Join the Ride - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

 Join the Ride.... Annual Enrollment '10

 Annual Enrollment is March 10 - April 30.


Now is the time to consider whether your current benefits package still meets your family’s health and financial needs now and in the future. During this time you will have the opportunity to make changes to your benefits coverage. All changes that you elect during Annual Enrollment become effective July 1, 2010.


Click here to view the Annual Enrollment Guide. Click here to view the video on annual enrollment.

A Smarter Way to Enroll…

With the changes and new exciting options available to you, we believe it’s important that you have the support necessary to help you successfully navigate through your choice and make an educated decision.

That is why we are providing you an individual enrollment session with an experienced benefits counselor, who can explain the alternatives available, provide healthcare decision support tools that will help you determine which health plan is right for you, answer any questions and help you make the best decisions.

Enrolling for benefits is easy. Simply follow these steps:

1. Schedule a meeting with a benefits counselor. Details on how to sign up will be provided by your school or department.

2. Prepare yourself by reviewing the enrollment guide and other benefit information on the website.

3. Speak with a benefits counselor and make your enrollment elections. Remember, your counselor can nswer any questions and help you make the right choices.

What You’ll Need:

Please be prepared for your enrollment session. You will be asked to provide the following information:

• HR InTouch Log-in Information: Login ID: Your first name, the first initial of your last name and the last

4 digits of your social security number. Initial Password: Your social security number without spaces or

dashes. (Example for employee John Doe with SSN 111-22-3333: Login ID is JohnD3333 and

Password is 111223333.)

• Other Insurance Information: If you have insurance with another insurance company, have the name

of the insurance company and the policy number.

• Dependent Information: If you will be covering your spouse or dependent(s), have their date of birth

and social security number.

• Beneficiary Information: To designate beneficiaries for your life insurance plans, you’ll need to

provide their date of birth and social security number.

When you meet with a benefits counselor and complete your enrollment with them, you will receive a $25 gift certificate to !

Watch Out - Curves Ahead...

There are changes for the 2010 plan year…..even if you do not want to make any changes to your current coverage, the changes will impact you so make sure you meet with a benefits counselor to understand how.

State Health Plan

·         Comprehensive Wellness Initiative

·         New plan benefits for CWI

·         Rate increases

·         Dependent audit coming in July

·         Click here for Physician Certification form

MetLife Dental Plan

Rates are increasing for all plans. Due to budget constraints, employees are now paying the full cost of dental coverage. All employees may change their plan or coverage level during annual enrollment. 

Below is a comparison of current employee rates to the new rates and the difference between.  Keep in mind the rates displayed below are 12 month rates. 

|2010 - 2011 MetLife Dental Rates |

|  |Core |Value |Advance |

|Employee Only | $   22.57 | $   30.48 | $   49.42 |

|Employee + Spouse | $   61.70 | $   82.72 | $ 143.22 |

|Employee + Child(ren) | $   58.77 | $   84.61 | $ 148.62 |

|Employee + Family | $   98.72 | $ 141.75 | $ 246.99 |

|Current Employee Rates |

|  |Core |Value |Advance |

|Employee Only | $   10.00 | $   17.52 | $   22.88 |

|Employee + Spouse | $   45.27 | $   64.59 | $   85.79 |

|Employee + Child(ren) | $   42.63 | $   66.30 | $   89.41 |

|Employee + Family | $   78.62 | $ 117.77 | $ 155.34 |

|Increase Per Month |

|  |Core |Value |Advance |

|Employee Only | $   12.57 | $   12.96 | $   26.54 |

|Employee + Spouse | $   16.43 | $   18.13 | $   57.43 |

|Employee + Child(ren) | $   16.14 | $   18.31 | $   59.21 |

|Employee + Family | $   20.10 | $   23.98 | $   91.65 |


Flexible Medical Spending Account

The maximum amount you can contribute to the Medical Spending Account is increasing to $5,000!


Your specific pay period rates will be displayed when you enroll.  Below you can see the monthly rates for full-time and part-time employees based on 12 months.  




  |  |Full-Time |  |Full-Time

Less than 12-Month |  |Part-Time |  |Part-Time

Less than 12-Month | |PPO Basic |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Employee Only |  |$0.00 |  |$0.00 |  |$410.80 |  |$547.73 | |Employee + Spouse |  |$460.36 |  |$613.81 |  |$871.16 |  |$1,161.55 | |Employee + Children |  |$178.68 |  |$238.24 |  |$589.48 |  |$785.97 | |Employee + Family |  |$490.34 |  |$653.79 |  |$901.14 |  |$1,201.52 | |PPO Standard |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Employee Only |  |$0.00 |  |$0.00 |  |$410.80 |  |$547.73 | |Employee + Spouse |  |$547.48 |  |$729.97 |  |$958.28 |  |$1,277.71 | |Employee + Children |  |$237.62 |  |$316.83 |  |$648.42 |  |$864.56 | |Employee + Family |  |$580.44 |  |$773.92 |  |$991.24 |  |$1,321.65 | |Dental - Core |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Employee Only |  |$22.57 |  |$30.09 |  |$22.57 |  |$30.09 | |Employee + Spouse |  |$61.70 |  |$82.27 |  |$61.70 |  |$82.27 | |Employee + Children |  |$58.77 |  |$78.36 |  |$58.77 |  |$78.36 | |Employee + Family |  |$98.72 |  |$131.63 |  |$98.72 |  |$131.63 | |Dental - Value |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Employee Only |  |$30.48 |  |$40.64 |  |$30.48 |  |$40.64 | |Employee + Spouse |  |$82.72 |  |$110.29 |  |$82.72 |  |$110.29 | |Employee + Children |  |$84.61 |  |$112.81 |  |$84.61 |  |$112.81 | |Employee + Family |  |$141.75 |  |$189.00 |  |$141.75 |  |$189.00 | |Dental - Advance |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Employee Only |  |$49.42 |  |$65.89 |  |$49.42 |  |$65.89 | |Employee + Spouse |  |$143.22 |  |$190.96 |  |$143.22 |  |$190.96 | |Employee + Children |  |$148.62 |  |$198.16 |  |$148.62 |  |$198.16 | |Employee + Family |  |$246.99 |  |$329.32 |  |$246.99 |  |$329.32 | |Vision |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Employee Only |  |$9.30 |  |$12.40 |  |$9.30 |  |$12.40 | |Employee + Spouse |  |$19.55 |  |$26.07 |  |$19.55 |  |$26.07 | |Employee + Children |  |$14.87 |  |$19.83 |  |$14.87 |  |$19.83 | |Employee + Family |  |$26.73 |  |$35.64 |  |$26.73 |  |$35.64 | |Hyatt Legal |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Employee Only |  |$15.75 |  |$21.00 |  |$15.75 |  |$21.00 | |Sun Life Supplemental Child Coverage |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |$2,500 |  |$0.19 |  |$0.25 |  |$0.19 |  |$0.25 | |$5,000 |  |$0.38 |  |$0.50 |  |$0.38 |  |$0.50 | |$7,500 |  |$0.56 |  |$0.75 |  |$0.56 |  |$0.75 | |$10,000 |  |$0.75 |  |$1.00 |  |$0.75 |  |$1.00 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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