North Carolina

NORTH CAROLINAENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION512 N. Salisbury StreetArchdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing RoomRaleigh, North CarolinaNovember 9, 20179:00 a.m.General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquires as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Commission. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict, please so state at this time.J.D. Solomon, Chairman, PresidingI. Preliminary Matters1. ? ?Call to Order2. ? ?Approval of minutes from Commission meeting on September 14, 2017 (attached)3. Approval of minutes from Commission meeting on October 11, 2017 (attached)II. Action Items1.?? ?17-38? ?? Request for Approval of Hearing Officer's Report on Session Law 2013-413 (H74) Readoption of Group 1 Air Quality Rules 15A NCAC 02D Sections .0100, .0200, .0300, .0400, .1300, .2000, and .2200 (537) (DAQ) Joelle BurlesonPOWERPOINT PRESENTATIONAttachment A -??Hearing Officer's Report2.?? ?17-39????Request for Approval of Hearing Officer's Report on the Ambient Air Quality Standards to Incorporate the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (534)(DAQ) Joelle BurlesonPOWERPOINT PRESENTATIONAttachment A - Hearing Officer’s Report3.?? ?17-40????Request for Approval of Proposed Rule Revisions, Regulatory Impact Analysis, and to Proceed to Public Hearing on Session Law 2013-413 (H74) Readoption of Group 3 Air Quality Rules 15A NCAC 02D .1100, .1201-.1203, .1205-.1208, and .1211-.1212 and 02Q Section .0700 (543)(DAQ) Joelle BurlesonPOWERPOINT PRESENTATIONAttachment A – Proposed RuleAttachment B - Regulatory Impact Analysis4.?? ?17-41???? Request for Approval of Proposed Rule Revisions, Regulatory Impact Analysis, and to Proceed to Public Hearing on Adoption of Final Emission Guidelines for Existing Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators (539)(DAQ) Sushma MasemorePOWERPOINT PRESENTATIONAttachment A -?? Proposed?RuleAttachment B -?? Regulatory Impact Analysis5.?? ?17-42????Request for Approval of Proposed Rule Revisions, Fiscal Note, and to Proceed to Public Hearing on Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) Rules to Incorporate Session Law 2017-10 Section 3.5 Applicability to Vehicles with Model Year within 20 Years of Current Year and for Readoption of 15A NCAC 02D Section .1000 (544)(DAQ)?Steve Hall?????POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONAttachment A – Proposed RuleAttachment B –?Fiscal Note6.?? ?17-43????Request for Approval of?the 2018-2020 Coastal Habitat Protection Implementation Action Plan(DEQ) Jimmy JohnsonAttachment A - IP-18-20Attachment B - Biennial IP-2018-2020?7.?? ?17-44????Request Approval of the 2017 Annual Report to the Environmental Review Commission for Basinwide Water Quality Management Planning per GS 143-215B (d)(DWR) Ian McMillanPOWERPOINT PRESENTATIONAttachment A – Annual Report to General Assembly?8.?? ?17-45? ? Request Approval of Hearing Officer's Report?and Readoption of Permanent Rules with Amendments in 15A NCAC 02T Section .1500(DWM) Scott BullockPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION?Attachment A -?15A NCAC 02T .1500 Rule TextAttachment B -?15A NCAC 02T .1500 Fiscal NoteAttachment C?-?15A NCAC 02T .1500 Hearing Officer's Report9. ?17-46? Request to Approve Proposed Changes to the Commission's Internal Operating ProceduresAttachment?A?- Draft of Proposed Changes of Bylaws10.17-47Request by Col Francis X. De Luca USMCR (Ret), for a Declaratory Ruling directing DEQ to move the Bladen County Superior Court to void the Partial Consent Order filed in State of North Carolina, ex rel. Michael S. Regan, Secretary of DEQ v. The Chemours Company FC, LLC, 17 CVS 580(DEQ) General Counsel Bill LaneAttachment A – Petition for Declaratory RulingIII.? Information Items1.? ?17-16? ?Annual Progress Reports on the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Agriculture?Rules(DWR) Jim HawheePOWERPOINT PRESENTATIONAttachment A -?2017 Annual Progress Report ( Crop Year 2016) on the Tar-Pamlico Agricultural Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0256)Attachment B - 2017 Annual Progress Report ( Crop Year 2016) on the Neuse Agricultural Rule?(15A NCAC 02B .0238)2.? ?17-17? ?Update on Coal Combustion Residuals Program(DWM) Ellen LorscheiderIV.??Concluding RemarksBy Directors (Directors' Comments)By Committee ChairsBy Commission MembersBy CounselBy ChairmanAdjournment 11-09-17 ................

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