DPH Internal BA - NC DHHS

Division of Public Health – Business Associates of Internal Business Associate Summary: 4/14/03

|DPH Internal BA |Function |DPH/DHHS Agency Support|External Agency Support|External Support |

|State Center Health Statistics |Provide DMA with data aggregation and |DPH IT | | |

| |analysis (MOU between DPH/DMA). | | | |

|Women’s & Children’s Health – Children & Youth |Medicaid prior approval for DMA for |Office of Controller – |None |None |

|Branch – Specialized Services Unit (Children’s |mobility devices (MOU between DPH/DMA|Purchase of Care | | |

|Special Health Services) |DMA that includes OC function). | | | |

| | |DIRM and DPH IT | | |

|Administrative, Local, Community Support Section |Provides technical assistance & |DIRM and DPH IT |None |None |

|– Medicaid Reimbursement & Liaison |liaison to local health departments | | | |

| |regarding Medicaid issues (included in| | | |

| |MOUs between DPH and LHDs). | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Provides Medicaid cost analysis for | | | |

| |DMA (MOU between DPH/DMA). | | | |

|Administrative, Local, Community Support Section |Provides billing services consultation|DIRM and DPH IT |ITS |None |

|– HSIS Business Liaison |to local health departments, state | | | |

| |public health laboratory, DECs) and | | | |

| |liaison with DIRM. | | | |

| |(included in MOUs between DPH and | | | |

| |LHDs). | | | |

|Administrative, Local, Community Support Section |Provides data processing services to |ITS convenience |ITS (per SW HIPAA, |Telecommunications vendor (e.g., telephones, |

|– Information Technology |DPH HCCs and internal BAs. |contractors, who are |incidental access, no |routers) |

| | |part of DPH workforce. |MOU needed). |Computer hardware maintenance vendor per |

| | | | |extended warranty. |

| | |DIRM | | |

| | | | |Need to determine need for BAA or categorize |

| | | | |as incidental access similar to ITS services |

| | | | |provided. |

Other Potential Business Associate Relationships

|Prescription Drug Assistance Program (program is |Program marketing, payment provided | | |PNNC |

|not a “covered entity”) |via contract with PNNC. Claims | | |WebMD |

| |processing provided to PNNC via | | |Although not a covered entity and not a BA of |

| |contract between PNNC and WebMD | | |either firm, DPH has signed BAA at their |

| | | | |request to avoid disruption of services. |

|Women’s & Children’s Health – Children & Youth |Lead agency for NC Health Choice for | | |ValueOptions, Inc., provides utilization |

|Branch – Specialized Services Unit (Children’s |Children (special needs component). | | |review and pre-certifications under contract |

|Special Health Services) |MOU in place between DMA/DPH | | |to DPH. Status of “covered entity” for Health|

| | | | |Choice and BA relationship being determined. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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