |

|Gail Taylor |Kendall Hunt |

|Director, Research, Standards and Assessment Vermont Department of |Striving Readers Grant Specialist |

|Education |Office of Standards, Curriculum, and Instruction |

|120 State Street |Virginia Department of Education |

|Montpelier, VT 05620 |P.O. Box 2120 |

|Phone: 802-828-5158 |Richmond, VA 23218 |

|Fax: 802-828-0573 |Phone: 804-225-3953 |

|Email: |FAX: 804-786-5466 |

| |Email: Kendall.Hunt@doe. |

|Karin Edwards | |

|Director, Integrated Support for Learning | |

|Vermont Department of Education | |

|120 State Street | |

|Montpelier, VT 05620 | |

|Phone: (802) 828-1633 | |

|Fax: (802) 828-0573 | |

|Email: | |

|Washington |West Virginia |

|Cheryl A. Young, PhD |Phyllis Veith |

|K-12 Reading Coordinator, Teaching and Learning |Assistant Director, Special Programs |

|P.O. Box 47200 |West Virginia Department of Education |

|600 Washington Ave |1900 Kanawha Blvd., East |

|Olympia, WA 98504-7200 |Bldg. 6 - Rm. 304 |

| Phone: 360-725-6429 |Charleston, WV  25305 |

|Fax: 360-725-4997 |Phone:  304-558-2696 |

|Email: |Fax:  304-558-3741 |

| |Email: |

|Wisconsin |Wyoming |

|Rebecca Vail |Lynda Collins |

|Director, Content and Learning Team |Supervisor, Early Learning Team |

|WI Dept. of Public Instruction |Educational Quality and Accountability Division |

|125 S. Webster Street |2020 Grand Ave., Suite 500, Laramie, WY 82070 |

|P.O. Box 7841 |307-721-1935 |

|Madison, WI 53707-7841 |307-721-1901 |

|Phone: 608-266-2364 | |

|Fax: 608-266-1965 | |

|Email: Rebecca.Vail@dpi. | |


State Contact for the SRCL State Literacy Formula Grant – State Literacy Team

(from State Application)


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