HONOR Thanks and notify - WebJunction


April 1, 2005

Mr. Danny Donor

123 Sesame St.

Anytown, Anystate 10001

Dear Mr. Donor

Thank you for your gift of $50 to the Anytown Public Library Foundation. We are grateful for your donation and will acknowledge it in the quarterly Foundation newsletter.

Your gift will support literacy and learning in this community, helping people change their lives through reading. Your donation will support reading programs, technology and needed furnishings that are not covered by the tax dollar. You are supporting library excellence for the residents of Anytown.

Thank you for making a difference with your gift to the Anytown Public Library Foundation. I appreciate your generosity.


Frannie Fundraiser

Foundation Director

The Anytown Public Library Foundation is a non-profit organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Your donation may be tax deductible. For your benefit and as required by law, we state that the Anytown Public Library Foundation did not provide any goods or services in consideration, in whole or in part, for this contribution.


April 1, 2005

Mr. Danny Donor

123 Sesame St.

Anytown, Anystate 10001

Dear Mr. Donor

Thank you for your donation of $50 in memory of Dottie Doolittle With your gift, the library will purchase a book for the collection and place a bookplate in it that reads “In memory of Dottie Doolittle.” I will notify her son, Donald Doolittle, of your thoughtfulness.

Yours is a lasting gift in support of literacy. The library serves everyone in the quest for knowledge and lifelong learning; donations like yours help people change their lives through reading. It is a fitting memorial for a life well lived.

Thank you again for your compassion, kindness and generosity.


Frannie Fundraiser

Foundation Director

The Anytown Public Library Foundation is a non-profit organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Your donation may be tax deductible. For your benefit and as required by law, we state that the Anytown Public Library Foundation did not provide any goods or services in consideration, in whole or in part, for this contribution.


April 1, 2005

Mr. Donald Doolittle

456 Sesame St.

Anytown, Anystate 10001

Dear Mr. Doolittle,

The Anytown Public Library Foundation recently received a donation from Danny Donor in memory of Dottie Doolittle. Please accept my sympathies.

This donation will purchase a book for the collection. The library will place a memorial bookplate in it that reads “In memory of Dottie Doolittle.”

This is a lasting gift in support of literacy and a lasting memorial to honor a life well lived. The library serves everyone in the quest for knowledge and lifelong learning; this memorial gift will help people change their lives through reading.

Please know that kind and caring thoughts are with you.


Frannie Fundraiser

Foundation Director


April 1, 2005

Ms. Dottie Doolittle

456 Sesame St.

Anytown, Anystate 10001

Dear Ms. Doolittle,

The Laramie County Library Foundation recently received a donation from Danny Donor in your honor.

This donation will purchase a book for the collection. The library will place a memorial bookplate in it that reads “In honor of Dottie Doolittle.”

This is a lasting gift in support of literacy and learning. The library serves everyone in the quest for knowledge and lifelong learning; this gift in your honor will help people change their lives through reading.

Best wishes to you.


Frannie Fundraiser

Foundation Director


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